DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest Contact Publisher Joe Albero at alberobutzo@wmconnect.com or 410-430-5349
Sunday, September 30, 2018
A Pittsville Viewer Writes: Photo enforced school zone signs
Mr. Joe
I know you had a Blog regarding police officer in Pittsville Maryland. But I was wondering have you seen where they put the new photo enforced school zone signs nowhere near Main Street behind Elementary and Middle School they've been placed on West Road just prior to Parker Road all the way to the stop sign where it intersects with Gumboro Road. I would like for someone in the county or state government to explain to me how West Road is a school zone. I just find it ridiculous that they consider Denver Moore's house in a school zone.
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Because they are using any funds collected to pay for the police officer in the first place.
They don’t care about safety it’s about widening the fine zone... it’s a driving tax
Yea.. that's a good question.. that's nowhere near the schools. No reason for that to be there, the signage has to be wrong.
OH NO How dare they !!!! Being forewarn ,now's the time to be a trickster and stay within the speed limit so Pittsville won't get your $$$ In the meantime scoot on over to the town meetings, ask your questions and voice your concern..
By the way this info of future cameras was posted on SBYNews "Sunday, September 09, 2018 SPEED CAMERAS COMING - Town Of Pittsville"
the info also stated "Notification of those areas to be affected will be posted on the Town’s web site and at the Town Hall for public information. Anyone with questions concerning this new public safety program can contact the Town’s Chief of Police or Town Manager for further information or clarification."
There were 48 comments on that posting. The majority were complaining. I wonder how many of them actually went to Town Hall with their concerns,
Any area within a 1 mile circle around any school is in a school zone
Warden, we have a free thinking in section 12.
Stay put dear, an officer will be there to take you to reeducation.
One day you will learn to stop asking questions and just do what you are told.
We live in an ever growing police state only concerned with your compliance and not your rights.
I thought Wicomico discontinued school zone cameras program.
The state law mandates school zones can be established at a radius of 1/2 mile from the school. And my bitch about that is that money or a portion of it should go back to Wicomico County because the County funds the schools not Pittsville, Fruitland or Salisbury.
Well I was told by the town office this morning that their new police chief went around with the maintenance person and told him where to place these signs then I was informed by the state of Maryland Highway Administration that the Sheriff's Office should have gotten plans and approved where these signs were going. They suggested I talk to either Mike Lewis or call the Sheriff's Office and talk to someone in there and ask why the school zone signs were put on West Road.
I am glad I am not the only one who questions this. The school is quite a distance from these signs and there are only a handful of houses in this area.
I was curious if there was a radius because state law only allows them in school zones. By this model they could set one up on 50.
A well oiled machine doesn't run well with old gunky oil! Definitely time for a tune up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We don't need to be like the other MD counties who NEED the money with Photo Enforcement rather using them for school safety!
Listen up guys! The new police chief couldn’t keep a job as a police officer so now he has organized his own force at the Pittsville residents expense and along with that he has hired the flunkie who got “retired” from the sheriffs office and is going to write grants. Wake up Pittsville. You are about to get taken big time.
No different from many others. The one on East Main in the Salisbury area has the box up by DeVages former place, after you have gotten out of sight of the school. Fruitland Div St same way. It's for the "KEDS"
There the sign in Pittsville was once there this summer I seen it with my own eyes and when me and my boyfriend were driving through Pittsville couple weeks ago I could not find it I was telling him about it and then I just seen your picture of it why wouldn't they put it on the actual school zone where people are more liable to speed at least four safety
There is a new Sheriff in town. He has been fired from most surrounding agencies so he is creating his own agency. Think what he will cost Pittsville in lawsuits.
I'm also curious about the truck that is always parked on Walston switch road at the worwic entrance. It makes it truly difficult to make a left onto Walston switch as it is blocking the view. By the time you creep out to be able to see you end up almost getting creamed. Looks like a government vehicle. Sometimes it's a bulldozer.
Collage ave, s.divsion, main st.
Don't you drive ?
Not private TOWNS.
Ok then - I live in Fruitland and am tired of paying double taxes for police and fire department. We also have our own ambulance. When the county takes care of the tax differential then talk to me.
Oh yeah by the way I pay city and county taxes too
school zones are 500 ft area around schools.
They wilk use this money to get back what the Moore family stole
Today signs went up on Main Street between School Lane and Old OC Road. There are no children that walk to school on West Street. I don't think there are any kids that even live on that part of the road. If they did they would use Collins Street to Railroad Ave to walk to School.
What is a “School Zone?”
School zones do not automatically exist around schools nor are they created simply by the installation of School Advance or School Crosswalk Warning signs. School zones must be established by definitive, official action by the authority having jurisdiction over the highway and designated by the appropriate signs. A clear definition of “school zone” must be established be each jurisdiction. The following definitions have been adopted by the Maryland State Highway Administration for schools abutting State roads:
A “School” is an accredited public, parochial or private learning institution for one or more grades kindergarten through 12.
A “School Area” is the area surrounding, and within one-half mile of, a school building or property and within which motor vehicle, pedestrian or bicycle traffic is substantially generated or influenced by the school.
A “School Zone” is a designated roadway segment approaching, adjacent to, and beyond* school buildings or grounds, or along which school related activities occur.
“Designated” means that the school zone (1) is established by official action by the entity that owns the highway containing the segment; and, (2) is appropriately signed in conformance with the MdMUTCD and guidance issued by the State Highway Administration.
“School buildings or grounds” mean school property that school children routinely enter directly from the subject road segment.
“School related activities” include school children traveling to or from school on foot or by bicycle, school buses and other vehicles entering or leaving school property, school children being dropped off or picked up at the school, and combinations thereof that create an unusual risk of injury to school children.
*Except in unusual circumstances and as justified by a traffic engineering study, a school zone adjacent to a school should not exceed 500 feet approaching or beyond the school or the school activity. Where that activity is a school crossing only, the school zone typically should end a short distance beyond the crossing.
Are all roads within a one-half (½) mile radius of a school considered to be in a “School Zone?”
No. The Maryland Annotated Code (TR § 21-803.1) allows School Zones to be established within a one-half mile radius of any school. However, this does not mean that all roadways within a one-half mile radius should be a school zone. The State Highway Administration or the local authority having jurisdiction over the roadway must officially establish a School Zone and designate it with the appropriate signs before it becomes a School Zone. Refer to the discussion on “What is a School Zone?” above.
Is Pittsville considered part of the United States?
You can all thank Norman Conway for voting in favor of these 'license to steal' devices. If it wasn't for Norman Conway, the public wouldn't have to put up with these devices.
As far as I’m concerned they can put them up and enforce them alllllll up and down Old Ocean City Racetrack, I mean Road. That straight road makes everyone feel like they’re racing apparently. I’m not for policing, hate it when over done, but people need to slow their asses down then u would have to worry about the cameras would you?? Hmmmmm....
School zone for selling drugs is 1000' Speeding, What ever Bob says it is because his salary is paid for from speeding tickets. Don't go 32 mph unless you want a ticket.
Speaking of Mr. Conway, we sure got screwed when Anderton flushed him out.Sometimes you get what you "axe" for. Anderton received one vote only from myself. Unless, someone can explain what he has accomplished in Annapolis that is beneficial to us.
Bob Harris thanks for your big copy and paste comments. Meanwhile you are a sad person using the liability of children to justify you a job and a title.There are enough state police and sheriffs around this town to take care of everything needed.You just need to worry about not losing another home or rental because crooked Trent and his con artist brother Rusty might not be able to float you this time.
No need to go to town meetings! Jabba the Hut Whited and Ted Fartlow cut everyone off before they have a chance to voice a concern. They both are as nasty as there expensive town water.
10:21,right on!
Oh funny you know he has been fired from several agencies. Funny how no one did previous employers background checks as to why. Funny he claimed is was all voluntary under Sherriff Lewis. Good ole boys. He will dredge up and degrade people but he don't tell how backs ge stabbed to get where he is.or how many families he has destroyed because he uses his job authority to be an Adulteress. Good luck Pittsville. You got a real winner.
Omg this post is the best. But unfortunately i thought the town had intelligent board members, obviously they allowed him to weazle his way in. Shame Farlows could smell a snake.
4:18....oh, that sounded SO cool.
The error in your thinking?
The government doesn't do ANYTHING for our safety. They do it for revenue.
Safety is the hook. Dollars are the goal.
Don't think so, right??
I'll do 70 MPH every day through those zones. I'll get a ticket every day. As long as I pay the fines, I can do 90 if I want.
So, the revenue camera is making it more safe???
Keep cheering.
nothing but ridicule for someone who is trying to bring a much needed law enforcement presence to the area, msp and wcso are under staffed and can not be on the east side for lengthy periods of time. btw I am a tax payer and welcome the positive being done by bob, and if you attend the council meetings you would know that bob is not being paid and as far as spending, he has applied for and received grants for everything involving the police dept. thus far
Sorry I like Bob but he will manipulate the system. The man has been a schemer his whole life. This will not end well. He was talking sh*t about Lewis that is why he is gone from WCSO Bob knew a lot about Mike's dirt. Bob also shot a service dog that belonged to his neighbor a Marine that served in Afghanistan. Fun guy to drink a beer with but he has a few screws loose.
I remember this loser from when he worked for ocean pines police department and lived on Ben Davis road in Powellville.Had a real nice wife who he cheated on and took up with another woman and left his trailer for foreclosure. Just another P.A. import who knows everything except how to pay his bills on time or keep his wood in his trunk.
Pittsville isn't a mile around the whole town.
I would say it is the large electrical box and the dead tree that's blocks a safe view.
Hey Joe, a Salisbury Fire Department paid employee wrecked another city vehicle today.
I was listening to my fire radio about 3 PM this afternoon and I heard:
"Assitant Chief 1(Obarsky) to Central."
Central: "Go Ahead."
"Assistant Chief 1 to Central, can you send the proper police agency to Rita's for a departmental MV?"
Central: "They are en route."
Oh, no matter whose fault it was why were they at Rita's at 3 PM on a Sunday afternoon? Shouldn't they have been at the fire station where they are paid to be? How many employers allow their own employees to frequent Rita's daily" Maybe they were going to Acme to get tonights dinner and then got a snack at Rita's?
I wonder if Chris O'Barski wrecked that $100,000 fire department SUV again? What would that be 3 or 4 wrecks in Salisbury Fire Department city vehicles? Who cares, the taxpayers will have to pay for it anyway.
Need to be more persistant if you let people silence your voice.
I'm sure he has an axe to grind and something to prove. It sucks too because all the deputies ive ever had an encounter with were more than reasonable and always professional. There is quite a bit of other activity they could focus on in Pittsville but they are worried about revenue.
Taxes are already high enough in Maryland and Wicomico combined. I pity the people in Salisbury. The whole shore gets worse and worse by the minute. When is enough enough?
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