Incident: Threat of Mass Violence
Date of Incident: June 5, 2018
Location: James M Bennett High School, 300 E College Ave., Salisbury, MD
Suspect: Nicholson, Philip Paul, White Male 18 YOA from the 1000 Block of Adams Ave., Salisbury, MD
Narrative: On June 5, 2018, the Wicomico Sheriff’s Office received information that a student identified through the investigation as Philip Paul Nicholson, had posted information on social media threatening mass violence at James M. Bennett High School. Deputies assigned to the School Resource Division (SRO) and the Wicomico County Public Schools initiated an investigation and determined the suspect created the posts on social media. SRO’s also learned numerous victims were in contact with the Salisbury Police Department and made a report regarding the threats of mass violence at James M. Bennett High School. After consultation with the Wicomico States Attorney’s Office, a search warrant and arrest warrant were obtained for the suspect and his residence. SRO Deputies and Salisbury Police Officers executed the search warrant without incident. The suspect was present at the time of the search warrant and was arrested on the arrest warrant without incident. The suspect was held pending a bond review today, June 6, 2018, with a District Court Commissioner.
Charges: Threat of Mass Violence and Disruption of School Environment
Disruption of School Environment. Now there's a backup charge that could be handed out to a good number of Bennett students every single school day.
I don’t gamble, but I’ll bet you $1000k this kid is a victim of bullying at the prestigious “James M. Bennett” high school
Oh come on now, the kid just "Miss spoke" like when a Democrat gets caught lying, he always says he Miss Spoke.
He hasn't been bullied since he took the tape off of his glasses
no doubt by the BLM crowd there
Maybe we should thank the Wicomico County Sheriff's Office for addressing this issue in a fast and professional manner. Far superior to Broward County Florida.
Looks like Sheldon Cooper to me ,
Bullied, fractured home, mood drugs and so much more...so sad.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
I don’t gamble, but I’ll bet you $1000k this kid is a victim of bullying at the prestigious “James M. Bennett” high school
June 6, 2018 at 4:53 PM
I was thinking something like that myself. I even looked up that block on Google maps. What you say is even more likely in that area.
Oh, Judas Priest, 4:53,
Is bullying a 21st century invention?
If not, why were there no mass shootings in schools 5 years ago?
Practically everyone has been bullied and probably done some themselves.
4:53 black kid gets in trouble he is a thug, white kid threatened mass violence and it’s because he was probably bullied. I know, I know why do I make everything about race, because truth hurts
Funny how it's never black or Latino kids threatening to blow up a school or showing up with guns and killing kids. It's almost always white males. There may be an outlier or two, like the Wihi kid a few years back, but it's almost always white males. Yet they're always the poor victims of bullying. Right. Sure.
Whatever happened to punching someone in the face if they got in your face at school? Is this the sissy Obama generation, give everyone that participates a trophy? Soon it will be like ADHD the common name for everything everyone that does something wrong. I was like Sinbad, comedian, I thought I had ADHD when I was a kid and my dad knocked it the hell out of me! Lock the punk up with some real bad ass criminals....he'll come out of it!
Bob pinto, Columbine was in 1999. Seriously...you are kidding...right?? Ugh.
742, i agree with you. Idiots come in all races and should be dealt with accordingly and evenhanded. Be best, people.
Why must everyone immediately go to race? Grow up everyone!
IF he was, where was his parents to protect & defend him?
And he so deserved each charge!!
I knew that excuse was coming lol. Next it will be mental problems
756-An outlier or two?
Only if hid mommy got him an IEP it would be ok.
race? mental problems? bullying? no the answer is.......
crappy parenting! winner winner chikin dinner!
To the first poster 4:37 You can say the same about more than half the administration and teachers because their liberal progressive beliefs (or lack of any good judgement) are contrary to a quality learning environment. The anything goes, don’t offend anyone attitude has caused this. Zero discipline has caused this. The flawed and failed “it takes a village” mentality has caused this.
This “kid” is 18. He has reached the age of majority and should be out of school by now as that presents a host of issues that can be avoided. This being one. If you can’t finish high school by the time you are 18 on your own, maybe you should finish in a reformatory where you are taught self discipline and ethics. (Instead of the Success programs we have now... oh let’s give you a worthless document you haven’t earned so you can continue at the local communal college learning more of nothing because standards have been gutted. I could ramble on here.
Try him as an adult. Get him some help.
I am a student at the "prestigious" James M. Bennett High School and I can confidently state that our levels of bullying are immense, and administration rarely involves themselves unless physical threats/actions are made. As cliche as the excuse is, this kid could have very well been bullied into making this horrid decision. I hope that he receives the help necessary so that he can soon be released, atone for his actions, and live the normal life he deserves.
I’m a student at Bennett and I can tell you that this guy was not bullied! He is just a dumb jackass with no respect for the teachers and himself. Some people are just plain asses and this dude is definitely one of them !! He made raps about cutting up and killing black people and then he would get his ass kicked after school. Go figure! Adults are always making excuses for dudes like him. He calls himself Nilly Philly he posts his stupid raps on social media. He deserves to be in a cell.
7:45 - Thank you for the insight. Everyone on here is a trained professional or God and know all the answers before hearing the story. People - we need to let things play out. Just be glad we have administrators and policing agencies that take action. Now let the legal system work.
CLearly, something is wrong with him. He should be helped, not attacked. This is a problem that can be SAFELY fixed.
These are the pieces of crap that were once taken behind the shed and beat the crap out of. I know people will be all over me for solving the issue with violence, but we didnt have school shootings when I was in school.
This brat is a piece of crap school and any future college education he should never receive, he should receive actual jail time. His mouth would never open again if someone pointed a gun at his head, and a real threat was right in front of him. Spoiled and opinionated you can tell from his picture, his parents ought to pull him out of school and send him to one of those military camps where they are sent inside a jail to meet the real bad asses he thinks he is, leave him some time alone with them. His wake up call should be NOW.
Mom was probably passed out from using heroin and dad was probably somewhere standing on the corner with a sign for money. So I’m sure he had no guidance
Well said!
855. . . You are exactly right Thugs come in all races . . Bloods Crips Aryan Brotherhood biker gangs MS13 and the cartels
Isn’t he cute with his little mustache
That shooting was organized by Democrats man
It usually comes down to bad parenting or lack thereof. Parents no longer parent. You have a responsibility as a parent to raise your child. It's not "the village's" problem that your kid is an idiot.
As long as we have teachers who would rather be on their iPhones as much as the students or administrations who look the other way when someone is bullied or is threatening to another or individuals more interested in 'politics' then solving a person's parent murder, or investigators who don't bother to ask relevant questions, we do live in a community that places esteem on a 'class' system. We can be very quick to judge others and our world is so different than 30 or 40 years ago. My biggest concern was getting in trouble at school meant I would doubly with my mother, so out of part fear and part respect, I tried not to. Doesn't seem to be so in our world and I do wonder why.
Is it an issue of respect? Is it being modeled for children? What ever happened to the 'Golden Rule'?
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