Take, for example, the following video provided by Brandon Farley via his Twitter page, in which a food cart lady parked at the PDX Women’s March in the hyper-tolerant city of Portland this past weekend refused service to an individual requesting a meal reportedly based on the fact that he is a male. Tolerance at its finest.
You won’t see this one in the mainstream media because it doesn’t fit the narrative.

That's no Lady! That is a female that needs a three day trip to Pound Town. Make your outlook on life much brighter.
Sue her!
Apparently this woman doesn't know who built their house or appartment that gives her shelter & comfort, built power plants for electricity, assembled vehicles to ride in, built assembly plants to produce these vehicles in, built refineries, chemical & pharmaceutical plants for her cleaning products & all fuels she might use, built malls, shopping centers & stores, built bridges, paved roads & highways for travel & commercial transportation, grew the food she eats, etc. The list goes on & on. What kind of life would she have without these conveniences? Women also contribute to our economy and progress of this great country, but the infrastructure is what allows us to prosper & improve living conditions. So lets not discount men for being men. And yes there are a few women working in jobs previously mentioned, but very few.
She needs to be taken to the border and put on a slow boat to China or somewhere out of this country. She has got to be a Democrat no sense, maybe related to Pelosi or Schumer.
Let's be honest... he is wearing a fedora, he is less than "a man"
Che should have taken pity and served him.
That guy in the window has anger issues.
Bust her fat ass.
Ever notice how these people with hate issues are all over weight, multi hair colored, half shaved head, nose ring, pierced, well you get the idea, trolls? They definetley hate themselves and take it out on anyone they choose for any reason.
so when her food truck breaks down is she going to take it to a female mechanic? good luck with that!
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