DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest Contact Publisher Joe Albero at alberobutzo@wmconnect.com or 410-430-5349
Sunday, September 09, 2018
United We Stand
Good Morning Everyone.
This morning we gathered at the Firefighter Memorial in Ocean City Maryland to make a point. On 9/11 Americans United like no other time in history.
Mr. Mark Odachowski, Mr. Palmer Gillis and myself decided it was important to gather there and discuss our political differences. As you know, Mark and I have been on a mission to express our support towards President Trump, which created a firestorm. President Trump Tweeted his appreciation towards this support during the recent White Marlin Open.
As you also know, Mr. Gillis wrote an Editorial that was published in several local newspapers and the backlash caused one paper to remove hundreds of comments, so much for free speech.
In an unfortunate turn, the local Art League that hosts their largest yearly fundraiser at the Gillis' home is concerned the political divide from that editorial may cause further divide and is considering cancelling and or relocating that major event.
Our HOPE is that this message of UNITY will prove we CAN agree to disagree and remain "unconditional friends". In full disclosure, I'm married to a Liberal. My Mother in Law is also Liberal and guess what, I love both of them very much. I appreciate their point of view and we all get along just fine.
Let's all come together. For many, it was difficult to deal with President Obama, just as it is now for many to have issues with President Trump. I personally believe our Mainstream media is causing ALL of us to divide, rather that UNITE. We're better then this. I implore the Art League and their supporters to put aside differences and remember that this is about ART, not POLITICS.
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Agreed we don't have to agree with each other all the time but we must be civil and get along. Me and my best friend of 40 years have not always agreed on everything we have had some knock down drag out arguments but we're still best friends,fishing & hunting buddies. We always help each other It's called RESPECT & INTEGRITY.
We can agree to disagree as long has the nastiness and hatefulness isn't involved.
4 days until TGIF and just bet we can all agree to that!
I get it but he brought it on himself when he so arrogantly thought his opinion was more important than the majority. I guess he should have thought about the consequences, and just goes to show you how out of touch he is.
I don't dislike that fact that he had an opinion, I dislike the ridiculous lengths he went to, the drama he brought on himself, his arrogance, and now his groveling.
MANY have lost their jobs for doing less and now after bashing a whole population he wants those he bashed to bail him out? No thank you, I'm good.
Your post makes me very happy...if only everyone could be a little less vindictive in this world...lets all agree to get along.
First of all Mr Gillis was wrong to make public his view in this manner. The real blame should be put on the Daily Times for not having enough foresight and common sense to see this coming. They will jump on every opportunity to slam the conservative side and promote their liberal agenda. They still don't get it, The Eastern Shore is becoming more Conservative with each passing day.
I agree 100 %.
Finally some intelligent, reasonable and adult actions. You ALL should be commended for putting aside your personal differences for the good of our wonderful country. Despite all, I would not want to live anywhere else and despite what many have said my brother is a great humanitarian and amazing person. I'm not defending him because he needs no defense. Thanks for this.
11:01 and 11:05 Do you not support freedom of speech?
Not Red
Not Blue.
But red white and blue .
Stand under OUR flag together
Unite , don't divide
Is Mr & Mrs Gillis not allowed to voice their opinion like the very public display of Trump flags do?
SO as long as it agrees with you , it okay ?
Its called civil discourse
11:14 AM - we expected you to miss the point.
People who flew flags, simply flew flags - did not use these words -
uncomfortable and revolting
these rich folks' yachts (which is a joke coming from him).
difficult to digest our food.
corrupt and divisive bully.
this fad of nationalism and divisiveness (biggest insult of them all).
His words and insults were intentional, and now everyone wants to sugarcoat it because he is whining due to the backlash.
"Anonymous said...
Is Mr & Mrs Gillis not allowed to voice their opinion like the very public display of Trump flags do?
SO as long as it agrees with you , it okay ?
September 3, 2018 at 11:14 AM"
That would be fine if that was ALL they did. You are mixed up. Go and read what they wrote. If you are re-reading do it slowly this time so you will comprehend. They went beyond just voicing their opinion. Not only was their "opinion" peppered with untruths it was threatening to those who were JUST expressing their opinion by flying the flags. To simplify they were telling others they are NOT allowed to express their opinions or else.
"Anonymous said...
First of all Mr Gillis was wrong to make public his view in this manner. The real blame should be put on the Daily Times for not having enough foresight and common sense to see this coming. They will jump on every opportunity to slam the conservative side and promote their liberal agenda. They still don't get it, The Eastern Shore is becoming more Conservative with each passing day.
September 3, 2018 at 11:01 AM"
LOL Gillis useful idiot for the Daily Times.
"Lynne Gillis Waters said...
Finally some intelligent, reasonable and adult actions. You ALL should be commended for putting aside your personal differences for the good of our wonderful country. Despite all, I would not want to live anywhere else and despite what many have said my brother is a great humanitarian and amazing person. I'm not defending him because he needs no defense. Thanks for this.
September 3, 2018 at 11:07 AM"
yeah keep on telling yourself this. I wonder how many of his employees or sub contractor employees receive welfare benefits so your brother can be this supposed great humanitarian. You people will never get it or if you do your complete lack of a moral upbringing prevent you from admitting it.
Calling all President Trump voters divisive is a great humanitarian? Why don't you take the time and read President Trumps positive executive orders he singed for women, religion, free speech and minority's in the past two years. Areas that were completely ignored by former Presidents...Nah, just call people names and watch CNN... Trump will win 2020 by a LANDSLIDE NUMBERS. Silent majority spoke and will speak again. Thank you.
11:59 and saying about foreign workers spitting in food putting in their minds for them to do this or that is okay all because of a show of support for President Trump.
Oh Please. He stepped in the crap now let him clean it off by himself. Nothing changed in his mind. He still finds President Trump supporters nauseating and repulsive. He may fool some but he won't fool me.
Yep absolutely correct.
And we fisherman will not forget it.
No one could have expressed such a cruel and bitter opinion as publicly as Mr. Gillis did about President Obama without a public attack on the writer’s character. Mr. Gillis is only being disagreed with in as personal a manner as he expressed his opinion. He should take it; he earned it.
Where did the nastyness and hatefulness come from ? P.gillis that's who.
The tone and name calling was the problem for me...and the flames fanned by the DT. When do you ever see a photo like that with a LTE. Debate with facts not insults. He knew precisely what he was doing. He just underestimated our ability to focus on facts and issues of civil discourse.
Like DC is The Swamp, Salisbury is known as The Crotch of the Eastern Shore. Gillis is one of the Crotch Creatures. When called out all he can holler is prove it! If he weren't harboring thoughts that his own business actions weren't up to par he would say something to the effect that his business practices have always without fail been legal, ethical and have never not been a benefit to the community-something along those lines. But he doesn't why? Because he knows the truth and is afraid that proof would be forthcoming.
The Gillis's attempt to intimidate public displays of support for our President backfired because they believed their rights superseded others. Shame on them, and they deserve the backlash.
I would like to see the Daily Times post someone's rebuttal to the editorial that was written! That would, of course never happen.
Trump supporters at the Open, were a heck of a lot more classy than Gillis! They weren't putting anyone down or acting like a pompous Ass, again like Gillis. It is obvious he is trying to back track his moronic remarks. The thing is, I bet he really thought he was rallying the troops, and would able to do so due to his station or influence from success. Nope!
What I read was just a very long pathetic rant of a Judge Smails type sour puss, that apparently also, a whole lot of people can't stand. He MUST think he DESERVES the right to wright that garbage in a news paper simply because he's rich. That was an obviously bad move.
Joe, in my eyes, you are definitely the bigger man here. It was obviously you who opened a dialogue. I believe that's what most conservatives want. Not to be called racists, Nazi's, etc.
I believe he will truly think twice when he wants to put pen to paper and disparage true Americans, that are not breaking any laws, and not affecting anyone with their behavior. When you fell the need to editorialize against those kind of true citizens, you're going to lose that argument. Every. Single. Time.
Come on people , an opinion article is just that ...an opinion.
Did you read: "support your right to display your flags?, Avoid not boycott? "Respect for freedom of speech " ,
I know that you find it hard to believe but there are some people who don not like Trump OR Obama OR Hillary . Did you ever consider that possibility ?
90% have missed the point of this post!
Same stripes Palmer has shown in business conduct for years. No surprise there.
Best article and post I've seen on this blog.
Political? Lay aside our POLITICAL views??! These people are stupid. I guess your so busy spending all that money to realize this Country is at war. 8 years of an illegitimate pres {and several before him} thats done everything in their power to destroy this Country....and you want us to shake hands and hug those that support THEM, those that dont want things corrected and fixed?, the enemy? No no no...its time to water the Tree of Liberty! You brush it off as political because you refused to wake the ell up and see it for what it is. We must rebuke the liberal progressive communist, not encourage them, not support them, not befriend them but rather destroy them and their poison. Either you support Pres Trump and The Plan....or your part of the problem, the enemy!
Great Humanitarian wants the Flags supporting the current President removed from a private boat because he doesn't like the ELECTED PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA?! Democrats are a party of racist and hypocritical dictators.
11:59 exactly right!
True true true.
No divide here. It's all in peoples' heads. How some might think that this kerfuffle could negatively affect the turnout or the receipts of the annual arts fundraiser is a mystery.
My crystal ball says that it'll be the most successful year ever.
Thank you for putting the truth on the table. Very well said. Kudos.
" Anonymous said...
No divide here. It's all in peoples' heads. How some might think that this kerfuffle could negatively affect the turnout or the receipts of the annual arts fundraiser is a mystery.
My crystal ball says that it'll be the most successful year ever.
September 3, 2018 at 2:55 PM"
That's great. People have a right to want to be in the presence of Crotch Creatures if they so desire. They should just be forewarned to watch what they say because they may find spittle in their food.
"Hopefully, they will not spit in your food"
Lol sure.
Do you ever argue while hunting?
For Palmer Gillis damage is already done!
Could Joe take out a full page ad and blast DemocRATS and there snowflake gays ?
I think NOT.
This is a sell-out. If Palmer Gillis is sincere, he will post an apology that is equal in length to his distasteful original that recognizes the amazing achievements of President Trump that have taken place in the mere 19 months of his Presidency. All of them inspite of a Democratic party that has put up road blocks at every level.
Is the fundraiser by invite only? I would like to attend
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Oh Please. He stepped in the crap now let him clean it off by himself. Nothing changed in his mind. He still finds President Trump supporters nauseating and repulsive. He may fool some but he won't fool me.
September 3, 2018 at 12:17 PM
Amen!! F... him!
Palmer your true Faded colors have already bee exposed.
Art ?
Support a bunch of anti never Trumpers.
No thanx i will buy my Trump Art elsewhere.
No one has thanked Mark. Truth be known in my opinion Mark Odachowski was the "fixer-upper". Mark is a man with common sense who does not pound his chest or toot his own horn.. I feel sure he spoke with both parties in hopes of finding mutual grounds on which to "agree to disagree". I think as far as Joe and Palmer the disagreement is under control. and that is great, The blog readers are still spewing nonsense but I would expect no different from those anonymous folks.
Thank you Mark Odachowski for the flag and for your part in ending WW III. You are a good guy, willing to give your all to friend and foe..
And the DT will provide equal space for a supporter to publish a letter about the accomplishments of our president.
We have bought our $125 per person tickets to Ocean City Art League fundraiser at the Gillis'and are seriously considering not attending because of the negative comments about me and my wife. His apology is forced. BTW the function is open to the public.
2 great Americans !!
I never read his attack on Obama but I assume it was based on policy, not on who choses to show their support for the President.
I hope all the trump boaters show up behind his snowflake house as we are already talking about it in OC.
On September 12 Trump flag show at Gillis home on the bay.
Aren't you a fool @two thumbs up? your here!!
Ironically, but not unexpectedly, the only reason Mr. Gillis had to backpedal was because SBY News shared the existence of his rant in the newspaper.
His thoughts, and the terms he used, were upsetting and unacceptable to quite a few people and many shared their reactions with Joe and the blog.
The handful of DT subscribers that remain either carry Progressive water or completely discount the nonsense the DT publishes and just need something to line the bird cage so they were unlikely to take issue with his terminology. The DT seems to go literally weeks without any comments to what it spills ink on.
So it is good news that the trio pictured could find common ground. Hopefully the Art League event will go smoothly, and the gallery will continue to receive enthusiastic support from all art lovers.
Word is boats will be there Sept 12 lol
who are the two?
7:25 Could you please explain the obsession you people have with anon comments? It's as if you people are consumed with knowing who is who. In this day and age where democrats are calling for the stalking, harassment and violence against President Trump supporters it is very concerning that some of you are so obsessed with the anon commenters.
Hey Gillis
What are you going to do when Trump Wins Again in 2020 ? Will you be on pink hat alert ? Or will you need another 5 course meal on the bay to take your mind off of it ?.
I agree with 8:12 completely. My name would be an invitation to these crazies for an act of violence.
Don't worry there snoowflake war is coming if we can get them out of mommy's basement.
Ok so now Gillis wants Trump supporters to support his fundraiser. ok you spend your hard earned money to attend that event and Gillis gets your money. Gillis makes a donation and Gillis gets to take the tax write off under charities. So who is the fool here. He mocks you Trump supporters and now he wants you to PAY to go to his event with your Trump gear so he can mock you somemore while getting your money and he gets to write off your money that you pay to get in. smart man. Or so he thinks. If you want to make a donation to his charity then you make the check to that charity and then you get to make that write off under charities. NOT him. Soon as you sign up to go he has your money. Think....
The majority?? You’re the arrogant one to believe the “MAJORITY” agrees with you. YOU people are the ones who cant take some one elses opinions only because theyre different from your own! You people are the ones who go to great lengths to keep people that think differently to you from speaking their minds. Every one is entitled to free speech.
Holding up an American flag only insults me more because it proves the Gillis' lack any understanding that the backlash is not about being a democrat or a republican. The Palmers insulted Trump supporters with inflammatory allegations.
I hope the Art League cuts ties with Palmer Gillis. Palmer's article went way beyond a political opinion.
Trump is Trump. He was elected by those who felt our freedoms were being threatened under Obama and Hillary. The Trump Administration has done well to turn us around in the right direction. He is here for at least two more years unless something is found to cause him to be forced out. But for now, we need to focus on the foreign entities paying protesters and the media to promote their evil deeds to destroy us.
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