DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest Contact Publisher Joe Albero at alberobutzo@wmconnect.com or 410-430-5349
Sunday, July 22, 2018
A Viewer Writes: How Far Is Too Far?
Hi Joe. There is a sensitive subject that has been eating at me for weeks. I do not post every aspect of my life on social media. I understand that some people do. But one of my doctors started posting pics of his children being potty trained and his older child sitting on a toilet "pooping" . I have to draw a line at this type of posting. I now have unfriended him.....and honestly am now uncomfortable to receive treatment at their office. Where do u draw the line?
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Get a new doctor and stay off social media if you don't like what you see. Why would you "friend" a doctor or other professional that you have no relationship with other than as a patient or client?
So, a medical professional is exposing his or her children to potential peodphiles online? Run away- if he or she is that stupid, he or she is not in any position to be a doctor.
He needs to be careful what he posts. Undressed children or pictures that show their "privates" could be used for kiddie porn. They could be shared with local and other pedophiles. He could face charges for kiddie porn or worse these kids could find these pics turn up at inappropriate times when they are adults. The internet never forgets
People are so paranoid these days. There are no more Pedos now than years ago. When I was a kid, IT was no big deal to take pix of your kids bathing, or going swimming in little or nothing? Remember Woodstock? Now everyone is full of paranoia and it steals children's innocence. I think people need to lighten up a bit. You are the one with a hang up, not your dr.
10:09 Do you really believe that a picture of a child on a toilet is child porn or fodder for pedophiles? There are 100s of thousand images of potty training on the internet. Google potty training image. None of them are inappropriate. You have issues.
Social media isn't for everyone,especially those who have a total lack of discretion.
Please name names. What kind of freak does this to their own children. There are perverts on line who get off on things like little children pooping. Besides it not cute to see a child sitting on a potty. Animals are more protective of their young then this piss poor example of a mother.
Easy solution...Stay off Fakebook!!! It is the most useless website I can imagine and it routinely steals your personal information without you even knowing it.
Wow, the world really has gone to poop, pun intended. Once upon a time this was celebrated as a success/accomplishment. Today, thanks to a large number of sickos and the sensationalism (different than awareness) of abuse, the innocent and proud aspect is diminished and it has turned this proud moment of accomplishment into a potentially perceived act of pedophilia. Agreed, it could have simply have been a text without picture but...
OMG people get off your high horse go to internet type in potty training and you know what its not porn and you can see kid using potty
I know they are nervous Nellie Snowflakes.
since when do doctors know the art of training children of when and how to go # 1 and # 2 on the toilet . are we that stupid that we can't train our children . a doctor is suppose to be a medical professional not a child shrink.
As a physician that has done this I will say that social media can be a trap and you will always offend somebody somewhere. My social media sites consist of both personal and professional entities. My personal sites are intended to keep in touch with and share the lives of my children with their family and friends that are not in this country. If anyone were to be offended by such posts as the wonderful moment and pride which a child felt when successful at a hallmark life event then they should not be included on a personal site and, respectfully, I would direct them to the clinical entities. Being personable with people and patients is a risk however I feel the rewards are tremendous and mostly appreciated. As stated, you will never please everyone. Should a patient choose to terminate care over such matters then I respect their decision and wish them well with another provider. Take care.
To the viewer that wrote in - IF we WERE mutual friends with the same doctor and IF we are talking about the same photos, here's my two cents: the potty training pics are about the different faces the child made and the success of the training - no body parts are exposed. The older sibling "pooping" pic was about the bond between the children, one sitting on the floor sharing iPad fun with the other during bathroom time, again no body parts are exposed. IF these are not the pics you are referring to, then I want my two cents back.
As a mother. My own opinion is I would not want my child to feel comfortable being photographed in these situations although the parent may think its cute. Children are persuasive and there may be a time in which another family member or friend may try to take advantage of a situation. Let's face it ... there are to many sickos out there. If you are a professional have a separate Facebook for business. I "again my opinion " would not allow my patients to follow my day to day private life. Those patients that request to follow u ....redirect them to a professional account/website.
After having multiple drs who could care less about my health.. Just giving me pills and never answering questions. How a DR. parents their child has nothing to do with the intellect they have in that particular field of practice..or how they treat their patients.. Society & Social Media has changed people's perceptions of life. If someone's first thought is child porn because of potty training.. The dr. should not be the concern here.. The DR is a mother/father & has life events just like anyone else in life. N how can one be concerned about someone's PERSONAL FB .. sounds like they just wanna be nosey and start trouble anyway.. I wouldnt want this person as a patient... Lord only knows what they would say a Dr. said or did to them behind closed doors... For goodness sake please don't follow Huggies, pull ups or any other diaper brand... Youll be highly offended... This world has got to change... Come people it's not that serious...
I would draw the line with people who bitch about everything they see on FB when they control everything they see on FB. If you don't want to see any certain thing, you did the correct thing, now you won't see anything he posts again. Problem solved. Why go on a blog and tell people about it? Do you need attention that badly?
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