Joe,I hope things are going well… I trust you had a successful season with the new venture. I must say I was not surprised by what happen yesterday at SMS. My spouse teaches at the elementary level, even with kids that age discipline is completely out of control. I thought you would find this information from the National Institute of Justice (NIJ) interesting. If you follow the use-of-force continuum and the officer was required to use a Chemical Agent to eliminate the threat the next level of force, as defined by the NIJ would have been lethal force. The other interesting fact is all of the schools have camera systems. But, when these events occur the response is “that camera is down”. Please stay on top of this, if you don’t no one will!An example of a use-of-force continuum follows:
- Officer Presence — No force is used. Considered the best way to resolve a situation.
- The mere presence of a law enforcement officer works to deter crime or diffuse a situation.
- Officers' attitudes are professional and nonthreatening.
- Verbalization — Force is not-physical.
- Officers issue calm, nonthreatening commands, such as "Let me see your identification and registration."
- Officers may increase their volume and shorten commands in an attempt to gain compliance. Short commands might include "Stop," or "Don't move."
- Empty-Hand Control — Officers use bodily force to gain control of a situation.
- Soft technique. Officers use grabs, holds and joint locks to restrain an individual.
- Hard technique. Officers use punches and kicks to restrain an individual.
- Less-Lethal Methods — Officers use less-lethal technologies to gain control of a situation.
- Blunt impact. Officers may use a baton or projectile to immobilize a combative person.
- Chemical. Officers may use chemical sprays or projectiles embedded with chemicals to restrain an individual (e.g., pepper spray).
- Conducted Energy Devices (CEDs). Officers may use CEDs to immobilize an individual. CEDs discharge a high-voltage, low-amperage jolt of electricity at a distance.
- Lethal Force — Officers use lethal weapons to gain control of a situation. Should only be used if a suspect poses a serious threat to the officer or another individual.
- Officers use deadly weapons such as firearms to stop an individual's actions.

DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest Contact Publisher Joe Albero at or 410-430-5349
Friday, October 11, 2019
A Viewer Writes........
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What are you talking about? What you posted CLEARLY says that a chemical agent is “less than lethal” force yet you post that chemical agent is “lethal force”.
The author clearly stated the next step from deploying of a chemical agent is lethal force. The point is the gross escalation of the situation and the lack of enforcement of rules in a public learning institution.
No, it says that the only possible thing the officer could escalate to would be lethal force; that up until and once chemical agents are deployed the officer is doesn’t have another possible tool to de-escalate the situation, it’s the final resort before lethal force...
You did not understand what he said. He said the next action would have been the possibly of lethal force.
This person is full of it!
My God, stop talking $hit on here, grab a sign and picket the BOE that you want safer schools or get involved in a big way together for change. Oh, I know your all to busy to do that. Just like me. You'd rather stay anonymous and talk garbage. But, I don't have kids in these pathetic schools in Wicomico county. And parents that do need to organize. Just back the teachers, that's a good start.
All BS. It's all comes down to verbage. I've. SHOULD or SHALL nonsense.
Re-read what the post says then, look up the words you don't understand. Don't insert any words, only use the words in the escalation of force continuum. No where does is say "must" use deadly force however deadly force becomes a defensible option when all else fails.
The point is, how could our schools be so out of control that 8th graders behave so badly that law enforcement would need to go hands on much less pepper spray these future leaders.
That’s a bit of a stretch, as someone who has LEO AND school system experience, going from pepper spray to deadly force is a HUGE leap! Pepper spray is used for crowd control, if the crowd became more unruly you wouldn’t just start blasting away! The use of force continuum does require some common sense. Was the deputy out of line deploying pepper spray? Absolutely not. Don’t want to feel the effects of pepper spray, take your butt away from the fight. The problem is that we as a society have become too soft and not holding people accountable for their actions. These kids need to be permanently expelled so that those who want to learn, can, 504 or IEP regardless, but the Dems won’t have it. You would be surprised at how a few hold up learning for many.
You miss read but it's poorly worded. The next step is lethal force, meaning the officer already failed at the first 2 steps.
I see this as one of two things.
1. This is for clout, the same as a new prisoner will pick out the biggest guy to fight to make a name for himself.
2. These kids knew the guys involved in the stabbing/murder earlier this week and emotions are running high, blame is being thrown around for who should have stopped it.
I hope it is the second because it means this is about emotion and pain and it will pass. If it's the first then we have a lost generation coming up now destine for prison and harder and harder crimes as they get older. It would mean they have no empathy, no character, no class, no shame. They will be rubbing off on your children too, influencing their development. My one year old daughter is on the waiting list for a local (unfortunately very liberal) private school. I figure at least the parents of her peers will be invested in their future. Public school is becoming nothing more than a babysitting service for scumbag baby factory single mothers. That is the way the politicians want them too. Stupid people are easier to control. It's the mantra of the Democratic party.
Your #2 would make sense if this was happening at JMB, not with 10-12 year olds. #1 is plausible. A lot of yhis stems from social media backlash, people running their mouth online, then getting their clock rang in real life.
Northwest Woodsman: I’d say save time and skip directly to lethal force. Just make the consequences so painful or deadly that even the most impulsive will think twice before they misbehave.
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