DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest Contact Publisher Joe Albero at alberobutzo@wmconnect.com or 410-430-5349
Sunday, April 29, 2018
Will WBOC Do The Honorable Thing?
It's my understanding WBOC has filed a FOIA request for the body cam footage of the Julie Brewington DUI incident. It seems I was spot on in my comment, the footage is extremely damning. While I am fully aware of what is in that footage, I have to wonder if they will actually become true journalists and expose the TRUTH? My inside media sources have confirmed such.
Let's remember Ladies & Gentlemen, this is still a candidate running for a seat on the Wicomico County Council and YOU need to know the TRUTH.
If WBOC does not report the entire TRUTH, I will publish the video in its entirety and YOU will ultimately see what WBOC covered up. I can say this, this is absolutely the very end of Mrs. Brewington's political career. Her two year probation requires her to not have a sip of alcohol, so if you in fact see her out and about drinking, know she is in violation of her probation. Hopefully this message will actually force her to be clean. When you do see the video footage you will clearly understand why the honorable Judge made the harsh decision he in fact did. It's my understanding this isn't Julie's first rodeo when it comes to a DUI.
To the nay sayers out there criticizing me for exposing all of this, bite me. When you are on the opposite end of lying and personal attacks, karma is a bitch. This individual is running for political office and seems to have behaved very much like the woman from New Jersey recently who was exposed for her documented body cam behavior. The TRUTH hurts.
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they say a picture says a thousand words. truth is in the photo!
I want to see that footage! Release it . resident and voters need to know the truth on this.
Don't hold back, Joe. Say how you really feel.
WBOC do you job.
She's a Republican, so I think they'll publish it if it makes her look bad.
If it were Jake Day or Jim Ireton that had crashed their car drunk, it would be a different story.
Wow, Julie you simply poked the wrong tiger this time.
Good. It's sad to see someone struggle with addiction like this, but as an elected official (or wannabe elected official) you have to be just as, if not more, accountable than every other citizen.
Local politicians will cry foul and do the best they can to stand in the way of the airing of that footage, for fear that WBOC will begin to actually do investigative reporting about local politicians' shortcomings.
She seems to be mentally unstable. I hope doesn't fly off the handle!
I know she is a gun toting NRA member. She might decide to do an Annie Oakley on you!
12:04, Bring it on! Just remember, your not fooling anyone. It's obvious who would make such a threat. Nevertheless, we know how to defend ourselves and YOU are NOT the only one with a gun.
One can not count the times police cover up D.U.I. involving motor vehicle crashes involving police. Happens all the time. I wonder how it feels to sit in judgement of other while you do the very same act. The the cops wonder why the public has grown against them. Brewington is reaping what she sowed. Joe keep it on her she does not need a license till she get help.
Local politicians will cry foul and do the best they can to stand in the way of the airing of that footage, for fear that WBOC will begin to actually do investigative reporting about local politicians' shortcomings.
April 27, 2018 at 11:36 AM
But, this assumes "that WBOC will begin to actually do investigative reporting" about anything.
MSpP would lock up there own mother.
And proud of it. I actually DID lock up my own mother. She broke the law.
People in the local GOP will not cover for her, McIver would like to see her gone.
she looks like a crack whore that got caught up in a craigslist prostitution sting!! who would like to wake up next to that!! just sayin!
From Julie Brewington's Facebook post:
Better men than you have tried to intimidate me. We sometimes cry but it's only to shed raw anger.Oh yes sir.
Anonymous said...
She seems to be mentally unstable. I hope doesn't fly off the handle!
I know she is a gun toting NRA member. She might decide to do an Annie Oakley on you!
April 27, 2018 at 12:04 PM
Said the Libtards who will do anything to get Jamaad Gould and Bill McCain elected. No scruples in their game!
Why wait for wboc? Post the video!
JoeAlbero said...
12:04, Bring it on! Just remember, your not fooling anyone. It's obvious who would make such a threat. Nevertheless, we know how to defend ourselves and YOU are NOT the only one with a gun.
April 27, 2018 at 12:17 PM
Joe I don't think Annie Oakley is JB. I think it's some sh!t stirring Democrat.
Yeah, me too! But she didn't break the law I just don't care much for her and wanted to prove a point... so I planted drugs in het car and fudged the report a bit
Even Kardashian's know when to call an Uber. Poor girl she'll relapse on Listerine and hairspray like Kitty Dukaka. Maybe the party could get her into Betty Ford where she could meat some real mover and shakers.
So Joe, do you have the video or have to wait until WBOC gets it? Why wait until they post it and just post it yourself?
@12:04 if she has a firearm, she has to get rid if it while on probation....
He doesn't have any video. He wishes he does.
She’s now trying to say that she was threatened her with showing the tapes and releasing her medical records if she didn’t plead guilty. She cannot accept responsibility for her poor decisions. What kind of politician will that make her? Oh never mind...forget I said that. That’s pretty much all politicians.
She’s cozy with Lisa Bryant too. So don’t look for much.
i have seen those posts to and yes she is playing victim. Its everybody else's fault but hers. Nobody put her behind the wheel of her car and made her drive anywhere, Furthermore nobody forced that alcohol down her throat. Yet nobody will help her sue? Hasn't she embarrassed herself and her family enough? If i was a lawyer i would not take her case. Because of her accusations that video needs to be released.
How long have they had the video ? It does not take that long to edit foe a 60 second spot.
She isn't "cozy" with anyone. Most people just ignore her when they can and barely tolerate her when they're put on the spot.
Anonymous said...
People in the local GOP will not cover for her, McIver would like to see her gone.
April 27, 2018 at 2:14 PM
Many in the GOP would like to see McIver gone. just saying...
Anonymous said...
And proud of it. I actually DID lock up my own mother. She broke the law.
April 27, 2018 at 2:14 PM
If you did then shame on you!
come WBOC release that video. We want to see it. Its news and since she is running for County Council and they control our taxes etc we have a right to see it. Do your jobs.
They do have it. I don't know what they are waiting for? We should start messaging and calling them. I hate to think they are going to wait for a June surprise that would be waiting to long and I don't even think she is on the primary.
WBOC is pro-illegal, so I would not trust a damn thing they say. There are many different languages spoken here, but they chose spanish to take care of the illegals. One country, ONE language you numb nuts.
Did any of u contact WBOC? You should they have it. And if they dont I will. Anyone can file a FOIA. So yeah i do it. Stay tuned .
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