The one-unit course--“Trump: Impeachment, Removal, or Conviction?”--will be offered in March and is set to be taught by Professor John Joseph Cleary. The required text for the course is Allan Lichtman's The Case for Impeachment, a book published in response to Donald Trump’s election that advocates for the President’s removal from office.

"Focus will be on the two constitutional grounds: impeachment and removal (25th Amendment), and the possible charges of the independent counsel, the powers of the president,” and “a history of the creation of [the presidency] and the comparison of divine right and rule of law leadership.”
The curriculum will also address “grounds for impeachment, removal, or indictment,” such as “conflict of interests, foreign emoluments, climate change, racism, religious bias, improper influence, nepotism, and a host of crimes, including conspiracy, false statements, and obstruction of justice.”
I CAN understand where this is educational if it addresses HOW and nothing else to make it political.
I thought only really smart people taught at colleges. Impeach President Trump for what. These courses should be thrown out and the professor arrested for treason. Their careers should be cut short for accusing a president without facts. Has this country gone mad or are we soft.
Another Obama shadow government at work.
Just think how much MORE we could get accomplished for this country IF people in gov't did their jobs, stopped obstructing everything Trump is trying to do, and all the other negative actions they engage in?
You don't have to like Trump, I despised Obammy for over 8 years, so I expect others might feel the same towards Trump. That is fine. But at least do your jobs you were elected to do. Hate Trump on your own time and your own dime.
He was duly elected, just like most of you, and is doing what he promised he would do if elected. What is the problem? That unlike most of you he is actually keeping his campaign promises?
For each and every one of you that are hating on Trump AND not doing their jobs, you should be voted out of office if removing you beforehand is not possible.
"The course was one of four one-credit courses featured in an email sent to students Monday, which advertised them as a way to get the last credit necessary for a degree for just $221."
And when you come out, you'll have really learned nothing for the $221 plus $100 for the text, but you can finally graduate.
A state supported school promoting Sedition, laws don't apply to leftists.
The average person, even the average Democrat sees this as ridiculous. These colleges are showing how worthless their degrees really are. It won't be long before people stop paying for this.
Bull cejones! First there has to be a crime!
Pull there funds
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