DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest Contact Publisher Joe Albero at alberobutzo@wmconnect.com or 410-430-5349
Sunday, November 19, 2017
BREAKING NEWS: Parkside High School Teacher Monica Snee Arrested This Afternoon For Alleged Drug Distribution
Good evening Parkside High School parents and guardians.
This is Principal Kimberly Pinhey calling to inform you that the Wicomico County Sheriff’s Office has arrested Monica Snee, a teacher at Parkside High School, on drug distribution charges. On the afternoon of Tuesday, November 14th, the administration received information from law enforcement which resulted in our immediate notification of district administration. Ms. Sneee was placed on administrative leave effective immediately and is not teaching, pending the outcome of the judicial process as well as the school system's administrative investigation.
Every day, you trust your children to our care, and our number one priority is the safety of our students. It is a responsibility that we do not take lightly. Please be assured I will always take immediate action anytime there appears to have been a violation of the trust between students and educators. Please take time to speak to your child about this matter. If any student or parent has information about this situation, please contact the Wicomico County Sheriff's Office. If you have any concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Thank you,
Kimberly Pinhey, Principal
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Someone tried to publish a comment stating WBOC dominates the news here on the Shore on the article below. Interesting, let's see. A bomb threat in Salisbury today, nothing at noon or 5 pm, right down the street from their office. A teacher is arrested for drug distribution, NOTHING!
They no longer have SOURCES, yet SBYNews keeps blowing them away, (like this article) and they act like toilet paper, wiping up the rear. Let's see, SBYNews, one full time person running the show, WBOC, WMDT, Daily Times have how many employees and connections?
I'm surprised they don't have people monitoring your site for breaking news or haven't requested permission to use your sources. More time is spent on high school sports than local news on the local "news."
So as boy you can have sex with your hot teachers and score some drugs. Great take over of the education system liberals!
Once a POS always a POS. Look up her record. Not the first time. Shame on the school system for hiring garbage like this. They are just as bad if not worse then her.
She has nothing to worry about. Have her contact Bonnie Crockett formally of Crisfield High, she got off. I'm sure she can give her some pointers.
Is it Snee or Snead. The WBOE press release can't make up its mind.
I just said hello to mrs. Snee this morning in the hallways while i was going to my class, smh.
The Board of Education is doing it's own investigation ? WTF is that?
It's true Joe you can find out more of what's going on in Salisbury here .
Um yes, WBOC does dominate the news on Delmarva. They are Delmarva's News Leader, it's not just a slogan. They are one of the most dominant local news sources in the entire United States. Their newscasts rate higher in the market than any other television station or program, not just WMDT or WRDE (whose newscasts are taped in Arkansas, look it up). And their website receives more viewers per month than any other station or source including yours. More than a million a month. They also have the highest social engagement (viewership, comments, new likes) on Facebook than any other source including yours. Bitch all you want and cry fowl when they say something or do something that hurts your wittle feelings but those are the facts, and they will always be better than you. Journalistic integrity, try having some.
Ewe. Just saw the picture. What was she selling....Botox?
6:43, LMAO, only a million hits a month? Thanks for proving SBYNews IS Delmarva's News Leader because we blow that away! As for Facebook and Twitter, in case you hadn't noticed, considering I am mainly a one man show, I obviously don't have time to play that Facebook/Twitter game, nor do I have a staff to draw in fake viewers from all over the country. I make no excuses however, I'm simply and only interested in local viewers. My advertisers get a much bigger bang for their advertising dollar. Man, honestly, you just made my day, thanks.
Hey, 6:43, 5 months ago I went to their site to look for a story and immediately clicked out when they didn't have it. Their window stayed on my "most visited sites" list until last week!
So, tell me how that happened when I never go there? That's how you get those numbers, by refreshing their page every 5 seconds!
How big is that pile of BS behind you?
Couldn't have happened soon enough! This piece of crap met with your kids to supply them with all their needs, first pills then moving on to heroin. I hope to God they bust her and her son too! She lives in your neighborhood people, pretending to live a normal life, all the while keeping your kids hooked.
Teachers MUST get random drugs test monthly! Lie detector once a year and clearance from head dr. CANT put a price on children's safety and education standards. Only person on a school premises that has this type of scrutiny is school recourse police. HOGAN make it happen.
Joe have you ever been threatened in any way from the stories you publish ? WBOC always seems to filter the news much like the Main stream media so the masses don't know too much. I just wondered if the powers that be have ever tried to lean on you.
Looking at her record their are a couple of assaults .malicious destruction of property and a couple of divorces. Sounds a little mentally unstable to be teaching children...Way to go WBOE !
About time
6:43 PM what a bunch of BS. There are 2 stations here so naturally someone has to be #1 and the other #2. Its pretty simple math.
Limited choices.
It like having only 2 grocery stores.
Gotta love Pinhey's BS about protecting students when just last week a student committed suicide because Pinhey and the gang refused to listen to her pleas for help. Pinhey is out to make Pinhey look good, every student at that school is very aware of that. And as for the one bragging about WBOC, if they're so good they would stop helping the local schools hide what's really going on and report things exactly as they are.
I am surprised. I see she is not a minority and got her degree at UMES. She's gonna give that school a bad name.
If you can't tell by the picture she's a damn mess than you are blind, she looks like a crack head or at the least an insane person, oh and by the way,who was she selling to...other teachers, kids? A lot of the students and their parents sell and use drugs so I doubt they really care too much.Sad.
6:43. BOOM 💥
They have her weighing in at 170 lbs.. They're being kind.
6:49. 🙄
Did she use drug money for eyebrows or DG makeup and Botox?
Looks like BoE has a lot going on. BMS has some stuff happening now too. Keep ears posted for that! Know BOC won’t report anything
No way
Ok Bernie Sanders.
6:43. Your Fake news.
The wboc was a sarcastic post.
Is 6:43 trying to tell us that WBOC has journalistic integrity baaaahahaha
Is she a special education teacher?
I’m not sure what liberals have to do with this situation?
Would be interested in hearing BMS issues have a child there. Joe catch us up if you can.
She is an Special Education Teacher at Parkside
There is no way in hell that the Board of Education did a background check on this woman! Look her up on Maryland Judiciary.. from theft to assault and peace order ... now drug charges. Way to go Wicomico County Board of Ed. its crazy to think but we have all seen how Jim Ireton behaved and he was teaching in our schools, and now this woman. all i can say is wow!!!
This whole situation boils down to one simple underlying theme.... This is nothing but pure unadulterated GREED at its finest!
What's going on st BMS?
Hogan ain’t gonna do crap!!
Get these Thugs outta our school system! Good job law enforcement
You took the exact words out if my mouth!!! I bet this teacher will get more attention and respect than the sweet child who lost her life because of what the school chose to hid!!!
You took the exact words out of my mouth!!! I bet this teacher will get more attention and respect than the sweet child who lost her life because of what the school chose to hid!!!
BOOM 💥 😁
I know some with DV, protective orders, attempted murder and all at BMS sadly you can shield things from judiciary
Look up some of the men and drugs and spousal abuse and dui
Anyone can attend UMES dimwad
As a parent of a child at BMS I️ too would like to know what is supposedly going on there
How can you randomly do it on a monthly basis?
6:57 Is right! Stop the wboc talk and focus on this. She was supplying opiates to the area!!!! A teacher!!!!
Now this is a bit ambiguous. Was she trying to sell pot or did she give a student an aspirin for a headache. I hate it when the WCBOE issues these looming ambiguity because you never know exactly what's going on. Administrative leave? Whatever. She's still getting paid.
She was arrested for possession of and distributing heroin on school property.
Another Breaking News where 90% of the comments know exactly what went down before investigation is done. Amazingly each comment tells a different tale. Wonder if any comment contains a lick of truth.
Joe the monster has ZERO integrity or journalistic integrity for that matter. His stories and posts are written in a 4th grade format. Dudes an idiot.
6:43 BINGO
What neighborhood?
IF a child died as a result of poor educational instruction (suicide) or getting hooked on drugs as a result of a teacher and then went on from there to die....this is known a "wrongful death" and there is BIG MONEY to be made by an attorney. Doesn't look like they would have any problem proving their case.
Lie detectors are garbage,even its own creator said it was. Ted Bundy beat the polygraph machine by being a calm dude... Its the police that took the witch craft machine and ran with it to get confessions from people. Its why in some states its not able to be used as evidence in a trial
That was sarcasm, dimwad. You can't give UMES any worse a name than it already has. Lost most of it's accreditations because it's THAT good! SMH
She was charged with selling heroin & that’s a MAJOR issue!
She was distributing heroin, and had possession on her on school campus.
What's funny about this is how light these comments are now if she was a black woman she would be everything but a person.
Drugs have been hitting the streets through Caucasian for years. This isn’t anything new. Professional thugs in disguise that get overlooked because of their profession and who they know. Sick of the garbage
"Please be assured I will always take immediate action anytime there appears to have been a violation of the trust between students and educators."
Where is Ms. Pinhey everyday when kids are being bullied which violates the trust because the teachers and administrations do nothing. Isn't that a violation of trust between students and educators?
I didn't agree w denying the moment of silence either.. especially when the excuse was that they think it encourages children to commit suicide for attention. However, her father actually posted on Facebook & said that he agreed with her & was against the moment of silence & that the school had handled things well in the past when they had issues & had been very supportive & constantly by the family's side so he asked everyone to stop being mean to the school & principal bc bullying is what ended up killing his daughter. So even though I don't agree w denying a moment of silence & their reasoning for it.. I just stopped talking about that on fb. It hurt the family to see everyone arguing with the school while going thru something like that. But also, I read 6:43's comment & it almost sounds like that person works for WBOC because how would they know all of WBOC's statistics off hand & go to bat for WBOC so hard? That news station is more for entertainment than giving actual factuals.
I don't see why her going to UNES & also being white is relevant to the situation...
Heroin. Possession and Distribution on school property. Not your average Bayer.
WBOC having journalistic integrity? You know how many BS stories they've spread? I remember when someone I know was arrested & WBOC covered it & the story they gave on the news was complete bullshit.. faker than a fairy tale.. & I know because I was there & I was really close to the person. & that's far from the first or last time. I'm always hearing people complain about WBOC putting their own twist on stories.. I guess to make them more entertaining or to promote some other kind of agenda. & im guessing that person works for WBOC because who would know all those supposed statistics off hand? & go to bat for them like that while also claiming they have journalistic integrity? Most ppl I know think that WBOC is full of shit & almost everyone knows someone that was involved with something & it was twisted on the "news". When stuff really does go down, the news don't wanna cover it or be honest about it bc they don't wanna spook everyone. & someone personally told me that. So they leave out a lot of details or won't cover it. & as far as twisting stories, they didn't admit to that but they just claim that they give the story directly from the police report. I actually contacted them to fix their story that one time bc it was a bunch of lies & made the person look really bad but they refused to change it since it was "from the police report" & said the cops would have to change the report yet I never saw that in the report.
Somerset was the laughing stock of the MD school districts but WBOE has taken the crown.
Liberal acceptance and tolerance is the only way they get a seat at the table. If we STOP tolerating this type of crap from liberals we can cut them out like cancer. How about we raise the standards back to where they used to be before liberals had to accept bad behavior to be included.
And why are you surprised? This proves tgst it isn't always the minorities trust me its more where she came from. Quit stereotyping and you'll see!
10:48 liberals on the media convict people all the time without investigation where have you been.
The best news since I've been watching the blog 2007 .
Aka priviledge
No background checks apparently.
Private Schools people! You can afford it more than you know.
I'd like to personally slap her face!
Agreed! You must work where I work ;/
There's been suspicions and complaints about her for YEARS.
Look it up, it's public record. She should have a sign in her yard, "I'm a drug dealer and a teacher in your local school, come and get it" SMH
More likely the alt-right types like Roy more than liberals!
LOL 6:43 you all keep on telling yourselves those lies and you will believe them but we know better. To even suggest they are a dominant US news source is an out and out lie. Their FB is as dead as a doornail. Hardly any interactions. Compare a posts comments on this site with their social media comments. Sby News blows them away and if you even attempt to deny this again you are lying. They are asleep. This site SbyNews posts local news sometimes DAYS before they broadcast and always HOURS before like this story. Most of their viewers are over 60 yrs of age and when they all die so will WBOC. They have been attempting any way they can to break into the Dover market with poor results. Most watch the Philly news and that is spreading southward into Sussex and even parts of Worcester who get both Philly and the Baltimore news. For the most part all local news is dead unless a major local breaking story happens because the overwhelming majority of people get their local news online like this site or the Patches sites.
JoeAlbero said...
"They no longer have SOURCES..."
Yes they do, it's called SBYNews
November 14, 2017 at 6:16 PM
B.S. homer
I just can't believe there was ever a background check done on this woman before she was hired as a teacher, especially a special ed teacher. But if there was, and they still hired her, someone or many someones should be fired. They failed the parents and students miserably!
She’s a waste of space. Not the worst principal in the county but close. Can’t make a decision but gets bent out of of shape when any of her staff demonstrate leadership ability. She needs to go.
Seems the school is covering up what she was dealing. This statement is a joke. If in fact their #1 priority is the students' safety she wouldn't have been employed in the first place given her record. To even suggest "it is a responsibility that we do not take lightly" is a complete fabrication.
She has been dealing for years.
This principal is an example of all that is wrong in the schools. Her statement is a complete joke and is nothing more then her trying to cover her own butt. Lady principal we have your number. Why this drug dealer was employed by the school in the first place is not acceptable and proves this principal is quite lacking herself. Lacking in professionalism, leadership and any intelligence and good sense whatsoever.
About time. Used to be Monica Nelson. She has been a criminal for as long as I have known her but always got stets and nolle prosequis. Easy way to keep a clean record.
She has been a criminal for years but always got away with anything she has ever done. Theft and shoplifting. And unfortunately her son has followed in her footsteps.
Got Botox?
8:45 Key Board Warrior that you are, I am a parent of a graduate of Parkside from 2017. This teacher was there well before Prinicipal Pinhey arrived at Parkside and you just can’t walk in the door and fire someone without just cause or the county would be sued and guess who pays for lawsuits “taxpayers and property owners”. I think the good news in all of this is that she got caught and won’t be peddling her drugs to kids anymore and if you read what she is being charged with, if proven (which should be a slam dunk since she got caught with the drugs in her possession) is going straight to jail and when she gets out will never teach again and will have trouble getting a job even flipping hamburgers. I understand anger or frustration toward the teacher but if you have ever held a job or been a manager and had to go through the process to actually fire some one you would
know that it’s just not the flipping simple.
If teachers were drug tested there would be few reporting to work the next day. VERY FEW!!!
Anyone else would have a received a no bond. Wow
10:40, I cracked up when they announced it. I was arrested several years ago for allegedly cursing at the Zoo. The commissioner said, "how dare you use the F-Word in front of children at the Zoo". I instantly responded, what are you talking about, I never cursed in the Zoo. She replied, "are you calling the Director of the Salisbury Zoo, Jim Rapp a liar"? I replied, your damn right I am and I have proof. She instantly said, "that will be a $50,000.00 bond Mr. Albero". Too damn funny. The next morning I went directly to Davis Ruark's office with several attorneys where I showed them the actual video footage PROVING it was in fact Jim Rapp cursing at the Zoo and I never once did. Ruark wanted to arrest Rapp immediately but I didn't want Rapp to go through what I had just been through. Instead I laid down 7 demands the Mayor and Rapp had to follow referencing better care for the animals and if they refused, then arrest Rapp. I got my way.
$50,000.00 for allegedly cursing, too damn funny. I'd say they were extremely light on that bond, wouldn't you agree?
That's right! Those types of people can't get into the school system unless they are let in.The school board needs to be held accountable as well.
Joe, here’s another one. Again, I wish they could be made to come forward and face the truth and consequences. It’s so easy to post BS when done anonymously.
I was going to let this go but have decided not to. I find it so hard to believe that people can be so vile as to throw around false accusations, especially when they don’t even sign their name. To anyone that knows my husband, this is obviously without merit. And i could go on about the amazing work he does with kids, and the selfless dedication he shows as a teacher, coach, husband, and father. I’ll gladly go point by point on any accusations. And I’ll have no problem signing my name to it. This “clown” above has tried to slander a good man and even though it didn’t work, it is truly pathetic.
Put her on the city counsel >>>>>>>>>>>>> LOL !!!
Its time for new leadership at Parkside
Didn't this drug dealer take a man's dog and give to another lied. A former crack head. Wow
Wow ! That is crazy !!
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