DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest Contact Publisher Joe Albero at alberobutzo@wmconnect.com or 410-430-5349
Sunday, December 22, 2019
A Viewer Writes 12-14-19
Thank you SBYNEWS and viewers AND The Human Society of Wicomico County Director Kimberly Nock ... The Issue with a puppy being left out in this terrible weather Has been Resolved The Crying pup was removed from the property thanks to HSOWC thank you all again.
Sbynews I am hoping you can make this a separate posted comment I live in Mardela Springs there a disgusting family living at ### main St who have 2 little dogs the dogs bark consistently every day n night , The other day I observed a black male in his 20s grab one of the dogs by the neck and shove it in a outside cage with no proper protection from the elements/cold the dogs barks all night ... I/We the community have called this in to the Wicomico County's animal control several times with NUMEROUS complaints at 749 1070 with these people and NOTHING gets done. No call backs no response on PRIOR complaints this is terrible on the county's part for not making contact with ALL Involved
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the animal control needs more officers and to come under control of the sheriffs department
Just like the puppy mill in Eden. Numerous calls and complaints, nothing gets done until it is too late. Animal Control is a joke, the old man who rides around in the pick up couldn't care any less.
Yeah we all know who this great family is smh.
It is so hard to get anything done about barking dogs. People who have these dogs have no consideration at all about the neighbors who have to endure the sleepless nights listening to their mutts bark all night. It's bad enough during the daytime. I was told you have to take them to court for maintaining a nuisance. Do it!!! That's all some people understand. They have no common sense or give a fat rats a** about anyone other than themselves. I can't understand why people like that want a dog or dogs anyway. Good luck. I feel your pain.
I agree Wicomico county's Animal enforcement is a Joke.
The police where there last year for the same issue
I thought there was a bill just signed making animal cruelty a felony ?
They won’t do anything. The only thing you can really do to try and make it better is contact the people and see if they will try and let you help like give them a dog house. It’s so sad that it’s all that you can do to help. Trust me I know how you feel. It’s really sad. The dogs are the ones that suffer. They feel hunger and cold just like us. This is a messed up world we live in.
Is animal control a volunteer position, part time paid or full time paid? They respond very slowly or not at all when called!
You've made the right move contacting Sby news blog that will get the issue a lot of attention,I bet the TV and papers don't publish it.
Isn’t this a federal crime now?
Take a picture of the house and post it.
sorry animal control can only respond between 8 am and 5 pm. at least that's what they said when I called them about a problem dog. Told them ok just stop by and pick up it's dead carcass off my lawn tomorrow when you have time!
They tried but they are nasty people especially the wife
307 Main St not 309.
These people are 1 of 2 family trouble makers in town
By the time they get there the animals are gone
Mardela is a joke no Real enforcement.
the only way is to video/audio the barking and have good records--then take them to court--the fines are very large and should then have them stop. Keep pestering the animal control--and make sure you have video/audio evidence. You will win!
Actually, I had good experiences with Wicomico County Dog Control. .
My next door neighbors Pitbull has attacked me twice in my yard...my Border Collie came to my rescue in both occasions.
I called Animal control, and they served the neighbor a 100.00 fine and court summons, and the animal was deemed unsafe.
We took the neighbor to Court; after the Sherrifs office showed up several times on our complaints of the loose Pitbull, Marijuana parties, and the children; a infant, 8 and 10 year old being left alone while she partied.
We won court action against this misfit mother and mostly due to Animal control support.
I reckon not everyone gets good results, but do not give up.
In the meantime these poor dogs are being mistreated as noted in this report sent to Joe's Blog.
wait till they're gone & go get the animals.
I am the new Director and I have been in my position since August. I have made it clear to my Animal Control officers they they are not only to respond to every complaint but they are to call the person back. I have gone out on numerous calls with them and written a ton of citations and seized animals. Please call my office Monday and ask for me personally. Kim Nock
For over a decade, we had a neighbor with one of those lawn ornament dogs in the back yard. Barked 24/7. Called animal control, nothing, nothing, nothing. He never got it rabies shot, and they did nothing.
Guy moves and leaves the dog behind, stops in everyday but there it existed, alone, for months. Moved and claims he could not take the dog with him. It was not house broken since it had spend a life time tied up in the back yard.
Again back to calling animal control. Finally they pushed the guy into surrendering the dog. Guy had the audacity to get mad at the neighbors because they forced him into surrendering the dog. What a joke.
A decade of listening to that dog bark, every single day / night.
Hopefully she has a good forever home, to live the rest of her aging life out.
I find that hard to believe .. I have called your office IF this is really u and gotten ZERO call backs ..
Lol and get arrested for theft and trespass ? Fool.
The idiots at that address are very ignorant people and are very argumentative and zero respect for neibours and police.
The name is the director but she does nothing put play on computer and Facebook everyday and cries and calls her husband constantly if a decision is needed or someone gives her trouble.
Where is the code enforcement officer .
Hey, Michelle Obama, this is exactly why there is "white flight". Another community ruined.
They are HATIAN.
There is no old guy who works there !
I have good experience as well I have made numerous complaints and they always respond And take action when it’s within their rights to do so. The new director is amazing and even comes out on calls and takes enforcement actions! I’m very pleased with the turn around. Dogs barking is a completely different beast! You have to prove it’s a nuisance!
The whole town knows those dirtbags... Let's see if the County enforcement knock on there Door tomorrow.
Don't hold your breath. No speaka de English.
Awesome now arrest the dirtbags.
You have the wrong address! It’s the house next to it. The house sits by the church parking lot.
Great job Wicomico human society. 💪💪💪💪💪💪💪💪💪💪💪💪💪💪💪💪
That was updated LOOK
It was Reposted 307.
Several years ago there was a dog which barked all day and all night. I respectfully asked the dog owners if they do something to quiet the dog. I was told to get off their property and the police would be called if I again stepped on their property.
After no results from the police about the dog (low priority call) I called a county commissioner. He drove quietly in front of the house several times a day (ever at 4:00am) and documented the barking dog and sent a letter to the owners. That resolved my problem instantly.
Run these trashy inconsiderate jerks out of Dodge by sundown.
They r trash. The puppy is 6/7 weeks old left out overnight in the cold and rain go and Adopt him after 10 days.
As a full fledged members of human society, I'd like to thank the humane society.
There has to be at least one POS family in every neighborhood to spoil it.
Joe did you know Hatians are allowed to EAT dogs in the county ?
Yup I heard about this years ago can't believe there is no law against it .
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