DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest Contact Publisher Joe Albero at alberobutzo@wmconnect.com or 410-430-5349
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Running For Public Office Sucks...
No matter who you are, what your platform is, who or what the person your running against stands for, public life sucks. One thing the Eastern Shore lacks is one of the most important challenges and that is that people need to learn to agree to disagree.
Today you will go out and vote. As most of you know I've been there, done that. I ran for Mayor of Salisbury and my main goal was to offer a different platform, a different vision. That didn't make me a bad person. No different from the people seen in the images above. We agree to disagree. Nevertheless, today you have really good people sticking their necks out publicly and passionately in the hope you'll support their vision.
Wayne King is running against Jake Day. They're both really good people. They simply have different visions for Salisbury. If you like what you've seen these past couple decades, vote for Jake. If you want a different vision you'll vote for Wayne King. Two completely different but respectable styles and experience. I happen to support King because of his business background and the fact that he actually listens to what the taxpayers of Salisbury want.
Nevertheless, the ONLY way you can all make a difference is if you get out and vote. You can't assume either party has this election in the bag because I can personally tell you that I've been following local politics for decades and I've seen absolute TIES and or close calls within 10 votes in Salisbury. Your vote really does count.
I want to personally thank each and every candidate on the entire Shore for making the effort to run for office at every level. I know what it's like and it truly can be exhausting. You are all winners in my eyes.
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Unfortunately, people can't agree to disagree! Dumbocraps, if they don't agree with you, you're racist!
Class Act with that post . Period
I think the unwillingness to respect others' right to their own opinion goes well beyond the shore, but you're right that we need to be more willing to accept those differences. I may be absolutely correct in what I believe, but that other person sincerely believes that they are too.. that doesn't make them a bad person at all-- they're just wrong.. misinformed.. unable or unwilling to think it through.
But there are some who are not only wrong, but they are obnoxious axholes about it. Devious, evil, vicious. And, unfortunately they have won some elections that way.
It was such a shame the way Debbie Campbell, Terry Cohen and others have been treated by these people.
But the real shame is that they manage to capture the reins of power and use it to advance their personal agendas at the expense of the whole community. There is very little left of Salisbury and Wicomico County because of their actions.
It's kinda like they spit in your face, but at least you would be able to wipe that off..
If you haven't voted yet, please make the time. It's your best opportunity to make a difference and preserve what's left of the community.
You have your opinion and I have mine . I totally disagree with the statement they are both good men. Mr. Day doesn't know the difference between right and wrong , oh what web we weave when first we practice to deceive . He will more than likely win because of his propaganda and lies to the public. I think he really believes what he is doing is right , however , it's a democrat who spends my money without research . He has lied about many things , you know it we know it.
Do you seriously believe Jake Day is a good person??
I just got back from casting my vote for Mr. King. I'm disabled and on oxygen 24/7 and walk with a rollator walker. Mr. King arranged for transportation and assistance for me to go to the polls
One of Jake's cheerleaders was there soliciting my vote. I thought there was some kind of rule that you couldn't do that at the door of a voting location.
10:24, Is that how you consider your vote, one person is a bad person so you vote for the other candidate? No, I don't think Jake is a bad person. NT to this post is that no matter who you are or what you stand for, politics SUCK because of people exactly like YOU. YOU don't respect the time Jake or even possibly Wayne will put in to better the community. Heck, I moved out of my Delmar Estate for more then a year to a building Downtown just to represent people like you. We can't make everyone happy but at least there are some people out there willing to give it a shot. Jake has had his time in office with no challengers and Ireton was about to do the same until I stepped in. YOU have every right to vote for the candidate of YOUR choice. But I do not believe Jake is a bad person.
Refreshing post... thank you... we need more of this.
It's not just who you are, and what you represent.
You've got to have and be willing to spend a ton of money and people will vote for you, not even knowing what you stand for whether it's for president or for Mayor.. Local Republicans refuse to do that.
That's why they lose and will continue..
I'm to old now, but if I ran, I would be prepared, and could/would spend at least $50,000.00 on signs (plaster the city with signs), ads in papers, on T.V. and radio. You can't just go to debates, and dinners, to win a county council seat. I don't live in the city.
But that is what it takes.
I'm surprised to see you defending Jake when there are multiple articles on your blog insulting him over the years.
It's hard to agree to disagree with an entire base who denies scientific data and believes in conspiracy theories.
I have a question did anyone possibly see that bull crap they just put on BOC it was all about jake day. Wonder what that cost daddy... I really hope Mr.King wins
It’s a career path. You put in your time. This is entry level politics and it’s hard, it sucks. . You please your constituency and move on up the ladder, 20 years later you are a millionaire senator for life.
Well written Joe....its not easy going down that rabbit Hole. i give a lot of credit to those that are willing to take that step. regardless of who you are and what party you stand for. You better know you're going to get beaten up and not all is going to like you nor your message. It gets ugly and it takes a lot of will and courage to take that step. I agree, they are all winners for the willingness to serve and they not only get beat up themselves, their families as well. We may not like the job they do but one does what they feel is right. They may be wrong all can be done is to educate and educate yourself and make an informed opinion and give an informed vote. Not everybody is going to be happy with decisions being made. well written Joe....Kudos....
These comments are a little sick including Joe's , right and wrong is simple to learn , Day is wrong and is a liar , read the Bible folks .
12:14. there are multiple COMMENTS against Jake as well as A Viewer Writes. You Idiots are constantly stating I make such posts but you are too dumb to realize they are other people's comments. It's either your stupidity or a well planned attack to encourage people to actually believe I had anything to do with it. I recall one woman stating at one of my debates that since I approved these comments, (after proving her wrong) that I have to own those comments because I published them and I must have agreed to them. I replied, I see. So you want me to censer my website and reject any and all comments YOU don't agree with. Nevertheless, think people. 12:14 is still coming to this Site after all these years and attempting to bash me. If ANYONE is obsessed it would be 12:14.
November 5, 2019 at 5:02 PM
I'm often disappointed but NEVER surprised by the words and actions of people.
One not only has to read the words but understand them as well. AND sometimes read between the lines and know the difference between criticism and personal attacks. But I'm sure you already know that since you have dealt with lots of people over the years.
There is a law
Anonymous Anonymous said...
It's hard to agree to disagree with an entire base who denies scientific data and believes in conspiracy theories.
November 5, 2019 at 12:15 PM
You do understand some theories are proven correct, I hope.
I was not totally sold on Wayne King, but I also was not for Jake Day. It seems like Day only cares about Downtown Salisbury and not anywhere outside of Main Street. I happen to live in the city of Salisbury (not downtown/Main Street) and feel as though Day has put 100 percent of his time and effort (and my tax money) into the Downtown crowd . Plus he acts pretty cocky most of the time and that does not impress me one bit! It would have been good to have a change and give Wayne King a chance since he was a businessman, something that Day lacks.
Sorry, cannot agree to disagree. We disagree, period. Agreeing to it negates disagreement.
We disagree, period!
Thank you Joe. Good civil conversation
"...and the fact that he actually listens to what the taxpayers of Salisbury want."
Which is what the Mayor is supposed to do. Not do things as he or she sees fit. We do not vote them into office to run this city the way they see fit. FOR the people, and BY the people.
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