DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest Contact Publisher Joe Albero at alberobutzo@wmconnect.com or 410-430-5349
Sunday, December 29, 2019
A Viewer Writes.....Urns Stolen From Cemetery
Urns are being stolen from Spring Hill Cemetery I have three members of my family buried their all three urns were stolen flowers were scattered all around the graves it is a shame that people have to rob from the dead they can't even rest in peace I went to the office and did not get any satisfaction something needs to be done about that because I am not the only one looking around the cemetery you can see many grave sites that have been violated
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Hopefully the dead will follow them home
What satisfaction were you hoping to get from the office? They don't patrol the cemetery 24 hours a day nor do they have cameras covering the entire cemetery that can catch thieves.
Unfortunately, when you put something unsecured out in public, there are plenty of jerks who will either steal or destroy it. There's really nothing that the cemetery officials can do.
That happen to my grandparents grave in Baltimore Co. several years ago. They caught the people who did it by checking the scrap metal places. Hope that these crooks can be caught before the urns are destroyed.
I have a concern with two cemeteries here in Salisbury. One being Wicomico and the other Spring Hill.I have noticed they both have flag poles but no American Flags on them. Is it too expensive to display an American Flag? If so our American Legion or Veterans of Foreign Wars would be more than happy to supply one. We noticed on Veterans Day at the Wicomico there were hundreds of flags on Veterans graves but no American Flag at the entrance to the cemetery.
It feels to me to be UNAmerican.
well they can at least do a police report on the vandilism and theft. put cameras up, its shame that you have to do that but in this day and time there is no respect anymore for the living or the dead. call the Sheriffs dept.
Why don't you purchase two and donate them if you're so concerned. and make sure you're out there every evening to take them down and every morning to put them up in accordance with flag etiquette.
Too lazy to raise and lower them daily, to cheap for a light to keep them flying 24/7.
I would hope that the scrap yards would find it suspicious that someone would bring in urns. Unless they are broken why in the world would anyone decide to recycle them???? Its not like the graves are going anywhere ?
Get rid of the drug addicts and urns wont be stolen for scrap.
We will donate two flags for these cemeteries..and a light to keep the flags up 24/7. Maybe flag poles need repair??? Maybe some one/company would help make them serviceable. Ask the people in charge..
Spoken like a true American? Why don't YOU pay me minimum wage for the time it would take me to Take them down every evening and raise them every morning in accordance with Flag etiquette? While you're at it, pay me mileage driving to and from those cemeteries? Even though the cemeteries have maintenance people on staff who could do it easier and cheaper. Yes I am so concerned about it, one would think if there were Veterans buried there, which I'm sure there are. Out of respect for fallen soldiers there would be Flags flown. MORON!
Springhill cemetary has gone to the dogs in the last few years. Grass isn't cut in the summertime and you have to rip the crabgrass from the plaques to even see the names. When they do mow, they drive right over the plaques scratching them up badly. It has become a very badly cared for cemetary. They only care about money. They won't even pave the roads through it.
You can't live in a Jake day progressive liberal city full of drug addicts and prostitutes and NOT expect them to stoop to these lows
Cemetetery's are a nostalgic notion and precious waste of prime real estate. Cremation is far more practical. Do you really want your loved ones remains biodegrading in a bad costume in a box in the ground ? That's just disturbing. Some are very beautiful parks to pack a picnic lunch but most around here are just droll and depressing. If you truly believe in an after life it matters not where your remains are here. The origins of burial where basically a sanitation issue in primitive encampments.
I haven't had a death in the family in many years to plan a funeral for, so I don't know the cost, but I would think cremation would be much cheaper than a casket and burial.
You have absolutely no clue what you're talking about since this cemetery is in Hebron not Salisbury.
Fake News!!
My Mayor assured me there is not a crime problem in our 'Bury.
This has been going on for over a month. The cemetery staff openly admitted that vandalism has been an issue. They were so "you have to follow the rules". Now the staff won't pick up the vases that are removed and thrown on the ground with flowers all over. I have four family members at the cemetery (3 children and my dad). We visit regularly. We do our best trying to pick up the flowers and flags. The cemetery really needs to do something. Quite a few vases are damaged and broken at the stem.
December 23, 2019 at 8:30 PM
the cemetery pays their people crap.
I have seen their non stop ads , they have a revolving door on staff. there are limits to what they can and will do for their pitiful pay.
@7:15 i love to hear idiots like yourself that try to defend Jake Day's BS and ALL the effects it has on the smaller outer lying cities y community. How far is Hebron from salisbury 6 miles and less than 10 minutes? Or better yet the ridiculous argument that it's the counties problem and not the city. Doesn't Day boast about salisbury being the capital of the Eastern shore? Salisbury's infestation of gangs, drugs is ruining all the areas surrounding salisbury. SMACK CITY is what salisbury is referred to now
Put in a claim on your homeowners or renters insurance. It is covered "property."
You need a smack in the mouth
Doesn't Maryland have a law against damaging graves? All who have plots damaged by vandals should report it to the sheriff's office so that reports are filed.
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