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Sunday, September 10, 2017
10,000 Marylanders Set To Lose Protection After DACA Dismantled
BALTIMORE (WJZ) — Heartbreak and worry as Marylanders march on Washington after President Donald Trump dismantles DACA.
Attorney General Jeff Sessions announced Tuesday the president’s decision to rescind the program that grants work permits to people who came to the U.S. as children of undocumented immigrants.
“The Department of Homeland Security should begin an orderly, lawful wind-down, including the cancellation of the memo that authorize this program,” Sessions said. “If we are to further our goal of strengthening the constitutional order and the rule of law in America, the Department of Justice cannot defend this overreach.”
“Dreamers” have been protected by an Obama-era executive order implemented in 2012.
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"10,000 Marylanders Set To Lose Protection "
They're not Marylanders. They're illegal aliens.
bye bye, deport them
“If we are to further our goal of strengthening the constitutional order and the rule of law in America..."
Like the way Sheriff Arpaio was pardoned ?! (FYI, the pardon completely ignored the legally defined process).
Good ....Get Em OUT ...they getting OUR kids Benefits !!!
Illegal is still illegal!
The law was never rescinded - it is still in effect!
Relying on the dumbocrats that only wanted to buy your votes - even though you can't currently vote is too much hope and change!
Send them home!
See Ya ...... Illegals should NOT be here ....taking OUR
benefits !!!
If they are employed or in school, they should be grandfathered. Concentrate on deporting the illegals with criminal histories and that have committed crimes here.
People need to look up the word "defer".
This Is Only the Fault of the Parents
If your parents don’t pay the rent, is it the landlord’s fault when you are evicted, or is it the fault of your parents?
If your parents sneak you into a country illegally, is it the country’s fault when you get deported, or is it the fault of your parents?
DACA Recipients Are Illegal Aliens
This simple fact has been so downplayed and memory-holed, it just needed to be spoken out loud.
DACA Is a Massive Amnesty Program
Although the DREAMers are in the country illegally, DACA allows some 800,000 to stay in the country legally without any kind of penalty. Qualified DREAMers are not only given a two-year deferment from deportation, they are eligible for a work permit, which means they can legally take a job in America.
DACA Recipients Are Not the Children
DACA is eligible only to those aged 15-32.
A very large percentage of DACA recipients are adults, not children or even minors.
Some DACA Recipients are Criminals
Over 5 years, between 2013 and 2017, a total of 2,139 DACA recipients lost their amnesty benefits “due to criminality or gang affiliated concerns.”
The DACA screening process is in reality a joke, a rubber stamp.
DACA Is Not a Law, It Is the Violation of Law
President Obama’s DACA program is not a law or even a policy. Rather, it is a brazen violation of the immigration law as written and passed by the American people’s representatives in congress.
People in the country illegally are supposed to be deported and repatriated into their own country. That is the law here in America. That is the law in every country in the world, including Mexico.
“The [DACA] eligibility bar was set very low, explicitly allowing people with multiple misdemeanor and certain felony convictions to be approved. Only a handful of the applicants were ever interviewed, and only rarely was the information on the application ever verified,” said Jessica M. Vaughan, director of policy studies at the Washington-based Center for Immigration Studies….
Moreover, this flood of labor depresses your wages.
DACA Was Already Litigated and Debated in 2016
The American people have already had the DACA debate. Hillary Clinton promised to expand DACA. Trump promised to end DACA.
Trump won.
Obama declared his DACA amnesty in 2012. Central Americans saw the announcement, read the details — and roughly 400,000 people headed north during the next four years.
Illegal immigration is a lose-lose for everyone but Democrats who desire the votes and business owners who do not want to pay a legal resident a fair market wage.
In Most States, DACA Recipients are Eligible for Welfare Benefits
Once DACA applicants are approved and receive a temporary employment authorization card, they can apply for a Social Security Number. Under this number, they can report wages and pay taxes.
DACA beneficiaries cannot receive federal benefits such as welfare and food stamps. Some states allow for state-funded benefits, but Arizona specifically prohibits it.
Unless It Is Stopped, DACA Will Never Stop Growing
Every year, more and more illegal aliens become eligible for DACA’s illegal and unconstitutional amnesty program.
DACA applies to individuals up to age 31 (as of June 2012, so 35 now) — hardly children; consequently, many Dreamers have long-since terminated their studies and most have committed multiple felonies in order to get jobs — Social Security fraud, forgery, perjury on I-9 forms, falsification of green cards and drivers’ licenses, identity theft, etc. Dreamers continue to commit these job-related crimes right up to the day their DACA status is approved and they obtain work permits and their own genuine Social Security numbers.
In addition, many illegal aliens qualifying for DACA status have previously been arrested and convicted of multiple misdemeanors and some have previously been or continue to be associated with violent gangs, as evidenced by a report in the Seattle Times that states that over 1,500 Dreamers have had their DACA status revoked since 2012 due to their involvement with criminal gangs.
Build the damn wall then maybe we can talk about it.
Build the damn wall AFTER this deterrent gets those that need to go out of here!
Deterrent/scare tactics first (because it uses minimal resources); allow CONgress their 6 months to make any adjustments (or not); THEN enforce enforce enforce!!!!!
If CONgress cannot do anything, then they will be on the hook during an election year!
They should Not have been Cherry picking which laws to
enforce and Do as they are supposed to ..Enforce them ALL !
They should go to Jail / Prison for Open Border Policy !!!
Actually it's part of the legal process. Snowflakes just make up as you go no matter how stupid you sound
It already SHOULD BE Illegal for any in Govt to Not Follow
the Damn LAW .....it is Not for ANY to decide to ignore it !
Show me ONE who has the Legal Authority to Ignore It !!!
I Hope there are Not ANY !!! ( maybe Hillary, Obama )
Have to be Fair > all ya politically correct folks out there
ALL Illegals must GO ...you can't Cherry Pick !!!! Equality !!
What part of ILLEGAL don't people understand? Are people really that retarded?
Illegal is just that - illegal. What is it that people don't understand? Am I missing something? Just because you broke into my house without my knowledge and have been hiding in basement for a month doesn't mean that you get to stay when you are found because you have nowhere else to go. I am now expected to feed and cloth you and give you a drivers license just because you dream of being a part of the family? I don't think so...
Some choose to IGNORE the LAWS they don't like , Just because They Want things to be Another way (Their WAY ) !!
ie Immigration Laws / Sanctuary cities / etc
America is being SECURED AGAIN thanks to TRUMP !!! Great
Federal Govt needs to be going after ALL the Law Breaking
officials in State Govt ......Lock them UP !!!!
Great news get these illegals gone then lower my taxes. I am tired of supporting these non-citizens when MD has homeless Vets, Homeless that has worked all their lives and get no assistance, Children who needs care, seniors that cannot afford to live losing their homes and can't afford medication. These law breakers wants my pity. LOL. Deport them the sooner the better. Don't forget their families and extended families to deport with them.
Blame the ones Who brought them here Illegally , and the
Demon-crats who let them stay illegally !!!!
Don't blame America for making them leave !!!! They Should !!!
STOP ALL Immigration , then Nobody can Complain !!!
America is FULL ....No More Room
You can Visit on a Visa then Return to your Country like
everywhere else .........
Trump did not bring them here
Republicans did not bring them here
Looks like the Democrats DID !!!!
Illegals .... oblama disregarded the law.
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