DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest Contact Publisher Joe Albero at alberobutzo@wmconnect.com or 410-430-5349
Friday, May 25, 2018
A Viewer Writes: Wicomico County Public Schools
Would anyone care to explain why girls at Pittsville Elementary and Middle School were pulled from class today to have their shorts measured via being physically touched by members of the administrative staff? I would like to know when it became acceptable for teachers and staff to look under the tables in the lunch room to identify all girls wearing shorts, so they could be subsequently pulled from class for measuring of their shorts. Is it the policy of your schools to ogle and objectify children? If not, please explain how you plan to rectify what happened today, so it doesn’t happen in the future. Our girls deserve an uninterrupted education, free from fear of harassment; they should not be removed from class, paraded down the halls, and lined up to have their clothing scrutinized down to the millimeter, and they should especially never have their bodies touched, without their expressed permission, by grown men, or women, in positions of authority, for sake of a dress code. Our girls deserve better, and we want answers as to how you plan to treat them with basic respect and dignity in the future.
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If they thought skirts were to ahort then call the parents.. to measure a childs skirt in front of others is demeaning and sexist..
If parents wouldn't allow there middle school child to dress like trash the school wouldn't have to address it. I was there a couple weeks ago and some girl who was on stage singing was dressed this way. All I could think about was what kind of mother would allow there child to dress this way. Apple does not fall far from the tree they say.
Man there must be some really PO'ed parents,I know I would be.
And without contacting the parents, that's a bit uncalled for.
Stop allowing them to dress like sluts by the short shorts YOU buy them and there wouldn’t be any issues.
OMG!! The dress code needs to be enforced in ALL schools. Dress your kids appropriately and there won't be an issue. I, for one, am sick of seeing some kids dressed like street walkers, especially in high school.
um maybe have your child go to school in proper attire
I guess "your girls" will gain respect and dignity when they deserve it. Next time just send them home and don't let them return until they learn how to dress properly.
Here’s a thought... don’t send your daughters to elementary school wearing daisy dukes.
Wicomico BOE is a joke and needs to have the dept of justice or FBI investigate them , they have poor leadership from the top down , all liberals and sex offenders if you will . They are chicken $hit when it comes to the law , afraid of any black or brown to claim racism , get rid of all these a$$e$ before it's too late. Don't depend on Mike Lewis , he's been bought and paid for by the county.
There is a short's length policy. Sounds to me like these kids might be wearing ' daisy duke shorts. You have to question the integrity of the parent dressing their kids in something short enough to even been questioned in the first place.
Maybe if the girls followed the dress code, this wouldn’t happen. Rules are in place for a reason. Follow them.
WTH this is 2018. Unbelievable.
If your daughter were decently dressed for school, that would have never happened.
Then dress your daughters appropriately to "do their job" which is being a student not a "sex symbol", nor a "fashionista" nor a "person deserving of ogling". Parents seem to think that the schools should be all things to all people unless it impacts "their child". I am so tired of hearing this nonsense from someone who has obviously sent their daughter to school in an inappropriate outfit.
The county DOES have a dress code - try reading it, if you can.
"Our girls deserve an uninterrupted education". You said it was in the lunch room. No educating going on during lunch and by the way, it is called a dress code. If you don't like it, get out and pay for private school.
Uniforms ! School is not a fashion show or selfie opportunity or a forum for self expression. Leave the hot pants and the cell phone at home.
And it all comes back to the parents. Look at the comments - those parents who are indigent about the school's approach to the problem, are ultimately responsible for the way their daughters go to school. If you don't want anyone "embarrassing" your daughter - then don't send her to school dressed to "be embarrassed". That is quite different from being "dressed for success". Just as you wouldn't wear a tuxedo to go to Assateague, you probable shouldn't wear a bathing suit to a wedding. One comment said, "Call the parents" - those calls result in the parents not being able to get away from work or not having transportation to come to school. Why can't people accept the fact that having children is more than the "fun" of conceiving them - it requires constant monitoring and setting some kind of limits for an individual who is not "of age" to make decisions for themselves. It was funny when you toddler dressed him or her self - not so much as a teenager. If you don't believe me - go to the Mall - what you see is unbelievable!!!
Ummm I was measured with a ruler and don't feel violated at the ripe age of 45. Rules are made not to be broken.
Not at all happen 30 some years ago. I am not affected. Raise nonsnowflakes.
Amen that is a genius comment compared to the hurt threads I am reading
Snowflake. Must be a in your 20s feelings hurt. Don't let your girls go to school with booty shorts problem solved.
Omg. Rules are rules they weren't measuring a short that is obviously ok
Amen. You are Einstein in this thread. Don't follow rules then your precious one wont be embarrassed. Your post well said
Preach it! Like...like..like
Yes starts at home. But yet you have a parent who started this conversation defending a organization enforcing rules
No it's not what is UNBELIEVABLE is you being upset for a school to follow rules
Uniforms just isn't the end all. enforce rules is the solution and if mama gets hurt....ohhh welllll
Kudos for the Wicomico Board of Ed!
Follow policy and your child won't be pulled.
Look at the girls going into high schools with crop tops and booty shorts all the time. They don't follow the code.
You want a safe and uninterrupted learning? I as a teacher and we as a school system could literally fill an 8 hour day, every day, calling home about all the unsafe and inappropriate many of your kids did today. This starts at home. Help from home. Meanwhile, you probably know about this situation of dress code violation because you are one of those parents who is in constant communication with their kid via text message all day, while they get their "uninterrupted" education.
I promise you that you are taking it out of context, probably your daughter trying to get you to blame the teachers and admin for enforcing the rule. The dress code is written in print in the code of conduct. My guess is they probably placed an index card to their knee to judge the length. I am certain they would not pull girls from the lunch table only to "inappropriately touch them." Yes, they do sometimes do random checks like this, because when the temperature increases, the amount of clothing kids wear decreases.
There are dress code rules for boys too, the most common one is wearing pants below the waist, known as "sagging." But if you want to call that "teachers inappropriate staring at boys' butts," then go ahead.
Grown up kids out there need to become adults before having more kids. Peace, all!
No no no rules are made so we can sue because they hurt our widdle feelwings.
My grandson attends this school, there was a call from the principal last night asking parents to please help make sure their child was dressed appropriately following the county dress code. He said that the girls were mad about the code being followed and were saying they all were going to wear their short shorts to protest. (Because if it was all of them they said the school wouldn’t do anything) Interesting the things kids hear isn’t it???
Anonymous said...
If they thought skirts were to ahort then call the parents.. to measure a childs skirt in front of others is demeaning and sexist..
May 25, 2018 at 5:20 PM
Bullshit! The only time to call the parents is to come get the damn girls you dumb Snow Flakes.
Anonymous said...
If parents wouldn't allow there middle school child to dress like trash the school wouldn't have to address it. I was there a couple weeks ago and some girl who was on stage singing was dressed this way. All I could think about was what kind of mother would allow there child to dress this way. Apple does not fall far from the tree they say.
May 25, 2018 at 5:30 PM
Amen! I agree with you 100%!!
Oh, gosh, touched by a tape measure. They'll be scarred for life!
If the guidelines for dress code were followed there wouldn't be a problem.my solution is to call the parents at work and make them go home get the appropriate length. Some of the shorts theses girls are wearing look like underware. So just curious what theses parents think of the guys pants down below there butt and exposing there underware? I guess you want that rule followed through with. The guidelines are clear.
People who are concerned about people looking at your child inappropriate there you go yes your child is being looked at inappropriate there are alot of very bad people out there that does not have your child's best interest in mind just her half naked body. Don't protect her innocence after something happens.
They are children there is nothing demeaning or sexist about it unless your a pervert and prone to base instincts yourself. Your grand mother was probably married to her uncle at their age.
Let’s be clear: it was students who are presenting as girls . . .
I teach at a high school. Some of the girls look like $2 hookers and their mothers are dropping them off. The county has a dress code and EVERYONE gets a copy. Stop bitching and be glad someone has your kids best interest in mind, even if you don't want to raise your own kid. There are also the vast majority of kids doing the right thing every day so it can be done.
7:24- Are you going to respond to every single comment? Do you have simply nothing else to do?
Pay attention to how your CHILDREN, that's right, CHILDREN, leave the house to go to school. These were Elementary and Middle School children correct? If this type of attire is acceptable to you as parents and let them go to school dressed like this. Then YOU are the root cause of the problem.
was there a dress code? did they comply? hard cheese.
Dress code has been in place all school year. Whether it has been enforced at any or all schools is another question entirely.
Based on the comments, all parents got a call to their phone number on file from the principal the night before. That serves as 'notice' of intent to enforce the code even if enforcement had been lacking or inconsistent. So too bad, so sad for those parents and kids who were not in compliance when checked.
Some boys still think saggy is fashionable; most of them are doing poorly academically and are often roaming. Saggy, hat on or hoodie up are where most dress code violations by boys occur. Generally they don't dress immodestly.
A large number of the high school girls are not in compliance with the dress code in their choice of tops or bottoms; frequently both at the same time. Yoga attire, bare midriff, uncovered shoulders, Daisy Dukes or shorter, sheer fabric without undergarments; you name it. Male staff are afraid to address the offenders. Female staff and administrators ignore the situation even when the students are speaking with them. Enforcement this year has been absolutely nil, and as the weather has turned the problem has markedly increased.
It's a major fail and parents should be upset by the lack of enforcement.
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