From a total of 45 US Presidents: Obama is rated as the 5th best.
The A&M's Public Relations Office released this statement "After 8 years in office, Americans have rated President Obama the 5th best President ever."
These are the details according to Texas A&M:
1. Reagan, Lincoln and Trump tied for first,
2. Twenty three presidents tied for second,
3. Seventeen other presidents tied for third,
4. Jimmy Carter came in fourth,
and 5. Obama came in fifth.
If that's what they consider 5th, I totally agree.
Fifth from the bottom of the list maybe.
I just sneezed and it sounded just like bullsh*t.
Now this is really funny. On a serious note, when certain statutes have lapsed, a truth will come out and that administration exposed. I think the scabs of some recent high crimes and misdemeanors are being scratched and the real collusion and obstruction about to be exposed. This could tank the hopes of the liberals in 2020 and why, in my opinion, they are so hot on keeping the investigation of Trump on the front burner.
If you read the numbers right. Obama is ranked 45th... Last place.....
No president should be ranked until 20 years after he leaves office. That's how long it takes to find out how policies they implemented while in office really worked.
This pole must have been taken by an all black study they couldn't be real or a random study. He accomplished nothing in his 8 years as president, but put down the Police Depts across the country, before trials, and take up for every black thug that died in the commission of a crime. He was the most racists man on earth and so is his wife Michael (and I do mean the spelling).
Lets see, 3 tied for 1st, 23 tied for second, 17 tied for 3rd, 1 for 4th, comes to a total of 44 out of 45. That would put obama as the 45th out of 45 best Presidents. Far from 5th place
Do the math and you will undoubtedly agree.
Northwest Woodsman: Jimmy carter? This can’t be a serious study. Carter as well as Obama are both idiots that somehow pulled two of the greatest cons in political history. Recalling the destruction these two caused plus that of Bill Clinton results in me having very low opinion of the intelligence of America voters.
When I first saw this my reaction was WTF. Then I added the numbers stated and he is 5th, but like a golf tournament, you may be 5th, 45 strokes behind the leader....lol!!
Yes. All black study paid for by Michelle. He has no legacy.
Yeah, but Trump tied for FIRST.
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