Last week, Salisbury Mayor Jake Day and County Executive Bob Culver met to discuss the Folk Festival and it's moments like these that we should remember when voting next November.
As we all know, they possess a rather contemptuous relationship so it's not hard to imagine the pow-wow was strained at best. It should come as no surprise that Day tried to railroad Culver by making some rather belligerent and provocative requests, given he formally "divorced" the County less than a month ago.
Divorce is divorce unless...
First, the Sheriffs can't volunteer because they're in a union (National Fraternal Order of Police) which prohibits volunteerism in the collective bargaining agreement. With special events like a three-day folk festival, it is not uncommon for police to garner overtime pay. Meaning their price tag doubles for such an event. Volunteering for such an event is out of the question!
Second, Day (and City Council) clamors over the fire department situation and then he has the bad manners to expect County fire people to volunteer? I thought the Mayor hated the volunteers so why is he seeking to create them? After all the rubbish we went through during the better half of the summer over fire stations and now he wants the County's stations to work for free? If we want to work on a quid pro quo, how about the exorbitant amount the City charges the County every time they answer a call outside the city limits.

Is it all Day's fault for making such assumptions?
What is the Mayor's fault is his disingenuous declarations of emancipation from Wicomico, only to turn around with hat in hand, asking for favors from which he rejected. Who, in their right mind, would go to an entity they publicly told to piss off and expect free favors? Children! While it may take a lot of gumption to do this, it shows our illustrious mayor has more balls than brains - not to mention a lack of good manners!
So there it is, folks, just another day in our local leadership's never-ending soap opera...
Editor Update: The article above this one is the original posting about the City's obligation for paying their share of expenses and rent for space at the GOB.
Great article.
There is no way they will or should do it for free. This festival has put the police/sheriff in a rather precarious position. It opens them up to more scrutiny from those they are now forced to interact with. More disorderly, more drunks. Even though this is a mild mannered folk festival, you are guaranteed there will be those with bad manners causing problems.
This festival should not even take place
I've heard the $700K guarantee hasn't even been paid. If they don't pony up the cash the festival organization will shut it down but Salisbury will still owe the money. How's that for brilliant management and leadership?
10:11, WRONG! Allow me to top your comment instead. It means they're under contract for THREE years, not one.
Joe, that makes $2.1M we're out. Are you kidding?
I recently spoke to someone who frequents these Festivals. They told me to look at the groups in the Greensboro event. When I asked why he replied, they'd only go that that event to see ONE of all the groups performing there.
So then you have to THINK, WHY SALISBURY next? If this event was so popular, why did Salisbury pick it up at the last second and WHY wasn't this event booked for years in advance in other Cities? Because the event is failing and Jake Day is a SUCKER!
When the City fails to meet the minimums in all of the demands they're requesting, the event will have an excuse saying it was done at the last minute. Aside from Jake Day's pay raise request, he's also created a new position, (for at least 3 years) for someone to direct this event.
I have another friend, (in Salisbury) who has experience in such events and guess what, they never contacted them. The event will in fact flop and I firmly believe the event, (especially since they chose Salisbury) will fade into the sunset forever more.
I'm glad TC spoke up and said it's both the county and city's fault. It's not all about the city but the county has responsibility in this whole thing too.
This Mayor is an idiot which has no bargaining sense and does no investigating of pass events to see the profitability and needs of such events. It sounds like the City formulated and made / signed the contract not the County. Been calling for Bob Culver to evict the City and hold their feet to the fire concerning their debt to the County. The Volunteers cannot be forced to volunteer for events such as this one. If the Volunteers do work this type of City event they should bill them an exorbitant fee such as they charge the County when answering a call in the County and make it a binding contract so the City will be bound to pay and unable to weasel out of paying. The City might have to sell all their unneeded toys to pay up but so what. Sheriff Lewis will get paid for his Officers OT plus added expenses incurred.
I spent years as a volunteer/corporate sponsor of one the biggest music festival on the east coast in Bethlehem PA. For 7 years we were responsible for setting up the main stage for the nightly national artists.
There is no way they can pull this off in such a short period of time. Not financially or logistically.
I wonder if this lack of fiscal responsibility and financial liabiltiy this has brought on to the taxpayers without their consent, could legally bring on a recall/impeachment of him.
This whole festival garbage is a scam. It’s going to scam sponsors and taxpayers who raise their pom-poms for it because they have no idea what events like this entail. They have festivals in the country for a reason. It’s not an accident or because municipalities can’t handle them. Transient victims galore. This festival is a bust and Day is stupid for even attempting it. He’s scamming you.
Why hasn't Culver booted the city out of the GOB?
I take it Day has never read Dale Carniege. Maybe he should have read it prior to running for mayor. Oh well, it's a tad too late now.
I will second that question, an especially important one in an election year.
I think both Day and Culver need to be voted out because they behave like kids in a school yard fight. Neither works towards restoring Salisbury and Wicomico to the place it once was before all the thugs moved in. They both talk a good game but when it comes to action both are equal in their inaction.
Typical Day. He's so low IQ. He lacks any thinking skills much less forward thinking skills.
Joe is correct. Day is a snake oil saleman's dream come true. All someone has to do is cover crap with sugar and Day because he is so backwards will fall for it. The problem is the cost to tax payers.
Where does John Cannon and Jack Heath fit in all this? They haven't been exactly angels Mr. So & So? Look at April Jackson, she's beating and biting constituents while calling our president derogatory names. Then you have Muir Bohan or whatever calling Culver nasty names and mocking county government during an open session. They're a bunch of buffoons with no couth. They have all fueled the infighting. You gotta get rid of all of them.
1147 they are a bunch of bullies. They don't give a crap about us and only told us what we wanted to hear to get elected. Even this low-hanging fruit can parrot back what they see on blogs like this because it works to get them elected. That is their end result. Once elected they pamper their business friends like Palmer and get big kickbacks for their efforts.
I hope TC is keeping track of all this sh&& so he can remind everyone about it closer to 2018 election day.
People your whole city is a joke. All of your so called government leaders, church leaders, and law enforcement leaders. There is nothing that ever comes out of Salisbury from its decision makers that is to be taken seriously. You guys look like a circus
Why on earth are they allowing him free rent at the GOB , that's plain stupid on Culver's part. Very bad decision Culver!
I agree with 12:06. Why? Would Johnny Cannon let them go without paying rent in one of his rental homes? Answer: Not on your life.
Oh my Children , you knew! We know! Festivals = liberals mindless zombies . No. Not us !'!
You forgot the SU factor in this festival BS. The academics over there have been harking it's great and they're oh so excited about it. Of course, they don't have to live with the mess and inconvenience or the cost because SU is TAX EXEMPT. They don't pay a dime for this BSfest. They just revel in it's moronic euphoria.
12:12 PM I bet it is because the county can't can find any original signed agreement and if Jake had a copy it got shredded.
Can't enforce something that doesn't exist
Funny comment 1222. The agreement was posted here on SbyNews a long time ago. Not very astute are you? Keep crowing your insanity.
12:20 PM you are a moron. Where do you think they are going to get all the volunteers from? The college. Of course they are going to promote it
1226 you are the moron. They may supply the volunteers but they don't have pony up cold hard cash to PAY for this festival. Do you homework, homes. You look like an idiot.
12:24 PM Prove it. Never saw the actual document.
@12:26: you think the college will have 900 students volunteer? Now THAT is very laughable. I go to SU and live off-campus. Where I live everyone clears out for the weekend. After their classes they're either going to work or home for the weekends. You people here really do have delusions of grandeur.
"Anonymous Anonymous said...
12:24 PM Prove it. Never saw the actual document.
November 12, 2017 at 12:28 PM"
Do your own homework, dipsh*t. There's a search bar at the upper lefthand corner of this page. Use it. You'll find it.
Responding to Mr. So & So said...
Where does John Cannon and Jack Heath fit in all this? They haven't been exactly angels Mr. So & So? Look at April Jackson, she's beating and biting constituents while calling our president derogatory names. Then you have Muir Bohan or whatever calling Culver nasty names and mocking county government during an open session. They're a bunch of buffoons with no couth. They have all fueled the infighting. You gotta get rid of all of them.
November 12, 2017 at 11:47 AM
I would take this even further to say in my opinion that Culver hasn't been able to get more done because of the hindering of the councils. Culver won't be their puppet. Jack Heath is running against Culver because they think he has a better chance of winning instead of Cannon? Boda is supporting Heath. I find it odd to that Welfonder is also supporting Heath when she worked on Culver's campaign back in 14, not to mention that she lives in one of Cannons slum lord rentals. So it all leaves me with questions about the motive of all of them. They support Heath and Heath supports Cannon and his agenda? If you want to see things get done then get out of Culver's way and support him and stop the darned fighting and work together for the greater good! Go ahead and support Heath and Cannon and see what happens in the good ole boys club of the Bury and County with them teaming up with Day. Stop and think and put the pieces of the puzzle together. Wake up County folks and see these people for who they are and hang on to your wallets!
12:29 PM Yes I do think that SU will coerce students in to volunteering. I never said 900, but they are promoting it because they promote volunteerism and expect community participation. And this will solve that requirement.
You can’t deny Culver has his issues and deficits. He hasn’t been the strong leader Wicomico needs because he lets everyone get away with murder and then gets his panties in a bunch over it. He doesn’t fire back and remains silent when he needs to speak. 🤦🏻♂️🤦🏻♂️💁🏻♂️💁🏻♂️💁🏻♂️
WTF --
Anonymous at 10:19 said...
I'm glad TC spoke up and said it's both the county and city's fault. It's not all about the city but the county has responsibility in this whole thing too.
Please explain how the county officials -- Culver or the Council -- are involved in any part of this debacle-about-to-be that Day and his minions want to force upon the taxpayers and residents of Salisbury.
Didn't we read the Cannon crew was applying for a grant from the state after Hogan shot down Day's petition for the festival? Didn't we also read that the county would have to put up $14K or $15K for that grant petition? Can this be considered as county involvement in the festival?
He's the county council president isn't he?
Do. Your. Homework.
Actually the article says Day thought he could bully Culver because he's done it so much in the past. TC didn't mention anything about Culver or county being involved in the festival. He just pointed out the gall Day had to ask for free help when he has vilified Culver throughout the last year and declared Salisbury's independence from Wicomico.
Accurate reading comprehension is your friend!
Cannon would sue his own family over last due rent. Decades of backhanded slight of left deals there
"Anonymous Anonymous said...
Cannon would sue his own family over last due rent. Decades of backhanded slight of left deals there
November 12, 2017 at 12:50 PM"
What's to say he hasn't? I know Bobby isn't all that wild about his twin, that's for damn sure.
Culver should stand up for Wicomico and stop remaining mute when we need to hear something important. He's not our daddy protecting us from the evils of the world.
Jake Day is a pampered millennial who believes that just because he wants something means he should get it. The real world doesn't work that way and daddy can't buy him his way this time. He assumed Culver would do everything he wanted because he's just that much of a megamaniac to believe everyone wants to help him no matter what temper tantrums he throws in the press. Hopefully, Culver will stop this in its tracks and DIVORCE the county from this BS. Culver should also evict the son of a bitch if he hasn't paid his bills and rent.
Exactly my point!! What's up with these old heads in Salisbury?? Reminds me a little bit of David Moore and his backhanded shakedown of his father's will basically kicking his brother to the curb, and we ALL know how that ended. RIP Marshall
1222 Here is the article with the paperwork dated January 10, 1996 signed by Paul Martin regarding the GOB and Salisbury's financial obligations. The papers are at the bottom of the article.
Have fun!
The county should run from this festival. Let fry boy go down the pike all by himself.
Jake day literally is a child running a city municipality. He has/will throw temper tantrums until he gets what he wants, or thinks he wants. Wonder how quickly his SU cronies will cut ties with him after this debacle and embarrassment
Zorro, you can't impeach Day and suing would waste even more valuable tax money best used for more productive things for citizens. :)
I haven't seen any comment from Joe or Mr. Crow about the rent from the GOB . Do they really owe rent or what ? If so , how can they collect it or has it gone too far? I think after these years of none payment it's obvious the court would favor Day.
Legally, if the last three mayors have failed to honor the contract, it can be challenged because if the contract wasn't executed, the city has been subject to being ejected at will.
Wow. Glad you all posted the older article. I forgot about that one. Day has been ripping us all off for a long time.
What is there to sue the elder Day for? I have not seen of any involvement pertaining to city government from Mr Day. Before all is said and done a law suit against younger Day would not be surprising.
can it be posted again?
419 the article was reposted at 245. See the article above this one? It has all the paperwork attached too.
How many county firefighters would really want to volunteer for Day after all his BS over the summer? Why would they even bother? He's insane to think he'd get this kind of concession from the county after his BS.
Why does Culver let Day push him around? Is he too timid to stand up to him? If he is, why not let Strausberg stand up to him then. Sheesh!
If you think Culver's timid, have you ever met Jack Heath? You could blow him over with a feather.
If you think Culver's timid, have you ever met Jack Heath? You could blow him over with a feather.
November 12, 2017 at 5:33 PM
Maybe that's why Heath is wanted to run for county Exec, they can control him?
They screwed the county fire companies over and one not providing services.
Day stabs the volunteer firefighters in the back, throws them to the curb and then wants them to volunteer their off time to babysit his stupid festival event? Okay whatever. Let us know how that works out for you, Jakester.
Because he's pandering to votes rather than managing
Jake how do you get up in Salisbury he morning and set out to face people in Salisbury knowing, and I mean knowing the majority are laughing at how ignorant and immature you are
Do away with the city. I was raised in Bethesda in Montgomery County. Bethesda is a lot larger than Salisbury and was never independent from the county,there is no city govt. or city police dept. it's all county. That's what needs to happen here just eliminate the city charter,make it all county PERIOD.
Agreed away with the City . City taxpayers are tired of paying 2 taxes. Let the County pay for the City policing. Salisbury taxpayers pay for 2 police forces, City AND Sheriff
Grant money at stake here and certain people in the know who to take advantage of it.
If the event fails, there will still be some profiteers.
Who are they and how involved were they in the decision to pretend to hold the event in SBury?
Fake event.
Oh yeah, "filler" it is.
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