DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest Contact Publisher Joe Albero at alberobutzo@wmconnect.com or 410-430-5349
Sunday, May 19, 2019
A Viewer Writes.....Pittsville Water Issues
Good morning Joe.
I don’t know if you have had the opportunity to follow the situation in Pittsville or not with the water but it is time for some answers.
Pittsville Residents were invited to attend a question and answer session last night. We were only permitted to ask one question each but they still refused to answer questions. There were multiple attempts to get answers to no avail. Oh the only thing that was made perfectly clear was that there would be no rebates to anyone’s water bill. Nice to know that we paid for 6 weeks of ice tea colored water that you didn’t want to drink let alone bathe in.
It took 5 weeks for them to hand out bottled water and Ayres United Methodist church organized that. Anyway another meeting Monday night at 730 if you are interested. I really hope Pittsville Residents will turn out again in force. This town is in desperate need of transparency, honesty and accountability. It’s just another example of local government out of control doing whatever they want.
Pittsville Residents wake up and pay attention before they decide to do a special assessment and screw us even more.
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Start the re-call!!!!!!
It's so bad that students at Pittsville Elementary/Middle school has their water fountains closed off and 5 gallon water coolers in use instead next to each water fountain.
I saw this on the news last night, and the water was coming out of the tap amber colored, and yet the city has the Gaul to say the water is safe to drink!!! It's no wonder there is so much cancer in this area!
Get a water filtration system for your home and send them the bill. They should at least be giving a credit to everyone who pays a water bill.
Drill your own well in your yard. See what you get. If you don't like what you see, MOVE! You are stuck with what is under the ground, unless you import your water.
They have Paul Wilber for town attorney. Every thing should be questioned. The town could possibly get lucky and he resign like he did for the county.
Great assessment of current and history affairs. The old heads that never complained have passed and a new generation who wants to raise a family there are FED UP PAYING HARD EARNED MONEY FOR CRAPPY WATER! The clown manager does not even live in the town so what the heck does he care about water quality.
Time for a town revolution. Throw out the rascals.
What an asinine statement! We pay a substantial tax for clean FILTERED WATER! Even if we wanted to drill a well we would not be allowed and your answer is to move, why don’t you move to someplace and learn not to be a jackass!
We are aware what is under the ground. The water in this area is loaded with iron. We are forced to stay connected to the towns water and pay a quarterly bill. That bill should ensure we get clean drinking water. We are paying for something that we can't use. The town keeps giving excuses as to why it's discolored but it went on for a month. Some still have water that is discolored.
May 17, 2019 at 11:55 PM:
Sorry, my water's fine and I don't need to move. Hmmm, I think I'd punch you in your nasty mouth if you called me that to my face, but people like you never do that (scared of the punch you deserve). It is a practical solution to move, if the water you think you are forced to drink is so bad. No one is a jackass for suggesting it, only you for using the word. Another practical solution would be a home filtration system, like the ones already suggested. Quit your belly-aching and do something about it yourself. I wouldn't just complain about it. I'd fix it, or move. Nobody makes you live there.
The states attorney office has been notified,there are a ton of questions that need to be investigated.
I hope they are waiving the water bills this is just ridiculous. One would expect they could have prevented this there has been decent water in the past. So do not tell it is what is the ground idiot.
May 18, 2019 at 8:21 AM:
Iron in the water is an inconvenience, not a health hazard. You can certainly use the water. It's not pretty, but you can use it. There are home water filtration systems that will remove the iron. Many rural homeowners already know this. We either live with the iron, or get a water filtration system. Unless we have a 300 foot well, we can't get past the iron. Town water wells are usually at least 300 feet deep here on the shore. Iron discoloration in town water is probably coming from aging water mains (from the pipes themselves)or the steel water tower, and not from the well. Most towns will flush their water mains from time to time through the fire hydrants to get any stale and rusty water out of the system. If the town leaders and their water department can't figure it out, they should hire a consultant that can.
Nope they are not. We pay money to have water and sewer yet can't use the water and have to spend extra money to buy water and cleaning supplies to get the iron out of clothes, toilets and anything else that has been stained. I have heard several excuses. New water guy, expired chemicals, mechanical error, broken parts. Now I hear there was a 140k grant that they can't account for. We still don't know if the money was paid back from the last time money went missing. Seems our tax dollars were stolen by Carla Moore but no one can tell us if it was repaid in cash. Some say the town was given a piece of property instead. What does the town needs with property. How do we know how much that property was worth and how much will they lose in fees and charges from a realtor if they sell it. They had a meetings about the water on Thursday night. You could only ask one question and they really dodged the questions and we don't know anything more of what is going on now than we did before.
I'm not 11:55 but I agree, you are a jackass. This water issue has been going on for over a month with no answers from the town. Sure we could all put in water filtration systems and pay even more for water we are already paying for. Moving may not be an option for people. Until you know the entire story maybe you just keep your mouth shut. You might find yourself with a sore jaw if you mouth off to the wrong person. It's only a matter of time.
If you are paying a water bill quarterly you shouldn't also have to have a filtration system of your own. That is why we pay a quarterly bill. There was more in this water than jut a bit of iron. Some of the pictures look like it was pond water. Stuff was floating on top of the water if you were trying to take a bath. The lines have been flushed and are due to be flushed again as soon as they get the water problem figured out and fixed.
You actually think it’s a practical solution to move because someone is not doing the job the we are paying them to do? Really,that makes sense to you ? And loudmouth I have been taking steps to help the problem I have talked to the states attorney office and have a letter to the governors office. Why should we pay for a filtration system in our home when we are already paying the town to do it. If you feel you want to punch me I will be at the next meeting please feel welcome to try.
This is what happens when you put people in jbs before doing a background check.
If you want a real laugh look up Gene Cook Jr and Robert Harris head constable and see the real truth.
I just hope your toner cartridge and paper are full.
Trent Molnar is in bed with Harris he bailed all his foreclosed rentals out and they did a deal on where Harris lives now because the previous owner was Trents father and Trent has a ton of slum rentals in town and constable Harris is code enforcement and rental inspector so its just a ton of things that make you go hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!
I’m sure you have proof of these serious accusations!
The comment at 2:17 sounds like someone who was either evicted by Trent or arrested by Mr. Harris.
The pittsville water samples get tested by OC request the info as a public request if they won't give it call or request from mde
Class action lawsuit !!!!!
I would live in a cardboard box in the woods before I shed either dime to Trent or Russell Molnar. Russell has always been crooked and Trent revived himself after a powder fueled late 80,s and early 90,s and now is a self proclaimed slum lord and greasy spoon C.E.O.
Contact Maryland Department of the Environment. Whatever the issue it should have been fixed weeks ago.
You should not have to put a filtration system into your home if you are paying a water bill. The town has failed the residents miserably and you all need to get together and have some private meetings and lawyer up. Hold those bozos accountable. If they cant fix the issues then do Away with the towns water system and let the people put in private wells. People got rid of those wells because the town was putting in the water supply. Now give the people what they are paying for. Clean consumable water. Lawyer up people. Lawyer up.
Operator error. All reportedly back to normal.
@ May 18,2019 at10:22 AM. You punch and your sorry azz goes to jail, tough guy. You must be a democrat since you threaten violence. Be careful what you say or someone just might give you the attitude adjustment YOU deserve, boy. Now stop your crying or call 1-800-boohoo, extension waaaa.
@ May 17, 2019 at 1:19 PM. At the next meeting, if they have a bottle of water in front of them, ask them why they do not have a pitcher of water from the spigot and drinking that. Someone needs to tell them to get a glass of water from a spigot and drink it in front of the people if they think it is safe to drink.
Boy, there are some seriously ignorant homeowners in Pittsville. Sound like a bunch of low educated rednecks, to me. Rather "punch someone" and rant and rave at the town council, than to fix the problem themselves. If the water is that important to them, the fix just isn't that costly. If they can't afford to fix it, they can' afford a house. Yeah, yeah, I pay taxes too. Bottom line, it is not a health issue. It doesn't merit the rudeness of the homeowners over this issue.
May 19, 2019 at 6:50 PM:
Ask your county health department if its safe to drink. But you already know the answer don't you? It's safe, just not pretty. Iron won't hurt you. Heck, there are even iron supplements that people take when they have a deficiency in their diet. You can't make the issue a health issue, just by saying so. Prove it. Oh yeah, you can't. You know, you can drink bottled water too, if you don't like the way the water LOOKs from the spigot.
Wow really?? We pay $800 a year and your response is get bottled water if we don’t like what comes out of the spigot? This is so much bigger than just color of water. It’s about a Town getting a pretty penny and a plant that has been neglected for some time. There have been 4 different stories of different parts breaking. Every time they thing they have it straight something else breaks or they found that valves inside the plant that should have been turned on were not. Who knows how long it’s been like that. So let’s see everyone pays $800 a year x 1,600 residents. You do the math. Oh and let’s not forget all extra funds through grants. That water should be pristine. Now if you would like to make donations of bottled water and pay for it out of your pocket you can drop it off at Town hall. Otherwise just shut up
May 20, 2019 at 1:07 PM:
You may not like it, but nobody makes you drink that tap water, even though it won't hurt you. Don't like the TOWN? Then move! Geesh, what a bunch of cry babies. Don't like what I say? Too bad. "Shut up" is not a debate point.
Don't like your town concil's response to your complaints? Vote them out, or run for their seat. See if you can do any better. Being a "doer" is much better than being a "complainer."
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