DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest Contact Publisher Joe Albero at alberobutzo@wmconnect.com or 410-430-5349
Sunday, December 22, 2019
WCSO Press Release - E. Day - CDS Violation - Dec. 20, 2019
Incident: CDS Violation, Contribute to Condition of Child
Date of Incident: December 9, 2019
Location: 300 E. College Avenue Salisbury, MD
Suspect: Elizabeth E. Day
On December 9, 2019 deputies of the Wicomico County Sheriff’s Office Criminal Investigation Division began an investigation into a reported CDS violation involving a teacher soliciting a student for prescribed medication. The investigation revealed that the teacher, identified as the suspect, Elizabeth Day, solicited a 16-year-old student to purchase two (2) ADHD pills for $20.00. Day is a teacher at James M. Bennett High School and the student is enrolled at that school as well. An arrest warrant was obtained for Day, and she was arrested on 12/20/19 and taken to the Wicomico County Detention Center. Day was later released on her own recognizance.
Additionally, with the obvious conflict, the Wicomico County States Attorney’s Office has asked for and received the assistance of the Calvert County States Attorney’s Office to handle this matter. The investigation is on-going.
Anyone with information about this investigation, please call Crime Solvers at 410-548-1776 or the Wicomico County Sheriff’s Office at 410-548-4891.
Charges: Attempt to possess CDS and Contribute to condition of child
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We want the WHOLE story!!
I hope they arrested that student also. I am sure nothing will happen to the student because the school and parents will say, "my son/daughter, was a victim". Bull crap!!! I go to JMB and this place is a joke. I read something on another post about the principal. It is so true that she don't do nothing. Bad leadership leads to bad school.
Basically buying caffeine pills. Drink 3 Red Bull’s. Her husband must no she needs treatment.
There is more to this story. Why are they covering up the blow jobs/sex? Everyone knows.
Probation before judgement if even that!
She will be back at school in no time or will transfer to another school district in the surrounding area like Somerset, Worchester or Dorchester.
Look for the trial to be at least a year from now without any fanfare.
I used to work for the City of Cambridge and saw the Children and people in high places get their cases Nolle Prosequi quietly dropped.
I would be willing to bet she won't even have to appear in court.
My father used to always tell me that when they made the movie Peyton Place, it was based on the eastern shore. I think he was right!
Never had a teacher that looked that good
It’s sad but minor compared to some other things the teachers are doing. You feel me Kelly riddle.
You are sick to publish this.
Why no age listed? Ever notice drug users always have bad facial skin?
Ohhh, to be on that jury!
I don't care what anyone says, this is much bigger then TWO PILLS. Really Mike, come on man your better then this. $20.00! No one in their right mind is going to believe this. You people also keep in mind, there's been an ongoing investigation AND charges for quite some time. While I may have exposed this situation, it was not me or Salisbury News that created such an investigation, SO it was obviously big enough to include the Sheriffs Office and States Attorneys Office and now a change of venue, so to speak to another County. Yeah, for $20.00 and two pills. Get a grip people, it's already been swept under the rug.
Please... All the Whos of Whosville are planning a candlelight vigil as this nonsense rolls out!
Mike Dun and Chamber of Commerce stand ready to demand more money for WBOE so things like this will never happen again.
maybe lil mikie shoulda had an outside agency handle the investigation? lots of skeletons seem to get buried in this town!
On another note wtf hanlin? drugs and sex, what the hell are you folks doing about this? hunker down and wait it out like the last number of incidents under your watch?
And as I have said before, not impressed with savage, for someone who's supposed to be college educated, she can barely string together a coherent sentence!
What is it you think is being covered up, Joe?
lmao 🤣
@335 youre sick to deny it
Joe this one may come back to bite them if they are covering up because they are mandatory reporters. So whoever knows RIGHT NOW about this is required to report! I heard of a lot more too. So I hope our leaders haven't put themselves in harms way. Because they themselves are subject to arrest if other stuff comes out. Look at what Principle Eskridge is going through. Thank you again Joe for all you do!
3:35 Why is it sick if it’s the truth?🤔
4:28 blow jobs
Right! I wouldnt be surprised if she got some medication other students prn
Who else but the crook John Phoebus to represent the crook Elizabeth Day. She needed to escape the reality of living under the same roof as Jake Day.
Shut up moron
When is she going to be charged with the oral favors with the boy that was giving her Adderal?
What are they waiting on??
Just FYI, regardless of your personal feelings- The presumption of innocence is the legal principle that one is considered innocent until proven guilty. presumption of innocence is a legal right of the accused in a criminal trial.
I kept telling you it was Adderal, that is what the ADHD medication is. When are they going to arrest her for sex involving both female and male students? Do you think that Mike Lewis and Jamie Dykes is trying to cover up the crimes involving the sexual abuse of a child? If they are then they both need to be arrested like Principal Amy Eskridge was for her cover ups.
This is very sneaky.
I knew she would be released and not charged with anything serious.
Wow calling a student a "Moron" bet you feel big and better now world's biggest fish in the world's smallest pond a student that goes to the school knows more than you do and are fairly entitled to their own opinion on the situation
As in other teachers getting or giving Blowjob's??? inb the school from the students?I Really?I highly doubt that woman up there is not giving any students blowjob's let's not forget we're talkin about children or aren't they children who should be held accountable for selling drugs or are they we shouldn't hold them accountable make up your mind people
Dykes would never ever cover for a child abuser!
Notice Day’s crew are silent on this.
She also needs to be op the Sex offenders LIST ?
Bail should have been $100.000 maybe Gilis could help him out ? Since they get property for pennies on the $ ?
Making a Mountain out of a Molehill just because she is
married to Jake !!! All Politics over Bullshhht !!!
Smear Campaign !!! You can bet more was done by those
Others in D-Berry Govt circles !!! All under the Rug !!!
Alot of boys HOT for this teacher !!! LOL LOL
She made more News than the Trump Impeachment !!! LOL
What? If she wasn’t his wife it would be worse. She solicited a child for drugs. Nothing to do with her hubby she is totally wrong!
Liz is not my president!
The question is......does Dykes have someone to keep her in check? Is there a checks and balance system for our law enforcement and SA’s office?
well, since the mayors wife is involved this certainly explains why so many staff and administrators at that school have been arrested or fired in the past year for abusing children and abusing drugs, this fish is rotten from the head down. if the mayor didn`t know anything about how deviant and corrupt this school is then he`s incompetent, if he knew about it and did nothing then he`s corrupt.
Let DNR investigate.. especially if our law enforcement or school officials can't be honest.. hell they might find a couple of illegal Rockfish in his freezer..roaring point campground
Yes! Amy Eskridge was torn up by the public when she was placed on administrative leave and has yet to this day to be found guilty of anything!! She was the only one that could control that school! But the public condemned her and the BOE uses her as a scapegoat for all that Mitchell did. Has Eskridge been found guilty of failure to report ? No! So why is Liz being treated better than Eskridge? People need to wake up and after Eskridge’s ordeal is finally over all of you will see she was innocent! JMB principal Savage is no where near as good of a principal as Amy Eskridge!!!!!!
Yes like how you all on the blog allowed Amy Eskridge her day in court before you all passed judgement?? Eskridge is still presumed innocent because she hasn’t even had her day in court yet! Bunch of hypocrites!!!
Where are the court documents that spell out a guilty verdict for Amy Eskridge? Oh yeah her case hasn’t even gone to trial yet so how can you say she covered up anything? Again hypocrites!!!!
Besides Mitchell and Day, who else at JMB has been arrested for abusing children and drugs? JMB has a hard working dedicated staff. Most teachers at JMB didn’t even know about Day’s situation because they were in there areas doing their jobs. Most found out when this story broke. No doubt the kids knew more than the other teachers. So please leave the other teachers out of this they are guilty of nothing.
She is giving hummers in school for pills? Is that what I get out of these comments? My High School was pretty lame by comparison.
7:45 Ok Jake I’ll try to remember that🙄
8:53 Calm down Amy
Who is BIFF and BIFFs wife?
Drugs for sex Blackmail case !!!
She be staying after school, late at night !!! LOL
She be doing alot of "Homework" at the "Homeschool" !!
7 days a week baby !!!
Pills for Thrills !!!
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