DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest Contact Publisher Joe Albero at alberobutzo@wmconnect.com or 410-430-5349
Sunday, September 09, 2018
Salisbury Maryland Mayor Jake Day Failed, Period
Look, we were right, they were wrong, period. Jake Day is the child we said he was and the images above continue to prove he is a boy in a man's job.
I mean, you have a national festival coming and Salisbury simply looks like crap. There has been plenty of time to get things done and guess what, there are NO EXCUSES.
Yes, Salisbury has finally proven they are beyond saving. This is like sending your daughter off to her wedding without a dress, a preacher and a reception. OK, that's unfair, we are talking about the Eastern Shore, you come up with the comparison.
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Tom Stevenson add this to your list of failures. Anyone that is the director of public works operations should have been on their asses. This is pathetic examples of craftsmanship
But but but
At least Jake's welfare Snowflakes work and don't live in mommy's basement ? Oooooooppppppsssssss sorry my bad.
Good keep blasting this child of a pt gayor he and the new Dem party NDP (SOCIALISTS) want to be a Venezuela AKA Salisbury.
This is the danger when the children gain power. Day is a child, and his staff of recent SU grads are children, thrown in a grown up job. But what is scarier is if that if Ocasio-Cortez and her ilk gain power. These are privileged children in real, consequential positions of power. Very dangerous.
I love Salisbury and believe that it’s not beyond saving, but nothing good is possible while the likes of Day, Heath, and Ireton are in office.
Is that supposed to be a wheel chair ramp in the bottom pic? Possible law suit waiting to happen!
Another day in paradise!
Don't think so. Just incomplete work...
I hope Fake Jake goes down as the worst Mayor in the State of Maryland history. Everything he touches is a disaster, the idea that he was going to make Salisbury another Inner Harbor was a prediction of what was to come. The only reason he is mayor is that he had no opponent. There are a lot of people out there that would have done a better job Joe Albero for one if he had run in this election he would have won hands down. Jake is about to make history in the wrong way it's going to be the Festival of the Beverly Hillbillies show remember that show?
I've seen better 'construction' done by a couple of kids with their Tonka trucks!
...and 3:26 pm, that can't be a wheelchair ramp ... there is no 'gay painted' crosswalk there!
Should have called Domino's!
That's why it's called da bury,nothing but a shit hole.
Thats what happens when Daddy gets you your job
OK everything about Salisbury is lost. Joe if I were you, I'd pack my bag and head elsewhere 'cause there ain't nuthin' here left in Salisbury to destroy. I gonna stick around' cause I'm retired, my house and car are paid for and I figure I have budgeted to pay my taxes another ten years. If I ain't dead I'll probably be in bad enough shape by then to be in a nursing home,
Actually I like Salisbury and my neighborhood and hope to spend the. rest of my life here. The grass is never greener elsewhere. Every town/city has its problems and one or two idiot leaders. I just look for the good to stay content. After giving it a bit of thought I figure I enjoy life, while living in Salisbury and I'd look the fool if I told- say Snow Hill or Cambridge or Easton - what's wrong with their town and how they should be running it. .
At least the park is cleaned up along the shoreline. Unfortunately it took this folk festival to do it. Should've been done many years ago so we could fish and feel safe. And enjoy the band concerts next year..
Parking in the lot where the old mall was will be a mess, as the geese live there. I was there last night and it smelled like the zoo with goose droppings all over. Plus they fly over and drop.
I could not believe the state was running street cleaners down Rt. 13 this morning. such a waste.
Ooohhh, the force is strong with this one...
So sad to see Salisbury continue to go downhill...
Boy Toy, you really failed this time! Better pray for that rain rain to go away! Take pictures of you praying so your snowflakes can feel for you!
The rest of us - can't wait until you are gone!
like sending your daughter off to prom in a ripped up dress and knotted up hair and hairy legs.
Failing the public just like his drug tests. Should have been fired a very long time ago.
Well looks like there is plenty of fresh tar. All we need now are some feathers and a Mob.
You have some pretty inferior people attempting to run your city. Is it "TRUE" the guy that is the department head for public works operations signed off on this inferior work?? Is it also true the same idiot was actually tour city administrator at one time? Wow no wonder this whole ordeal has turned into a shitstorm. Why did the mayor take 20 plus people down to Greensboro last year if this is the best finished product that could offer!! Salisbury you've been ripped off
Hope they billed the owners of the old mall as opposed to having the taxpayers foot the bill. The City never had the owners keep it cleaned up for years
Is this what a city planner does? No wonder the city hasn't hired one on before this.
What a mess! Someone is not properly supervising or they just don't care about how the end results look, as long as they get it done. Poor management...period!
This is typical of jake day Incomplete just like his life and mayoral ship.
Boy mare should 'bury his head in shame.
Hahaha I love it
jake day needs to be TARRED AND FEATHERED.
Please post the phone numbers of the different offices I will need to call next Monday when I file my injury lawsuit against the city after getting hurt with on all these hazardous curbs and streets.
Failed architect.
Failed urban planner.
Maybe Jake can go back to school, again, on his Father's dime, again. How many hundreds of thousands of dollars has his Pop's pissed away trying to educate that boy? University of MD College Park, Carnegie Mellon, AND Oxford? And Pops still had to give him a job at Perdue, after all that? Yeesh. You really can't fix stupid.
You can start with so called public works director of operations Tom Stevenson then on to Julie glantz then Jake Day. The three stooges f'd things up again. I think the idiots are realizing now 2021 was the year to try and host this festival. Their just throwing shit at the wall and hoping a little of it sticks
The city of Salisbury department heads aren't being supervised!! There's no fear of repercussions because their bosses know less than they do.
Yep. Just as ADA compliant as the rainbow crosswalk. Probably doing botch work because they know it'll get destroyed and we waste more money doing it again or just leaving it and making the next developer pay for it. Someone call ADA Regulators in here. See the City employees approving this in a real shock.
With the weather forecast, it's a disaster about to happen if it is not canceled.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
I love Salisbury and believe that it’s not beyond saving, but nothing good is possible while the likes of Day, Heath, and Ireton are in office.
September 5, 2018 at 3:23 PM
But, you forgot to mention the Bodabuffoon.
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