DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest Contact Publisher Joe Albero at alberobutzo@wmconnect.com or 410-430-5349
Thursday, July 26, 2018
A Viewer Writes: "Apparently the city is in panic mode now begging for volunteers"
This was screen captured yesterday afternoon at 4:30 PM so it looks like it was posted at 11:30 AM on the Daily Times FaceBOOK Group. Doesn't she have a state job working for a State Delegate? Does she work for the Delegate or Liberal Jake Day and the city? Apparently the city is in panic mode now begging for volunteers. The link she posted is the United Way so why are they getting involved in this Folk Festival mess? Are they spending money that was donated to the United Way on the Folk Festival? More evidence that Jake Day is in way over his head.
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How can anyone read that and come to the conclusion that anyone is in a "panic" or "begging" for volunteers? I certainly can't.
I agree, why/how the heck is United Way in this? Good Lord, the amount of volunteers their asking for is impossible to obtain. When is the latest someone can pull the plug on this mess?
Bwahahaha “to see the available positions available”. Does ANYONE involved in this fiasco have an education? Can anyone write coherently? Everything they write sounds like it was written by a third grader. So unprofessional.
Anonymous said...
How can anyone read that and come to the conclusion that anyone is in a "panic" or "begging" for volunteers? I certainly can't.
July 26, 2018 at 1:05 PM
Good try Jake Day!
She is Carl Anderton's assistant. He's got his nose so far up Jake Day's a$$ he needs a snorkel. He was the same way with Jim Ireton and the rest of the city council.
Carl Anderton isn't a RINO, he is a Democrat and purebred with papers.
I think Kendal Krach is a Democrat the way she is buddy buddy with Jake Day. Many of her Facebook friends are Democrats as well.
Speaking of the Daily Times are they still printing a paper or by internet only since they appeared to have stopped home delivery last week. The Easton paper has stopped printing and is internet only
Anonymous said...
Bwahahaha “to see the available positions available”. Does ANYONE involved in this fiasco have an education? Can anyone write coherently? Everything they write sounds like it was written by a third grader. So unprofessional.
July 26, 2018 at 2:03 PM
What's ironic is Ms. Krach is chummy with Jackie Welfonder and they are brainstorming this at Salisbury University where ex-Republican Jackie Welfonder works.
Carl Anderton's circle of friends is based around Jake Day and the City of Salisbury Democraps.
How come this young lady is called Delegate Anderton's assistant and his buddy Bunky Luffman was called Chief of Staff?
Shes got selfies of her being sprawled out on a bed, fake model poses sprawled out on hay bales and spread out on the hood of a car.
She needs to clean up her public profile and grow up if she wants to be in public life.
Another selfie obsessed millennial. look at me! look at me!
How can money donated to the United Way be used for anything other than the United Way. This festival is not the United Way. I would like to now the legality of that. Carl Anderton will never get another vote from me.
United way could be sponsoring it or some of it to get their name out there... How about you investigate before you toss accusations out like that!!!! I get that you may or my not like Gay Day but he is our current mayor until you people recall him, and that won't happen so you are stuck with what you get!!!! Maybe you should have listened and stood up when people asked for it and said to so we could stop this mess, but nooooo, all you people want to do is pick and choose what to complain about, in which you all are part of the blame... You voted for this guy, or you didn't vote at all, in which case you both don't have a right to say or complain about squat!!!!
I get that this thing is a cluster F, only put on to bring in tax dollars and cash flow, at the expense of others, but instead of complaining all of the damn time, how about offer solutions, nooooo that would be to easy and might fix the problem you all complain about right...
You people need to learn and understand, this kind of crap is not ever going to go away, it is a system that is now being built in to every level and form of govt and unless you all in mass stand up against it, not a single one of you can affect any change, that I promise you... This is to big now that no one or two people can fix this or stop it... It will take thousands to do it now, and there is still a small bit of time left to turn it around, but it is almost at that point to be non fixable ever again...
So you all can continue to complain which I know you will always do, or you can man up and try to help fix the bad, but unless you help, you have no right to say jack for you are part of the reason the problem exists...
Dave T: Thank you SBY for alerting the public to this potential mess. I was shocked when friend pulled up the story and showed it to me about how this event planning has unfolded.
If you'll actually READ where they directed you, it's where many volunteer opportunities are posted, NOT JUST THE FESTIVAL. You could volunteer for Habitat, the food banks in the area, nursing homes, and Deers Head. So why isn't it proper to list the volunteer info regarding this festival?
HEY Fake Day put on ur pink pussy hat on and do 3 24 hr shifts u pussy.
Normally, I take what I read on here about the city and folks festival with a grain of salt, but the stories of panic are true!
This post is not the only one. I've seen a lot of FB posting asking for outright cash $$ donations or volunteer help.
Granted, most of them are from city employees, teachers, chamber members, or friends of liberal organizations, but the messages are the same - We need your money - HELP!!!
This boat may not be sinking, but it can't seem to move from the dock.
They give me a couple thousand dollars and I'll volunteer.......
awesome I signed Joe up for the bucket brigade each day!
I think Day should volunteer for the Green Team. When he picks thru a bag of trash with diapers in it to fish out the stray coke can I will have respect for him.
Jake day put on some pink camo along with your pink Pussy hat on and get out there for 18 hrs a day waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Just do like the rest of the bucket brigade volunteers I'm sure you'll come out "ahead". This whole folk festival scenario has been brutally mismanaged, poorly planned up to this point. This festival if Salisbury wanted to host should have been in the year 2021!! This would gave allowed proper planning, and logistics coordination. Can you imagine how careless and unorganized this douchebag is as a military officer?? Sad to think how many lives would be lost with this type of undisciplined leader
Back out now before you bankrupt Salisbury it will be like Chicago Jake and all of his idiot supporters are going to break this city. If you want to go forward at this point you are going to be the laughing stock of the whole Eastern Shore and the State of Maryland.You will bring nothing but shame for spending $ you never had and the gall to beg for more. Your leader will be out of the area serving the country? and you fools supporting him will be I pray on every TV station as the dumbest city ever.
Check List --Homeland Security advised you to stop this.
People will fall into the river no fences for protection think
Of the children, and intoxicated pedestrians being sold all
all of that alcohol.
Golf carts for transportation in the designated area.
Orange bicycles in the traffic.
Not enough $ or help to go through with this.
Did you see the SU press release about the orange bike business going under?? Could have seen that coming a million miles away!! Another brain fart of this lame admin.
Liberals such as
Susan Olsen and Jackie Finch of Peace Alliance of the lower shore...
aka PALS
Jake Day won by default
We did not vote for him....he has the Mayor job bc no one else wanted it
We hope someone runs against this clown Gay Day....
what a waste of my tax dollars
In the National Guard Unit....I stay up weeks at a time...
No problem
Mayor Day
You people can do what you want, and I'm sure you will, but if it were me, I would plan on being out of town, maybe even the state, when this fiasco comes to town. If it isn't canceled before then.
Not enough workers, not enough lodging, not enough parking, not enough security, not enough money, not enough intelligence on the part of whoever organized this cluster.
Will they even have enough porta-potties?
Your fabulous boy-mayor left dodge well beforehand. I wonder why? Lord help ya, but you brought it on yourselves by your voting methods or lack thereof, and refusal to get off your butts and hold these people accountable.
When you finally hit rock bottom maybe then you will wise up. I won't hold my breath. Isn't there one person in that place who can be a leader? A leader who will do the right things, take pride in their job, put that city and its people first? Someone without an ego, not looking for just the "prestige" of being a mayor but will actually care?
Maybe that person isn't born yet. Maybe you had that chance and blew it. If you people don't soon come together, work together, and stop all this "good-ole-boy" networking, you are doomed to be a failed city, even more than you already are.
Somebody has to say these hard truths to you, but will you listen?
Once upon a time the people of this community would have come together to make this happen. Now everyone is divided and its all due to poor leadership, incompentance and nepitism. People are sick and tired. This festival will shine a big light on how torn this town has become. Its sad. I grew up here. I grew up riding my bike all over the park and down town. This town is big trouble. We cant take much more if these fast and loose plays by Jake Day.
Anonymous said...
Shes got selfies of her being sprawled out on a bed, fake model poses sprawled out on hay bales and spread out on the hood of a car.
She needs to clean up her public profile and grow up if she wants to be in public life.
Another selfie obsessed millennial. look at me! look at me!
July 26, 2018 at 2:30 PM
She posted a picture with that overweight Salisbury cop named Cow or Moose or something down at J. Millard Tawes in Crisfield last week drinking beer and bragging about drinking and being drunk all the time. That libtard cop is a wannabe Millenial who bleaches his hair blonde and different colors. I remember he and his now wife supporting Jim Ireton when Mr. Albero was running for Mayor of Salisbury. Losers!
Anonymous said...
How can money donated to the United Way be used for anything other than the United Way. This festival is not the United Way. I would like to now the legality of that. Carl Anderton will never get another vote from me.
July 26, 2018 at 2:50 PM
He hates County Executive Culver.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
United way could be sponsoring it or some of it to get their name out there... How about you investigate before you toss accusations out like that!!!! I get that you may or my not like Gay Day but he is our current mayor until you people recall him, and that won't happen so you are stuck with what you get!!!! Maybe you should have listened and stood up when people asked for it and said to so we could stop this mess, but nooooo, all you people want to do is pick and choose what to complain about, in which you all are part of the blame... You voted for this guy, or you didn't vote at all, in which case you both don't have a right to say or complain about squat!!!!
I get that this thing is a cluster F, only put on to bring in tax dollars and cash flow, at the expense of others, but instead of complaining all of the damn time, how about offer solutions, nooooo that would be to easy and might fix the problem you all complain about right...
You people need to learn and understand, this kind of crap is not ever going to go away, it is a system that is now being built in to every level and form of govt and unless you all in mass stand up against it, not a single one of you can affect any change, that I promise you... This is to big now that no one or two people can fix this or stop it... It will take thousands to do it now, and there is still a small bit of time left to turn it around, but it is almost at that point to be non fixable ever again...
So you all can continue to complain which I know you will always do, or you can man up and try to help fix the bad, but unless you help, you have no right to say jack for you are part of the reason the problem exists...
July 26, 2018 at 2:53 PM
You're so dumb you don't even know that Gay Day didn't even have a race because no one wanted the stupid job. Who wants to be responsible for a liberal ghetto ran by Democrats? Not me. So there you have it, IDIOT!
Anonymous said...
If you'll actually READ where they directed you, it's where many volunteer opportunities are posted, NOT JUST THE FESTIVAL. You could volunteer for Habitat, the food banks in the area, nursing homes, and Deers Head. So why isn't it proper to list the volunteer info regarding this festival?
July 26, 2018 at 3:17 PM
The United Way shouldn't have anything to do with this fiasc. If the city and Jake Day wanted a website to recruit volunteers then they should do their own website, Moron.
United Way
Kathleen Momme, President & Chief Executive Officer(She prances around Salisbury and the SACC like she is something important.)
Cathie Thomas, Leadership and Planned Giving Officer(REJECT of the Salisbury Area Chamber of Commerce) Found this online - "For more information on Chamber membership, email Membership Manager, Cathie Thomas at cthomas@salisburyarea.com."
Of course the United Way is going to help Jake Day with this Folk Festival. Did you know that Jake Day encourages/almost forces every city employee to contribute to the United Way every year? They make you donate through your paycheck bi-weekly. It's a big scam and the many employees of the City of Salisbury donate a lot of money to the United Way.
So now we know the connection to the United Way. Shame on Kathleen Momme, Jake Day and Cathie Thomas.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Once upon a time the people of this community would have come together to make this happen. Now everyone is divided and its all due to poor leadership, incompentance and nepitism. People are sick and tired. This festival will shine a big light on how torn this town has become. Its sad. I grew up here. I grew up riding my bike all over the park and down town. This town is big trouble. We cant take much more if these fast and loose plays by Jake Day.
July 26, 2018 at 9:41 PM
With that said I agree with you 100%. We need new and experienced leadership in the city of Salisbury. However, that may never happen until we go back to a 2 party system again. You might claim it is nonpartisan, but that is not true. It is very partisan and the dirty liberal tricks come into play.
If you want a decent leader to run then you need to make the Mayor's position $100,000+ per year. You also have to keep the Salisbury Area of Commerce and the Greater Salisbury Committee out of local politics. They ruin every city election that has happened in Salisbury for many years. Do the people that are members expect them to get involved in Politics? Hell NO so they need to speak up and make these organizations neutral.
You left out 1 truth and the major truth. GHETTO!!
kathleen momme, still peddling those videos showing how bad someone has it. so you can still collect your +$100K salary? hopefully those videos don't show your sob stories with their freshly done nails driving their Mercedes.
You voted for this guy, or you didn't vote at all, in which case you both don't have a right to say or complain about squat!!!!
That is a myth and simply not true. Actually, it is the reverse. The ones who voted for this crap have no right to bitch since they wanted it.
Anonymous said...
You left out 1 truth and the major truth. GHETTO!!
July 27, 2018 at 4:07 AM
Salisbury is a major ghetto and the only reason Jake Day came back is because he was unemployed. And now he is still unemployed. Being da Mare of da 'bury doesn't qualify as being employed.
Jake Day has been sucking on mom and dad's teet all his life and now he and his wife are sucking on the government's teet. He off his little Mare's pay and his wife off the county's BOE pay and bennies.
Anonymous said...
kathleen momme, still peddling those videos showing how bad someone has it. so you can still collect your +$100K salary? hopefully those videos don't show your sob stories with their freshly done nails driving their Mercedes.
July 27, 2018 at 7:25 AM
She walks around all the local events as if she is someone. Working for the thieving United Way isn't an important job. Begging is what you do best Ms. Momme and you don't do that well. What a career begging for someone to make a donation. People actually can't stand you and other organizations that beg for money. People worked hard for that money and people like you lay the guilt trip on them to give up their money.
Anonymous said...
If you'll actually READ where they directed you, it's where many volunteer opportunities are posted, NOT JUST THE FESTIVAL. You could volunteer for Habitat, the food banks in the area, nursing homes, and Deers Head. So why isn't it proper to list the volunteer info regarding this festival?
July 26, 2018 at 3:17 PM
It has nothing to do with the United Way you dumb Douche Bag. Not many people go to that website anyway you dumb moron.
Carl Anderton? Now where have I heard that name? Oh that's right, he is the guy that hates Bob Culver and plans to run for County Executive in 4 years. Well Carl, why didn't you do it this time?
Anonymous said...
Shes got selfies of her being sprawled out on a bed, fake model poses sprawled out on hay bales and spread out on the hood of a car.
She needs to clean up her public profile and grow up if she wants to be in public life.
Another selfie obsessed millennial. look at me! look at me!
July 26, 2018 at 2:30 PM
Ho Life
Anonymous said...
Normally, I take what I read on here about the city and folks festival with a grain of salt, but the stories of panic are true!
This post is not the only one. I've seen a lot of FB posting asking for outright cash $$ donations or volunteer help.
Granted, most of them are from city employees, teachers, chamber members, or friends of liberal organizations, but the messages are the same - We need your money - HELP!!!
This boat may not be sinking, but it can't seem to move from the dock.
July 26, 2018 at 4:05 PM
Well written and I couldn't have said it better myself.
Anonymous said...
United Way Staff
Kathleen Momme, President & Chief Executive Officer(She prances around Salisbury and the SACC like she is something important.)
July 27, 2018 at 3:59 AM
President and Chief Executive Officer?? Now where have I heard that silly title before???
Oh, that's right. Mike Dumb calls himself the President and Chief Executive Officer of the Greater Salisbury Committee.
Why are these self-important clowns satisfied with the title of "Director" or something? They only have a couple of employees under them and they want to sound like they are the owners of Ford Motor Company or something. Kathleen Momme only had 2 employees under her and Mike Dumb only has a secretary but they are the President and Chief Executive Officer's. ROTFLMFAO
They must have led sad, pitiful lives growing up.
Anonymous said...
kathleen momme, still peddling those videos showing how bad someone has it. so you can still collect your +$100K salary? hopefully those videos don't show your sob stories with their freshly done nails driving their Mercedes.
July 27, 2018 at 7:25 AM
If Ms. Momme was so concerned about how bad someone has it then she shouldn't accept a $100,000+ per year salary. Why can't she do it for $40,000 per year, that is acceptable?
I think the EBT Blogger was directing this at you Mr. Albero. I don't think that he is that stupid to think this is going to be a successful event. It will be a flop!
Salisbury Folk Festival The Truth
Posted on July 26, 2018
We have an outstanding event coming our way in September, but we must let people know the truth. Most of the questions are from ignorant people who read ignorant crap from an ignorant person. According to this aforementioned “ignorant” person we are gonna have mass casualties as snipers and isis bombers blow us all to hell. It’s going to look like Jonestown in Downtown Salisbury. Then we hear how this event is gonna be a flop, a real shit display. Please remember this comes from ignorant persons who have always had a strange fetish for all things Salisbury related. Let me point you down the right path about the festival...
Yes they are in panic mode. They are getting city employees posting and reposting for volunteers. They should have thought about that 2 years ago.
Another thing, Jake Day F'ed up by not hiring a professional to handle this for the City. How is the officer girl for the Wicomico Day School working out for you Jake Day??
Now they have Delmarva Public Radio begging for volunteers to clean up Downtown Ghetto 'bury just in time for the Folked Up Festival. What a bunch of misfits that got in way over their heads. There ain't a volunteer bone in my body when it comes to Jake Day and the Misfits of da 'bury!
DPR's Downtown Clean-Up
Public · Hosted by Delmarva Public Radio
RSVP to DPR Clean-up
Sales end on Aug 24 at 6 PM
Jake Day, Julia Glanz, Michele Gregory and Jamaad Gould claim they are going. That really makes me want to go clean trash for free. NOT!
Now they have Delmarva Public Radio begging for volunteers to clean up Downtown Ghetto 'bury just in time for the Folked Up Festival. What a bunch of misfits that got in way over their heads. There ain't a volunteer bone in my body when it comes to Jake Day and the Misfits of da 'bury!
DPR's Downtown Clean-Up
Public · Hosted by Delmarva Public Radio
RSVP to DPR Clean-up
Sales end on Aug 24 at 6 PM
DPR invites its members and listeners to "Clean Up" Downtown Salisbury! Help beautify our community in preparation for the Nation Folk Festival. All are invited to enjoy light refreshments after the clean-up provided by Roadie Joes. We will meet at 8am at Riverwalk Park on the corner of Division and Market Street.
CausesKid FriendlyVolunteering
Delmarva Public Radio
July 27 at 4:05 PM ·
Thank you to everyone who participated in our contest. Congratulations to Seamus Benn on winning the DPR giveaway. We look forward to seeing everyone on August 25th! Continue helping us spread the word!
There were only 5 people that shared their post to win and Little Ms. Transgender won the gift basket.
Jake Day, Julia Glanz, Michele Gregory and Jamaad Gould claim they are going. That really makes me want to go clean trash for free. NOT!
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