DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest Contact Publisher Joe Albero at alberobutzo@wmconnect.com or 410-430-5349
Sunday, March 25, 2018
The Wicomico County Sheriff's Office Was Called In Eighty One Times Where 25 Horses Were Found Dead
I personally believe as the video we recently linked to on this matter will bring to light just how often they have been called out to this property. Many will say the Sheriff's Department also neglected to fulfill their duties to protect these animals. It should also be noted, (yet not mentioned) that this woman had a court order in which she was denied being allowed any more cats on this property, yet they found tons of cats there. She violated her probation, yet no charges have been filed to date.
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Obviously this woman was an animal hoarder like many collect animals even though they can't take care of them.
Kim monlar aka the bus driver and swat dick Fitzgareld , dropped the ball on this one also.good thing there gone and new leader ship has arrived go Arron go your doing a great job
It's truly a sign and shows how economically poverty stricken our area really is. Just look around you, and one can easily tell by all of the evidence just how bad our areas economic conditions have deteriorated to. It's happening all around Wicomico, Toys-R-Us will soon close, Ganders is gone, K-Mart will shut its doors any day now. Sears could easily go next. The old Green Turtle lies vacant, the modular home company located on North 13 now has on their marquee - Moved to Greenwood, DE.
Been better off to have called PETA
Our area? Toys R Us is closing all stores, gander mt went bankrupt and closed nationally, Sears is mismanaged nationally, and the modular home model is being moved to Doug Marshall's project in Delmar to make way for Aldi development. Yes, there are still some signs of the recession in the area but have your facts straight before commenting.
Who is the grumpy looking female over Mike Lewis' shoulder? Needs to smile if it does not break her face.
All the while our local PD ride around in new SUV's, Suburbans, and sporting Harley motor cycles. There's definately something wrong with the picture if you get my drift.
Eighty one times? How could they have not seen this? How could they have not seen that an elderly couple had over 100 horses. On average it takes $100 per month to feed a horse. That would mean the family needed $10,000 per month just to feed them. Stevie Wonder could see that couple didn’t have that kind of money. If Deputies has been there 81 times, someone should have seen this.
Heads should roll over this. If you had 81 calls about that same property red flags should have been popping up like crazy. Too busy trying to get your face on TV to do actual police work.
6:38 Those stores are closing nationally but in other areas there are plenty of jobs for those workers to be absorbed by. Here, not so much.
Something isn't right here as far
as responsibility for not doing
something sooner.
Why couldn't sheriff go on property
The Puppy Mill ladies property was
gone one! (She's never been brought
to trial as yet either , has she.)
What date and who was the authority who went
on the farm , with Sheriff ,and inspected
saying horses were OK.?
What Laws does the Sheriff Office go by?
Is it the same as our County Laws for
animal protection?????
Our County authorities need to have Laws
for Better Protection of Animals!
I hope we don't forget this needless inhumane
treatment of these animals
8:40 States Attorney, she's probably
saddened by such inhumane treatment of
animals. She's a Great person.
6:40 His side piece?
Chicken industry + chicken houses = manure. Another well known formula is"
Manure + Stink = Poverty
Mike Lewis you should be disgraced and your office reprimanded for incompetence
Jamie Dykes is Acting State's Attorney I am sure she will follow thru with her oath unlike out delegates who voted against our 2A rights and now are back peddling.
you're right. they get calls for horses running loose from the property, damn her constitutional rights. screw trying to get a search warrant for the property because a horse wandered off. go on that several acres property and walk all around; walking all over her constitutional rights against illegal search and seizure. arm chair, hypocritical, no nothing dopes.
Mikey has some EXPLAINING too do.
6:40...did you see the others speaking smile? Is there a reason for her to smile? I don't know her but will defend the SA from people like you. Were you in the room smiling?
The only problem I have with a press conference of any nature is many times we have a one sided audio. The press "axe" questions and the person answering goes off with a reply that we don't know what the question was. My request would be that in any setting, the speaker repeat the question when we can't hear the person "axing".
There's a lot more to this than the news is telling everyone. Uneducated people spouting off about a situation you have no experience with.
Lets hear some comments from anyone who has owned horse's from a foal to end of its life you know what they are doing when they are pulling on the siding and what a 20yo+ Horse can look like even if feed grain 3 times a day. Now with that they should have been buried when they died and maybe been taken care of a little better but these are peoples pets that they didnt want anymore . Bottom line is did anyone that complaints about these animals go ask if they could help before they came to take them or just wait until the news came a long then advertise for run ins as they cried about how terrible they had been treated. A horse can live 30 years think about it before you go buy your young daughters one they are both your responsibility.
Lewis should have kept his mug off of t.v. on this one. He has never met a camera he didn't like. Mike is such a narcissistic piece of sh** that he thought it sounded great they have been to that farm eighty-one times. What was he thinking. Who is this Pilchard women related to would be one my question. If it was a minority driving an out of state vehicle you can bet your sweet ass Mikey would have locked them up. Those horses starved to death and went without water. That is a horrific way to die. At one point over two hundred cats were removed form that farm. So the police think she cant take care of cats but she can take care of horses. Genius really. Shut up Mike and do the job you were elected to do. Try being in the county from time to time.
I doubt that she or anyone else thinks it's a smiling matter.
CE needs to call Mikey in and give him a dose of what his constituents think of the Sherriff' s incompetent handling of this debacle. Time to govern Mr Culver.
Those two will do just what they did with the dog case NOTHING. 81 times huh Sheriff You and your mental midgets need a little class on basic observation if you ask me. All that media about those dogs and all the tax money wasted. Who pays for this clean up Mike. You screwed the pooch. You were there more than any Vet or Horse expert from your own account. You blew it and those animals suffered needlessly. Jamie I will not rush to judgement Dykes lol. I bet if they were black or poor your arse would be charging. Its a East Side thing right.
Actually 9:06, Cherry Walk Rd is in the Western part of the county, making it a West Side thing. Moron.
Why isn't little Mikey being called out on this ?
100% correct but you keep voting for him.
Don't buy a 🏇
Do tell us ???
Yeah. The big “animal lover” who shoots cats for sport just because he doesn’t like cats. Isn’t that right Sheriff? If he says it’s not true, he is a flat out liar.
Is she a local? Sure looks like pretty much every woman in the women's auxiliary at every vol. fire dept. minus the costume jewelry.
The Sheriff's dept is more powerful than the court system in Wicomico Co.
Were authorities called to the farm 81 times in a five year period for a few horses in the roadway - or for 100 starving horses? I have not read yet exactly why the authorities were called to the farm, other then horses were out in the roadway. It is possible the only horses checked were the ones up around the farm house. It is possible the authorities were unaware a great number of horses were out of sight in other areas of the 200 acre plus/minus farm. In the pictures/videos I did not see any malnourished horses. Perhaps we should wait until the investigation is over before blaming the couple and the sheriff's Dept.
Mustangs have lived wild for 100s of years so perhaps these horses were not as bad off as the armchair non experts on horses fear. The horses are now being well fed and taken care of. That is a good thing.
Someone shoiuld alert a national animal rights group to do a story on this HIGHLIGHTING MIKEYS INCOMPETENCE AND RUN IT ON CNN. After All, Little Mikey loves publicity
These people bought hay from our neighbour every month and he delivered it! These horses were not starving. You cannot keep fat on an old horse any more than you can keep fat on a 100 year old man. The only issue I have is that they should have buried the dead ones rather than let them naturally decompose. The media just wants to stir up negative stuff. Kudos to this couple for at least trying to help these unwanted horses.
Good Lord another person who writes someone else SHOULD call. 6:35 Your idea, makes it your place to do the alert, that's how it works. If you are serious repeat after me: "IF IT IS TO BE, IT IS UP TO ME". (commenter's Note: I wrote the whole sentence using words of two letters, so you could better understand not to ask others to do your wants. K? K!!
Sheriffs officer share culpability in this tragic incident.
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