DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest Contact Publisher Joe Albero at alberobutzo@wmconnect.com or 410-430-5349
Sunday, January 21, 2018
As fast as they came together, (without legal permits) they disband and took off. However, we were able to capture these images.
Mayor Day, you must be so proud of who and what you snowflakes have become. Following the Liberal agenda, they push lies and crooked information to target white people as racists and scream discrimination.
What they don't realize is that they are destroying the Eastern Shore and our country as a whole. Fake Lies Matter! Salisbury is truly becoming a "SHITHOLE".
Great work Sarra Malik, meet Molly.
Originally published at 1:03 pm.
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Doe she have an address two can play this game.
LOL James Yamakawa loser. The boy has done nothing with his life so tries at ever turn to make himself feel important. No surprise he would jump on this lie. What he should be doing is going and buying his wife some Smart mouth. A review of her speaks to her putrid breath.
Anyone recognize thee misfits I'm sure they have livelihoods they would like to protect .
What a fuc**** joke. A bunch of liberal whites protesting black lives matter.
These people are wannabes and idiots. This "invasion" is like 8 people. Lol sad. Like molly. Just ignore and they will go away.
let me get this straight, Market St. cards somebody and doesn't like the looks of the ID. so since the waitress did her job we have another protest. if this customer happened to be white, would this protest be happening
Coming into this late..does anyone know WHY she was denied alcohol? Was she underage?
Don't forget, Molly lost her substitute teaching job for talking about her sexual preferences to third graders. She said she was going to sue for getting fired lol.
You're weird, you're "queer", you can no longer teach here!
PS-That was my best attempt at a snowflake chant.
Check from Soros in the mail to these tools?
Can anyone identify any of these asshats?
Faith Lutheran Church 1416 old ocean city road. Facebook picture looks like the same bunch out there today
1:06-Everyone is too skeert of her to provide her address.
They're nothing but losers. I'll make sure I'll patronize MSI a little bit more.
8 white people driving 70k vehicles and 2 black people. Such a HUUUGGE sacrifice now go back to your WHITE neighborhoods and hug each other. #whitetools.
I saw them on the corner of Mill and Carrol as I was going to lunch at Back Street. I went out of my way to return that way after lunch because I wanted to have a discussion with them and find out if they were President Trump supporters since he has done more for blacks than any other president since President Lincoln (black unemployment the lowest in history/ bringing jobs back to the U.S. ETC. ETC. ETC.), but as I expected, upon my return 45 minutes later, they were gone.
They just showed up for a photo op than slithered away !!!
They woke up at the crack of noon and had nothing better to do.
@ 1:41 She has an out of state ID that looked sketchy to them and with the very strict alcohol laws decided it wasn't worth a fine and chose not to serve them alcohol...So I guess alcohol laws are racist...LOL
1:54 The smart people have already looked it up in public records.
Some of us were too busy working...but that would come off racist too I guess instead of reality of lazy and handouts vs hard working...regardless of race/gender/age/religion...this place is more and more pathetic by the second
I think EVERYONE that see’s this post should meet me at market tonight !!!! Let’s support Rob and the rest of the crew!!!!! Let’s show them what getting together is really like!!! Let’s make them have to turn us away or put us outside because we put them above fire code !!! Stop getting on here talking about it and let’s do it!!! Let’s turn this thing around in the face of these fools! Even if you choose not to drink go buy a soda or something or just stop in say hi and show support for MSI
Two of her friends had out of state ids that were questionable
January 15, 2018 at 2:00pm
Sounds about right!
Nothing but a bunch of worthless losers that are craving attention.
maybe they will boycott other businesses in Salisbury. We might get to go out on the town without having to put up with hoodrat antics. You know all the yelling, fighting, shooting and looting.
You sure a bus from the nut house didn't break down there and they escaped
Sorry but these look like a bunch of the homeless that are usually hanging out everywhere in Salisbury.
"Can anyone identify any of these asshats?"
The guy in the black cowboy hat is James Yamakawa. His wife is a local pediatrician.
They need to be chased away same as the guy standing at corner of E. Carroll st by RR tracks in front of PRMC wanting help with his card board sign. They have nothing else to do no real jobs, just time to kill and wanting their 15 min of attention.
What are they complaining about?
tear gas
Hahahahaha so true!
Looks more like WLM, too cold for blacks to support their cause.
Schools out today,are they kook teachers?
"Anonymous said...
1:06-Everyone is too skeert of her to provide her address.
January 15, 2018 at 1:54 PM"
How is anyone supposed to know her address? Anyone is free to look her up on case search where she does have an entry for a traffic offense and an address for her is given. The problem is she has proven herself to be nothing but a bold faced liar and a manipulator of the facts so nothing about the piece of smelly shit is ever to be trusted including the address she gives on official documents.
Oh look it's James Yamahoochie. Get a job you filthy bum!
I'm NOT publishing someone's address on here. Stop being lazy and look it up.
Can you have an out of state license and live in Maryland? How about the tags on her car. Are they legal? She claims she attended UMES. Seems like she has been here a long enough time to get a Maryland Drivers license.
who is the gotchagetme guy
Just what this little city needs, more gangs..
"Oh look it's James Yamahoochie...."
You spelled his name incorrectly. It's James Yakahomo.
"Don't forget, Molly lost her substitute teaching job for talking about her sexual preferences to third graders."
Really? What kind of pervert talks about their sex life to students. She is so gross, vulgar and low class. The vagina hat she was wearing suits the nasty perv to perfection.
There's to much lazy on here. If you live in the city or county, stop complaining and run for mayor or city council. Posting on here won't help to you put your name on it and get out there.
Otherwise, your complaints are laughable.
Call to arms white lives matter
1:20 you hit the nail on the head!! People like these kooks are a complete bunch of Aholes and I would like to see a bunch of Rednecks beat the s--t out of them. A worthless bunch of idiots for protesting someone just doing the right thing as it is a stiff consequence for serving a minor. These idiots need to be kicked out of this country for good. Don't they have anything better to do?
If they had a job they wouldn't have time for this BS! MAGA
Did WBOC show up to promote the protesters?
why its it always blacklives matter,how about all lives matter stop being racist,,,,,white people need to stand up too.
look at that group ,what a sorry bunch,i bet none of them have anything in there life but stupid shit
The James Yamakawa that lives in Fruitland ?
Now had they served this underage child and she'd been involved in accident or fallen in the river people would be bitching about that. You can't even do the right thing anymore and protect yourself and your business.
Aww, look it's Ms. racist herself, Amber Green.
also same group that was at ssu awhile back too
Now we need city administrator Glantz and her wife/husband and GLBT COMMUNITY and our newfound BLM chapter to stage a protest down at the government offices and Jake day would be in heaven
Is this a joke? All I see in that picture is a handful of losers that wouldn't recognize the price of freedom if it was standing in front of them.
3:33- Your proof reading is laughable.
The sign that calls for amending the the 13th Amendment is interesting. The notion is that all who are committed to incarceration for crimes are slaves of the government. Hmmm.
3:23 People are more mobile than in the past. I live in MD several months out of the year. My domicile is not MD and i don't get a MD license every year. The vehicle i keep and use in MD when here is titled and tagged in a different state too. Tired of paying high fees, taxes and insurance.
The Mayor of Salisbury must be sooooo proud!
When ANY doubt exists as to the veracity of an I.D. card, don't serve the alcohol. State Police have compliance officers out there that try to pass off fake I.D.'s all of the time. The fines are large and the thought of losing a liquor license that would bring an end to the business is scary. Better safe than sorry.
If you are in a state more then 6 months then you need to get that state's driver's license. As far as a vehicle same thing. We have a car that never leaves more then 10 miles from our home in Northern VA so it's tagged in VA. Anyway it's not relevant to this story. The ID of the people in question wasn't her but friends of hers from out of state.
I'm protesting all these protests. I'm offended and I'm gonna sue, the indian guy is first on my list
Let me guess you are a snow 🐦.
327-Yes, it's absolutely true. Molly proudly claimed as much on her twitter page of telling 3rd graders about her sexuality, and whined about getting fired/wanting to sue. Most disturbing part, outside of the fact she was speaking to young children on this topic, was she was an English class substitute. What exactly do her various/multiple sexual preferences have to do with teaching the English language? Nothing.
So if this is an illegal assembly without any permits..and the subjects can be identified..why cant spd charge these people...seems simple to me
If this was a BLM protest, where were all the black people?
James is a stay at home dad
Did the cops show or were they too scared
Mary Ashanti We have got to spend our money in places that discriminate against people of color. We believe these ladies are due an apology. Also, we hope those that want us to support downtown businesses speak up.
Then why is he not home with the kids?
The most racist people of the Eastern shore in one picture
Aren't these the same honk for peace hippies..get a life now that your retired. And black lives don't matter, most of the shooting victims in salisbury are black on black criminals creating a shooting gallery on their own people..work on that first instead of imagined racism.
Compliance officers use cadets that aren’t 21, they do not use fake ID’s.
The guy in the first picture is uncle Phill from Bel air
Got a question,,,if blacklives matter ,,why is it you always hear black killing ,shooting, stabbing, there own black people. This is just a racist card for them.They use it on police, are any one that says something . White people need to stand up for this shit.We have had enough of this shit.The police doesn't do nothing about this ,but if it was white s that did it we would be locked up. what do you think ?
You sound like one of those parents whose children are out here on heroin.. Now who spawned what?
Jake Day was at the Civic Center for the MLK dinner proudly spewing his white racism.
If James Yakahomo hates this area so much?? Then why doesn't he pack his bags and move back to where he came from because he is definitely not wanted or welcomed here.
Ya know these fruit cakes have finally found their voices and crawled out from under their rocks. Cowering all the decent people in society. Just waiting for the day when the average citizen has had enough of all these transgender lefty crazies and start beating the shit out of them every time they decide to pull this bs. Just like we used to do in the 70's. Think our society has transformed for the better since then? Time for a good ol ass whoopin. Since mommy and daddy never did!
To the person attacking Mary Ashanti, come on, really? Why would any man attack someone like that ANONYMOUSLY! Man up. Comment rejected.
You speak very violently.
What is so sad, this is NOT what Dr Martin Luther King wanted. Just a shame. Too bad these people don't listen to what his dream was. It was not this
The short woman in picture one holding a sign has a daughter in the catholic school in Salisbury.
8 people hardly makes an invasion but okay. Funny how they take themselves so seriously. Isn’t it cute?
January 15, 1:56 pm. And where do you live? In a BLACK neighborhood? Goes both ways, numb nuts.
Jan. 15, 3:23. Anyone establishing residence in the state of Maryland must have their vehicle registered in Maryland with-in 30 days. But just like all the other idiots in our government, they do not enforce our laws.
End prison slavery? Tell them to get a job and stop breaking the laws and they will not have to worry about it.
Black lives matters...yeah....Why is it that i see more whites in the pictures then i do blacks? Black lives do matter and most are treated fairly and they know it and are not race baiters nor feel entitled and work hard. The ones complaining are the entitlement lives matter. They need to change the name on those signs to say. Entitlement lives matter.
they should go buy some more lottery tickets.
I hope all 8 of them don't get together and plan another invasion! 😱
Isn't it funny how Democrats keep flip flopping. Now they are acting like they are flag waving, Constitution supporting Christians when we know for the last 8 years they were exactly the opposite when the illegal Muslim from Kenya was occupying the White House.
Ironically and sadly dumb a$$es in this country will fall for that crap and vote Democrat.
Joe, James Yakahomo is posting this Queer flyer all over the Facebook pages of the local churches in Salisbury. Anyone that promotes this queer crap must be queer themselves. If my church hosts an event like this I will leave my membership.
Hey Joe, as an FYI if you want to post it for future reference, the first picture has:
Dan O'Hare - Running for State Delegate. Stupid looking flat cap, beard and hands in his pockets. Lazy.
Jamaad Gould - Running for County Council at Large. Black guy waving his Black Lives Matters Flag.
Michele Gregory - Running for County Council District 3. Fat Chick wearing the blue hoodie and walking around with gloves on.
James Yamakawa - Half White Racist wearing the fake cowboy hat and carrying the defaced American flag with "Lynching victims" names scribbled on it and dragging it on the ground. He obviously hates this country and our flag.
Amber Green - Racist black chick in the picture and a City of Salisbury employee.
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