The fastest-growing city in each state
> Fastest-growing metropolitan area: Salisbury
> 2010-2017 pop. growth: +8.3% (+31,030)
> 2010-2017 pop. growth, Maryland: +4.6% (+264,078)
> Feb. 2018 unemployment: 5.4% (State: 4.2%)
> Largest driver of growth: Domestic migration
> 2010-2017 pop. growth: +8.3% (+31,030)
> 2010-2017 pop. growth, Maryland: +4.6% (+264,078)
> Feb. 2018 unemployment: 5.4% (State: 4.2%)
> Largest driver of growth: Domestic migration
"domestic migration" what the hell does THAT mean?
And that is still a lie, it is much more than that.
Domestic Migration.
That would be when Homie goes to jail in Princess Anne. His peeps migrate to Sby to be near him. Then when he gets out of the slammer, he sets up shop in Sby, since his peeps are already there.
Job Growth, too!
Double bonus.
Domestic migration= leaving ghetto, failed, crime ridden Baltimore and other places for SBY low income, section 8 housing and growing drug area.
No wonder the unemployment rate is so high. No business wants to come to Salisbury, it’s neglected and riddled with crime. Sad, but true not a city to be proud of or wanting to stay around anymore. These State and City reps should be ashamed to let it get this way. Salisbury is a big embarrassing joke.
But, according to Fake Day there are more jobs than people in Salisbury?? Laughable!
Dave T: I am always amazed how much I see people today who can publish lies. Where are the crime stats? Funny how they were eliminated and the unemployment is certainly inaccurate.
That photo bugs me each time I see it. The Main Street to vehicular traffic and let foot traffic take to sidewalks. The place took a big hit to malls taking over years ago, now they bar you from downtown. Looks as simple as "The Maze" a few block North. Try running that in a vehicle. Feels like driving bumper cars at the amusement park. Wake up children and MSGA.
They forgot to add, Murder Capital of the Eastern Shore
Largest amount of homeless beggars on the Eastern Shore
Most Racist City on the Eastern Shore
Most registered Sex Offenders on the Eastern Shore
stupid is as stupid does...
wait- so Salisbury has more population growth than MD as a whole, but also worse unemployment? Are folks moving here without jobs or are they moving here and THEN losing their jobs?
12:02, Absolutely, YES! I've been telling you for YEARS that ECI is bringing incarcerated family members to Salisbury from Baltimore. WHY do you think there's more section 8 or affordable housing in Salisbury then any other place in the state! For the past 10 years, that's the ONLY new construction outside of SU student housing, affordable housing. Salisbury is the $hithole of the Eastern Shore. Liberal leadership has destroyed the crossroads of delmarva and guess what, it's driving your property values into the sewer gutter and yet you keep voting for these Idiots. You had your chance to fix it.
And the city's director of HCDD was fired for embezzlement. You don't see that published anywere. And they let her retire instead of firing her. SHe probly has something on someone.
That explains why there has been no push for jobs, retail or manufacturing. Why try to get jobs for people who will not work? Just get more section 8 housing and suck off the government teat as a city? It also explains why Jake is so hell bent of his stupid folk festival and other esoteric nonsense. A real mayor would be pounding the pavement for small businesses to re-locate to the Eastern Shore and wouldnt have time for this artsy fartsy bull.
Salisbury is disgusting, the only thing getting bigger here is crime. They hide the growing homeless problem and instead of investing money into any type of fix they keep stuffing it in that f*cking boat or downtown.
They need to worry about filling the old Labinal building.
Paid for by the same people who pay for the welfare crowd.the same people Dems hate business owners.
Yea she had the dirt on scumbag Stevenson!! Rumor has it he tried/did hitting that booty.
Boy Mayor - ANOTHER opportunity for you to respond. Don't worry - we aren't waiting because you are gutless as well as INEXPERIENCED!
Notice - this past week I received campaign correspondence from Mary Beth Carossa and Addie Eckard, both touting their accomplishments. I looked at my wife and said:
"How in the hell can they tout their job performance accomplishments when they are advocating handouts, or, essentially public welfare."
It beats me - as I did not see even (1) job generating accomplishments.
DOMESTIC MIGRATION from Baltimore to Salisbury.
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