DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest Contact Publisher Joe Albero at alberobutzo@wmconnect.com or 410-430-5349
Sunday, November 12, 2017
Attorney John Phoebus Posts His Side Of Incident
This weekend, I was charged with several traffic citations, the most serious of which charged me with failing to remain at the scene of an automobile accident and provide insurance information to the other driver. This occurred on Friday evening.
Although I initially and incorrectly perceived that this was a private matter, after further reflection, I realized that it was wrong for me to leave. Through counsel, I worked with law enforcement over the weekend to provide them with the necessary information and I have personally accepted the traffic citations that were issued to me.
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It is hard to believe you left after an accident, thus you were probably under the influence of drinking and driving, or drugs or both, so doesn't sound like you have come honestly forward to the public. You still gave no reason for your leaving so don't believe you.
Most everyone else would have reflected at the scene.
I agree with the first post. My guess is you where DWI. And I'm not buying your lies.
I am sorry to hear that you were in an accident and fled the scene. Thank god everyone's ok.
A viewer writes are you going to do the right thing or do you think you are above the law. What does that mean to you Mr. Phoebus? What does the right thing or above the law mean?? Do you think the right thing to do is to walk in admit to everything you did tell them how much you drank, then hit a car and ran off, OR maybe you didn't do it at all OR Maybe you won't get charged because they don't have enough evidence against you and they are your friends that you work with. Hmmm what are you going to do Mr. Phoebus? Lets see you are not a teenager or a college student you are about 40 maybe 50 and you are a lawyer that knows the law. You know the law just like LEO's they know the laws. It is your job to know the law, so are you above the law? Are the LEO officers above the law by not arresting you? Mr.Phoebus who will you get for a lawyer? I sure hope you choose a lawyer very carefully I would hate to see you choose a lawyer that really doesn't have your best interest.That would stink wouldn't it!! I think their is a word for or is it a filing for that I am certain you know what that is Mr. Phoebus. Do you think your lawyer will file a motion for dismissal or just wait for more charges to be filed hmmm what would you do Mr. Phoebus. Do you think they can prove it or maybe they will just make up a bunch of fake charges against you. What do you think your lawyer would do? How about the states attorney do you think he would bring fake charges against you? Mr. Phoebus I am sure you have nothing to worry about it is not like you are facing 15 years in prison and you have four months to worry about it and your lawyer gave you a letter that said they will seek incarceration if you don't take a plea deal lol thats just crazy right! That doesn't happen right! Oh and after this gets in the news do you think you will still have an office. I would hate to see you not be able to get a job after this. This doesn't happen in real life does it Mr.Phoebus.
You must have done very well in your other subjects at attorney school, John, otherwise you wouldn't have graduated!
The reason he was not charged with DUI is because he left the scene so no SFST's could be performed after the fact. Leaving the scene of an accident is an arrestable offense although I do not see any citations as of yet in Maryland case search. I am wondering how he and his council worked with law enforcement to provide them with the necessary information. While it is nice that he "personally accepted" the traffic citations issued to him, he doesn't have a choice. The police could have and probably should have taken him into custody for leaving the scene of an accident, as they probably would do with anyone else in his situation. The man is a defense attorney. He knows better than most that you do not leave the scene of an accident therefore, there was something else going on. Otherwise, it would have just been a minor traffic accident and an exchange of information.
You're an Atty and don't know the law that says everyone must remain at the scene of an accident? Nice try but no.
I disagree sounds like he got railroaded now!
He will get a PASS but the little guy would pay out the A..
Arrogance or he was under the influence and felt leaving the scene was better than testing positive for alcohol or drugs. He must think the public is stupid! What an embarrassment to the legal community - no integrity at all!
It's a must appear ticket.
Oh, Mr Phoebus should be very capable of telling you that you most certainly CAN be charged with DUI without any testing...right Mr. Phoebus?
Better to get a Ticket for leaving the scene with no one hurt and pay a BS FINE than stick around for a Career ending D W I
527 sounds like you hired him pretended to be crazy to get off your charges. He believed you sent you to a dr and the opinion wasn't favorable to your case. Now your crying! Did you vote clinton?
Thanks law enforcement, we all know what to do now if we get caught driving drunk. Just run away and our lawyer will get us a couple traffic tickets and we will not lose our license. What a bunch of bull crap.
Weak, weak, weak.
The fact that nobody was hurt is not a mitigating factor for what he did after the accident.
Almost anyone else would be locked up.
I wonder how Mr Phoebus work with the law enforcement ?Did he make plea bargains with them to give up some of his cases to get himself off with no jail time.
This is sad for our legal system. But perhaps says even more about his rudderless colleagues who will sit on their hands and breath a sigh of relief that it wasn't them.
Attorneys really have NO moral compass and no basis for their arrogance.
I think he should be arrested and throw in jail like the rest of the public would be. He should be used as an example to show the public not to leave the scene of and accident and that nobody is above the law
6:18 Wow didn't think anyone would actualy read all that I am impressed.... Thank you but I fired him and hired a lawyer with integrity that should be a judge in Wicomico county and I am a republican for the moment but unfortunatley it shouldn't matter when it comes to the law!
Anyway Mr. Phoebus we all make mistakes I truly am sorry about what happened to you. I am not someone who believes in karma. I do believe that we all should learn from our mistakes. We all make them we are all gods children. I can only hope that you can learn from some of the things that have happened to you and you become a better person. That is what we need in our world today is people who can have a little compassion for people who need help and it sounds like you need a little.
“...and avoided criminal prosecution for DWI and firearm related offenses.”
Railroaded explain to me how a lawyer that leaves a scene of a crime gets railroaded just curious
Keep this in mind, he is the chairman of the judicial nominating committee! What say you Gov. Hogan? I am sure you know about this by now.
Right. Which means he can and should have been arrested for it. Just like a DUI is must appear. It is also arrestable.
Excellent reply
"Although I initially and incorrectly perceived that this was a private matter, after further reflection, I realized that it was wrong for me to leave. Through counsel, I worked with law enforcement over the weekend to provide them with the necessary information and I have personally accepted the traffic citations that were issued to me." First it's not a private matter when you commit a traffic infraction. It's a matter of public record. You know that counciler. After further reflection you realized it was wrong of you to leave? No it was illegal for you you leave. You worked with law enforcement? Listen I personally know a police officer who did the exact same thing and was fired because if it. He had too much to drink, hit a parked car and left but reported it to his supervisor. They fired him. So give me a break.
There's something disingenuous about a lawyer lawyering up before giving the police the information they seek.
We can wonder if and how the state bar association looks at such things.
Go on line and look it up!! Public information. nothing will happen to his license based on 100s of examples. It's a joke really
Hitting a parked car telling the people, leaving only to find out the police want to write you tickets the next day. That's called payback over an election... it's not like he was leaving the country or not good to pay for the minor damage. Please. Ridiculous. He should sue
They could careless. 1000s of lawyers On the website getting suspended and reinstated for serious crimes. LOOK AT DC 90 percent lawyers... your holding him to a higher standard for some reason.
Hogan? How about every POLITICIAN that is a lawyer completely and totally lie for a living. Hahaha
Bottom line. He is above the law. The law is for everyone else that's why he has a job. He probably left the accident because someone else will take care of it. Use to pampered treatment.
An attorney friend discussed this very tactic with me several years ago. No way to prove DWI without tests. Smart legal move!!!!
John does have ties to Germany . I base this on him buying a Germany vehicle. Keep digging Somerset your on to something
What ever happen the OC DNR officer?
738 no. It's a M/A released on signature advising your understanding you have to go to court. he didn't get charged with DWI you are saying DWI NOT the POLICE... it's over he will NOT be charged with DWI OR DUI.
His statement is hog wash, he didn't come clean on what really happened. This should cost him big time but in reality it probably will not. People have short memories. I for one will not hire him to do any work for me for more than one reason. The entire firm has gone to the dogs since Antonelli passed away.
Good initial attempt by him of what the Nixon folks called a 'modified limited hangout'.
Let's see what the reaction is.
How nice - "I have personally accepted the traffic citations that were issued to me."
Maybe that will get him work-release, or a sentence that can be served just on weekends.
A person cannot keep doing this and it not catch up with them, sooner or later. Give him enough rope, he will hang himself.
Wasn't John Phoebus Dru Bragg's DUI and drug bust attorney?
You all can believe Mr Phoebus drinks and does drugs all you want. You all can say he should have been charged with drinking and driving because you have heard rumors or actually observed him abusing drugs/alcohol. BUT clearly the original posting on SBYNews, by a reader says "Mr. Phoebus was (allegedly) drunk and crossed the center line and hit a car.
There can be many factors causing a driver to cross over the centerline and hit another car. Without someone detaining Mr Phoebus at the scene until LEO arrived, - without a LEO locating Mr Phoebus, immediately, how can he be charged with DUI/DWI?
John broke the law , as was wrong to leave the scene. He has admitted that and turned himself in, saying he is guilty as charged. There but for the Grace of God go I (or you). Would any of us, say "Oh you didn't charge me of drinking and driving - I am guilty of that too."
Perhaps John is guilty of all the rumors on here, think what you will, but where is the proof? If John has an abuse problem, then this should be his wake up call, and thank his Lord no one was hurt and he has a chance to write his wrong.
IMO John is a good lawyer and an asset to his community - all around good person, with many friends, some in high places, but without proof, can anyone be charged with cover-up? Again, think what you will, but thoughts and rumors do not make it the truth, nor can the Law charge him with such.
And that, my friend, is why we have so many hit and runs. Because when our law enforcement and lawyers do it, why shouldn't the regular people? Why stick around for that DWI. Just keep going and take the ticket for leaving the scene. Just like Washington. Laws, what laws. They don't pertain to me.
Gosh, even us "little uneducated" people know not to Hit and run.....
Smart Attorney. Used law to his advantage. Can’t say I would not have done the same. Good to know the law!!
I would NOT Bragg about NOT hiring a CRIMINAL DEFENSE attorney... do you see the irony?
Leaving the scene works,Ted Kennedy set the example.
John Phoebus is a liar. Firstly he does have an alcohol problem just like his dad Harry T. did. His father was found alongside St. Rt. 97 in Anne Arundel Co. dead after leaving the roadway and overturning the vehicle. He was removed to the office of the medical examiner and his B.A.C. was above the legal limit to drive on the highways and byways of the State. I being from Wicomico Co. and a member of MSP was one of the responding police although the A.A. Co. PD was the agency who held jurisdiction on the case. The B.A.C. number was introduced at the inquest yet never surfaced either in Somerset or Wicomico Counties.
Phoebus Jr. is following in his footsteps from all reports and I had the occasion to observe him at a function in Wicomico Co. where he was in fact acting just like his persona indicated, a natural ass. I further observed him get in his personal vehicle and drive off with some blonde the size of a leprechaun. I had occasion to watch him in action in Court before Judge Davis and I opined he'll never be the lawyer his senior was and under the tutelage of James Anthonelli it seemed his prowess at law was bumbling to be kind.
The law community in Somerset and Wicomico Co. should take stock of their friends and the layman should shrug off lame excuses from Phoebus. After all what attorney would you hire to give you legal advise based on his conduct Friday Night and then open his mouth and lie about it? Would this give you a satisfied feeling on trial day?
As for the feeble attempt to hide his hijinks I say he knew how deep the law goes on these serious offenses and he was in fact desperate to conceal all of it. Retired MSP
saw he took the post off his personal facebook page guess he didn"t like the comments and pictures he was getting.
White privilege
Ah, the lawyer plans a "Ted Kennedy" defense. Run home and sober up. Then turn yourself in. That right there is an attorney with a high disrespect for the law. He's the one you want for your attorney, if you're guilty.
Sooooo funny!!!! There is a whole lot of folks posting on here crucifying John Phoebus for doing something that 1) many of you all have done (drinking and driving...one drink is all it takes) and 2) knowing that it's better to take lesser traffic offenses than to get a DUI. Folks on here trying to make themselves out to be saints and would never try to use the law to protect themselves and their career. WTF!!! Come on it's simple case of using deductive reasoning...or a cost-benefit analysis of sticking around and lose everything or leaving the scene and having a fine, points on your license and an insurance increase. Don't blame Phoebus for knowing the law and having survival instincts. And 1:25pm...Retired MSP (could it be Mike Lewis' rambling?)...what kind of person are you to bring up the deceased. Shows a lot about your character. Is that why MD Troopers are called "Clowns in Brown?" Get a life. You sound mad because your post sounds a wee bit personal...Phoebus must have kicked your ass in court! So yes, a defense attorney who knows the law and gets the best outcome for his client is the defense attorney I would want to represent me. Remember it's the defenses' job to show the court how much of a Clown in Brown you really are!!
11/9/17 @ 6:34 AM,
Decent people don't refer to MD State Troopers as " clowns in brown ". Only people with contempt for the law do so. The same kind of people who cause accidents and flee.
John's father, Harry T. Phoebus, Jr., was a lawyer, who was disbarred for lying to his clients, and a repeat drunk driver, who finally killed himself driving drunk.
John is headed in the same direction.
If your idea of a good lawyer is someone who runs away, and hides behind his mother, without even stopping to see if he has injured anyone, John is definitely the guy you want.
6:34 "deductive reasoning...cost benefit analysis!" I say lack of integrity. It looks worse with his running and hiding than staying and receiving a DUI. His BAC must have been off the charts. By the way, there are people out there that have never had a drink and driven - probably very few, but still some. I am one. Don't judge everybody by yourself. My family has been negatively affected by overuse of alcohol, and for that reason I hate it.
2:43 no, Somerset County privilege. Home of the good ole boys.
Joe Joe Joe
We're is the story on him Resigning ?
6:50, Get on the ball EBT, we published that story WHEN IT HAPPENED almost a week ago.
10:14 John Calvin Massey acquitted on all charges. See Maryland Casesearch. What did you expect? Equal treatment under the law?
Wow. Yes John should not have left, but the attacks on him are really over the top. Talk about your small-town, small-minded gossip! John has done a lot for the community and reading this you would think that he is a serial killer. He made mistakes. He will pay for those mistakes. And he will continue to be someone who works hard for Crisfield. (And this is coming from someone who otherwise doesn't give a damn about Republicans.)
KLK you've obviously never retained his services. VERY hefty price for nothing. Absolutely nothing. Except maybe some off handed comments that, in hindsight, was the pot calling the kettle black. Crisfield can keep him.
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