Sage Lucero, a 2018 SCAD graduate, started the petition, titled, “Take A Sexual Predator’s Name Off of SCAD’s Building,” which calls on the school to rename the Clarence Thomas Center for Historic Preservation.

During a phone interview with Campus Reform, Lucero said the petition is a way “to really start a conversation around the way in which we talk about wom[e]n... and the way in which we advocate for women's rights and diversity.”
Lucero added that the petition was “not so much [about] politics but more so about wom[e]n." Not only was the goal to remove Thomas' name from the building, but "even more so to start that conversation regarding the bigger issue here."
“It's a small building that most people don't go to," Lucero said. “Everyone who goes to the university mostly is unaware that the name of the building had the namesake of him [Justice Clarence Thomas].”
Lucero also told Campus Reform that “many of the students feel unsafe about the building” name.
Lucero writes on the petition description that until the recent controversy involving decades-old sexual assault allegations against then-Supreme Court justice nominee Brett Kavanaugh by Dr. Christine Blasey Ford, she "wasn't aware" of the fact that a building on the school's campus bore Thomas' name.
"The case between Clarence Thomas and Anita Hill in 1991 was extremely similar to what is happening to Dr. Ford today. When it was time for Thomas to become an associate justice of the supreme court, Anita Hill, a law professor at the University of Oklahoma, came forward with accusations that Clarence Thomas had sexually harassed her," Lucero writes.
"many of the students feel unsafe about the building name..."
Seriously? The NAME of the building makes them uncomfortable? Sorry, but if you are that delicate and weak that a WORD makes you feel unsafe, you have no damn business at any school. If you have gone through life so bubble-wrapped up that the mere name of Clarence Thomas scares are beyond help.
I don't believe it for a moment. These women don't feel threatened at all. They know full well what they are doing- weaponizing other people's empathy for evil. They know the name of the building doesnt make them safe. They just enjoy the power and attention they are getting.
This will not end well.
So, Clarence Thomas was found guilty? How much time did he serve before being appointed to the SC?
This is the idea of a couple of feminist mob leaders who would demand the elimination of hot dogs on buns for the way it puts women on the bottom.
Can't celebrate a black man who isn't on the democratic plantation.
Time to start bitch slapping these Snowflakes.
Good luck with your lives,sorry pathetic losers. Hope your parents didn't save for twenty years to pay for this indoctrination.
This is just too funny! Bunch of wimpy a$$ snowflakes melting over the NAME of a building. No wonder the world laughs at the stupidity of this country.
Thank you. I too was wondering when he was found guilty. Apparently this University needs to be looked into as to what they are teaching these snowflakes with Daddy's money. Daddey expects more from his darling.
Sage Lucero an her ignorant compatriots need to sit down and have a conversation with the two Montgomery County Maryland high school students that sat next to Justice Clarence Thomas on a cross county air plane flight several years ago. They may learn something that could totally change their view of the world.
It should be noted that they can't be THAT scared because they admittedly really don't know about the building. In her so succinct wording "Everyone who goes to the university mostly is unaware that the name of the building had the namesake of him." I think taking an English grammar class would be of more value than this petition.
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