DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest Contact Publisher Joe Albero at alberobutzo@wmconnect.com or 410-430-5349
Sunday, September 30, 2018
Worcester County Grand Jury Indicts Two In Large Pot Growing Operation
BERLIN — The Worcester County grand jury this week indicted at least two men on marijuana possession, distribution and manufacturing charges after a search warrant served last week revealed a vast, sophisticated pot-growing operation.
Last week, local law enforcement agencies executed a search and seizure warrant on a roughly 89-acre parcel of land on South Point Road that is home to a local hydroponic produce farm. The search revealed a pole barn on the property roughly 60 feet by 30 feet in size that allegedly housed marijuana plants.
According to State Department of Assessment and Taxation (SDAT) records, the property is owned by John H. and Karen Harrison, members of a prominent Ocean City hospitality industry family. The pole barn seized during the execution of the search warrant last week contained a sophisticated growing operation including a state-of-the-art irrigation and artificial lighting system. Nearly 100 marijuana plants were seized during the execution of the search warrant along with the associated equipment and the building itself.
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The State does not like competition...
Wicomico county needs to Indict Fake Day for Crime stat cover ups.
Run, John, run!
Give them a break....only trying to help people with glaucoma and other illnesses get some much needed relief!
This is why they want it illegal, so they can keep running up in your stuff so they can take it, yet remember it is all for the kids and to protect and serve right????
The law is the law. I have no dog in this race but until it is legalized it is a crime. We can not pick and choose what laws are enforced. Greed is all this was pure greed and a perceived entitlement because they have money. Some people never seem to have enough. If they were Black you all would be applauding the investigation and arrest. Hell even if they were poor White you would be happy. So as the saying goes if you can not do the time do not do the crime. Have a Delmarvalous day. Good job to whomever canned these dumb asses.
Family name has now been tarnished (some would say again)... who did they really piss off for this "bust" to transpire.
Ohhh man glad they got those evil thugs!!!! They have killed billions with their wacky tobacky!! Shame on you worcester county !!!
why are we still wasting time arresting people when it concerns marijuana ?
How f'ing stupid and greedy do you have to be??
I know both of the guys personally. Both are really good guys. Family men and Respected business owners. It’s a real shame we are wasting tax payers money. neither one of them hurt anyone or every would. It’s a shame some of you people want to be on here trashing them.
Here's a kid who's family owns ten resort hotels, two I think which are ocean front and a 90 acre property on South point road and you feel like you need to grow pot?? What a dumbass
when you need them?
Just get a Prescription & your Good to Go !!! Legal
Oh it's cure for Everything ......so says the Gov't (states Gov't
that is ) despite still against Federal Law !!!!!
SETH are you serious?? True family men?? What kind of idiot knowingly sets up a pot grow "illegally" knowing if caught will be putting his so called family at risk? This is nothing more than two idiots that have been coddled and spoiled since birth and wanting to be the man. Harrison is an idiot for taking part in such a dumb endeavor. Why didn't he just apply to be part of the states legal growing process?? I know why because he's full of greed
I hope all you naive people who defended this guy in the first BREAKING NEWS articles, trying to convince people that it was lettuce he was growing in that chicken house, feel straight like real asses. "Ooh Johnny is a good boy." "This family is so well respected." Apparently Johnny isn't as good a boy as you thought. As far as the rest of the family goes, well I can't really speak for them, but I do know what I see. I've worked for that company for almost ten years. So many things you people just don't know but that's a story for another time. I just couldn't believe in the first story about this operation all those comments from those so called "self righteous" individuals who talked bad about those who believed the story like how dare we think these things about the Harrison's! Ahhh... But look at us now. It's all official. Is Johnny still a good boy? Go ahead. Grovel in your own pitiful stupidity. We'll wait.
These men have not been coddled since birth. You don’t know the facts to this case. So before you pass judgment on these two men. Just remember we are in America and here it’s innocent until proven guilty. This plant that they allegedly were growing is considered medicine by the state of Maryland and many other states. I still standby my statement that these men love their families. I will standby these two whatever the end result of this case maybe.
With this in the public eye I think now would be a great time for some of the women to come out about good old uncle Hale Harrison and his dirty deeds. Funny how people you would think have it all, money and happiness are usually the ones with the least scruples. If it weren't for momma's money building the first hotel back in the 50's these idiots would be irrelevant
Seth give it up already. They WERE indicted by a grand jury for manufacturing illegal drugs. To willingly participate in such activities proves your love for family came second to their love of money. Thy would have never been indicted if there wasn't enough proof for a conviction. Now whether daddy and uncle can BUY their way out of this remains to be seen
Yea Harrison has it pretty rough. Daddy and uncle Hale worth tens of millions of dollar. Guess who couldn't cinform to the professional BS hospitality industry so daddy hooks him up with a 90 acre farm on South point road. Isn't that where all the million plus homes are located outside of ocean city? I hope his spoiled ass gets a few years in prison with the real drug dealers
This clown won't approve posts that bash him
Many thanks! It a amazing webpage!
dumb ass johnny got kicked out of wor.prep for drugs.Do you see a pattern?
Well I will grant them that this cultivation was forward thinking however premature and at the moment illegal as it is. Cannabis was was made illegal only because poor black, Mexicans and Creoles used it. When uptight white wasps got a hold of it and could not figure out to have a good time not being sloppy drunk and handling their paranoia and well invested in the alcohol industry decided to stigmatize it. Betty Ford and Kitty Dukakis should have tried it. Now it is touted as medicine. Yeah it just makes you feel good. So does sex good sleep and a great meal. God put it here for us. Everyone should have it in their garden there is no need to make it big business. I have a Victory Garden. I grow and can and make my own wine, beer and bread and grow pot. I am no cartel or dope pusher and I am no Hippy. It's my God given right to do so on my property with my own time and toil what suites me. It is really no ones business what I choose to eat ingest or inhale . This notion of legalization is just another Federal Control measure of taxation on what is already OURS. People are all on board with make america great again . Get on board and make your own lives great first. Share your bounty with family and neighbors and fuck DC and those actors that do nothing real for their communities or selves. We are so distracted by these mediated divisions that everyone has given up on being self sufficient.
12:23 Amen brother!
@12:23 headed for the woods years ago in preparation for the chaos unfolding in today's culture. Pretty much self sufficient with any/all necessities required for my magic carpet ride.
Neither are bad people. Growing marijuana and breaking a law does not tarnish a family name or make someone a "bad boy", as some of would label them. Some people just do not conform. Some people do not sit at home all day on our conservative blogs anonymously throwing stones glass houses. Glad the case is not federal good luck fellas.
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