Meanwhile, a Reuters source said that investigators believe the design for the devices came from the internet, while they are currently focusing on leads in Florida.
Several of the 10 suspected mail bombs sent to high-profile Democrats and noted anti-Trumpers were flawed and incapable of exploding, invesigators said Thursday, adding that others have yet to be fully analyzed, reports NBC. In some cases the flaws were significant, while others were more subtle.

They are stating now 10 of them came from a florida post office.
joe you should do a live tracker on the caravan
It is all fake, plain and simple... These things would not have made it through the mail period!!!!!
Yup, need a better bomb building guy, call Ted Kaninski.
Democrats flooding the news with bogus info and supporting the caravan to try and discredit US democracy and believe it will put them in power. LOL.
dem dem dem dem dem.
There you go. This is evident a person(s) from the left wing camp perpetrated this act because they are the only ones that wouldn't have enough smarts to make it explosive. Case solved, go close it and book 'em Dan'o.
They've arrested the suspect in FL. One less democrat vote in FL now.
The guy is a Trump fanatic. Cue everyone calling him an actor. smh Admit it boys, he is one of yours
Has Obama and clintons name all over this
They'll have a fall guy for this thou
End of story
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