GOOD MORNING, WELCOME TO THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, a Christian nation, land of the free, Because of the brave.
How may I help you?
Press '1' for English.
Press '2' to disconnect until you learn to speak English
And remember only two defining forces have ever offered to die for you, Jesus Christ
And the American Soldier.
One died for your soul,
The other for your freedom.
If you agree. Keep it going
A Nation of Sheep - Breeds a Government of Wolves!
Let's Take a stand!!!
Borders: Closed...
Language: English only...
Culture: Constitution and the Bill of Rights!!!
Drug Free: Make a drug screen mandatory for any one on welfare and/or food stamps!
NO freebies to Non-Citizens!

DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest Contact Publisher Joe Albero at alberobutzo@wmconnect.com or 410-430-5349
Sunday, February 18, 2018
THIS is MY kind of customer service!
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How can any American disagree with this. Those that do should be shipped to another country
I am 100% American but I don’t agree with the Jesus part of this post. I am free to worship however I please. I am free to speak any language I choose as well. I am not leaving the country.
Man, wouldn't that be a beautiful country.
Those who disagree should leave on their own.
Let's take it one by one 6:30AM
1. A Christian nation?
Well originally Americans worshipped every one of God's creations but thankfully 90% of them were genocided by the true Christian Americans.
2. Land of the free?
Where we have the highest per capita prison population, storing rainwater is illegal and if you are stopped by the police they have the right to take your property without charge.
3. Because of the brave
The men in 5 million dollar Humvees, 50 million dollar fighter jets, or sitting at a computer in Ohio bombing "terrorists" in their mud huts as they sleep.
4. Press 2 to disconnect until you learn English
Unless we can use your native language as a code to win a World War.
5. The American soldier died for your freedom.
The American soldier died for a free college education. The American soldier died for the Clinton's and Bush's and their friends to get richer. The American soldier died to hide the countries crimes.
You are just as guilty of making this country suck as the people you are protesting. No matter, what we could do no wrong. I'm sure there were a ton like you saying, "If you don't like the Nazi party, move to France". Nothing will get better if we don't admit the problems, and especially if you blame this country sucking on the people pointing out the problems.
7:46, you know darn well the doctor told you to take the whole tablet. Now please stop breaking them into two pieces. Or maybe leave the USA
7:26. You are a total idiot. Do us all a favor and leave
7:26. People like you are the problem with this country
And as an American I welcome you to worship who you wish and I respect the intelligence needed to speak multiple languages while most Americans can barely manage their native tongue.
You may be 100% American, but I bet a Liberal one...
726 is right!
I know your trolling because you say the same stuff no matter what but I'm curious Who did you VOTE for the last 3 TIMES?? I know your checking the comments because this is your life.
Nope. forced religion? Thats what the taliban does. Count me out
You people are crazy. This is the most violent "free" nation in the world. Adults just kill people. Their young adults and kids "think" it's ok to kill. And, the gun totting O. K. Corral mentality of most NRA supporting Americans has made it impossible to feel safe in Americas. This is a GOD-less nation and we are doomed.
Mr. Albero, this need to read and heard. This country is in trouble.
Well said 7:26. I think most Americans are so upset by the language barrier because English is a difficult language to learn. Hell, I know plenty of natural born citizens who struggle with it still!
"When fascism comes to America it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross."
Lets clear up some problems with this false nationalist rhetoric.
America is not and never has been a Christian nation. It is, and has always been, as secular republic that protects the religious freedom of all people, all religions.
Know why there is no "religious" test written into the Constitution? Before that time certain Christian communities accused different Christian denominations of being "wrong" and passed law to prevent these people from being allowed to do anything... and those were the "nice" Christians. There were some who were actively killing each other over denominational differences. You know, those good "Christian Americans".
The hilarity of this entire post, is that it is indistinguishable with Nazi propaganda. Just change the flag image and you have it.
This is not freedom or liberty. Which is what America is. What America is about, what it was founded on, and what it stands for.
This is not patriotism. It is an embarrassment.
You have been warned, this false nationalism is just another way to control you, and to keep you enslaved, and to rob you of your God given freedom and liberty.
This is @ 7:47. I made a error, my message was to @ 7:26. There was no @ 7:46 as I stated. Sorry for any confusion. I have my pill digested now lol
Very racist considering most African Americans don't speak multiple languages. Just stay in your rich area surrounded by big homes and gates. Making fun of us isn't cool.
You admit to having FREE WORSHIP and FREE language (whatever that means) So what are you complaining about?
7:26 is spot on. This is a great country where 17 people are killed at a high school. How many school shooting in the first 6 weeks of this year? Focus should be on preventing this rather than worrying about what language is a person's first language. I know many more hispanics that speak 2 languages than shorebiliies barely able to speak one.
At what height are all the protest kneelers ? Feed 'em tube steak cuz I bet they like it !!!Ray!!!
726 snowflake triggered!! You are adorable, calm down you can still drive your Subaru to your next SIGN HOLDING MEETING then go to lunch spend a 100.00 dollars. Probably go to the movies and head home to your WHITE SUBURBAN neighborhood and turn on the 70 inch flat screen and watch CNN. Another day of fighting capitalism. Lol
Thank you 8:55.
I dont know why you morons continue to spread this type of nonsense. It jist demonstrates your absolute lack of knowledge of US and/or world history, not to mention your suspect skills of deduction
Guess we should have told the Chinese/Japanese this back in the 1890s-1920, and mined all of the gold ourselves, worked in the steel mills and packed on meat. Afterall, they were only 24% of US labor force
Or the Germans that came in the 1800s escaping poverty and seeking religious freedom. After all Germans are evil.
Or the Dutch in the early 1800s because who needs scrapple and nicely made furniture?
Definitely the Spanish who settled Florida, cause they were brown.
At our first Census in 1790 over 60% of people here were recent immigrants.
hehe, Here is a thought that will make a few heads explode. What do you have left when you strip away the religious trappings from extreme Christianity and Islam?
Fascism in it's purest form.
Hitler knew he would not be able to force the German people to accept Islam, so he stripped away that part and they loved it.
Like 6:48 Amen be thankful for what we have and support this country.
7:26, rather than spouting off about our short comings, why don't you offer some solutions rather than just lip service.
You are right. These mind zombies are beyond comprehension. Do not waste your time on them, but know many people agree.
The founding fathers would clearly disagree with this. That's who.
Mindless bot above
825 who cares who he voted for? What does that have to do with it?
Grow up
No, i beg to disagree..back yoir your ill informed mindlessly slavish worship of trump
no employment for illegals,
America recognizes only two genders, Male or Female
America only allows marriage between a male or a female
Americans will stand for our anthium, and will salute our flag
All Americans will serve 2 years in a branch of the armed forces
Criminals sentenced to death will have their sentence carried out
within 5 years.
ID will be required to vote
8:55 is 100% correct.
7:26. You should like a poor excuse for a human being. My dog makes a whole lot more sense than you do
Most immigrants speak more than one language. Most bornheres barely speak english.
5 percent of the world population is white. Whites are the worlds true minority and the MOST persecuted race in the world currently. In the US the highes suicide rate of ANY race and gender is white male.. Double digit hire then ANY other race and gender... all your comparisons are based on a false narrative of YOUR personal feeling but not of the masses. Snowflakes make up a narrative the accuse everyone of it. So weird. Liberalism is a disease of the brain.
Like the old song use to say "What a wonderful world it would be"
With your obvious hate of America, paranoid thoughts and obsessions do you think it would be smart for the FBI to monitor your computer?
Bornheres from the hood speak ebonics. That is a foreign language.
Your a total racist. Typical snowflake
Put up that we don't want or need anyone from the continent of Africa, we already have too many of them here!
Illegal aliens are not immigrants. Some bornheres are legal immigrants. Please focus and turn off CNN. Go Trump!
Actually, most snowflake/millennials are inclusive and shun racism.
If this country sucks so bad why do people still want to come here to live? If it sucks so bad you should have no opposition to sending all the illegals back to their counties because this one is so horrible. How about you hope on a plane and go back with the illegals so you can help them make their country a better place. The way "you" want it to be. Have a safe flight!
I love your comment.
Thank you
The rest of you: Please do not equate Jesus Christ with men who kill people (for any reason).
"Jesus don't like killing no matter what the reason for,
And you flag decal won't get you
Into heaven any more"
John Prine.
They didn't say it sucked, they simply countered to populist rhetoric listed above with facts. People with critical thinking skills are able to understand that. Others, who have nothing constructive to contribute, say "git out if you don't be liken it hear". Illegals has become the code word for anyone that is not white.
What a Wonderful thought , to have
Our Country Back Again!
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