DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest Contact Publisher Joe Albero at alberobutzo@wmconnect.com or 410-430-5349
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Fat black professor of gender studies blames Trump for black female obesity
No, this is not from the Babylon Bee.
It actually comes from the Oprah Winfrey Network, and a segment featuring Professor Britney Cooper, who sports a PhD from Emory University and who currently is an associate professor in the Department of Women’s and Gender Studies at Rutgers University. With that sort of background, perhaps it isn’t surprising to eternalize blame for obesity on racism and seem to indict President Trump for it. In fairness, she only mentions Trump before launching her indictment of racism as the cause of black female obesity.
Here are few screen grabs of her subtitled rant, followed by the entire segment embedded in a tweet, in case you want to hear her, the moderator, and the audience all enthusiastically accept the theory that white people in general and President Trump in particular are what make a disproportionate number of black women obese.
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This BS is just that, total BS.
And the university regents and administration said....
And what did these fat black women weight before Trump took office? We all know the answer. They were fat black women before Trump even took office. So blame it on Obama...oh, that's right, the black president could do no wrong, and couldn't even be investigated for wrongdoing. The racism of the black culture was released by the black president, and we will be paying the price for many years to come. Everybody(the ones who elected him)thought electing a black president would advance the cause of eliminating racism. But alas, he set race relations back 50 years with his term in office. Good intentions often have bad results. Electing Obama is a perfect example.
Rutgers used to be an esteemed school. Must be having some bad times meeting quotas.
Guess she automatically gained 100+ plus pounds the day Trump became president!?
Yes, too funny! Big dark women been around long time. Some fat people in general have been ethnicity aside
I guess if they can blame Bush for hurricane Katrina and get the MSM to go along with that narrative, they can blame Trump for eating too much.
I agree with her 100%.... PROOF....We adopted our puppy during the o'BUMMER years, she was skinny then, now she is FAT. Also my truck battery worked fine during that period, after Mr. Trump was elected the battery died. Go MAGA
Wow 11:21 it took you less than 10 seconds to make it about Obama...
How stupid does one person have to be to relate every argument in life to Obama?
It's all white people's fault and in particular Trump's fault that she is a fat tub of lard.Amazing ain't it. LOL
October 21, 2019 at 1:01 PM:
And how long did it take to blame fat black women on Trump? Get real, if we are going to blame anybody, it's the fat black women. Why did anyone try to blame Trump for it? It's absurd, just like trying to blame Obama. I'm glad you got my point (or did you?).
October 21, 2019 at 1:01 PM:
Excuse me! The post is about blaming Trump for fat black women. Why not Obama? The women got fat on his watch. Are you a bit racist? If the post can blame Trump, then what's good for the goose is good for the gander. Amazing how you racists and Democrats all defend Obama at every turn, but accuse Trump of the most asinine things that he has nothing to do with. Just making shit up, like democrats always do. Now THAT'S what stupid is.
She has to blame her tired ole blubber a$$ on something
It's the bon bons baby girl!
hes not wrong
Take your morbidly obese hand out of the potato chips, get your ever expanding behind off the cushions, turn off the oversized TV, and leave the President out of your argument.
We're all sure that you'll instantly get down to the weight you were at twelve just as soon as 2024 ends.
Damn! And an "oh hell no".
The same stupid ones who blame Trump for all of the ills today, from stubbing ones toe to an earthquake in Chile is all Trumps fault!
1:01..Not as stupid as one who thinks Trump is the source of all ills. Got yoy ticket out of USA yet? If not! get used gaining more fatty!! MAGA 2020
Know there is a certain amount of jockeying trying to assert there are more than two genders. Guessing she's on the cutting edge and her chosen gender is Blob.
TRUMP didn't cause all the ugly, DAMN BOO BOO!!
Too many goodies being bought with welfare cards.........stuff that should not be allowed in the first place........Hohos, Ding Dongs, Twinkies and the like.
This is only because Britney Cooper is obese and coming from the Oprah Winfrey Network we all know is racially biased and she is a Trump hater as well. They all hang together in their hate doesn't matter how many millions they have or how many PHD's they have. Cooper isn't obese because of Trump but the fact she can't get up from the table and put her silverware down.
Maybe she can leave like Al Sharpton was to have done when Trump got elected, still hasn't paid his taxes and still here and still a pain in the ---.
It's everyone else's fault for everything i do wrong. I also still live at home at 40yo. Have no steady job and im on a lifetime of pain management because of a horrific grape on the foodlion floor accident. The mother of not my kids because she stole my swimmers doesn't deserve support because she buys stuff i don't approve of and also doesn't have a job. Here's the best part i was promised a job if i got my master's degree in "blank" arts that pays $100,000+ blah blah blah Bernie Sanders for president go Bernie
Who you blamin for yo stank ?
Fat tub of chit.
I would say that the preexisting genes, bad food choices, chronic overeating, probable Type II diabetes and lack of exercise are the causes, exacerbated by a self-defeatist, blame-casting attitude.
She will following Elijah Cummings soon.
Northwest Woodsman: Sitting on your already fat lazy ass and eating Twinkies and fast foods along with doing virtually no exercise is what causes you to be fat. I realize though that taking responsible for your own behavior is not among your best skills.
Judging from her size, she started getting fat long before Trump became president.
I saw her driving in the rain WITHOUT HEADLIGHTS ON.
Fat a$$ Oprah is just as big a racist, bigoted b**ch as Mooochell Obama. And you can thank Oprah for getting Obama in to ruin our great country.
Maybe she receives Food Stamps and blaming Trump for them not her pushing herself away from the table.
Quit blaming Trump and throw away the frying pan.
Just when you thought they could not be more stupid. they come out with this crap. Uh, your ignorance is showing.
That's what I mean about these people being ignorant. They were fat BEFORE Trump became President, yet it's his fault and our fault. The white people. She and the rest of them are too stupid to realize that. If brains were gasoline, neither one of them would have enough to power a piss ant on a motorcycle around a dime. They prove their ignorance every day.
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