DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest Contact Publisher Joe Albero at alberobutzo@wmconnect.com or 410-430-5349
Sunday, October 08, 2017
A Viewer Writes: Parking Rant
Even though there is almost never parking available around the Irish Penny and Little Caesars, there's no excuse for parking your car up at the curb. It is a pain in the arse to park a car or get a car out when a someone lingers at the entrance. Not only did the pictured cars park under two distinctly different "no parking" signs.. one of them almost got hit by an elderly couple backing out. Putting your flashers on doesn't excuse you from the rules. Maybe a solution to the city's money problems could be solved thru parking tickets and towing cars. Inexcusable!
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Just another entitled a-hole.
This goes on with two to four cars lined up in the no-parking lane from 11 in the morning until 10 at night. The drivers are oblivious to the pain in the neck and hazard they pose. The strip mall hires a security person to keep students from parking in the lot, but that guard does nothing to keep the fire lane clear of pizza shop customers' cars. The mall is a Rinnear property, I think. I hope they're reading this.
This goes on all day everyday, even when there are plenty of parking spaces. Half the time the people park in the fire lane under the no parking sign, leave all their kids in the car and run in to get a pizza.
These are the same entitled morons that do this at the liquor store, Food Lion on Snow Hill Rd. They're to damn lazy to walk an extra 30 ft, some of them could use the extra steps.
That parking lot is why we never patronize any stores in that building..
It seems to me they do it at EVERY store. Some stores have an almost empty parking lot with clearly marked parking spaces and the people will park right in front of the door in the fire lane as if it was put there just for them and I guess it was because nobody ever does anything about it so they just keep doing it the next time they come back. They are bad about it at the Walmart north location and the shopping center in Delmar. The one with the Walgreens and the Dollar Store and the liquor store.
I think the real problem lies with people that have nothing more to do then complain a out parking with everything else that is going on in the world. The problem in this particular location "pizza pizza" picking up $5 ready made pizzas
lazy mustards ticket them wheres the law?
This doesn't bother me because I eat clean and healthy. I have never been and will never eat at those slop shops. If you got gut and love handles your out of shape. It's not baby fat, muscle,thick or I need to lose 5lbs. Nope your fat and lazy stop eating nasty food and exercise. You can work out at home and fresh produce is cheap. Thank you.
8:44- the "law" is running real calls between the 6 guys working.
This drive through mentality drives me crazy. Walk much people ?
They have the privilege.
I have noticed that it is the same 'type' of people. When you call them out, they get defensive (in an entitled way) almost to the point of violence. They are the 75% that give the other 25% a bad name. Some parking enforcement - even occasionally, would put these turds in their places. If they left kids in the car then it is child endangerment as well! Once or twice will get the word out!
If they're in that big a hurry and have kids in the car, why don't they just have pizza delivered?
You are so awesome!!!!!!!!
Anonymous Anonymous said...
If they're in that big a hurry and have kids in the car, why don't they just have pizza delivered?
October 7, 2017 at 10:53 AM
They are too cheap to give the driver a tip
This happens every single day at every school in Salisbury and no one does anything about it. I have seen them block the buses in. I have seen them argue and cuss at each other because they are parked in the fire lanes waiting for their child and they aren't going anywhere until their child is picked up. I have seen them throw punches. I have seen police officers park in the fire lanes and wait for their children to come out all the while blocking everyone in.
This is an ongoing issue that the schools refuse to do anything about.
Meanwhile Jake Day is vacationing at the Baltimore Harbor at the tax payers expense. Pretending to be taking a class about blacks and policing. This means more crime going to be ignored in Salisbury with this Liberal Logic.
National Harbor
First @LMDLeads #25thAnniversary conversation is on race and policing in Maryland #diverightin #classof2015
Those cars are parked directly on top of the word "Lane" that is painted on the roadway spelling out "Fire Lane" as an additional reminder that it is ILLEGAL to stop, stand or park in a FIRE LANE!!
Notice the "No Parking Fire Lane" sign with the tow symbol. What this city needs is to allow tow companies to contract out with the businesses to immediately tow people who park in the Fire Lanes, Handicap spots and yellowed out areas.
What needs to be done first is to force those damn lazy ass city cops to do their damn jobs and quit crying about being too busy. The Maryland State Police and the Wicomico County Sheriff's Office needs to step up their efforts in citing these constant violators. I don't know what the fine is but I have seen them from $250 - $500 dollars in different areas. I bet after being towed or hit with a $500 fine those lazy asses won't park in Fire Lanes anymore.
That's why most city's employee parking enforcement officers rather then utilize police who should be focusing on other criminal matters. But once you have parking enforcement, then you'll get the complaints because people really don't want the parking laws enforced. Catch 22 situation. It's really never an issue unless it affect you.
Failure to observe the NO PARKING sign in this spot will result in at $50.00 fine and the cost of towing.
It is annoying but a bad location for a carry out pizza place and it will continue with that type of venue. It is what it is!
The same selfish idiots park in front of the "Fire Lane-No Parking" signs at Food Lion on Rt. 50. I have seen a few receive tickets and they all like to tell the police officer "But I was only there for a minute." The police officer asked the one lady to point where the sign permitted "one minute parking."
Same thing at the Post office.
seen fire department and ems van parked there also
Food lion at Nanicoke road is the worst too. And I am not being politically correct either most all I see #1 males and females.You just have to ax dem to move.
I hate this parking lot. The spaces are really small and it is even worse when someone parks like this. Seems to be a trend around Salisbury. The parking lot at Acme is not any better. They are always parked along the curb to run into the liquor store or they make their own parking spot at the beginning of the isles. The police could make a killing if they handed out tickets for parking in a fire zone.
Do these parkers feel entitled or just too lazy to walk across the parking lot? That parking lot is always full around the Chipolte/Irish Penny/Little Caesars' area and which means they'd have to park over by the Bagel place. Laziness is more likely the case.
That parking lot is dangerous. People pull out in front of each other all the time. They drive around like it's the Indy 500 instead of being patient.
Seen people do that at Walmart Fruitland and soon as they see a cop they move but the cops still ticket them,good.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
That parking lot is dangerous. People pull out in front of each other all the time. They drive around like it's the Indy 500 instead of being patient.
October 8, 2017 at 9:40 AM
I feel the same about ALL the Wawa parking lots. Terrible design. People driving in and out like it's a street and not a parking lot. People walking from the pumps to the door while others are trying to back out of their spaces. Take your life in your hands in those places.
Yes. They feel "entitled", just as they feel entitled to everything else in the world. 10:45 am is telling the truth. Its ALWAYS the same "type" of people doing this. They do it at the Dollar General in the Twilley Center constantly. Even when there are front parking spots. Nobody will ever do anything about it, so it will get worse, since it seems like we are turning into "Little Baltimore". Laziness is disgusting!
It's always bad at Food Lion on Tilghman Rd.
Just like the parking lot at Food Lion in Crisfield. People literally park in the fire lane and turn the car off and leave it. They know odds are they will not get a ticket. You know what's really messed up? Two or three of the local men with Fire Dept tags ate the worst offenders!
I was walking toward the hair cuttery the other day and some young woman was doing about 25mph past the place in the fire lane, while talking on her cell phone. There needs to be something done before somebody gets clipped and injured.
That parking lot at Food Lion on Tilghman Road was designed all wrong. One way in, same way out. There needs to be an access to Rt. 50 at the other end some how or another. Terrible, terrible lot, hate it.
If Walgreens in Delmar moved the Redbox around the Corner 1/2 the problems would end. And how about the liquor store get deliveries in the back of the plaza as they're supposed to nstead of the big trucks blocking all vision in the front.
Okay, if these people are parked illegally, is it okay for me to back into the side of their car when exiting my legal parking spot?
I've got an old junker I could put plates on and collect enough insurance money to restore the thing!
They have to be that close - in order to easily load their food-stamp groceries!
maybe, with all the crime in dabury, they are scared to be exposed that long when walking to the door and they wanna run in, run back to car and lock doors and get outta dodge? ever think of that?
in my opinion the only time that it should be acceptable for a person to park in front of these places of business is to unload a handicapped person, and they should be diligent in getting that person out of that vehicle and move quickly. These are not temporary parking places. They are not limited time parking spaces, they are fire lanes for the fire dept should they have a need to be in front of those places for emergency purposes. It's very simple. STOP parking there!
I stopped eating and shopping at all of the stores in this strip mall because of the insane parking issues.
SOOOOO.....when I see this going on....what should I do? Should I call the SPD.....the sheriffs office.....or just look the other way?
Law enforcement and fire marshall is too busi for such violations. The strip mall security could help? they drive around the mall all day.
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