The incident occurred on Sunday, August 5, 2018 at approximately 11:12 a.m., when Troopers responded to the area of Plantations Road, south of Cedar Grove Road for an assault complaint. Upon arrival, Troopers made contact with a witness who advised he was driving on Plantations Road when he saw a man beating a cyclist with an object, and immediately called 911.
The victim, a 50-year-old man from Milton, remained on scene and advised he was riding his bike on Plantations Road south of Cedar Grove Road when a white work truck got really close to him and almost ran him off the road. The subject then drove by him and blew a loud horn next to him while he was riding his bike. The victim became startled and punched the driver's side window of the truck, not causing any damage. The operator of the truck stopped his vehicle in the middle of the roadway, got out, and grabbed an object from the bed of the truck, and attempted to strike the victim in the head. The victim was able to block the object with his forearm, causing him to sustain a laceration. The victim declined medical treatment at the scene.
The operator of the truck fled the scene, and was subsequently located in the Heritage Village development. Troopers made contact with the driver, 33-year-old Matthew McDavid, who was standing by the vehicle. McDavid was subsequently taken into custody without incident.
The object used to strike the victim, a large black in color wire/cable was recovered from the truck.
McDavid was transported back to Troop 7 where he was charged with Possession of a Deadly Weapon During the Commission of a Felony, Assault Second Degree, and Unattended Motor Vehicle. He was arraigned before the Justice of the Peace Court 3 and released on $3,001.00 unsecured bond.
It's Alfalfa from the damn "Little Rascals!"
Shore Billy White truck driver
yeeeee hawwww
Way to go loser. You're going to carry a felony conviction the rest of your life for that moronic move.
Defending himself and fleeing from a biker that admitted assaulting him. Way to go cops. Dumbos.
Redneck a hole!
Thinks the world owes him a living!
Hope he gets his beating in the county detention!
Defending himself? Are you reading the same article as the rest of us?
BLM no vehicle
Yeee haaaaa.
Why such the long face.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Defending himself and fleeing from a biker that admitted assaulting him. Way to go cops. Dumbos.
August 8, 2018 at 8:03 AM
What the heck are you talking about?
Typical look, typical outcome.
Chinless pinhead. Brain rage to big for his small skull.
The post stars with: The Delaware State Police have arrested a suspect after he ran a bicyclist off the road and assaulted him.
Yet there "victim states the driver "almost" ran him off the road.
Now, for all you people condemning the driver, I did read the story, and I'm left wondering how the bicyclist punched the driver's side window. The biker would have to be in the middle of the road to do that, or the driver was driving down the wrong side of the road. And how did the driver "almost" run him off the road, and then after the driver "almost" ran him off the road, "he drove by him (the biker). How is that? The driver had already passed while almost running the biker off the road?
There is more to the story, or the facts are not stated. From what I can glean from the biker's published complaint, it looks like this all started because the biker was riding in the middle of the road and punched the vehicle when it went by. The the driver came back and finished what the biker started. Too bad there was a witness to the beating, but not what the biker did to start the altercation.
August 8, 2018 at 4:25 PM
ur just crazy
ur just crazy
August 8, 2018 at 9:06 PM:
What a wonderful analysis of my comment. Your writing skills are sorely lacking. Calling someone crazy is what you do when you can't come up with a thoughtful response. If you don't see something wrong with a story that says a bicyclist was run off the road, only to catch up with the vehicle and punch it in the driver's side window, then I won't call you crazy, just illiterate.
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