DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest Contact Publisher Joe Albero at alberobutzo@wmconnect.com or 410-430-5349
Sunday, October 28, 2018
A Viewer Writes: Socialist Progressive trying to get elected for the Wicomico County Council, District 3
The woman in Red holding the desecrated American Flag is the Socialist Progressive trying to get elected for the Wicomico County Council, District 3. This was at an ANTIFA protest recently wanting to protest ICE. It should be noted that she did not get endorsed by the FOP. She probably would refuse to stand for the Pledge of Allegiance. This is not who we need representing Wicomico County.
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What a loser.
I won't be surprised if you don't post this comment but I feel it must be said. If she can't control her weight how can she control a public position. I don't dislike people with a weight problem but when it gets way out of control I do wonder. Could be medical but I'm just saying. If so my apologies.
what does she have in her other hand? a bag of cheeseburgers?
She's hungry
What is her name, and what is printed on the flag?
Would be nice if she was identified. WTH.
What is her NAME???
looks like that fat cow loves AMERICAN BURGERS ...POS.
Look at that fat whale. And she wants my vote on the County Council? OMG, what a hater she is.
Michele Gregory is friends with Socialist Crackhead Kris Furnish who made a special trip to Washington D.C. to attack Congressman Andy Harris and fortunately, she got arrested.
An Open Letter to Rep. Andy Harris
Posted by Michele Gregory · June 24, 2017 12:29 PM
The letter below was read at the healthcare rally outside of the Salisbury office of Representative Andy Harris. Michele Gregory is the Communication and Media Committee Chair for Lower Shore Progressive Caucus.
Dear Mr. Harris,
I’m a constituent of yours. My name is Michele Gregory. I’ve lived in Wicomico County for most of my adult life and I would like to tell you the story of my stepson.
His father, Christopher, and I married just before his 3rd birthday. Nicholas, my stepson, had been born with global developmental delays, including apraxia and gross and fine motor delays. He didn’t walk until he was two and a half. He lived with his birth mother at the time and it was a bad situation for him. We filed for custody when he was 7, and after a series of traumatic events during the custody battle, child protective services intervened and placed him with us on his 9th birthday. We officially became his full time custodial residence on Halloween of 2003. For the sake of brevity, I am leaving out a lot of horrible details.
Nicholas has been a recipient of Medicaid and Social Security for most of his life. He is now about to turn 23 and life has never gotten easier for him. At 18 he began having symptoms of another neurological problem and after six months without finding answers, he had a tonic-clonic (or grand mal) seizure that left him hospitalized for several days and incapacitated for many months. Dozens of daily seizures became our way of life. His favorite activity, eating, became a gauntlet, triggering the worst of them. We tried multiple medications and even surgery, only to bring them down to a dozen or so a day. In the past year, he’s been hospitalized 3 times for aspiration pneumonia, landing us in ICU or just a step below that each time. The doctors have made clear that without getting his seizures under control, there is a very real and present possibility that the next time might be the one that takes him from us.
Each of these hospital stays, not counting his outpatient surgeries, has run in the neighborhood of $50,000. His monthly medications without insurance would be approximately $3900 a month according to my pharmacy. My husband and I work very hard, my husband for a cable provider, and I am a small business owner here in Salisbury. Together we still would not be able to afford his medications. The next time he is hospitalized, and he absolutely would be within days of stopping his medications, we would have to choose between losing everything we have and letting our son die. Repealing the ACA and gutting Medicaid would be a death sentence to him. And to us.
My husband had a stroke during surgery at the age of 32. He takes multiple medications daily to keep him alive and well. I have severe arthritis from genetics and sport injuries that without medication is completely debilitating and would mean I could no longer work or run my business. My daughter has a life threatening food allergy that requires an epipen. By repealing the ACA, you would bring back the pre-existing conditions clause that would mean none of us would be covered.
As a mother and a wife, I am begging you to not kill my family. Because what you are trying to do will in no uncertain terms do exactly that. You will kill my husband and the children I have raised and loved more than life itself. I am a walking testament to the ACA. Please don’t end that and kill my children.
Michele Gregory
Salisbury, MD
I give Wicomico County residents a lot of credit and are a lot smarter than to listen to these Socialist ANACHIST Democrats. We Know what Democrats do to politics. Just look at Annapolis and how these Politians have ruined MD's quality of life and turned MD into a sanctuary State.
I'd vote for her!! Dog-catcher!! Put a bone around her neck!
Does this loser have a name or is it on the ballot, fat girl in red shirt?
Michele Gregory has been in violation of the law even personally for many years. This woman wants to spend your money, Don't be a fool!
Candidates could face state penalties for election law violation
Liz Holland, Salisbury Daily Times Published June 15, 2018
A group of political novices could face penalties from the Maryland State Board of Elections for neglecting to publish authority lines on their campaign materials.
Members of the Wicomico Blue Team for Democratic Central Committee said they were notified of the omission this week.
“We’re all new to politics, so of course we’re going to make some rookie mistakes,” said Jake Burdett, one of the seven team members, on Friday.
Most of the Wicomico Blue Team members are college students who are barely old enough to vote and have never ventured into the political arena before.
Team member Jared Schabein said since the Blue Team didn’t plan to raise money, it was assumed incorrectly they didn’t need to include an authority line on materials.
“I’m a 19-year-old first-time candidate who made a mistake and didn’t know the rules,” he said.
Besides Burdett and Schablein, team members include Carissa Antonis, Matt Davidson, Michele Gregory, Crystal Jones and Ivory Smith. Gregory, who is 42, said that she and Smith are the only ones who are not college students.
They have since added authority lines to their team and individual Facebook pages and plan to place authority line stickers to all of their campaign materials, Burdett said.
Gregory, who also is running for a seat on Wicomico County Council, was in compliance with the law on her campaign website where she listed her campaign treasurer.
Leaving the authority line off the team’s Facebook page was an oversight, she said.
“As soon as it was brought to our attention, we rectified it,” Gregory said.
Team members said they were contacted by Harry Basehart, a member of the Wicomico County Democratic Central Committee, as well as a representative of the Maryland Democratic Party.
The authority line must state the name and address, unless the address is on file with the state board, of the person responsible for the production and distribution of the campaign material, according to Maryland State Board of Elections website.
Maryland law requires an authority line on all campaign material, including radio and television ads, websites, social media, buttons, T-shirts, hats and printed material, said Jared DeMarinis, a state elections official.
A complaint about Schablein was filed with the state, but it was not immediately clear if the state had received complaints on the others, he said.
DeMarinis said he could not comment on individual cases, but in general candidates are notified if they are in violation of state law. Penalties for violations of election laws can range from $50 to $500, he said.
Schablein said that as of Friday he had not been contacted by anyone at the state board.
The Wicomico Blue Team members are part of the Lower Shore Progressive Caucus which has an agenda that focuses on economic, social, racial and environmental injustices, he said.
“It’s the Bernie Sanders platform,” Schablein said.
Gregory, who serves on the caucus’ steering committee, said the group’s stance on political issues may have made them unpopular even within their own party.
“We have a very progressive agenda and there are folks who are not keen on that,” she said.
Candidates could face state penalties for election law violation
Liz Holland, Salisbury Daily Times Published June 15, 2018
A group of political novices could face penalties from the Maryland State Board of Elections for neglecting to publish authority lines on their campaign materials.
Members of the Wicomico Blue Team for Democratic Central Committee said they were notified of the omission this week.
“We’re all new to politics, so of course we’re going to make some rookie mistakes,” said Jake Burdett, one of the seven team members, on Friday.
Most of the Wicomico Blue Team members are college students who are barely old enough to vote and have never ventured into the political arena before.
Team member Jared Schabein said since the Blue Team didn’t plan to raise money, it was assumed incorrectly they didn’t need to include an authority line on materials.
“I’m a 19-year-old first-time candidate who made a mistake and didn’t know the rules,” he said.
Besides Burdett and Schablein, team members include Carissa Antonis, Matt Davidson, Michele Gregory, Crystal Jones and Ivory Smith. Gregory, who is 42, said that she and Smith are the only ones who are not college students.
They have since added authority lines to their team and individual Facebook pages and plan to place authority line stickers to all of their campaign materials, Burdett said.
Gregory, who also is running for a seat on Wicomico County Council, was in compliance with the law on her campaign website where she listed her campaign treasurer.
Leaving the authority line off the team’s Facebook page was an oversight, she said.
“As soon as it was brought to our attention, we rectified it,” Gregory said.
Team members said they were contacted by Harry Basehart, a member of the Wicomico County Democratic Central Committee, as well as a representative of the Maryland Democratic Party.
The authority line must state the name and address, unless the address is on file with the state board, of the person responsible for the production and distribution of the campaign material, according to Maryland State Board of Elections website.
Maryland law requires an authority line on all campaign material, including radio and television ads, websites, social media, buttons, T-shirts, hats and printed material, said Jared DeMarinis, a state elections official.
A complaint about Schablein was filed with the state, but it was not immediately clear if the state had received complaints on the others, he said.
DeMarinis said he could not comment on individual cases, but in general candidates are notified if they are in violation of state law. Penalties for violations of election laws can range from $50 to $500, he said.
Schablein said that as of Friday he had not been contacted by anyone at the state board.
The Wicomico Blue Team members are part of the Lower Shore Progressive Caucus which has an agenda that focuses on economic, social, racial and environmental injustices, he said.
“It’s the Bernie Sanders platform,” Schablein said.
Gregory, who serves on the caucus’ steering committee, said the group’s stance on political issues may have made them unpopular even within their own party.
“We have a very progressive agenda and there are folks who are not keen on that,” she said.
Anonymous said...
Would be nice if she was identified. WTH.
October 26, 2018 at 9:55 AM
Joe can you Add her name, Michele Gregory to the top of the post so that people will see who she is and that she is a Socialist running as a Democrat for the Wicomico County Council.
Thank you!
Joe would you be kind enough to add her name, Michele Gregory to the top of the post so that people will see who she is and that she is a Socialist running as a Democrat for the Wicomico County Council.
Thank you!
Anonymous said...
October 26, 2018 at 9:49 AM
Michele Gregory running for Wicomico County Council District 3.
Anonymous said...
What is her NAME???
October 26, 2018 at 10:06 AM
Anonymous said...
looks like that fat cow loves AMERICAN BURGERS ...POS.
October 26, 2018 at 10:12 AM
She loves food and hates white men.
That is Michele Gregory. She claims to be an "Educator" but she is NOT an educator and never has been. She ran a babysitting service that was shut down by the state of Maryland for her numerous safety violations.
Shame the NBC Biggest Loser show got canceled, she would qualify to be on the show.
Michele Gregory is a member of group of outlaws called the Lower Shore Progressive Caucus which is code for ANTIFA. She runs the Twitter and socail media pages which is resonsible for the numerous attacks on Republican Candidates.
Members of ANTIFA Wicomico support these illegal sanctuary cities.
ANTIFA Wicomico hates cops.
ANTIFA Wicomico hates
Members of ANTIFA Wicomico support these illegal sanctuary cities.
ANTIFA Wicomico Progressives hate cops.
ANTIFA Wicomico Progressives hate ICE who are cops.
ANTIFA Wicomico Progressives hate Blue Lives Matters.
ANTIFA Wicomico Progressives celebrates the killing of cops.
ANTIFA Wicomico Progressives hate white men.
ANTIFA Wicomico includes Jamaad Gould, James Yamakawa, Amber Green, Jake Day, Jake Burdett, Jared Schablein, Earle Hatton, Kevin Schablein, Michele Gregory, Michael Feldman, Josh Hastings, Dan O'Hare and quite a few others. These are the ones that are dangerous because they are trying to take over county politics.
Some of these idiots are running for office and no matter what your party is, Democrat or Republican, you would be foolish to vote for them. Although they are on the ticket as Democrats, they don't identify as Democrats, they identify are Progressives and they are talking about bringing civil war to the streets.
ANTIFA Wicomico are Progressives NOT Democrats.
The Progressives currently on the ballot for Wicomico County are:
Ben Jealous - Governor
Dan O'Hare - 37B House of Delegates
Sheree Sample-Huges - 37A House of Delegates
Carl Anderton, Jr. - 38B House of Delegates(Because of his love affair with Progressives)
Jack Heath - County Executive. True Progressive, supported by Progressives
Jamaad Gould - County Council at Large
William R. McCain - County Council at Large
Alexander W. Scott - County Council, District 2
Michele Gregory - County Council, District 3
Josh Hastings - County Council District 4
W. Seth Mitchell - States Attorney
These Democrat candidates on your ballot are not Democrats, they are members of the radical Lower Shore Progressive Caucus and they are trying to take over your Party. They are Dangerous and radical. If they were true Democrats then why did they start their own Progressive Party? Don't be a fool, do not vote for them!
Do not vote for the Progressive Party!!
Michele Gregory is running as a Democrat and she is far from a Democrat.
I didn't know there was a problem with White Supremacy? Why are they inventing issues when they are the problem? They are the issue.
russell glerum said...
Shame the NBC Biggest Loser show got canceled, she would qualify to be on the show.
October 26, 2018 at 11:26 AM
Right, that's the only thing Michele Gregory would be a good candidate for.
Anonymous said...
I won't be surprised if you don't post this comment but I feel it must be said. If she can't control her weight how can she control a public position. I don't dislike people with a weight problem but when it gets way out of control I do wonder. Could be medical but I'm just saying. If so my apologies.
October 26, 2018 at 9:21 AM
No, you hit the nail on the head. Michele Gregory is a fat slob that loves to eat and she spends all of her EBT money on junk food. I know, she comes through my line at Food Lion.
White Supremacy? Please tell me where "White Supremacy" is an issue anywhere in this county or state? It's not, those scumbags have nothing to run on except lies and their own racism.
Michele Gregory, you fat slob. Why don't you hang around people your own age.
As the late great Merle Haggard once sang, "they love our milk and honey, but preach about some other way of livin'...".
In her socialist dream society, she'd be a 135lb hero, waiting for the food truck to resupply the grocery store, but she wouldn't be BUYING anything, she, along with her other socialist losers, would be LOOTING it.
I'm always amazed at their desire to tax the hell out of the rest of us so THEY can live their dream of never working. They don't mind if YOU work, just as long as you give them their "fair share" of YOUR stuff.
The next American Revolution is going to really thin that herd.
Keep cheering.
Michele Gregory, Ford Motor Credit just called and said they want their $5,000 for the car you stole from them.
If Michele Gregory can't pay her own bills then how the hell can she manage the county's financing.
Vote for her Republican opponent.
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