The executive director of Rolling Thunder, the annual military event that features hundreds of thousands of motorcyclists traveling to Washington to call for full accountability for prisoners of war and missing in action service members, said that the entire membership would arrive in the nation’s capital if House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, whom he called an “arrogant little b****,” decides to try to impeach President Trump.
Artie Muller, 74, who served as a U.S. Army sergeant in the Vietnam War and is listed on the group’s website as a co-founder, spoke at the National Mall on Monday and posited that Pelosi should be ousted from Congress for the series of investigations she is involved with.
He stated, “I would like to see Nancy Pelosi and her hypocrites work on the POW issue instead of bulls***ting [and] aggravating the President of the United States, who's doing a fantastic job.” He added, “When the hell are they going to wake up? It's not their children, their mothers, their fathers that are left behind in the POW camps.”
The Washington Examiner noted, “The numbers involved in a pro-Trump rally could be large. More than 1 million bikers are believed to have traveled to D.C. for this year’s Rolling Thunder rally.
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They should do it anyway to object to the rest of pelosi's freshman congresswomen and their antics
Really ? These guys are near dead do you really think there are any POW's out there. I think we have gathered all the remains that are to be gotten. It's time to stop beating that nostalgic dead horse and take care of the living and maimed Vet's we have here at home.
You can add 2 million to that if she goes down that path.
Coup de'tat?
Agreed, Patriots from all over would decend on DC if they choose that options!
Lmao. They claimed to be broke two weeks ago. Where’s the money coming from to come back so soon?
The Prez made a statement a while ago that makes this commitment seem shady.
DemocRATs are the NEW Domestic Terrorists.
I bet my last dime you are enjoying the Freedom that American military fought for. You comments are ugly. I would vote to bring back the draft to include women just so you little snots can learn some respect. Take a trip to DC to the National cemetery and than your sweet ass these service individuals where brave enough to save your butt. Pansy.
Shady. you don't think the threat of impeachment is shady. 🤔😭
12:31 you wouldn't "think" that way if a family member of yours was unaccounted for. No comment is better than a stupid comment
I be there !!!
Wreaths across America offered $200,000 last week
Wreaths across America offered $200,000 last week
Rolling Thunder didn't say they were broke 2 weeks ago. They just don't want to deal with the bullshit & red tape the pentagon police are producing
Rolling Thunder didn't say they were broke 2 weeks ago. They just don't want to deal with the bullshit & red tape the pentagon police are producing
Lets ride!!! I was there last weekend for RT and will surely support this mission as well.
They already have funding for next years ride....President Trump said he personally will foot the bill for these Hero’s to ride!
The families and all patriots are not dead I say march and march by the millions. Lets round up the immigrants that are already here and ask them about having a sit down at Pelosi, Schumer, Clinton, Waters and the rest of them in their own front yards. Take it right to their front doors.
@12:31 you just CAN'T fix stupid! Had a cousin killed on Vietnam. I myself suffered traumatic injury in Beirut just so assholes like you can try to ruin this country will your progressive liberal BS? Your day will eventually come and I personally can't wait!!
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