DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest Contact Publisher Joe Albero at alberobutzo@wmconnect.com or 410-430-5349
Sunday, September 08, 2019
Purchased just this summer, the vacant lot that sits between the Wicomico Youth & Civic Center on Civic Avenue and the Twilley Centre is finally being redeveloped! The 80-acre site of what once was "the old mall" in Salisbury, Maryland has sat empty for over 15 years. The Developer and Fisher Architecture have been working closely to find a program that works best for the City of Salisbury. Future development plans include residential lots, plus commercial and retail components. A Nationally branded convenience store is in the works as well. The surrounding community is excited to see the transformation and the ground breaking is expected by late Spring 2020. We will keep you updated as the project progresses!
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And nobody will mention the cost to taxpayers on the property?
Is it going to be Section 8? We need more affordable housing.
Jesus Christ the people running this town are so stupid. The last thing we need here are more apartments and apartment dwellers.
You want to bring a load of people to Salisbury and the opportunity is staring you right in the face.
You have thousands of car enthusiasts coming to OC for one car gathering or another all summer long. The shows have become weak, same cars every year in the same spot and the town has made it clear which groups they welcome and which groups they dont. Turn the parking lot into a autocross/rallycross race track and as soon as that beach sun sets they will ALL come out to Salisbury.
If you build it, they will come.
So which one of the good ole boys bought it for a song?
If you zoom in on that sign you can read "NELSON AFFAIR PETER FINCH PG", so that photo was taken in 1973.
The surrounding community has fought development there in the past.
Turn it into a ghetto so that we can continue to bury da 'bury.
When Burlington Coat Factory expressed an interest in that property some years back the city should have gone for it.That would have occupied about half of the 80 acres.Burlington used to be huge,but public discourse seemed to follow them every time a prime piece of real estate became available.Just half of that property being developed would have been a huge start.
We actually don't need more affordable housing (especially Section 8). What we need are really good jobs like this area had at one point. We also don't need more rentals, we need more property owners. As for the site of the old mall, if the politicians in Salisbury had an real brains they would of used the property to build a new and much bigger convention center that could accommodate real events and concerts. Perhaps something that holds minimum 10,000 or so people not 3,000 people. Everybody in this area that think they are something are nothing more than a joke. We need people with real ideas to help this area.
k,Does this include the lot bordering on Beaglin Park Dr.? The people across the street have successfully fought in court each development idea. Better include them in the plans.
How about putting a giant round-a-bout there
we could call it Jake day's merry-go-round LOL!!!
1500 section 8 apartments and a 7-11 ["Nationally branded convenience store"} Well atleast their thinking ahead, gotta catch all those fleeing crime ridden neighborhoods across the bridge, problem is they bring all their bad habits and crime with them....
11:12-Nobody and nothing mentioned apartments. It appears you know nothing about the race track in DelMar. I don't know of it having any effect on that town's population. Do you really think a race track will solve Salisbury's problems!!? Wierd.
Could we get any more positive?
The best thing would be real outlet stores like Rehoboth then Salisbury residents would be putting $ into Salisbury rather than Delaware, but then they still have no sales tax, but Maryland residents would save gas something to think on.
How about a new library. A new place for the festival, and the carnival. And move the weekend flea mkt. from that hole in the wall parking lot down town. Oh, that's right, they would rather cram everything around that $hithole of a down town, so they can proclaim, revitalization! Keep smearing lipstick that pig dumba$$es.
It was re-developed when Pollet spent more than the the whole value of the property to only buy an acre or two for parking...
Yes you morons, the last thing we need is more apartments and section 8 housing, but it is about money, so the govt gets more money from these things versus having a house or one building on the lot... Plus with all of the taxes and people losing their homes and how most rent now, of course this is what you will see... You people are just as stupid as these people running the city, it take 2 to tango so, you let them do was they please...
yes, the surrounding residents city and non city need to be involved. They have had plans for years and they are not best for the surrounding neighbors. The exits on Beaglin Park Dr. exits with lights going into neighbors windows when it would be best to make exit at the intersection with Craig. That would only move the exit about 200 feet. 7-11 at intersection (gas station) not needed more than enough in are with Royal Farms, 2 Shore Stops in area, and all the shops in Twilley Center that aren't in use.
A concerned resident.
Damn, their some stupid $on of a b!+chez running this place.
HAHAHA. Now do you know why IRETON is leaving?? More STUPID move's on our dime. But hey. Keep voting. LMAO.
A Florida style planned retirement community would make sense. There seems to be demand for than on the shore.
I was wondering why they finally started moving the mountain of debris.
Where did they take it?
Perfect place for flea market. That shithole downtown is just that, a shithole.
1:26 PM - somebody has been buying it for construction fill.
I hope it's not a 7-11 convenience store. Wawa has better food and coffee than Royal Farms.
Good use would be affordable planned community for over 55,60,62 or 65 like the Cottages at Riverhouse on Pemberton drive.
They don't have to say apartments. There will be apartments and they will probably be section 8.
Delmar is a drag strip and a dirt circle. I'm not talking about a drag strip I'm talking about a full blown track that can be used for lessons, for open lap time competition and world autocross events. It's Delmar's own fault if they aren't taking advantage of OC traffic, and these kids don't want the old dirt circle.
What was / is the cost of moving the contaminated mound that has asbestos and many other contaminates in it? This cost being passed on to the developers / included in the sales agreement / contract or is the tax payer stuck with the cost? Where is this contaminated material going to be disposed of? Was EPA involved or is this another hush hush project of the Salisbury "GOOD OLE BOYS"?
More ghetto and thug quarters. Right when you think this slime hole couldn't get any worse..........it does! Keep voting the same liberal democrats in and it will only continue to get worse.
I love the folks commenting that it should be used for a flea market. That’s real high class thinking. Right up there with section 8 housing.
As if we need another WaWa or Royal Farm Store. Let's build more bike paths or a gym
I hope they dropped it in your driveway busy body.
I've been told that all money for affordable housing g is going to Baltimore for the next 10-15 years because of a concent agreement between the state and HUD over state mis-spent/mis-managed federal affordable housing dollars
But I'm certain there will be basketball courts for all the local future NBA stars to practice on. . .
Or a 7-!! and Pay Day loans and laundromat and a liquor store and one store that sells cheap sneakers and sunglasses. . .
Maryland ranks the 50 the worst state to retire π€
What high school district would that be? Please say Parkside, since they have so much room they let in a huge amount of special permissions.
Let me guess... More freaking crime-ridden rental apartments.
Thanks for nothing, Jake Day!
No one could afford a "Florida style retirement community" in Salisbury. People move to Florida to get out of paying high taxes so stupid politicians who spend it unwisely. Put in a roller skate ringπππ
I own and live in my home in the city limits of Salisbury and the houses on both sides of me turned into rentals and both slum lords just rented to A.A. thug families thanks to Jake Day, Muir Boda and Jack Heath and their love of Democrat voters.
I'm getting the F'k out of this ghetto as soon as I can get rid of my house.
Sad to say, but thanks to the good ole internet,department stores will soon be a thing of the past.
Some folks now are starting to think owning a home is not in their best interest. Property taxes and maintenance costs are expensive. If you lose your job or need to move for any other reason, it's not always that easy to just sell when you need to. They don't want to take care of a yard either.
All I can say is after growing up in Salisbury and living most of my adult life there to come back and see how disgusting and run down it is now is a travesty. I can't believe the number of homeless, alcoholic and addicts walking all over town
@4:45 I feel your pain on that situation. I've been fortunate enough to move to a southern city with less than 5% of the thug crowd calling themselves citizens. No state income tax and single 50+ women everywhere enjoying their latter years. No hi-hop ghetto fabulous mayor trying to act all grown up spending/ giving away other people's money. I lived in Salisbury through high school and most of my adult life and to go back and see what's transformed is an embarrassment
Leave it to Michele Gregory to be pushing section 8.
Thats her plan for your future if she gets on city clowncil.
Why make an effort to better yourself when you can steal it off of others hard work.
Thats the best she can come up with because it would take to much effort to bring better paying jobs here.
Oh silly me, what was I thinking.
She is also pushing for $15 minimum wage.
You peeps are so screwed and its a laugh to watch.
The article was intentionally vague because your guberment doesn't want you to know they already pushed this BS thru.
More royal farms and wawa's
More apts
Just what ya'll need
Its for the students!
The students need somewhere to live!
Screws the taxpayers!
70% rentals and climbing! At least you will be famous for something!!
Anonymous Michelle Gregory said...
Is it going to be Section 8? We need more affordable housing.
September 3, 2019 at 11:04 AM
May I present to you a candidate running for city council
So typical of her! gimme gimme gimme.
Hide your wallets peeps, Michele intends on taking any spare dime you have and distributing it to her freeloading constituents. Buying votes one section 8 apt at a time.
Its a sad day for the ghetto when Jonathan Taylor looks like a prize.
4:45 I dont blame you. Why pay double taxes? The place is majority rental property anyway.
Yeah sure, need more housing projects.
At least it keeps the Salisbury “individuals” from moving out into the county.
An autocross and sanctioned motorsports facility is an awesome idea.
3:32 how dare they keep the public educated! Shame on them for revealing Any secrets that may harm the public
How about a new mattress store?
Let's see those neighbors on Beaglin Park Drive tie all the building permits and zoning requests with never ending litigation again. They want NOTHING on that parcel of land. They all think it is their personal space, without ever having paid a dime for it. They are the reason none of the currently planned things never took place before. They were able to sue and seek injunctions until the previous owners just gave up. They wouldn't even allow residential houses to be put up across from their houses. They blocked everything before, they'll try to block everything again. They were all old farts. Now they are just older farts.
So, the only real announcement is a 7-11? This reminds me of baby jake's plan to redevelop the downtown parking lot. Remember Mad TV's "Lowered Expectations" skit? That's baby jake, right there.
Build A New And Beautiful State Of The Art FOOTBALL STADIUM ! let it be used for all high school games ! ..And More !!
September 3, 2019 at 3:07 PM:
A flea market is what made Johnny Janosic a millionaire, not the furniture store. You don't know much about the flea market business, do you? Rhetorical...apparently not.
September 3, 2019 at 2:15 PM:
Do you KNOW there was asbestos in that debris pile? How? Or are you just making s**t up?
That's funny right there!! Johnny janosik was in business for decades before that pathetic excuse you call a flea market. They only get paid to rent out the spaces inside they have nothing to do with all the counterfeit products sold. And rumor has it old Mr janosik had a little something going on back and forth to Florida utilizing his pilot credentials, just saying!!
That's funny right there!! Johnny janosik was in business for decades before that pathetic excuse you call a flea market. They only get paid to rent out the spaces inside they have nothing to do with all the counterfeit products sold. And rumor has it old Mr janosik had a little something going on back and forth to Florida utilizing his pilot credentials, just saying!!
1:22 was involved in demolition and nobody would accept this mess and they piled it on the property. Ask EPA. They were involved. That is why the owners could not sell the property and owes several thousand dollars in taxes they will not pay. You must be one of the original crooks that is offended that this fact is brought up.
Why are they lying and saying the surrounding community is excited? Sby needs this like people need another a hole. What is needed but not 1 Sby official has the brains to do is good paying jobs. Just watch the meeting online. Not one can strike anyone as having 2 working brain cells and only other imbecile level IQ's would be excited. Others would be excited if it were to be devolved into something that would create 50 plus GOOD paying jobs. The whole of Sby is affordable housing. Such stupidity is why Sby will always be what it is The Armpit of the Eastern Shore. This property would best be served by clearing it planting grass and tree and making it into a pervious surface.
Heck - they have tried everything on that property - nothing ever makes it there.
1. Remember the TIF - (taxpayer incremental financing) - that deal fell through.
2. Remember all of the prefab houses they constructed - (supposedly a buffer). They ended up giving them-a-way and moving them out of there. The abandoned transformers still line the corridor are evidence and are still up there.
3. Wicomico County temporarily bails out the property owner by buying acreage for the present parking for the Civic Center.
4. Mall developer gets into a big lawsuit over demolition cost overruns.
5. City of Salisbury presses for fines and legal action to remove mountains of crushed concrete and slag at the old mall site.
6. Be mindful of the fact - all the time the property owner is paying in excess of 100k per year and did so for more than decade. (100k x 10 = 1 million dollars in real estate taxes - and got nothing in return).
That site must be cursed! The only obvious beneficiaries that I can see are the City/County (property taxes), lawyers (legal fees), and Becker/Morgan (land planners).
My plan is Bulldoze civic center put up mutli tier parking lot.old mall site rebuild new better bigger indoor outdoor venue..
Ice skateing too new venue..bulldoze civic center for a parking lot
Wi hi
Section 8 needs to be banned from Wicomico county
This news couldn't be better.My hope is that the community will not buck up against it.
12:37- What excludes you from all us other "morons"? Also, check out the rental statistics for Salisbury. Most are owner occupied. You really are an angry ASS! A fairly stupid one to boot.
6:45- Where did you get 70%? Stop making up numbers.
I guarantee you those "residential lots" will be more Ghetto Apartments.
surrounding community is excited to see the transformation ???
What planet does that person live on that wrote that??
OH! jakes bunch??
My neighbors near by are anything but "excited"
Anonymous said...
6:45- Where did you get 70%? Stop making up numbers.
September 8, 2019 at 11:00 AM
Dumb Dumb I suggest you educate yourself. The city of Smallsbury is only around 35% homeowner and 65% RENTALS
There is nothing made up about that FACT.
Ask your section 8 housing promoting mayor.
Maybe you should start going to council meetings and getting involved.
Any idiot could google that FACT
Another park is needed there for the children.
That’s rayciss!!
Autocross track! That’s a great idea.
Yes. Jobs that pay enough so people can afford fair market housing on their own.
Please be positive.This could be a good thing.
The old Salisbury Mall is dead and buried. Wish ppl would quit referring to it like that. It’s been one big empty plot of land for years. Well over a decade after they demoed it. Sad that Salisbury buried its history. That was the only place that really brought the whole town together and they blew it up to smithereens.
Yes by all means put your kids on a park built on a toxic waste land where construction debris sat for decades. Jesus, 507, did you even bother to read all the comments above?
That's funny right there!! Johnny janosik was in business for decades before that pathetic excuse you call a flea market. They only get paid to rent out the spaces inside they have nothing to do with all the counterfeit products sold. And rumor has it old Mr janosik had a little something going on back and forth to Florida utilizing his pilot credentials, just saying!!
September 4, 2019 at 4:14 PM
You moron. Johnny Janosic has been dead for years. Shows how little you know (about anything). I was working for him when he sold the Flea Market, for over a millions dollars. That flea market investment was easy money for him (his words), and netted a much better return on investment (ROI) than the furniture store ever did. And that was somewhere around 1990.
September 3, 2019 at 4:45 PM:
Keep telling everyone that you live in a ghetto, and see if anybody EVER wants to buy your house. Make sure you tell all the prospective buyers that the house is in a ghetto, when you put it on the market. You can't lie about the defects on the property when you go to sell. Bad-mouthing your neighborhood will devalue your house more than anything.
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