DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest Contact Publisher Joe Albero at alberobutzo@wmconnect.com or 410-430-5349
Sunday, October 01, 2017
Oh My, Graffiti Found In Downtown Salisbury
When employees arrived to work this morning they were subjected to seeing graffiti in CHALK throughout the GOB and old Court House. With all the cameras around down there this should be a no brainer. However, since Sheriff Mike Lewis just happened to be in town and not out on one of his training seminars to crack the case.
The County is praying for rain to make these painful messages go away. Salisbury paid firefighters refused to respond and wash off the walkways as this is beyond their call for duty. Mayor Day was seen with a ticket book hiding behind a tree in the No Smoking area waiting for county volunteers to park illegally.
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That's right, better waste some resources catching the infamous sidewalk chalk bandits.
Ha ha ha. Great take on the story!
man jake gonna git the huskers what did that, you mark my words down he aint scared of nuthin
Maybe Jake let the kids out to play.
So we're paying a Sherriffto take destruction of property report? Or is it that GOB gets special treatment even tho they say they are for and like the people?
They won't catch these vandals because they are friends with the Mayor. Just like they never caught the vandals that vandalized the GOP buildings 3 times last year.
Chalk graffiti is taught at SU. Just walk up to their student activities bldg and look for a handwriting match.
Case solved!
Drives me crazy to think that will do nothing about this but they will attempt to throw kids that ride bikes in jail. Pathetic!!
Use a hose, ya hosers.
Oh, no, that's right, there's no water.
Only that has water is SFD. Can't wait for the first lawsuit. Bob needs to come down on the City like Trump is on N Korea. No more money for the SFD from the County. Take away Hoppes money and he will explode not just crack like "Humpty Dumpty". Day / Hoppes will start laying off paid fire fighters then Day will have to cut Hoppes retirement from 3/4 of his salary to 1/4 of his salary.
How Long did the 2 Geniouses stare at the sidewalk ???
They say Mike n his Boys were on their hands and knees sniffing the side walk for evidence....Mike said he knows the way NIKE Tennis shoe smell....Wow!!
thats some serious crime wave kinda thing there, prolly that mc 13 or whatever.
does that say "smash sack"?
Looks like my neighbors sidewalk. Only these girls are too cute to complain.
Does anyone REALLY care about smallsbury any longer? You have there thugs, corrupt pols, ineffective police (even while there are THREE agencies there), constant whiners, backstabbers, undereducated (at best) bottom-of-the-barrel "citizens", violent drug users and non-users, hookers, kids AND adults with no self-control or discipline, good ole boy networks, poor healthcare, crooked lawyers, crumbling infrastructure, too many useless and divisive fire depts, the list goes on.
No real employment except for the elite few, no culture to speak of, I mean it's just a pit.
Whatever good people it used to have either moved on or scared to come out of their houses, which are also the few that still own homes there.
They need a bypass around the bypass so other unsuspecting people can stay further away from yuckland.
I would tell ya how I really feel but I'm tired of typing.
All this and these comments are insane. All of our politicians have refused to lead altruistically and the whole of the situation has descended into chaos.
Is sidewalk chalk an arrestable offense? With a rape every other week and a murder every other month wasting time on this is a slap in the face to the taxpayer.
We need to activate now! The Wicomico County Board of Education must be petitioned immediately to change the racist bigoted names associated with Wicomico High school. Considering the racial demographic of the school TRIBE is very offensive! INDIANS must go too. Enough of these so called educators besmirching whole ethnic groups!! I think we should change the name to honor a great American! Let's name it the Barack Obama Abecedarian Academy!!
Anonymous said...
That's right, better waste some resources catching the infamous sidewalk chalk bandits.
September 25, 2017 at 4:20 PM
You just don't get it do you!!
where were all those cameras Joe speaks of
you make more sense than all the others on here put together...you interested in a County Exec or Sheriff job?
get outta here fool.....we're busy solving a crime, no time to worry about SFD until the criminals of this dastardly deed are behind bars
yes...makes me proud seeing Bob take charge
I feel your pain, my friend
Make sure you guys tell Fake Jake he will not believe it from the residents of Salisbury, one would have to pull his neck out of the sand!
If there are cameras there then you may have them this time.
Get the paid maintenance man at the building to go outside with a car wash brush and a bucket of water...viola...all gone...then he can go back to the internet to complain about hard he works...
Anonymous said...
Drives me crazy to think that will do nothing about this but they will attempt to throw kids that ride bikes in jail. Pathetic!!
September 25, 2017 at 6:49 PM
You are a prime example of the stupid uneducated idiots that live here. Complete moron. Glad you used the anonymous name. I would be embarrassed if I were you and people knew who you were that made such an absolute stupid comment
8:50 PM High Five. Thank you for saying what I have felt for the last 10 torturous years I have lived here.
4:30 AM its you who doesnt get it.
This once great city (Salisbury) has detiorated to the point of irrelevance. The politics, the behind the scene deals, the good ole boy network, have destroyed this city. It is mismanaged and decaying, and is on the brink of self-destruction. Many people (including me) have moved from Salisbury (I now live in Delmar) to escape the taxes, lies, and liberal politics that infest this city. When I left Salisbury in 1977 to enter the Marines and I returned in 2003, I was shocked on the transformation of this once great city. I makes me sick how we have allowed the corruptness and leadership to destroy Salisbury. Unfortunately until the citizens wake-up and elect responsible individuals accountable to the taxpayers and residents then the continued downfall of Salisbury will continue. I do not support anything in Salisbury!
Know exactly where you're coming from 1024. My family is getting to relocate out of this area because Salisbury isn't anything close to what it used to be.
@6:49, They are not kids, and those bikes are most likely stolen Because if they all have money to buy those bikes, then why is it they do not have money to put tags on them? NONE of them have tags. They are endangering the lives of people on the road. We will not put up with it. Plus there has been an epidemic of stolen bikes up and down the East coast. Now who is pathetic?
Anonymous Anonymous said...
8:50 PM High Five. Thank you for saying what I have felt for the last 10 torturous years I have lived here.
September 26, 2017 at 9:36 AM
You are welcome but I am sorry what I said was true.
Salisbury wonders why they're losing their voters and there's little to no options for candidates to run against bad leaders. Chalk is nothing when compared to all the other nonsense and mismanagement going on around here.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Salisbury wonders why they're losing their voters and there's little to no options for candidates to run against bad leaders. Chalk is nothing when compared to all the other nonsense and mismanagement going on around here.
October 1, 2017 at 10:18 AM
It's in Wicomico County on Wicomico County property. Let Wicomico County worry about what Jake Day's Salisbury supporters do. We will solve it like we quickly did with these punks.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
@6:49, They are not kids, and those bikes are most likely stolen Because if they all have money to buy those bikes, then why is it they do not have money to put tags on them? NONE of them have tags. They are endangering the lives of people on the road. We will not put up with it. Plus there has been an epidemic of stolen bikes up and down the East coast. Now who is pathetic?
September 26, 2017 at 5:28 PM
Yep, someone walked right in my back yard with a locked gate and stole my daughters bike. I didn't even bother calling the Salisbury Po Po. It's not a crime in their books and it will disappear in a couple of weeks anyway(the report).
Anonymous USMCRetired said...
This once great city (Salisbury) has detiorated to the point of irrelevance. The politics, the behind the scene deals, the good ole boy network, have destroyed this city. It is mismanaged and decaying, and is on the brink of self-destruction. Many people (including me) have moved from Salisbury (I now live in Delmar) to escape the taxes, lies, and liberal politics that infest this city. When I left Salisbury in 1977 to enter the Marines and I returned in 2003, I was shocked on the transformation of this once great city. I makes me sick how we have allowed the corruptness and leadership to destroy Salisbury. Unfortunately until the citizens wake-up and elect responsible individuals accountable to the taxpayers and residents then the continued downfall of Salisbury will continue. I do not support anything in Salisbury!
September 26, 2017 at 10:24 AM
You have it all wrong and you didn't touch on the real problem. The real problem is the fact that Salisbury is 95% rental property and the real "leaders" of Salisbury are the ones that got rich off the rental industry. They are the ones that control Salisbury and that will never change. Just look at the people that poured money into Jake Day's campaign even though he didn't have an opponent. Look at who contributed to Muir Boda's campaign. All Slum Lords.
The point is not how much damage was done but the idea behind it, And that idea is intolerance and intimidation of our citizens.
1057 Do you feel intimidated? I don't. I could care less about it. The vandalism should be prosecuted like any other crime against property. Chalk or spray paint makes no difference.
Bottom feeders do things like vandalize property to make their message clear. Their messages were stuck in yesterday and have no place today. All this temper tantrum displayed was the perps' immature attitudes and stunted mental growth nothing more.
11:01 I don't feel intimidated but that was their goal. Of course they wanted it to look like BLM did because of their history of violence and murder.
Neither of those guys arrested looked intelligent enough to come up with that plan - I think someone paid them to write with chalk. The head of the plot will be charged if the arrestees squeal their leader's name.
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