DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest Contact Publisher Joe Albero at alberobutzo@wmconnect.com or 410-430-5349
Sunday, January 21, 2018
Salisbury University Course uses 'Pyramid of White Supremacy' to teach diversity
A course at Salisbury University in Maryland is using a “Pyramid of White Supremacy” to help teach students about diversity and “cultural competence.”
“Avoiding confrontation with racist family members” and “remaining apolitical” make up the base, which is deemed critical for more egregious things like mass killings and genocide.
A course at Salisbury University in Maryland is using a “Pyramid of White Supremacy” to help teach students about diversity and “cultural competence.”
The one-credit course, “Diversity and the Self,” is a required class for any student hoping to obtain an elementary education major.
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Good for them...
More liberal horse dung from the primary local diseminators of said dung.
I am so very, very sick and tired of this crap. If it weren't for white Europeans, we wouldn't have most of the amenities we enjoy today. What was ever invented in Africa or Haiti?
She dares you pathetic racist whites to call her out, she has a doctorate and we are dull, question her at your peril.
(By the way, doesn’t she have the whitest most Eurocentric name ever? Just saying.)
This kind of bs is why racism is on the rise in America
The white privileged lie is Racist and attempts to disenfranchise all white people from their Constitutional rights...My child was going to go there next year but we are cancelling those plans and going to another school.
They also force students to take a gender neutral class to try and screw them up as well.
This is complete BS!! It’s time to take our education system back. We have allowed this to take place over the years. All federal funding should be cut to any school that does not have the same amount of Liberal and conservative and independent teachers and professors. Right now our children are being tought nothing but liberal ideas and it has to stop!!!! Where is the deversity in views that should be tought!!! Maybe everyone should go protest SU!!!!!!!
Of course Bill Mich won’t be reporting on this!!
Glad I received my degree a long time ago. Lets have a course for parents of the kids we teach entitled, "Manners and Respect".
Rodney King was the one famous for saying "can't we all just get along?" Little did he know he was guilty of "minimization." Liberals have taken the next step towards instigating a race war. It's longer good enough to see everyone as equal. You now have to actively hate white people in order to NOT be a racist.
Hopefully the big donators to the colleges will have their voices heard if they do not agree with what courses are being taught and activities allowed on campuses. Lack of money could be a big deterrent to such activities and courses.
I am an alumus twice over.Ever since the current president arrived, SU has turned into a bastion of liberalism. They drove my wife (alumna) and I nuts with there constant pressuring for money. Fed up, I finally demanded, in harsh terms,that they stop soliciting us for support. I cited their pro liberal, pro diversity, anti-white, anti-American, pro LGBTQ LMNOPXYZ etc, etc culture. I let them know they don't represent all of us. I think the got the message. We are only two strong. We must hit them where it hurts, stop all contributions to this institution. Demand and effect change.
6:40 a doctorate in what Education? That means nothing. That is given to any imbecile anymore who takes the time to do it. Doesn't require any intelligence. It is nothing to be proud of.
Exactly right. Cut off the money,stop sending your children to schools like this and continue to expose these curriculums.
Yes Rodney King did say that but you have slaves to the democrat agenda like this Stutelberg who have allowed themselves to be reduced to nothing more then the real tools. She should be asked about the famous Rodney King quote. You know stooge Stutelberg being a lowly tool never was told or bothered researching the material she uses in class.
Most people are sick and tired of the few liberals stirring the pot. Then you have the media following them around with a camera.
Also the put anything that sounds bad into there BS pile.
Predatory lending is any lending practice that imposes unfair or abusive loan terms on a borrower. It is also any practice that convinces a borrower to accept unfair terms through deceptive, coercive, exploitative or unscrupulous actions for a loan that a borrower doesn't need, doesn't want or can't afford.
Now is Predatory lending a black only issue. Take that brick out of you pyramid along with a few more.
Last but not the least : Why is one word so bad for all race's except one race to say? You know the word begins with N
Blacks say the word so much and some have gotten wealthy off of the word. Richard Pryor, Chris Rock and Eddie Murphy has made millions off of that "bad word" .
Like Chris Rock said " It sucks to be black, no white person would trade places with me and I am rich".
This indoctrination of children will lead to a society filled with hate but that's what democrat progressives want.
I am so very, very sick and tired of this crap. If it weren't for white Europeans, we wouldn't have most of the amenities we enjoy today. What was ever invented in Africa or Haiti?
January 18, 2018 at 6:30 AM
I'm glad you asked. I am not familiar with Haitian inventions. Also you do realize that Egypt is in Africa, Egyptians created mathematics, revolutionized methods of building using ramps and pulleys, writing, the sickle... I have a question for you...what have you invented?
The ironic part is all of you coming on here reinforcing the concepts of this course in your comments...
More satanic tactics divide, decieve, lie. The father of lies is who these morons follow.
Maybe SU can get Bill Ayers to come as a guest lecturer and teach bombmaking 101.
Where is the course on "black" racist or "black lives matter". You won't find a more racist group. Whites do not have any monopoly on racism, it is shared by ALL. How ridiculous and laughable,liberalism and radical teachings are killing our society. Blacks continue to blame everyone for their self-inflicted problems.
8:22 I'd venture to say the KKK is a wee bit more racist ;) I'd also venture to say that you don't have many black friends. Stupid and lazy has no race, color or gender. Making sweeping statements stating that all blacks continue to blame everyone for their self-inflicted problems is part of the problem. They didn't create red-lining (which thanks Joe for bringing that issue to your readers attention awhile back). They didn't create segregation. And neither did we! Don't get sucked up in all the hate.
Sexually transmitted diseases that's about ut
8:06- What concepts are you speaking of? I don't see any comments reinforcing anything, except for the moron who commented at 6:30 and yourself..
Erin, go back to “Minna-soooo-ta!”
race baiter
Haha. Well stated 8:05. I disagree with this pyramid, but that doesn't mean people get to make blanket racist statements like the one at 6:30. Listen, I know I'm the minority here, because I don't really have any issues with SU in general. Is this bad? yes. But then again, when you employ thousands of people, not everyone is going to be a winner. Or smart. Or have good judgement.
Racists come in all sizes, shapes and color. They are in a very small minority. In fact, one must look very hard to find one that is openly demonstrating or promoting racism, and when found they are admonished within the circles in which I travel. However, I have not had the opportunity to encounter one in recent years, but stand ready just in case.
If we continue to allow this very small minority to sew hate and discontent, then the goals and wishes of Dr. Martin Luther King will not be met. Personally, each day I try to adhere to his teaching, by not judging anyone by the color of their skin, or the shape of their eyes, but by the content of their character that is demonstrated and presented by them towards me and others.
6:30 Humans were invented in Africa.
It's time for a thorough housecleaning at SU, starting at the top of its "pyramid."
Given all those discoveries you would think Africa and particularly Egypt would be the world leaders in science and technology.Instead they still wack goats around the desert with sticks.
The way to solve this is for alumni to stop giving this dump $
I am just glad we can comment anonymously because I graduated from that place approximately 30 years ago and was not so proud at that time. I don't mention school anymore because I am ashamed of where I went. I guess it is moving along with today's society.
Donations? Never have, but I did pay my tab. So I don't owe them anything.
This article is absolutely discussing.
everyone, google "Identity politics and the Marxist lie of white privilege" now watch the video
It's called a self-fulfilling prophecy. You constantly put your finger in someone's face and scream "racist! racist! racist!" They're not gonna like you, even though race has nothing to do with it. Then you sit back in your-assured arrogance and say, "see, I told you so." And thusly wars begin by the instigation of wolves posing as sheep.
Yes Egypt is in Africa but races other than blacks live there and they are called Egyptians they are not black. Please don't engage in cultural appropriation through geographic proximity it is offensive to Egyptians
Thought this was a state university? Contact your state representatives.
Stoke the fire Socialists. MLK would never approve. I supported SU prior to seeing this. SSU Salisbury Socialist University - so sad.
Exactly why I quit donating as an alumni.
Am totally embarrassed to have attended college there.
The colleges have become too involved in politics.
It is supposed to be a school of higher learning not pushing a liberal political agenda.
I hope other alumni will follow suit and stop supporting the Snowflakes.
I am a faculty member there, and am thinking of getting out - I can tell you that this thinking IS supported by the Administration.
Blacks are the Biggest racist, always expect someone to feel sorry for their self-inflicted problems. Always looking for a government hand-out and all the freebies that expect. So don't blame whites for your lack of morality and responsibility.
I'm not a kid anymore,I have been retired for 10 years and I was never a racist I just wasn't raised that way BUT times have changed and I become more racist every time see this kind of crap.Racism is being taught to black children starting at a very young age.Blacks don't want to just along they want to reign supreme over the white race and the Democrat party is helping them in every way they can.Blacks have a very bad attitude tword almost all whites even those people who are trying to help them. I used to wish we could all just get along now I know it will never happen and I no longer care.
I was there when Dr. Norman Crawford was there. In those days, the liberal goal was to integrate the campus by bringing in such fine instructors like Dr. A K Talbot who participated in the Civil Rights movement, Dr.Talbot was an intelligent peaceful man who must be rolling in his grave over what can only be described as hatred of white people. Oh, to be back in the days when everyone watched the black fraternity Omega Psi Phi share their proud culture when they "stepped" in front of the campus as part of their initiation.
Everyone needs to hit SU's social media....maybe parents would think twice about sending their child here.
This pyramid is constructed so that its creator can call you a racist by disagreeing with it.
Closer examination reveals that it is constructed using multiple logical fallacies.
My rewrite of the pyramid's sidebar goes:
"This pyramid is constructed on multiple logical fallacies. When these logical fallacies are removed, the entire concept of "The Pyramid of White Supremacy" comes tumbling down".
At the top of the pyramid in "Mass Genocide". Is this not what the black community is inflicting upon itself in Baltimore and Chicago, among other cities?
Looks as if a self examination, within the black community , is called for at this time.
Aint it grand when things pick up once school is back in session!!
I sense a SU "War on the Shore" party coming soon!!!!!! Oh those were the days!!!
The only reason racism exists, is because it is taught, talked about and brought up again and again.
6:13 Racist
6:43 You are exactly right
6:45 Good for you!
I really dont object to this idiot woman teaching there and making her stupid pyramid, but I do object to it being a required course to become a teacher
As a current SU student I can say they don’t make us take classes. We chose the classes we want to take.
10:03 You cant tell people not to send their child to SU because of one professors beliefs. I graduated from the University and it is an excellent school with some excellent professors. This is one professors beliefs but of the hundreds of professors that work at SU how many follow these beliefs? SU has excellent faculty and staff and while there may be one bad egg in the basket, it does not mean all the eggs are bad.
9:35 I can tell you that this thinking IS NOT supported by the Administration and this is how things get out of hand...when people put FAKE NEWS out there and then people start to believe it. I know there are a lot of liberal professors who bash Trump to their class all the time.. but like someone else said you cant employ all winners...
No choice, eh?
I'm blown away at how easily liberal whites can be manipulated and brain washed.
The issue is that the school allows this type of dehumanizing so it's not just the teacher...S U seems to be making the school increasingly racially biased against their White students creating a hostile and dangerous learning environment, There have many assaults on White students by Black people which seem to increase yearly and this type of divisive course and rhetoric is not healthy, accurate or inclusive.
8:05 Egyptians have historically identified with the Arabs as opposed to the African or black (Haitian) culture. What the person was saying is true.
This pyramid is actually funny. "Genocide?" Really? What comedy writer dreamed that up? The only black genocide going on is in the inner cities where blacks are slaughter EACH OTHER in record numbers. Racism does not exist. It is their excuse for behaving the uncivilized way so many do. What does exist is a disgust of them that they themselves are 100% responsible for and no one else. Disgust in the way they can't be honest and admit they own their failures. Disgust in the way they so do not value life. Disgust in the way over 80% of black babies are born out of wedlock and the fact that illegitimacy is the number one cause of poverty but they keep on doing it.
One thing anyone can bet is that anyone on this site would love to break bread with blacks like Dr Ben Carson, Col Allen West, the young black from the Blaze Lawrence Jones and many many other blacks. Just because you can't stand some or even many doesn't make you a racist.
"Jessica Bolling said...
As a current SU student I can say they don’t make us take classes. We chose the classes we want to take.
January 18, 2018 at 11:09 AM"
Evidently the course is required for an elementary ed degree or at least that is what is being reported.
I agree with 11:30 am. Who can forget the early morning incident at Cookout across S Salisbury Blvd when 7 blacks in white tee shirts assaulted 4 whites getting their food at the drive through injuring 3 of them. This happened just this past fall.
This needs to be exposed on SU's social media so that parents can avoid sending their child to school there.
This is so funny. Genocide, lynchings and unjust police shootings? Where is all this happening. Nothing but more black lies. What they really should be doing and what is really needed if for them to worry about themselves and work on improving themselves. The only thing blacks have to fear are other blacks and if anyone denies this they are not being honest. Blacks need to work on being honest, and they need to start valuing life. The only time they care about a death is when they think they can turn it into a racial thing. And again if anyone denies this they are not a honest person.
This is just more bashing of the Caucasian race. It is o.k. to call a White a racist. You are not allowed to call Blacks racist. The Liberal agenda has been and will continue to divide America. The utter ignorance of young Blacks today is appalling. I was never a racist and now I am quickly becoming one. It is the younger generation that cause issues in society. Look at the homicide rate of young Black men. Look at third and fourth generation welfare. Blacks need to rise up and educate their young. There are no free rides one has to work to get ahead. It is sad a sub culture of a race has done so much damage to the creditably of a race. Look at the statistics Blacks perpetrate more violent crime against Whites than Whites on Blacks. Fake news and the liberals fuel the lies that provoke young Blacks. As for S.U. it has long been a liberal bastion. Just look at the White Board incident last year. If it had been a White student they would have been arrested. Again Black entitlement and privilege prevail. Enough is enough.
I don't get?
There goes my $1000 a year donation, from now on the nice private school will receive my money.
To fulfill your major there are REQUIRED courses and you cannot graduate if you do not complete them.. so yes we choose many, but some we MUST take, like the above mentioned class.
11:09 except for all of the "required" courses.
7:58 Too late. We already have a generation or two filled with hate. They are called snowflakes. 😁
8:31 Fix your culture then maybe we can get along.
11:13 Please. You and I both know it is accepted by the majority of the administration.
Wow - I didn't know you had to be white to participate in genocide. So I guess all abortion clinics are run by white people. I hope someone lets those people in Africa know they are not supposed to be committing genocide.
You must not spend much time on social media or viewing media in general. Anti-white racism is very much alive, and it is certainly not a small minority promoting it. Unless you consider the Democrat party a "very small minority".
MLK would have been considered an Uncle Tom these days. The status quo of the left is to define people by color, sexual orientation, and gender.
I seem to recall a racial incident at SU in the recent past. The white power drawings in the old library?! Oh wait, that doesn't count because it was done by people of color who "cannot be racist."
Ya' gotta wonder who in their right mind approved this course and made it mandatory. Some more thought should've been put into this. The folks at SU are not stupid, nor are they as bleeding-heart liberal as they are portrayed in the previous comments. Still one can't help but wonder if this was from the academic side or the University's Office of Institutional Equity, Fair Practices, Diversity & Inclusion.
I told everyone not to vote obama but noooo I was racist for even suggesting it. This is what we were left with
@ 6:40 am, Plus, how about the white woman hair-do she has? People raising hell about being treated as an equal, yet try so damn hard to be different. Makes no sense.
Is this what you get after spending Thousands of Dollars on Tuition at SU? Mandatory Class on some "Pyramid of White Supremacy" by racist named Erin Stutelberg. She has compared Confederate flag with Nazi Swastika,? Really? Did it occur to her Nazi's killed 6 Million Jews including women, children and elderly in gas chambers? Did Confederates do any of that? So which group of whites is she reffering to? White German Nazi's or White Soviet Russians who were killing each other, while both were killing Jews, who were also white. Or Brittish or US.Army who were 95% White. So which way is it, Erin?
Look no further than the University Chief of Police to find a REAL HARDCORE BONAFIDE racist. Ed Lashley is the most racist person I have ever met.
One proud white guy right here. Now to make liberals more pissed. I love God and i love my guns.
This agenda comes from higher up.
Make no mistake, this is a globalist agenda and the script is written in Langley.
There are hundreds of majors and this is required for 1 of them. Get over it. Most of you and your children aren't smart enough to get into a university.
No other race of people than the black race has been given so much and done so little with it, while claiming racism when things don't go their way.
Seems like the school is reflecting on itself,only see white people around the school maybe they need to admit more minorities.
You are correct. He is as racist as they come and he sucks at basketball.
Is this course free?
Apart from iron-making, settled agriculture, pastoralism, centralized empires, the pyramids, commerce, monotheism, and few other thousand refinements to human civilization, nothing much ever came out of Africa....well, humans too of course ;)
This school (SU) has made a blanket racist course to use propaganda in their studies. It makes me sick to think I live close to this place. I have 4 family members who work and attend this so called college . I'm hoping that this goes away like Dudley . Shame on this so call school!
Every racist I know is black.
This way of thinking has to be supported by administration why else would they allow a statue of Harriet Tubman on campus and allow such a racist puke like Ed Lashley to run their police department. I feel sorry for any and all white students who have the misfortune of coming in contact with this clown
I really hate my kid going away to college but we have withdrawn after being accepted.
Ed Lashley is a huge Racist and over paid fat clown but that kind of racism is tolerated by liberal universities...Send your kid to a safe campus.
Anonymous Obama Crooked Bastardo said...
Is this what you get after spending Thousands of Dollars on Tuition at SU? Mandatory Class on some "Pyramid of White Supremacy" by racist named Erin Stutelberg. She has compared Confederate flag with Nazi Swastika,? Really? Did it occur to her Nazi's killed 6 Million Jews including women, children and elderly in gas chambers? Did Confederates do any of that? So which group of whites is she reffering to? White German Nazi's or White Soviet Russians who were killing each other, while both were killing Jews, who were also white. Or Brittish or US.Army who were 95% White. So which way is it, Erin?
January 18, 2018 at 6:14 PM
Why is it always a Jewish person behind these racist acts ? The Nazi party which killed 6 million Jews have the exact same policies as the Democrat party for guns, religion , work ,healthcare. What most people forget is that before the Holocaust 60 million Christians were killed by Jews in Russia and not a peep.
Where is the Black entitlement pyramid ???
I remember when I was an SU(state college back then) freshman in 1966. My biology professor said, "We have to cover evolution. I don't care what your religious beliefs are about this. It won't hurt you to know what it is about." I decided he was right knowing about it didn't mean I had to accept it and it was part of being an educated person.
I had ruined my high school 10th grade evolution unit. Every time our teacher tried to talk about it I had waved my Bible in his face depriving me and my classmates of hearing much about it.
When I was a SU Junior I had to take a required course. They had one professor only teaching it. They were assuring somebody would take the courses he taught. He had a number of issues. One which was, on a regular basis, he called black people "chocolate drops." At that time everybody on campus was still white except janitors and lunch workers and the one black student they had unwillingly admitted the year before.
There is much to learn in this world and it doesn't hurt to know as much as possible. So shut up take the course and become a more well-rounded critically thinking person.
@ 12:29 Teaching and promoting racism and undermining the legitimization of a race doesn't belong in any classroom, You sound like Joseph Gerbils
12:29- There is a huge difference in science and Black lives matter. Maybe you should shut up, and sit this one out.
Wont be going there after my 2 years at wor wic, Florida bound
Perhaps the killings of Christians in Russia you referring to were done by Soviet Communists. As far as I know Jews were not doing it, but got blamed for it by Soviet Propaganda. Maybe you can offer some specifics.
If they keep this ridiculous way of thinking we might want to reconsider building that wall. We will become the third world country and we won't want that type of restriction to get the hell outta the shithole the liberals want this country to become. Its a sad day when you have more respect and consideration for illegal aliens than you do you for military and law enforcement. Lt. Tim Robinson from WCSO your exempt from that you deserve to be disrespected
I've seen the "pyramid of supremacy". It's on the back of my dollar bills.
Knock off the bad mouthing of Tim “The Hammer” Robinson. That joker will make you cry and beg for your mommy. Superman wears Tim Robinson pajamas.
Tim Robinson is a pus**,!! I've had dealings with the clown hes worse than most of the keyboard warriors on this blog. A social media policeman, whhoooo I'm scared
Think of all the money the police depts and city will save once the S.U. Student population matches the regular city demographics. UMES already gets extra funds. Can’t blame S.U. for digging for all the extra free minority fund monies including the guaranteed paid tuitions these students receive. Hence all the new track and field facilities. Lacrosse is gonna take a hit
SU is hostile towards their white students in the class room sports bias and the security leadership. Sex assaults not being reported.
Obama Crooked Bastardo said...
Perhaps the killings of Christians in Russia you referring to were done by Soviet Communists. As far as I know Jews were not doing it, but got blamed for it by Soviet Propaganda. Maybe you can offer some specifics.
January 22, 2018 at 5:26 AM
The Bolsheviks were Jews
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