Could it be the college driving away the businesses across from the campus or is it local leaders not paying attention to the business owners in town.
How many businesses have to close in Salisbury before voters realize the city is inhospitable to business? How many will have to close before people wake up and realize their elected officials are not working for them but against them?

It's a shame when you think about the employees who now look for a new job in the ever-shrinking work options in Salisbury. Of course, owners of these businesses can't be the sole reason for these closings. However, it seems awfully suspicious being right across the street from a well-staffed and well-attended university, fast food restaurants are dropping like dead flies.
Note the signage seen in the image above states the Arby's has been in this locale for 47 years. That's a lifetime for some and yet, here they are closing and referring patrons to Ward Street - a location on the fringes of the hood where no one dares to venture after nightfall.
Remember, it wasn't that long ago when Wendy's closed up shop, there as long as the Arby's, leaving more unemployed scrambling for jobs. Also don't forget about Radio Shack and Plaza Tapatia.
Even for those who don't like Arby's offerings, this is a stunning loss to the South Salisbury Boulevard community and should not go without notice.
What's next? Will it be Burger King, Hardee's, Taco Bell or Dunkin Donuts?
Guess time will tell, but for not... once again, another business bites the dust.
Thank you, Jake Day... you're doing a splendid job!
They are smart and moving out of the city and into the County, they are closing this one and opening a new one next to Royal Farms over by Wor Wic. I am sure those jobs carried over.
SAD .. i remember when it came back in 1970 .............!
It was NOT lack of business that closed the Arbys. The real estate from there to the corner of College Ave is being redeveloped. Sometimes the land is worth more than the business.
All dabury cares about is Welfare and da Welfare VOTES.
I’m guessing that some business wants to be on the Wendy’s corner and wants both parcels. Just my guess
Don't forget KFC closed from across the college and Mcdonalds. Why would 4 fast food stores close across from the college? It doesn't make sense.
Not local politicians but a national trend. Many fast-food restaurants are closing as people are changing their eating habits. Many chain restaurants are starting to close and more locally owned farm to fork ones are opening. They have to get with the time's or they will be out of business. Radio Shack had nothing to do with local politicians.
Way to go Mayor Boy. Touch any Hardee's and there will be hell to pay!
Taxes are just too high and margins are just too thin for low volume small businesses. After expenses, insurance, payroll, workman’s comp, Social Security, there is no reason to stay in open to barely break even or lose money.
I'm not surprised that they closed. The last time I was there, the food and service sucked. The Poppers were cold (which is strange because you normally have to wait for them to be fried) and the sandwich was so cold, the cheese would not melt.
Im in the market for a bigger house and have been looking for a few months now. I did find one that I thought was outside of Salisbury. I was ready to make an offer until I saw the taxes on the house almost doubled the mortgage payment. It seems that several years ago, Salisbury had decided to add their taxes to the County taxes without adding all the "benefits" of City services. This is making houses in this area go without buyers because they just cannot be afforded anymore.
I wonder if that is happening to the businesses in that location??
Dont forget Long John Silvers.
That was in that strip.
But we have a bike path.
A little birdy told me a large coffee shop is why it closed. They made em an offer they couldn't refuse.
There are more and more empty buildings along that strip of 13 every single day.... including a bunch of new remodels. There are just no businesses willing to move in. Unit in the much heralded Seagull Square still remain empty or have a revolving door of tenants. This town is very business unfriendly - that is, unless the business owner is a friend of the mayor.
936 your answer is complete idiocy. McDonalds in Fruitland is constantly busy now because of that closure near the college.
Virtue signaling is very unbecoming and makes you look as delusional as the cat that comes on here spouting off about aliens taking over America. Get a grip!
Route 13 across from the college is beginning to look like a business boneyard. Courtesy of all the local leaders not just Day!
We use to have to drive from Pocomoke to Salisbury to rent VHS movies. There were none in Pocomoke and this was long before Video Den, Video Magic, and much longer before Block Buster. There was Phil's TV's in south Salisbury. I think it was located in the building just south of Five Guys. Our first ever VHS rental, a new release, The Toy. Classic. Anyway, we would then either go to Bonanza or Arby's. Never noticed the passing of Bonanza or Phils, but I always liked the south Arby's. The quickest and friendliest Arby's I've ever been to. I hope the new one holds up. Better location anyway. Something east of the Bypass for lunch.
Wonder what BS excuse we’ll hear from Day & Eshbach on this one. This area just sucks all the way around to sundown.
That entire stretch is being purchased and redeveloped one store at a time. It's no big deal to lose a Wendy's, Arby's or any other crap fast food joint. In 4 or 5 years SU will be building classrooms on that stretch of land.
Make it a Parking lot for those BIKES !!!
You are a walking dinosaur!
Who Cares!!!! It is a fast food joint and a bad one at that. Things change and don't you think 47 years of Arby's is enough? Maybe, just maybe Salisbury is growing up and moving forward. I have lived here for 20 years and this town barely changes, which is not always a good thing. I say rip those eye sores down and replace them with something new and different. Regarding Salisbury University, if it were not for SU this town simply would not exist. That institution infuses a ton of money into this town and attracts a young populace that otherwise would not give this backward city a second thought. I for one hope that Wendy's and Arby's are just the beginning.
It amazes me that people are upset that a fast food joint is closing. I hope they all go under.
Maybe ole Jakey boy will buy that land for exuberant prices out of the city's finances and sell it back to his cronies cheap. Then they can build more section 8 rentals and they could build a bar or nightclub on the ground floor. Then it would be just like the craphole he's making downtown. And furthermore those dumb clowns saying that they hope they all close, you and your thinking are the problem. What moron wants businesses to leave the area. Are you going to pay the bills of these people who are now out of work. Can't believe someone would make a dumb statement like that. Fools and money are soon parted, Salisbury is the fool. Can't wait for the mugging s and rapes and homicides on the new bike route through the hoods. This city has turned into a city of fools run by fools. Now Jack Heath wants county executive position so the county can fund all Jakey poos idiotic ideas.
Arby's is one of the better fast food places. Too bad us on the south end of town have to go way North to find a lot of stuff.
The new Royal Farms would have been better suited on that corner than where its going
Chances are . . .there is a cover-up. The college has most likely acquired the properties and does not want the public to know that they have confiscated more real estate
You realize this is going to be a new Starbucks, right dummy?
Yes I got a sandwich from there like a month ago it was disgusting.
But their service was so bad, sooooooo sloooow, that's what doomed them. When you spend your 30 minute lunch break in lins waiting for your food, you stop going to that restaurant. Argus prices has gotten high in the last few years. Could it be that the students are taking advantage of the food services offered at SU. Went there for lunch and a meeting, prices were excellent (under $10) and had tons of food choices (More and fresher than available at any fast good joint).
Well cookout a Christian franchise seems to be doing pretty well... as for the hood comment from Joe I'll hold my comment...
12:28 go back to where you came from. Us been born heres were doing just fine till you come heres came here and ruined Salisbury. For one thing change sucks. The Acme sucks here since changing. Every damn pharmacy has made getting around Salisbury a hassle. PRMC buying up all the doctor's offices and making it a monopoly sucks. What exactly was new here that makes it worth making changes. There are no jobs here because the business all closed here and moved away. Change in Salisbury sucks so go back to where you live and change it there. We don't want your kinda changes here because they suck.
Dogg, the city cannot add its taxes to county bills without the property being annexed into the city. Maybe the property was recently annexed and not showing on the tax maps. Regardless, most properties near SU will eventually become student-focused. Just the way it is now. The growth of SU is why Salisbury and Fruitland has changed so much in the past 20 years.
Starbucks. It's gonna have a drive thru too. As regards the Wendy's, it is owned by the bad franchise that Wendy's corporate has been fighting with for ten years cause they won't update their ragged stores. Good riddance to both. Are these jobs Salisbury will miss?
I watched as Cookout opened, the other fast food places were almost empty.Cookout prices are just a little over half of what the others were asking.I soon tired of Cookout but on a budget it is a better deal. Maybe the other places realized they could not compete and moved to location where competition was less? It seems to look that way.
Arby's roast beef has always been sodium-laden crap, a bunch of beef scraps chemically treated and physically extruded to look like a cut of beef.
12:28 go back to where you came from. Us been born heres were doing just fine till you come heres came here and ruined Salisbury. For one thing change sucks. The Acme sucks here since changing. Every damn pharmacy has made getting around Salisbury a hassle. PRMC buying up all the doctor's offices and making it a monopoly sucks. What exactly was new here that makes it worth making changes. There are no jobs here because the business all closed here and moved away. Change in Salisbury sucks so go back to where you live and change it there. We don't want your kinda changes here because they suck.
November 7, 2017 at 2:30 PM
Wow, what more needs to be said right? The above pretty much sums up what is wrong with "Da Bury" Until people like the author of the above disaster move on, and I do mean the afterlife, Salisbury will be stuck in the past.
Anon 12:49...
The point you seem to have missed is that I wish all the crappy fast food joints close down so that they can be replaced with restaurants that don't serve "food" on a plastic tray. It would be nice if we did not have to drive 45 minutes to get a decent meal.
The arbys on ward street isnt any better. I waited in drive thru 17 minutes and 12 minutes went by and no one told us what was going on or why we were waiting... then the fries were cold.
Plaza Tapatia has a banner up south of the college at the old denny's/ Benny's Chinese/diner place coming soon.
The college wants to buy the property so they're being forced out of business...I don't know how, but that's what I believe.
Eat at Home!
Did you ever think the two properties might be in a redevelopment concept? It's not all doom and gloom. That whole corner is going to be redeveloped. BTW, the new Royal Farms off of Walston Switch Rd., that's city limits with city services.
To 12:28 Poster that said; That institution infuses a ton of money into this town and attracts a young populace that otherwise would not give this backward city a second thought. I for one hope that Wendy's and Arby's are just the beginning.
My Response: You stand to be corrected! That institution (SU) extracts a ton of wealth from our community by taxing our populace with exorbitant real estate taxes. You see - that every time the college TAKES over another property - it is the taxpayers that bare the cost. One might say - just how many properties has the college consumed - well I'll tell you - a sh--pot load of community properties. Drive down College Ave., Camden Ave, BOTH SIDES of Rt. 13, Bateman Street, South Division Street, to name just a few.
Bottom line - your pale simply doesn't hold water.
November 7, 2017 at 4:57 PM - I concur
Took those pics in a nick of time. The next day all the wording was gone and the sign is now covered up to mask the Arby's signature. We could all do without fast food but its a personal choice so it's not my place to say anyone else shouldn't eat it!
" Anonymous said...
Bottom line - your pale simply doesn't hold water.
November 12, 2017 at 8:24 AM"
And the word is PAIL not PALE as in her skin is so pale it was like snow.
WTF did you go to school? Let's hope not SU!
7:00 am....City services by annexation is a big difference than "city limits". By being annexed you get even a larger tariff, (screwed).
Reference the Arby's closure, I haven't been to any location in approximately five years due to the corporation contributing heavily to the democratic party. I'm certain this doesn't concern them with my sandwich money missing, but I know of others that have wrote them off due to being left wing supporters.
The new Arbys location is in the City limits...SPRAWL
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