DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest Contact Publisher Joe Albero at alberobutzo@wmconnect.com or 410-430-5349
Sunday, March 11, 2018
A Viewer Writes: Salisbury Housing
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Cannon is the biggest slumlord in the county. Just follow the money. Also, the presence of college kids drives up the prices quite a bit.
Yes - absolutely. It is ridiculous at this point. They are all too busy gouging the college crowd and too stupid to realize they would make more with less damage if they rented to a responsible person long term.
The rents are so high because most are being subsidized by tax payers. Rent might be $1000/per month but the tenants only pay a portion of that and tax payers pay the rest.
It is expensive to have a rental. There is a rental license fee that has been raised each year, taxes (which continue to go up), a mortgage to pay on most. Then when someone moves out you have to paint and clean carpets etc. It isn't free. People destroy rentals homes. Holes in the walls, carpets with burn holes, broken appliance. Its rediculous.
Another factor is: a lot of people are using these "management" companies and they hike it up more $$$ to make their profit. It may have been affordable at one point but once you add on their commission its over the top
I have been in the same place for over 5+ - my landlord is a gem. Once I have to move I will be in deep $hit and have been looking for months and find I either can't afford it or it is in a crap neighborhood. Typically they want $500 more than what I am paying for less amenities.
I have a new neighbor and I checked her out on the judiciary site and she has been sued by every landlord she has rented from.
People only see the landlord's side and don't see the crap tenants put up with - Some of the horrors I have seem in rentals are beyond acceptable. You should see some of the crap these landlords are trying to rent.
What a horrible situation. I also see a lot of ads lately on Craigslist where they have "discounted" the rent because no one will rent it. Problem is once they get you in there the next year they will be jacking you up to what they wanted in the first place and you will be screwed and they are too stupid to realize that.
Its a no win situation right now. They force you into eviction with their greed and ignorance
It's a free market; housing prices are what the market will bear. Would you rather have rent controls? Get over it.
There is plenty of section 8 housing available , try it .
It is not the job of landlords to provide you with rent you can afford. It is your job to establish skills and a career that will make you enough money to pay market prices for your personal expenses. Do not blame landlords for your personal failures in life.
Landlords make no money off of empty rentals. If there were not people that could pay the prevailing rent, the market would force prices down.
As a former landlord (and former for good reasons), I know why they charge so much. Many - not all- but many tenants cause so much wear and tear on the properties, it takes a lot of the time and profit to fix the damage. Then, it takes time to fill the vacancy when the tenant vacates without notice or fails to pay the rent and has to be evicted.
The courts are very tenant friendly, often allowing the tenant a month or more to repay back rent, only to take them back to court for the same reasons. I had one property rented full time for 2 years and only received 18 months of rent. Who can afford to do that!?!??
Many tenants play the system so much, there is now an 'underground' list of bad tenants that landlord check to see who is a low-life and they shouldn't rent to.
If you think your landlord is being a jerk, there's often good reason because they've been screwed one too many times!
And, the city codes don't help much either. It makes it even more expensive to rent in Salisbury.
So, if you don't like it, buy your own property(ies) and become a landlord yourself. Your attitude and opinion will change in about 6 months - guaranteed.
There is a MAJOR impact from the presence of SO MANY legal and illegal immigrants, but particularly the illegal ones, along with the friends/family of the inmates at ECI.
They are sucking up ALL of the 'affordable' housing, often with the help of your government.
This is hard-core reality-- the leftist policies enacted here in Maryland are destroying the quality of life for all, but particularly for those who are stuck living in the cities... which is ironic, because they are the ones who are so fond of the lefties.
They all want to move SU trust fund kids into their slum houses for premium $$$.
taking in a month??? most houses in Salisbury that are for rent have mortgages, insurance, maintenance, taxes, fees such as rental licenses, inspection fees.. not to mention repairs and damage. Now that you have been informed.. you are welcome. Try buying a house and renting it out at what you would consider reasonable and see how much out of pocket you are paying.
Free market capitalism. Don't like it, move to Russia or China. Rent is not that high compared to places that have good jobs. 2 bedroom apartments in our area run $2,800-$3,500/month.
SLUMLORD John Cannon.
It’s because of the college kids,3 bedroom home next to me the guy rents to college kids only and gets $500 dollars a room
My rent in Stockton went from $750 to $900 last year. Greedy landlords, rising home values, lack of other rentals. All drive the "rates" up. I moved 2 miles to Girdletree and am now paying $600. You just have to keep looking on Craigslist, or get a list of landlords at the chamber of commerce, or ask friends. I have used all these sources and have always found great rates. I lived above a shop downtown Pocomoke for $300 a month for 6 years until they sold the building. The deals are still out there. I had a 440 credit score and still got a good place. There is always a choice. My score hangs around 800 now.
Supply versus demand. If you can’t afford the cost of housing yet others can, then that’s your problem. A harsh reality in a cruel world.
I agree, rent is ridiculous. Who can afford it if you want to be just you. I am a single Mom and in no way can afford it, especially with the wages in this area. Something needs to be done, a rent cap, more affordable places, better wages maybe?
That’s what happens when five property owners control 80% of the rental business
That's why there more than one family in
a lot of these places.
Salisbury does not offer a pay scale where
most can afford the ridiculous prices charged.
Lol put the bottle down
4:10 PM I get what you are saying but it goes both ways and as a tenant you have no idea how many times I have been screwed by a landlord.
Including one time the landlord tried to break in to my home.
I have had workmen steal my prescription medicine
I and other tenant almost died from carbon monoxide because the flue pipe on the furnace had deteriorated and the slum lord never had the unit serviced.
Have I ever broken my lease. Absolutely. I am not paying you to kill me because you are cheap, ignorant and negligent.
I have no sympathy for landlords. Most are scum. They are only in it for $$$ and when it doesn't work out it is always someone else's fault.
Thank Ireton and day for giving away property to there friends along with the stupid city council.
" Anonymous said...
It's a free market; housing prices are what the market will bear. Would you rather have rent controls? Get over it.
March 8, 2018 at 4:00 PM"
Well not really. Residential rentals are not a free market because nowadays most are being supplemented by tax payers. It's what the government welfare agency will pay more then what the market will bear. Section 8 is just a small part of it. Every single rental unless it's a complete dump can be eligible for some kind of government voucher depending on the income of the tenant.
Immigration too is hiking up the price of rentals. They don't mind putting 6 people in a 3 bedroom house (many unrelated) so can pay more. One will rent a house for $1000/month then rent out bedrooms for $350 a month or less if the roommates share a bedroom. The person on the lease then ends up paying less then $200/month themselves or sometimes nothing at all.
4:51 You are dreaming if you think for one second any "trust fund kids" are attending SU.
I get so mad about this subject. They build brand new housing for low income folks, and you cannot rent there because you make too much (at minimum wage) but the low income folks are the ones who make a mess of the brand new housing. If you are able to locate an apartment you can afford it's going to be in a neighborhood you don't want to be in and the apartment is going to look like crap. I know this because a family member rented an apartment that needed paint that didn't wash off the wall when it was scrubbed, new bathroom fixtures and floor, new screen door, etc., etc., and was promised all of the above by the landlord but the landlord never came thru with the promises, but always wanted that rent on time. Then in the winter when the pipes froze he used the tenants electricity to unfreeze the pipes which drove the bill up and the landlord offered nothing but, I didn't use that much electricity. Aren't there standards that landlords have to meet? If not, there should be. Nothing, and I do mean nothing, ever got fixed in that apartment but the landlord will whitewash the walls and rent it again like nothing is wrong. Wrong, just so very wrong. This is why landlords get called Slumlords. All they want is the money and the majority of them are just that, Slumlords. Shame on all of you so being so money hungry. May you rot in hell.
3:42. It's not only college kids causing the damage. I had a family- or should I call them a pack - that did so much damage to my property, my insurance actually ageeed to pay for it. That NEVER happens unless it's considered vandalism. Many renters don't deserve nice homes because they act like animals. They get what they deserve.
The market will set its own prices. No, there's no collusion with the big landlords in Salisbury. Some, don't even like each other, so why collude.
If you don't like how it is, buy your own property like I did WITH MY HARD EARNED MONEY and rent your own. You'll soon learn that you'd rather rent to your dog than to some people. Good tenants were the exception and not the norm, unfortunately.
And that, folks, is why rent is so high. If it was greed, they would definitely do something else with their money.
So this person thinks the answer to all their bad decisions in their life is to GIVE them cheap housing that they can tear up and not pay for? No pity from me. This person, and others that have no respect for an investor's property, are the reason for the high rents. If they were good tenants, they wouldn't be charged so much. I wouldn't want this person in one of my properties.
March 9, 2018 at 8:02 AM:
"Then in the winter when the pipes froze he used the tenants electricity to unfreeze the pipes which drove the bill up and the landlord offered nothing but, I didn't use that much electricity."
As a tenant you have the responsibility to maintain the property in a manner that protects the property from damage. Turning down, or turning off the heat to the point that pipes freeze is YOUR fault, and then you expect the landlord to thaw the pipes out at his expense. Wow, you sure have some nerve...and a lot of disrespect for other people's property. There ARE standards that tenants have to meet, and they are listed in the lease, or rental agreement. Funny that you should "get mad" over this subject. Tenants like you are the problem. If you don't like landlords, or "slumlords" that will rent to people like you at the price you can afford, then try buying a house if you have any credit. They won't let you stay there either, if you don't make the payments on time. I doubt any landlords wish you would "rot in hell", and your saying that shows what kind of tenant you are. Go live in a car, if you have one.
Poor people with no education always blame those that have more than them.
Sometimes things are priced a certain way to keep out those who cannot afford them and thereby keeping a certain level of people. People who make 100k a year probably don't want to live next to crackheads, lowlifes, and criminals.
I have rental units in three states including MD (wicomico) and by far the worst tenants are in this area.
I was paying 800 dollars a month in a drug infested neighborhood near Prince Street. Finally, I bought a second hand boat and lived on it at the City Marina for over 2 years.
Maybe the house was not properly insulated and that caused the pipes to freeze.
Copes rentals?????
I paid $900/month until one day I had enough. When I informed the landlord that I was vacating he offered to reduce the rent by $100/month.
I went out and bought a second hand camper from Midway RV and parked it at Shadpoint for several months, then, moved it again to Assateague for another couple months. If I had to do over again, I would have bought a nice tent and squatted on State land or over by the industrial park - before I parted with $900/month rent. Let me tell you from experience, you'll NEVER EVER get ahead paying $600 - $1000 dollars per month rent. One is much better off in a sleeping bag, solar panels, Verizon wireless card, LP 20lb gas heater as opposed to paying monthly rent.
I have found that the Centre of Salisbury Mall is very good place to crash during the day to stay out of the elements. One can stay almost to midnight and then back again at 6:00 AM. It's warm, has bathroom facilities, and has security guards to protect you from troublemakers.
As a general rule, once a tenant falls behind in their rent they never catch up.
Anonymous said...
I have rental units in three states including MD (wicomico) and by far the worst tenants are in this area.
March 9, 2018 at 11:36 AM
Why is that so easy to believe?
6:39 What was the highest grade that you completed in school?
Shows how little you really know. Most rentals are not being supplemented by a govt subsidy. That’s ILLEGAL!! You either get a voucher or you don’t. SOME landlords run that scam, but most either take the voucher at what the govt will offer or stick to their price and find a private pay tenant. Knowledge is power dumba**
I think the people with housing vouchers and even sometimes young adults just starting out expect the very best in housing. If you aren't paying a lot for a place, then you shouldn't have granite countertops, high end stainless steel appliances, expensive finishes and huge walk in closets. Those paying low rents should just get the basics. That way it would save the builder/developer money and if the renters want better, there is an incentive to earn more money to upgrade to the next level. In other words, you get what you pay for.
9:38 AM how ignorant, what we don't expect is ONLY being able to afford a place in the middle of the ghetto. And if we smartly chose to stay home with our parents you mock us
Sometimes things are priced a certain way to keep out those who cannot afford them and thereby keeping a certain level of people. People who make 100k a year probably don't want to live next to crackheads, lowlifes, and criminals.
March 9, 2018 at 11:08 AM
Actually no one does regardless of their income level -
IMHO, Posting 6:39 PM has more common sense than any of those people who got suckered - into paying near $1000/month rent. After all's said and done, you'll have nothing to show for it except worn out hands, elbows, knees, and, feet.
The high rent around here is insane, and I totally agree with 6:39. You're much better off in a high quality tent, camper, boat, anything other than Salisbury's dilapidated neighborhoods.
10:24 AM lots of people making 100K are drug addicts, alcoholics, etc. Did you have a point? or were you just busy degrading people at lower incomes?
Roop Group and Roop Investments who “flip houses”. They hike prices then put on the “hey I can save you money with x,y,z through ACN”
Need at least two incomes for afford rents in this city. That's why my two son's still live at home with me.
10:06 You are clueless. Absolutely clueless. You have no idea how the system works. Now let me educate you. FYI most of the rentals in and around Sby are government subsidized in one way or another. Rent could be $1000 a month. Based on a tenants income and # of minors in the household the landlord may get a voucher for some and the rest comes out of the tenants pocket. Tax payers are also paying for rents in a hidden way. Food welfare benefits, Medicaid, free lunches, etc take into account cost of housing.
March 9, 2018 at 6:39 PM;
Anybody that does what you do has been thrown out of so many places that you have nowhere else to go. And then you brag about it. I guarantee you that landlords don't miss you. Anyone that will live without a shower or bathroom, is nasty, and isn't welcome on anyone's property.
Maryland is an expensive state to live in because it's controlled by tax and spend Democrats.
Actually, that is cheep only 1000 a month! As a homeowner, my mortgage is way more then 1000 a month. Plus I have to pay all the taxes. When something goes wrong thats on me too. And home insurance is three times what rental insurance is. I pay alot more then 1,000 a month and sometimes wish I would have never bought my home and renting would be better. Most people here have no clue and can't think outside of their miniature box they live in. Landlords have major expenses. There may be some slum lords. Not not all landlords are bad .
Then that my dear, is a greedy landlord. I've seen people on hud move into homes that started at 535 a month, and the tenant played 85 of that cost. But next thing u know, a year down the road, that 535 dollar house is 900 a month. Now, who should u be mad at?
Tiny houses are the next big thing. Or so that's what the TV show says. They save people a lot of money and prevent you from collecting a lot of useless stuff because there is not a lot of storage space.
Section 8 must go away
To 1:16 Poster that said about 6:39; 'And then you brag about it. I guarantee you that landlords don't miss you. Anyone that will live without a shower or bathroom, is nasty, and isn't welcome on anyone's property.'
I've got to admit, 6:39 does have valid points. Seems asinine to pay $1000/month or more to live in another man's home for just 30 days. As for no restroom or bath, well our forefathers did it in the 1600s - through about 1910 when indoor plumbing arrived on the scene. And as for the easternshore of Virginia, there were many communities that shared a single well right up until a few years ago. And by the way, 1:16 - if you haven't noticed, Salisbury's Waste Water Treatment plant ain't nothing to write home about - as it has been documented many many times and covered extensively by SBYNEWS whereby they were dumping raw sewage into the Wicomico River. And it's still going on even as I am writing my response.
So get over it and get a real life. If you want to pay $1000 to $1500 a month to be located in Salisbury's cesspool - so be it. But
In my estimation, 6:39's pale does hold water.
To 6:51 Commenter that said; 'Why is that so easy to believe?'
Responding: I will second your motion as I am in agreement with you to on that one also. It looks as though no sooner than ECI and the Wicomico Detention Center releases them on the streets, and then it becomes a haven for drugs, prostitutes, and criminals. From my observation the only thriving industries in Salisbury are drug running, prostitution, and bank robbery. And the crime stats seem to prove it. Just a few short weeks we ago we had two bank robberies within just a few hours of each other. And I can almost throw a stone across Salisbury as it's that small.
Salisbury rent, it's a form of slavery and involuntary servitude, plain-and-simple.
1:29 PM sorry but your whole comment is just moronic. Landlords have major expenses? Laughable. No they fix something and then jack my rent up ten fold to cover the expense even when it has nothing to do with me.
Looks like you need to get out of your box.
Child support.
Only for those who expect something for free from the Govt.
Really. Who drives the BMWs? Poor kids.
Agree. It is too easy
It's people like you that cause the issues. Can't see the other side. Take advantage. Yes, there is huge expensenses. I rest my case. What an idiot.
"That’s what happens when five property owners control 80% of the rental business"
Curious . . .who are the big rental players these days?
Cannons, Richard Insley, Roop, Larmar Corp /Rinnier Family? Who else? I understand Stu Leer was selling all of his but kept his coin up laundries.
If your renting out a house with a mortgage, then you are a idiot. Best to have it paid so you can turn a profit..borrow/jacking from Peter to pay Paul/bank is stupid
I have read all these comments and i will tell you how it works for my daughter ,son-in-law and 2 grand children,they have been paying 1,100 a month for a piece of crap house ,my daughter is the only one working {and working her butt off i might add } son-in-law takes care of kids because it cost a fortune for child care ,there is no way they can keep up and has been evicted ,price for housing is outrageous ,all i can do is pray for them ,if only they could find a rent to buy at about 800.00 i believe they could make it ,if there is subsided housing ,we haven't found it
Don't breed em if you can't feed em.
6:39 Have them move in with you and/or tell them to stop having kids until they can afford it.
The only people evicted are the ones that don't pay....damn get an education! Don't be jealous over Cannon or other landlords, if you want to supply first class rentals, you buy the homes and rent them out for $300.00 / month....see how long you last in the rental business! Genius.
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