DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest Contact Publisher Joe Albero at alberobutzo@wmconnect.com or 410-430-5349
Sunday, September 30, 2018
A Viewer Writes: 3 Socialists Attended the County Council Forum
These 3 Socialists attended the County Council Forum last night hosted by the liberal Chesapeake Bay Foundation, PACE and the Daily Times. The audience was about half full and mostly SU college students that had to sign in to get credit for classes taught by PACE professors. It was strategically held at the liberal university to give the Progressive Socialists the upper hand . Questions included climate change, chicken farms, banning straws and plastic bags and banning an oil pipeline in Maryland. The Progressive Socialists wanted to ban everything. Jamaad Gould went as far as to say he was a trouble maker and that the chicken houses and the pipeline are designed to be built near black neighborhoods and the others agreed. Josh Hastings answered his first question with an attack on President Trump. What was interesting was the fact that these Socialist candidates attended this liberal forum but Jamaad Gould and Michele Gregory were No Shows at the Fraternal Order Of Police Forum the night before. Just Hastings was there but he told multiple lies like he did during his last campaign. That spoke volumes about these 3 County Council Candidates.
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Troublemaker? Maybe. Troubled? Definitely.
Don't even call democrats socialists, liberals, progressives anymore. They are nasties. They are all liars except when they self described as nasty. They are nasty and the lowest form of life worthless in every aspect. What this party has become is a disgrace and people like Mathias and Sample Hughes if they themselves were people of any character wouldn't be running as democrats and they would be denouncing the democrats loudly and publicly. Look what the filth is trying to do to Judge Kavanaugh.
3 clowns looking to show off who have never done anything productive their entire miserable lives. Liars coming from generations of garbage who couldn't even raise them properly and to be honest.
If Progressives get elected, you'd better make plans to move.
We need to stand up and fight this wave of useful idiots. How about you let us know when the next gathering of these loosers will be. We can show up in mass to rip their ideals to shreds.
I actually think idiots who blindly follow whatever words come out of elected officials' mouths are more dangerous
I met Gould. He is pushing to repeal the tax cap. And he thinks we should spend the $$ the county has saved for black youth programs.
Here's the interesting thing. He claims that although the county has rarely raised taxes to the cap maximum we need to repeal it so that they can tax us more. Huh? Why do we need to repeal a cap when we are not being taxed to the max?
Maybe he should follow the path of his hero and start out as a community organizer.
His fb page is littered with this common narrative and he fails to see that his common thread is all about racism - but he is not racist.
Jamaad Gould
October 4, 2017 ·
The funniest thing about white supremacists is they all claim to be Christian and Jesus and almost all biblical characters are black or Arabic. ������ You literally worship what you claim to hate the most.������������
Jamaad Gould
August 13, 2017 ·
����We don't dislike white people. We dislike white supremacy pushed by racist white people.����♂️
Jamaad Gould
September 24, 2017 ·
Respecting the flag and respecting the military have nothing to do with each other ��
Jamaad Gould is with Riyon Henry and 20 others.
September 5, 2017 ·
Today is a very important day for all black people on the eastern shore. So I'm calling out all musicians or anybody in entertainment that has a following around here. We really need all of you to show support. Get all your fans to 125 North Division Street , 3rd floor room 301 by 5:45 to help us in the fight for justice.
Jamaad Gould
August 16, 2017 ·
The Confederacy were traitors. They literally committed treason. Why do you want to honor them with statues and monuments? #QTNA #ISeriouslyWantToKnow
Jamaad Gould
August 15, 2017 ·
So Kap disrespected the flag by taking a knee in protest of racial injustice and you scream angrily but Klan members use it to support racism and you quiet. I'm ����
Jamaad Gould
August 13, 2017 ·
PSA: The Black Panthers and BLM were/are not terrorist organizations. ������♂️
Jamaad Gould
May 23, 2014 ·
In the garden of Eden I don't believe the snake was evil. I believe that story is tremendously misinterpreted. If you are to believe the story happened you have to see that by eating the fruit we gained knowledge and true free will but God in the story wanted to keep us ignorant and controlled. I would think that our ultimate creator and parent would want us to grow and be like him not stay lost little children. #DeepThought
Jamaad Gould
July 7, 2014 ·
Scrolling down my tl tonight and I saw one of the most disturbing things I have seen in a very long time. Now the back and forth particulars didn't bother me because it's America and we have freedom of speech and everyone is entitled to their own opinion (even if it is obviously stemming from a deep seeded psychological disorder or traumatic incident). However, what did bother me is that someone in this day and age has the audacity to emphatically say I'm a racist, I don't mess with blacks, and referring to black people as niggers and monkeys. Thus, I'm taking it upon myself to school this little girl.
Fact: All people are descended from a common ancestor that lived in Africa. Given the extreme heat and sun in the area the person in order to have survived long enough to successful breed and create a breeding population that would last for multiple millennium would have to have an abundant amount of Melanin. If you don't know what that means it means that they would have been black. So, as much as you would hate to admit it and want to be disrespectful you as well as everyone else on this planet that is a homosapien (Which is all modern man) has genetic qualities of black people in them. In lament's terms you're part black.
Fact: In a recent issue of National Geographic it was said that by the year 2050 everyone in America will have brown skin due to the exponential increase of interracial dating which subsequently is leading an exponential increase of interracial children. So, your child that you attain from "only being with white's" will eventually be forced to be with someone that is a recent black decent and not of "pure blood".
I hope you learned something from this and your continual comments where you insist on being ostentatious about your ignorance will come to a immediate halt.
Climate change? I did find out that the weather channel said with no cloud cover we will have 325, 000, 000 people seeing sun shine today , isn't that amazing ,
of course they said the same number will experience darkness tonight.
Abolish socialists and democrats
These are the fruitcakes Wicomico County schools produce now? Wow have they been led astray.
These are the types of decisions Mr Gould makes and he wants to control your money - he bought into this get rich quick scheme.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
WakeUpNow was a multi-level marketing organization based in Provo, Utah, that sold products and services focused on health and financial management. It was founded in 2009 by Troy Muhlestein. The company ceased operations in the United States on February 16, 2015.
Jamaad Gould
March 19, 2014 ·
Just bought a car, got it insured, and tagged but I don`t have money to continue the insurance payments or for gas. Well it's a good thing I'm making $300 of residual income a month from Wake Up Now. You all can stay sleep if you want but I want this money. #WakeUpNow
Jamaad Gould
March 19, 2014 ·
For those of you that doubt just know Wake Up Now is not a scam. I repeat WAKE UP NOW IS NOT A SCAM. That being said if you wanna make money let me know and I'll make it happen.
Jamaad Gould
March 17, 2014 ·
There are many people out here struggling and they don`t have to be. If you have $100 and you wanna make legal money to do little or to no work or you want to save money on everyday items like groceries I have an investment for you. Either comment or dm me and I'll get you all the details.
Jamaad Gould
March 17, 2014 ·
Eric Ross is not the smartest man but admittedly i have to tip my hat tip him. He was right about Wake Up Now. IT IS NOT A SCAM and is actually very lucrative and a more than worthwhile investment.
Hint, hint - do not vote for these nutcases.
So they didn't actually talk about COUNTY policies? Great, glad they know the job they are running for.
Too many libs have moved to the lower shore in recent years. Socialists would not even be heard 40 years ago. Change is not always good.
"...the chicken houses and the pipeline are designed to be built near black neighborhoods and the others agreed."
That's disturbing.
That the others agreed is even more disturbing.
These are the types of decisions Mr Gould makes and he wants to control your money - he bought into this get rich quick scheme.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
WakeUpNow was a multi-level marketing organization based in Provo, Utah, that sold products and services focused on health and financial management. It was founded in 2009 by Troy Muhlestein. The company ceased operations in the United States on February 16, 2015.
Jamaad Gould
March 19, 2014 ·
Just bought a car, got it insured, and tagged but I don`t have money to continue the insurance payments or for gas. Well it's a good thing I'm making $300 of residual income a month from Wake Up Now. You all can stay sleep if you want but I want this money. #WakeUpNow
Jamaad Gould
March 19, 2014 ·
For those of you that doubt just know Wake Up Now is not a scam. I repeat WAKE UP NOW IS NOT A SCAM. That being said if you wanna make money let me know and I'll make it happen.
Jamaad Gould
March 17, 2014 ·
There are many people out here struggling and they don`t have to be. If you have $100 and you wanna make legal money to do little or to no work or you want to save money on everyday items like groceries I have an investment for you. Either comment or dm me and I'll get you all the details.
Jamaad Gould
March 17, 2014 ·
Eric Ross is not the smartest man but admittedly i have to tip my hat tip him. He was right about Wake Up Now. IT IS NOT A SCAM and is actually very lucrative and a more than worthwhile investment.
How do you know that they didn’t go to the FOP forum, or went, and told lies?
Climate change? I'm going to go out on a limb here, it's getting ready to get cooler.
Stay focused in November - Vote, show up, and make your voice count! As much as some Republican candidates suck, vote (R). We must wipe all Democrats, Liberals, and Progressives from elected positions.
That hilarious to think that they haven’t already infuriated your ranks already. MWHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!
Brother, I was born and raised here all my life. So have most of my comrades.
So talking about racism and pointing it out makes you racist now? Ooookkkkkiiiieee dokie.
progressive scialist aka COMMUNISTS Hang them ALL.
Based on his rants posted by 8;03 ..He is a LUCIFERIAN. Anyone who beives in socislism is anti God. Deny the truth all you want, but satan wont save you jamaad. You have fallen for his lies, deceit and jumped on his hatred evil bandwagon.
I thought these particular people are from here?
Throughout the Bible, the sluggard — the one who does not work or is lazy — is condemned and observed to experience disaster.
"A little sleep, a little slumber, a little folding of the hands to rest — and poverty will come on you like a thief and scarcity like an armed man." Proverbs 24:33-34
But for those whose work yields a profit, sharing with those in need is expected, and not something we can delegate to the government. The Apostle Paul was a great example of this, paying his own way as a tentmaker, and urging others to work to pay for themselves and others.
In Acts 20:35, Paul wrote, "In all things I have shown you that by working hard in this way we must help the weak and remember the words of the Lord Jesus, how he himself said, 'It is more blessed to give than to receive.'"
Socialism insinuates that the person who works is not deserving of the reward and breeds resentment against those who have success and it also weakens the connection between work and reward. Fundamentally, it violates the 10th commandment, "thou shalt not covet," by encouraging people to look at what others have, deciding what should be taken away. But to build lasting wealth and resources, labor is required.
As Christians, we are called to work to the best of our ability, to care for our families and those in need around us. Our work is one way that we communicate to the world around us what a life submitted to Christ can be. We want to honor God with our efforts.
Colossians 3:23 puts it well: "Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters."
Anonymous said...
So talking about racism and pointing it out makes you racist now? Ooookkkkkiiiieee dokie.
September 27, 2018 at 11:27 AM
Only if you are white. Apparently this rule doesn't apply to other ethnicities.
And white supremacists can also believe in Jesus. Just like criminal black do. I find it interesting that black men can father and not support 5 children with 5 different women and invoke the lords name all the time and act all christian.
Someone needs to educate this person about the black panthers. Obviously drinking from the BLM trough. His only education on this group must have been from a hollywood movie. So ill-informed. Nice to get a good look at his true beliefs.
Jamaad Gould
August 13, 2017 ·
PSA: The Black Panthers and BLM were/are not terrorist organizations
How did you need money. Just get Jameel to loan you a few thousand. Oh that's right the cops seized it as drug proceeds. As for your Black rhetoric planes and ships leave daily to your mother land. Do me a favor and board one stay there for awhile and see how superior you race actually is. Lincoln had the idea to eventually ship all Africans back. Sadly he was assassinated. As for confederate monuments the South is as entitled to those monuments as you are to join the Panthers or Black Lies Matter. I am guessing you were a breached birth.
Non-terrorists Panthers = Panthers had engaged in eight gun battles nationally, in which three police officers and five Panthers died. Four of the shootouts, including one in which two police officers were killed, occurred in Chicago.
Jim Ireton's ole buddy Cuck Cook is the idol of these clowns. They are all nasty people and they are playing dirty politics to get elected and to defame Republicans. They are trying to run Trump, Hogan, Harris and the local candidates out of office and they will do anything necessary to accomplish that.
One thing Democrats need to know is just because these people are registered as Democrats they are NOT Democrats. These clowns are SOCIALISTS. They are not Democratic Socialists, they are SOCIALISTS! They are only registered as Democrats because they can't register as Socialists.
Do not vote for these clowns, please vote for all Republicans. These guys are dangerous.
Anonymous said...
Jamaad Gould
July 7, 2014 ·
Scrolling down my tl tonight and I saw one of the most disturbing things I have seen in a very long time. Now the back and forth particulars didn't bother me because it's America and we have freedom of speech and everyone is entitled to their own opinion (even if it is obviously stemming from a deep seeded psychological disorder or traumatic incident). However, what did bother me is that someone in this day and age has the audacity to emphatically say I'm a racist, I don't mess with blacks, and referring to black people as niggers and monkeys. Thus, I'm taking it upon myself to school this little girl.
Fact: All people are descended from a common ancestor that lived in Africa. Given the extreme heat and sun in the area the person in order to have survived long enough to successful breed and create a breeding population that would last for multiple millennium would have to have an abundant amount of Melanin. If you don't know what that means it means that they would have been black. So, as much as you would hate to admit it and want to be disrespectful you as well as everyone else on this planet that is a homosapien (Which is all modern man) has genetic qualities of black people in them. In lament's terms you're part black.
Fact: In a recent issue of National Geographic it was said that by the year 2050 everyone in America will have brown skin due to the exponential increase of interracial dating which subsequently is leading an exponential increase of interracial children. So, your child that you attain from "only being with white's" will eventually be forced to be with someone that is a recent black decent and not of "pure blood".
I hope you learned something from this and your continual comments where you insist on being ostentatious about your ignorance will come to a immediate halt.
September 27, 2018 at 8:03 AM
"In lament's terms you're part black."
I think he meant "In Layman's" terms.
And this poor miscreant is supposed to be college educated? That's what you get from a black college. He shouldn't have even qualified to be accepted to any college.
This guy is functionally illiterate and a racist and he wants to be an elected leader? Only a fool would vote for him.
Hey Jared Schablein. How is your election going?
Michele Gregory is unemployed and in desperate need of a job with healthcare benefits since the state closed down her rancid day care center.
Anonymous said...
These are the fruitcakes Wicomico County schools produce now? Wow have they been led astray.
September 27, 2018 at 8:16 AM
You are correct and one of their butt buddies tried to get elected to the Wicomico County Board of Education. Thank God Ann Suthowski beat him in the Primary.
Seamus Benn is an LGBTQ moron that was hated in school and at St. Francis. This tool has some serious brain cell damage.
Jamaad Gould's brother, Jermeel Gould, murdered his wife this past Easter Sunday right in front of her 3 young children.
You people don't know it, but Jamaad Gould was an accessory and should have been charged.
Josh Hastings is going around lying to people again and telling anyone what they want to hear just like he did 4 years ago. Vote Suzannah Cain for the Wicomico County Council, District 4.
You know what is sad?
The Wicomico County Education Association has endorsed Lying Josh Hastings and gave him money for his campaign.
Yes, the people responsible your educating our children is trying to get this Douche Bag elected to the Wicomico County Council because they think he is going to do like his Socialist buddy Ben Jealous promised and give them all a 29% pay raise.
Josh Hastings has been lying to the teachers and the Superintendent and promised them to "fully fund" Pre-K and to "fully fund" the Board of Educations budget. LIES, LIES, LIES!
Vote Republican.
Anonymous said...
Jamaad Gould
August 16, 2017 ·
The Confederacy were traitors. They literally committed treason. Why do you want to honor them with statues and monuments? #QTNA #ISeriouslyWantToKnow
September 27, 2018 at 8:03 AM
"The Confederacy were traitors. They literally committed treason."
The Confederacy were traitors? That doesn't even make sense. You obviously don't know grammar and sentence structure.
Please tell me how the Southerners were traitors? How did they commit treason?
You are one illiterate and uneducated black man.
Anonymous said...
Someone needs to educate this person about the black panthers. Obviously drinking from the BLM trough. His only education on this group must have been from a hollywood movie. So ill-informed. Nice to get a good look at his true beliefs.
Jamaad Gould
August 13, 2017 ·
PSA: The Black Panthers and BLM were/are not terrorist organizations
September 27, 2018 at 2:36 PM
You can't educate black people like him. It's his way or no way and he is all about making the black man look superior and they can not do any wrong.
The Black Panthers and the Black Lives Matters thugs and thuggettes are racist criminals, just like Jamaad is. It runs in his family, just look at Jermeal.
Oh yea and he was pushing Ben Jealous.
I laughed.
That's not going to happen.
Anonymous said...
So they didn't actually talk about COUNTY policies? Great, glad they know the job they are running for.
September 27, 2018 at 8:24 AM
No! They use that term "policy" all the time, but they know nothing about policy, especially Wicomico County policy.
Anonymous said...
Based on his rants posted by 8;03 ..He is a LUCIFERIAN. Anyone who beives in socislism is anti God. Deny the truth all you want, but satan wont save you jamaad. You have fallen for his lies, deceit and jumped on his hatred evil bandwagon.
September 27, 2018 at 12:27 PM
He is definitely a Christian. What is funny is all these black thugs are atheist but come Sunday morning they dress in their Sunday best and go to church with Mamma. Typical of that uneducated mentality.
Liberals and Socialists are starting to show attend more churches so they can convert the church to their sick mental illnesses. Look at the fake pastor John Wright of the "Unitarian Universalist Fellowship at Salisbury,
Home of Liberal Religion on Maryland’s Eastern Shore." You know, the fake pastor and the fake religion. He is the "pastor" that recently got arrested when Jamaad, Michele Gregory, James Yamakawa, Jake Burdette, Josh Hastings, Jared Schablein and other kids were at the Worcester County Jail protesting ICE and Immigration. Old man John Wright crossed the street as he was going after a counter protestor in an unprovoked attack. This "pastor" got arrested.
Anonymous said...
Troublemaker? Maybe. Troubled? Definitely.
September 27, 2018 at 7:36 AM
Jamaad Gould is a troublemaker and he is proud of it. This young black thug comes from a family of hatred. He hates white people, he hates Republicans, he hates God and more than anything he hates Cops.
This worthless piece of shit does not deserve to be elected to any office.
Michele Gregory is unemployed due to running a dangerous daycare center. She failed nearly all Maryland State safety inspections. The state finally had enough and took her daycare license away from her.
From her own Facebook page:
"I am a professional early childhood educator with over 20 years experience in child care and early education."
Typical of a Socialist to lie to the public to get elected. Michele Gregory is NOT an "early childhood educator." Just because you run a daycare doesn't mean you deserve the title of "Educator." You have to go to college and gain a degree in education to become an educator. Michele Gregory did not go to college and get an education degree or any type of education certification or license. She is nothing but a lazy babysitter that got shut down by the state of Maryland. She is a LIAR!
Quit calling your self an educator, call yourself a former babysitter.
The voters sh!t canned Josh Hastings 4 years ago in District 3 and now he moved to District 4. Please, voters, Josh Hastings needs to be sh!t canned again. Vote for Ms. Cain.
These 3 dregs of society do not deserve to be elected to Wicomico County. They are misfits and they are not Democrats of Democrat Socialists. They call themselves Progressives, but again they are not Democrats.
Ben Jealous NO!
Dan O'Hare NO!
Bill McCain NO!
Jamaad Gould NO!
Alex Scott NO!
Michele Gregory NO!
Josh Hastings NO!
Jamaad Gould, Michele Gregory and Josh Hastings are a members of "ANTIFA Wicomico" and endorsed by the Lower Shore Progressive Caucus. Nothing but a group of far-left misfits.
These misfits include:
Josh Hastings
Bill McCain
Ron Pagano
Seamus Benn
Jared Schablein
Michele Gregory
Dan O'Hare
Jake Burdette
Michael Feldman
James Yamakawa
Pastor John Wright
Jamaad Gould
Sarah Meyers
Judy Davis
Jim Mathias
Michael Pullen
Judy Davis
Kirkland Hall
Jake Day
Jim Ireton
Chuck Cook
Jackie Welfonder
Jeff Schablien
Amber Green
Feel free to add to this list.
From Lying Josh's Facebook page.
Josh Hastings
June 27 ·
Honored to win the Wicomico Council Primary Election last night, but November 06th is the real hurdle. Thank you for all the wonderful support and please like my page
Ok, seriously! If anyone is paying attention he didn't have an opponent in the Primary Election so what is it that he won?
Just like Gay Day didn't have an opponent in the city race so they make it sound like they were deserving and worked so hard to win a race.
What a bunch of losers that fall for crap like this.
Vote Susannah Cain so we don't have to see his lying arse again.
Josh Hastings was endorsed and funded by the Wicomico County Education Association in July. This goes to show you how low the Lawless Teachers Union will go to get more funding for their pay raises and pensions.
Josh Hastings treasurer is Harlan Eagle, a school board employee.
Josh Hastings brother is Joe Hastings, a school board employee.
Josh Hastings sister-in-law is a school board employee.
Josh Hastings twin sister is a school board employee.
Josh Hastings keeps telling everyone that his sister has to "spend $800 or her own money for supplies in her classroom." This is absolutely false and a lie to get people to feel sorry for them. What they buy is on their own and not required. If it was required it would be funded by the school board. This is more of their Pity Party Bullsh!t.
What does this tell you?? It says Josh Hastings is a libtard and he will vote to fully fund the School Board's pet projects raises for the teachers.
Another reason not to vote for this clown.
Lying Josh's sign at the bottom says "For Fairness & Opportunity." Fairness about what? Opportunity for who and why? There is nothing that is not fair in our county or county government. There is opportunity for everyone who gets off their lazy a$$ and works.
Who is going to vote for Lying Josh because he is "For Fairness & Opportunity?" What kind of campaign platform is that? Sounds like he stole that tagline from another LGBTQ Progressives campaign yard sign.
Lying Josh you definitely give many of us normal the creeps. Please vote for Suzannah Cain if you live in District 4.
Josh Hastings is a member of ANTIFA Wicomico and endorsed by the Lower Shore Progressive Caucus. Nothing but a group of far-left misfits.
These misfits include:
Josh Hastings
Bill McCain
Ron Pagano
Seamus Benn
Jared Schablein
Michele Gregory
Dan O'Hare
Jake Burdette
Michael Feldman
James Yamakawa
Pastor John Wright
Jamaad Gould
Sarah Meyers
Judy Davis
Jim Mathias
Michael Pullen
Judy Davis
Kirkland Hall
Jake Day
Jim Ireton
Chuck Cook
Jackie Welfonder
Jeff Schablein
Amber Green
Earle Hatton
Christopher Aulerich
Susan Hargreaves Parker
Chad Parker(Susan Parker's adult son)
Elizabeth Graisbery Parker(Susan Parkers daughter in law)
John Wright is the Gay Minister at Unitarian Universalist Fellowship at Salisbury that got arrested in Worcester County for trying to attack a Republican counter-protester. That's right a gay minister, attack, arrested. Doesn't sound Christian-like to me.
Jeff Schablein is a Boy Scout troop leader... I mean Scouts BSA. Very Scary. I've heard some horror stories there.
Christopher Aulerich the same guy that was arrested and charged with MDOP for writing ANTIFA graffiti on downtown Salisbury buildings belonging to Wicomico County, including the courthouse where the Civil War plaque is located.
ANTIFA Wicomico Progressives hate cops and encourages cop killings.
ANTIFA Wicomico Progressives hate ICE who are cops and supports abolishing ICE.
ANTIFA Wicomico Progressives hate Blue Lives Matters and supports cop killers.
ANTIFA Wicomico Progressives celebrates the killing of cops.
ANTIFA Wicomico Progressives hate white men.
ANTIFA Wicomico Progressives are are members of Black Lives Matters and supports their Hate Crimes.
ANTIFA Wicomico Progressives are members of Showing Up For Racial Justice, Delmarva.
Dan O'Hare is running as a Progressive Democrat for the Maryland House of Delegates, 37B.
Jamaad Gould is running as a Progressive Democrat for the Wicomico County Council, At Large.
William "Bill" McCain is running as a Progressive Democrat for the Wicomico County Council, At Large.
Michele Gregory is running as a Progressive Democrat for the Wicomico County Council, District 3.
Josh Hastings is running as a Progressive Democrat for Wicomico County Council District 4.
Jake Burdette ran as a Progressive Democrat and got elected to the Wicomico County Democrat Central Committee. Very Scary! What are you people thinking?
Seamus Benn ran as an underage Progress Democrat for the Wicomico County Board of Education and lost.
Jared Schablein ran as a Progressive Democrat for the Wicomico County Democrat Central Committee and lost.
Earle Hatton ran as a Progressive Democrat for the Wicomico County Democrat Central Committee and lost.
Do not vote for any of these ANTIFA Wicomico Progressives who are Fake Democrats and trying to take over our government. You will be sorry.
If you are a Democrat you would be a fool to vote for these candidates. Say NO to:
Ben Jealous
Dan O'Hare
Jamaad Gould
William "Bill" McCain
Michele Gregory
Josh Hastings
Funny how the Socialists are now calling themselves "Progressives" or Democrat Socialists and about a year ago I referred to them as Democrat Socialists and someone on here said there isn't any such thing as a Democrat Socialist. LMAO, now they are calling themselves Democrat Socialists just to get the support of the Democrats by fooling them into thinking they are still Democrats. The fact of the matter is they are not Democrats.
So..... three socialists walk into a redneck bar in wicomico county......
Anonymous said...
Don't even call democrats socialists, liberals, progressives anymore. They are nasties. They are all liars except when they self described as nasty. They are nasty and the lowest form of life worthless in every aspect. What this party has become is a disgrace and people like Mathias and Sample Hughes if they themselves were people of any character wouldn't be running as democrats and they would be denouncing the democrats loudly and publicly. Look what the filth is trying to do to Judge Kavanaugh.
September 27, 2018 at 7:38 AM
Well I hate to burst your bubble because they are Socialists, they are nasty Socialists.
The reason Sheree Sample Hughs and Jim Mathias hasn't denounced these Socialists and the Democrat Party is because this is who they closely align to.
Anonymous said...
3 clowns looking to show off who have never done anything productive their entire miserable lives. Liars coming from generations of garbage who couldn't even raise them properly and to be honest.
September 27, 2018 at 7:40 AM
AMEN!! These 3 Clown were cut from the cloth. Josh Hastings lies and claims to be supportive of the farmers because his family was farmers. If they were farmers, Josh, they would still be farmers.
Michele Gregory is an unemployed lowlife who refuses to pay her bills and she hates cops and authority. That is why she resists President Trump and Republicans. Republicans have morals and she doesn't.
Jamaad Gould is a born and bred racist who waves that Black Lives Matter flag and the lowlifes like Seam Benn, Jake Burdette, Jared Schablein, James Yamakawa and Jake Day stand with him and waves that racist flag.
Michele Gregory goes by an alias Michele R. Beaumont as well. Be on the lookout for her unscrupulous actions in the public and behind the scenes.
Michele Gregory tried skipping out on paying Ford Motor Credit for a car she stole from them, but they got her. She had to go to trial in August over it.
Convicted! Pay up Beotch!
Original Judgment
Judgment Event Type:
Converted Judgment Event Type
Judgment Against: Gregory, Michele
Judgment in Favor of: Ford Motor Credit Co
Judgment Ordered Date: 03/23/2001
Judgment Entry Date: 03/23/2001
Post Judgment Interest:
Principal Amount: $4,959.83 PreJudgment Interest: $0.00
Other Fee: $0.00 Service Fee: $0.00
Appearance Fee: $0.00 Witness Fee: $0.00
Filing Fee: $0.00 Attorney Fee: $0.00
Amount of Judgment: $4,959.83 Total Indexed Judgment: $4,959.83
Judgment Status Status Date
Entered 03/23/2001
Renewed 03/22/2012
Michele Gregory, you can run but you can't HIDE!!
District Court of Maryland
Case Information
Court System: District Court For Wicomico County - Civil
Location: Wicomico
Case Type: Contract
Filing Date: 08/21/2000
Cause Description
Filed By: Plaintiff
Filed Against: Defendant
Involved Parties Information
Appearance Date: 02/15/2018
2405 YORK ROAD, STE 201
Attorney for the Garnishee
Miles & Stockbridge, P.C.
100 Light Street
Baltimore, MD 21202
Judgment Information: Monetary
Judgment in Favor of: FORD MOTOR CREDIT
Post Judgment Interest: Legal Rate
Principal Amount: $4,682.74
Pre Judgment Interest: $277.09
Filing Fee: $50.00
Attorney Fee: $702.41
Amount of Judgment: $5,712.24
Total Indexed Judgment: $5,712.24
Judgment Status Status Date
Renewed 03/06/2001
Document Name: Motion
File Date: 03/01/2001
Document Name: Lien of Judgment Sent to Circuit Court
File Date: 03/29/2001
Document Name: Lien Of Judgment Recorded in Circuit Court
File Date: 04/02/2001
Document Name: Notice
File Date: 04/09/2001
Document Name: Writ of Garnishment of Property Issued
Document Name: Notice
Document Name: Notice
File Date: 05/03/2001
Document Name: Notice
Document Name: Notice
File Date: 06/21/2001
Document Name: Writ of Garnishment of Property Issued
File Date: 08/14/2002
Document Name: Confession of Assets
File Date: 10/29/2002
Document Name: Renewal of Judgment Filed
File Date: 03/19/2012
Document Name: Circuit Lien Recording Fee
File Date: 03/21/2012
Document Name: Modification or Renewal of Lien Recorded in Circuit Court
Document Name: Notice
File Date: 03/21/2012
File Date: 02/07/2018
Document Name: Request for Writ of Garnishment - Property
Comment: BANK GARN
File Date: 02/15/2018
Document Name: Writ of Garnishment of Property Issued
File Date: 02/16/2018
Document Name: Writ /Summons/Pleading - Electronic Service
File Date: 03/26/2018
Document Name: Affidavit - Service
File Date: 03/26/2018
Document Name: Return of Service - Served
Comment: Enter amount for private process/sheriff service fee only. Fee not to exceed $40.00
File Date: 03/29/2018
Document Name: Answer of Garnishee
File Date: 03/29/2018
Close Date:05/02/2018
Document Name: Motion - Dismiss Garnishment of Property/Assets
File Date: 04/16/2018
Document Name: Returned Mail
File Date: 04/19/2018
Document Name: Returned Mail
File Date: 05/02/2018
Document Name: Order - Motion/Request Granted
Service Status
Writ of Garnishment of Property 08/06/2002
Writ of Garnishment of Property 04/09/2001
Writ - Garnishment of Property 02/15/2018
District Court of Maryland
Court System: District Court For Wicomico County - Civil
Location: Wicomico
Case Type: Contract
Filing Date: 07/18/2008
Case Status: Open
Address: 560 RIVERSIDE DR, STE B201
City: SALISBURYState:MDZip Code:21801
Attorney(s) for the Plaintiff
Appearance Date: 07/18/2008
Address Line 1: 560 Riverside Drive
Address Line 2: A-201
Address Line 3: P.O. Box 272
City: SALISBURYState:MDZip Code:21803
Address: 403 MOSS HILL LN, APT F
City: SALISBURYState:MDZip Code:21804
Original Judgment
Judgment Event Type:
Affidavit Judgment
Judgment Against: GREGORY, MICHELLE R
Judgment in Favor of: DR. LYNN F. ASCHER, PA
Judgment Ordered Date: 10/17/2008
Judgment Entry Date: 10/20/2008
PostJudgment Interest: Legal Rate
Principal Amount: $423.42 PreJudgment Interest: $0.00
Other Fee: $0.00 Service Fee:
Appearance Fee: Witness Fee:
Filing Fee: $60.00 Attorney Fee: $0.00
Amount of Judgment: $483.42 Total Indexed Judgment: $483.42
Michele Gregory owes THOUSANDS of Dollars to various businesses around town and this person wants to be in charge of spending YOUR MONEY??? These judgements are under different names and different spellings.
No wonder she wants free Medicare For All, because she refuses to pay her bills and she believes the government and taxpayers should pay her bills for her.
Only a FOOL would vote for this SOCIALIST!
Makes you go HMMMMMM!!
Case Type: Guardianship, In the Matter of: Ian Beaumont
Why is Genesis Nursing Home Petitioning the state for Guardianship of Ian Beaumont? Why is Michael Holloway the legal guardian? Again it looks like Michele Gregory wants Social Welfare to pay her bills.
Circuit Court of Maryland
Court System: Circuit Court For Wicomico County - Probate
Location: Wicomico Circuit Court
Title: In the Matter of: Ian Beaumont
Case Type: Guardianship
Filing Date: 09/26/2014
Involved Parties Information
Interested Person/ Party
Name: Nostad, Laura
City: Los Angeles State: CA Zip Code:90066
Interested Person/ Party
Name: U S Office Of Personnel Management
Address: Retirement Operations Center
Interested Person/ Party
Name: Social Security Administration
SalisburyState:MD Zip Code: 21801
Name: Holloway, J Michael
City: Baltimore State: MD Zip Code: 21201
Name: Genesis HealthCare Salisbury Rehabilitation Center
Address: 200 Civic Avenue
Attorney(s) for the Petitioner
Name: Sullivan, Terry K Esquire
Name: Beaumont, Ian
Address: 200 Civic Avenue
Attorney(s) for the Respondent
Sorry but I can not find a chicken house in west Salisbury. I've seen them on farms but not one in any neighborhood please post any information on the black neighborhood chicken house I'm curious to find one of these elusive sightings
This whole bunch are POS. The one I can't stomach is O'Hare. The guy thinks we should take care of the whole world and everyone's problems. He defends the rights of the illegal criminals here over those of us born and raised in America. His useless stand on slavery and the Confederacy is played out. And of course he think all of us whitey's live a privileged life. My question is why non of these idiots will challenge PERDUE and their current mistreatment of black processing workers. Why they won't initiate conversation on the five or so middle East countries that still to this day utilize slaves from parts of Africa. To all of you punks that think you'll take any more from me than you've managed to steal from me through my veterans benefits, I'm waiting for the day
WTH is the Lower Shore Progressive Caucus other than a few racist punks that hate white people?
When white people hate white people there is a serious problem.
We as a county can not afford to vote for these people. They are not true Democrats and I pray the Democrats in this county are smarter than that.
Yeah, that dumb mouth black punk Jamaad Gould kept saying that white people are putting chicken houses in poor black neighborhoods.
Then when they started talking about the pipeline he said he is against it because white people are going to put the pipeline through poor black peoples neighborhoods.
Instead of going to an all-black college he should have gone to Towson or Salisbury University where all races are welcomed. Those all black colleges don't appreciate white people going to them and they don't like hiring white people. I know plenty of white people that used to work at UMES and were treated badly because they are racist. Some even got terminated because they were white.
Anonymous said...
This whole bunch are POS. The one I can't stomach is O'Hare. The guy thinks we should take care of the whole world and everyone's problems. He defends the rights of the illegal criminals here over those of us born and raised in America. His useless stand on slavery and the Confederacy is played out. And of course he think all of us whitey's live a privileged life. My question is why non of these idiots will challenge PERDUE and their current mistreatment of black processing workers. Why they won't initiate conversation on the five or so middle East countries that still to this day utilize slaves from parts of Africa. To all of you punks that think you'll take any more from me than you've managed to steal from me through my veterans benefits, I'm waiting for the day
September 30, 2018 at 10:26 AM
Preach it Brother! I'm not sure about PERDUE, but I agree with the rest of your statement.
I am sick and tired of Dan O'Hairless and James Yakahomo bring up the past and changing history the way they want it portrayed.
As far as General Winder, well they missed the part where he didn't own any slaves, but since he was a Southerner who fought for his nation that seceded then he must have been bad because the Confederates were fighting so big bad Whitey could keep his slaves. He missed that part of History class as well. If you keep saying the Civil War was about Slavery then maybe someone will believe it.
Those two Come-Here's also missed the part where slaves were a part of America in all the 13 Colonies and the new states North and South after that. They fail to mention that all states at the time were slave holding states. Even during the Civil War many Union Soldiers still owned slaves, but that isn't part of their agenda.
Anyone that thinks and endorsement by this small group of radical miscreants are obviously too stupid to vote. Jamaad Gould, Michele Gregory and Josh Hastings are the lowest of scum coming out of this election. Shame on the Democrat Party for supporting these losers.
What is wrong with chicken houses anyway? If these losers don't like chicken houses, chicken farmers or chicken then they are free to get the Hell out or my county. We were here first and we have a right to farm.
I say we farmers need to stand up for each other and our way of life and run these clowns out of Wicomico County.
Did you mean infiltrated?
That fat pig Michele Gregory is nothing but a welfare queen. She wants "Medicare for all" but refuses to come up with a legitimate reason and more than anything who is going to pay for it.
She is on Medicaid and her abusive husband's son is on Medicaid and costing taxpayers $$ Millions of dollars annually.
Guess who is paying for her housing voucher, Food Stamps, EBT Cards and welfare? YOU are! We are! The hardworking taxpayers of Wicomico County and the State of Maryland are footing her bills!
Why do you think she shut down her babysitting business? Because it's cheaper for the taxpayers to pay her bills than it is for her to work.
Michele Gregory and Jamaad Gould has publicly stated that they both want the minimum wage in Wicomico County to be $27 per hour.
Yep, that is a "Bold Progressive agenda they put forward." That is the quickest way to run the small business owner out of business. Walmart and McDonalds are cutting back on employees and even putting self serve registers in place. Yep, what great policy those clowns have for you unsuspecting Democrats and RINO's.
alan betts said...
Did you mean infiltrated?
September 30, 2018 at 5:15 PM
OMG look at all of those court cases for Michele Gregory!! She certainly isn’t a stranger to the county court system??? WTH?? Is she for real? If she had any couth she would step down!
These communist have no hesitation to lie cheat and steal, subvert the Constitution and the rule of law. Only a taste of their own medicine will break these crooks up, tar n feathers where the sun dont shine!
OMG look at all of those court cases for Michele Gregory!! She certainly isn’t a stranger to the county court system??? WTH?? Is she for real? If she had any couth she would step down!
Alan, they are very uneducated.
Of course we need to stand up and fight, but it doesn’t do any good if Republicans and good Democrats stay home. Also it takes money to run a good campaign. Have you ever contributed to a good candidates Campaign?
Yes 11:27 AM, the only racists are morons like you who “point out racism” when there is none. You racist are creating racism and division.
7:38 AM I hate to tell you but Jim Mathias is a Socialist and so is his long time Boy friend Josh Hastings. Josh used to be his campaign manager and chauffeur. Now Josh is trying to act like he likes girls by hanging out with that little Massey girl. I hope she is using protection. It’s time for someone to do an investigation on Mathias and his affairs.
His post on his take on what happened in the Bible in the Garden of Eden is incredibly stupid and scary. Deep thought? More like dumb thought! God help this race Baiter. Pretty sad!
Why are all of you in a rage over 3 (three) Socialists attending a meeting, Did none of you have the same option?. Blame yourselves for not going to protect your interest. It was an open forum. Things cannot be changed by whining on a blog. Get off your butt and appear in person before officials or write a letter, or do both and have your friends, relatives and neighbors do the same.
A sad fate of tip toe through the tulips affairs in Salisbury, Md. To many fairies.
After reading this information only an idiot would vote for Josh Hastings, Michele Gregory and Jamaad Gould. They are destined to ruin Wicomico County.
We as good citizens of this county must get out the vote and vote for their opponents. These Socialists/Communists need to be defeated! We need to make sure that we also get our friends and family members to vote against them!
It's sickening to watch idiots like this that think they have any business in any form of politics.
Hey Joe, as an FYI if you want to post it for future reference, the first picture has:
Dan O'Hare - Running for State Delegate. Stupid looking flat cap, beard and hands in his pockets. Lazy.
Jamaad Gould - Running for County Council at Large. Black guy waving his Black Lives Matters Flag.
Michele Gregory - Running for County Council District 3. Fat Chick wearing the blue hoodie and walking around with gloves on.
James Yamakawa - Half White Racist wearing the fake cowboy hat and carrying the defaced American flag with "Lynching victims" names scribbled on it and dragging it on the ground. He obviously hates this country and our flag.
Amber Green - Racist black chick in the picture and a City of Salisbury employee.
Sunday, January 21, 2018
Anonymous said...
It's sickening to watch idiots like this that think they have any business in any form of politics.
October 1, 2018 at 3:28 PM
I couldn't agree with you more, but it is their claim to fame and their attempt to take over county politics and our way of life.
Anonymous said...
A sad fate of tip toe through the tulips affairs in Salisbury, Md. To many fairies.
October 1, 2018 at 9:37 AM
Yes, but they want to be called Transgenders.
Jamaad is just like his brother Jermeal and that is why Jermeal is back in jail. He liked being someones little girl on Cell Block H.
Anonymous said...
His post on his take on what happened in the Bible in the Garden of Eden is incredibly stupid and scary. Deep thought? More like dumb thought! God help this race Baiter. Pretty sad!
October 1, 2018 at 6:32 AM
He's a typical Libtard who doesn't know anything about the Bible and could care less. He needs to be run out of this county.
Libs/Progressives/Socialists never have understood the Bible, but they are now trying to infiltrate churches and trying to change the way the Bible is taught and what to believe.
Susan Hargreaves Parker is a good example of that attending St. Francis de Sales Catholic Church.
John Wright of the made up church called Universalist something?? is another example.
Anonymous said...
Why are all of you in a rage over 3 (three) Socialists attending a meeting, Did none of you have the same option?. Blame yourselves for not going to protect your interest. It was an open forum. Things cannot be changed by whining on a blog. Get off your butt and appear in person before officials or write a letter, or do both and have your friends, relatives and neighbors do the same.
October 1, 2018 at 6:58 AM
You just don't get it do you!! Unless you are one of the Socialists trying to create a diversion for these clowns. I think the latter.
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