“Look at thus [sic] chorus of entitled white men justifying a serial rapist's arrogated entitlement,” Fair tweeted on Thursday.
Referencing a video of "Lindsey Graham's tirade," Fair, who is a victim of sexual assault, added, “all of them deserve miserable deaths while feminists laugh as they take their last gasps."
"Bonus: we castrate their corpses and feed them to swine? Yes," she concluded the tweet.

“Professor Fair’s extremely offensive and violent remark goes against everything in line with Georgetown’s values,” TJ Collins, a recent Georgetown graduate told Campus Reform. “President DeGioia should immediately issue a statement condemning the tweet, and Professor Fair should not be permitted in the classroom ever again," Collins added.
“As a student applying to this school, I wouldn’t have dared use that kind of language on a social media platform, especially surrounding a sensitive and controversial issue. Georgetown wouldn’t have admitted me if they had seen stuff like that,” a current Georgetown student who wished to remain anonymous, told Campus Reform.
“I don’t think people that Georgetown actually employs should be held to a significantly lower standard. And clearly, any of her students that see this rant are going to feel threatened if they have opinions that differ from hers” the student continued.
Upon being contacted by Campus Reform to comment for this article, Fair stated,
“There is a war going on against women and you, and your despicable herd of so-called journalists seeking to protect male privilege and shame women for our victimization or our rage are complicit in this war.”
So, if a conservative professor -stop laughing- supported the KKK or Nazi party on his or her free time....would that be accepted freedom of speech?
Serial (!!) rapist??? "...complicit in this war." Really? Seriously? She's a PROFESSOR???
NOW, he's a "serial rapist" and they say it with INTENSITY and belief!
He is the kind of man you want living next door.
I hope the cross-dressing democrat loser bi***es pay a heavy price for doing this to a good man.
Oh yeah. Better be getting ready ---- civil war in less than 3 years.
Keep cheering. It will help us locate you.
Time after time, men have been released from prison after having been falsely accused of sexual assault and rape. The hypocrisy of the left and leftist women in particular for wanted Kavanaugh to be guilty even though 2 other men have come forward to admit guilt is almost beyond belief. They are effectively destroying their #metoo movement as it will dissolve into too many lies.
Remember the old saying "Putting the horse before the cart" This is what is annoying about this entire case. There has been accusations made against Kavanaugh. He has not been found guilty. They should do an investigation on this and when he is found innocent he should go back and sue each and every one of them for slander. You just can't go around claiming someone is horrific when you have NO facts to support it.
There's a war on women? This will be news to most women.
These disgusting women on the left have been working for a long time on emasculating men. I am a women and I am sick of their war on men. They had better be careful what they wish for. I pray they all get the opportunity to be come acquainted with men of muslin nations. The sooner,the better. Let them try their tactics on those men. They really would have something to fight against. As death is one of the ways those men use. Oops, I guess this opinion is racist or sexist or something. Not sorry!
The Georgetown employee is clearly unbalanced. They'd be well advised to put real space between the university and such an unhinged bigot. Alumni have learned to stop sending their kids and checks to universities that shelter complete cranks. See U of Missouri, as a leading example.
We look to degreed academics for scholarly discussion if they advocate a position or take issue with one. Not this kind of hateful, juvenile rant.
Students beware!
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