DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest Contact Publisher Joe Albero at alberobutzo@wmconnect.com or 410-430-5349
Sunday, August 06, 2017
Police Seek Public’s Help To Identify Wicomico Co. Murder Victim Who Has Distinctive Tattoos
(SALISBURY, MD) — Maryland State Police are asking for the public’s help as they attempt to identify a man who was murdered late this morning in Wicomico County.
The victim had no identification on him when police arrived and his identity is unknown. He is described as an African American male, possibly in his 30’s.
The victim has two distinct tattoos that investigators are likely familiar to those who may know the victim. On one shoulder is a pit bull with the word “JUICE” under it. On the other shoulder is a bull dog holding a “Tommy gun.”
Maryland State Police Homicide Unit investigators are investigating this murder that occurred shortly before 11:30 a.m. today. Details are few at this time. The preliminary investigation indicates the victim was assaulted by one or more suspects while he was on Bethel Street, in Salisbury. He was transported to Peninsula Regional Medical Center where he later died.
Anyone with information about the identity of the victim or about his murder, is urged to call the Salisbury Police Department at 410-548-3165. Callers may remain anonymous.
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Those are gang tats
What gang?
This is almost daily here now.Can we stop worrying about bike paths and fences and liberal dumb s#%$ and make a attempt to take the city back.County and City seems to have enough man power and resources to start at it.
I have a bulldog on my arm with a rifle but that doesn't mean it's a gang tat
What is the white tag for on the picture on the right?
white tag is what they hook hart monitor to
No help via comments yet.Is there a data base for tattoos in the Dept of Corrections?
Hmmmmmm, Ever hear of finger prints ?????
Live by the gun...
thug life
How can we describe the deceased as an African American male? Obliviously he is black, but how do we know he is a US citizen? Political correctness kills me. He could have been any black guy from anywhere in the world! Let's call a spade a spade (no pun intended}. It would be nice if the authorities would just report facts!
Many real police agencies have a tattoo database.
Joe while all this was going on I heard "Deputy Chief 6" say to Central he was stopping at an MVC to check on injuries. Then he said it was a single MVC in a ditch and no injuries.
Central then asked if he needed the sheriff's department to make a response and he said no, he has called AAA.
Well maybe I'm wrong, but I think it would be irresponsible not to contact the sheriff's office, especially on the part of that dumb clown at Wicomico Central. How do we know this guy isn't drunk or on some illicit drugs. It's not normal to drive into the ditch. How do we know this person isn't driving illegally.
And you wonder why some firemen are too stupid to be holding the rank of Deputy Chief.
I hope he is one of those thugs that ride their dirt bikes on Civic Avenue doing wheelies all the time. Seems like every time I am in the area about 6 or 7 of these thugs are riding dirt bikes illegally on the streets and some are wearing black hoodie masks.
I'm glad they have the Maryland State Police investigating this Homicide for them.
If he was a gang member. He would have had his colors displayed no matter how small. In jail they would have blue or red thread in their ear or the color of shoes something that simple. I would say his street name is Juice. More info or tats might help.
What's sad for me and my family is the fact that I have to live in this city more than likely for the rest of my life. I now have to live pay check to pay check and I will never get enough money selling my house to move out of the city. As a matter of fact I will have to sell it with not equity or at a loss. I doubt I will even be able to rent it out. The sad fact is the economy and this city left me living off my savings, retirement and mutual funds and now I am living pay check to pay check.
This is why you still see a lot of good, white people stuck living in Salisbury.
Help. I don't want to be next.
If you have permanent body tattoos that weren't done for a few different reasons, chances are you have low self esteem. No
The Bloodhound gang 😁
Why not just say black? I don't go around calling myself European American. Gotta be special about everything.
Nice city this Salisbury!
Anonymous Anonymous said...
If you have permanent body tattoos that weren't done for a few different reasons, chances are you have low self esteem. No
July 30, 2017 at 7:44 PM
good lord. the stuff I read on here
Annnndddd WBOC only posts the tat pics and what happened. Then go into Trump and anorth Korea. What about the other violence in the city WBOC?!
The loss of life is STILL a loss of life. At this point I am not surprised to read so many racist comments. Why not put your name so we know who you are. Try this one on for size: Thank God that it wasn't your son, uncle, nephew, cousin, or father who lost their life. Poor, dysfunctional human that you are and tattoos don't make you a criminal.
Says the person using a fake name. Tattoos don't make you a criminal but 70 cases on case search does!
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Says the person using a fake name. Tattoos don't make you a criminal but 70 cases on case search does!
July 31, 2017 at 12:27 AM
And they are all traffic offenses with some pot charges thrown in. Some criminal. Looks like the dude liked to smoke pot, drive under the influence, drive while suspended, and any other thing if I missed.
Big whoop. I did some of those when I was younger too, albeit not as often. He is technically a criminal but not what I consider a criminal to be. No robbery, rape, acts of violence, or any other "criminal" acts. I'm sorry but driving without a license and holding some weed just doesn't ring my bell.
You forgot a few
Has a warrant out for his arrest as of July 18th for failure to appear.
CDS with intent to distribute and CDS possession that was NOT marijuana
Assault charges a warrant was issued for this as well
Violation of Probation
Handgun on person
Firearm with altered ID number
Just a regular ole law abiding citizen right? Thinks te laws don't apply to him. I guess the police in every town on the Eastern shore were just picking on him right?
7:49 that made me lol...thank you!
Right. Guess he came to the wrong place to pull a take over.
2:21 you did miss some. Assault and distribution of narcotics. Handgun on person. He was a thug drug dealer and the life he chose to life got him killed. People need to stop guiding this lily. When you get involved in drugs a bullet is going to take you down sooner or later. If you only end up in prison then you are lucky. Those are the only 2 results.
He was what he was and that was an involved with drugs, illegal gun thug. Got to call it what it is. The black communities major difficulty is they can't be honest and say it like it is. They lie and cry racism when people tell the God's honest truth about the victims. That lying has done them real good. 1000's of black on black murders a year in this country and 10's of 1000's of black on black non fatal shootings. They are a broken society. Anything goes without repercussion with them whether it's the over 80% illegitimate rate or the very high chronic absenteeism rate. They fail miserably in all that is good and excel in all that is bad. But they continue to lie about the real problem which is the complete breakdown of the black family. They would rather play the blame game. You would think by now they would have it figured out. The blame game has gotten them nowhere. They can't seem to put on their adult pants and take responsibility like other races and cultures have. They falsely believe in the African proverb it takes a village. To dumb to see that hasn't worked in Africa where not one country is lawful and self sufficient. NO it does not take a village. It's takes parents both a mother and a father and NOT just a baby machine leg spreader and a thug criminal sperm inserted. Wise the hell up black community or sit the hell down and shut up and keep on digging those graves!
Africa is a vastly uncivilized and extreme third world country, why. They all have a culture of violence, and they imported it here and in this no accountability society it has resulted in Africans and african americans committing thier own genocide.
Right 8:51 and the major reason is they don't want to take any responsibility. They don't have it in them. They have real major issues with being honest and the black on black murders is the result.
But you can't fix stupid and until they decide to start being honest and stop that lying they do constantly they need to just keep on having their idiotic candlelight vigils. And if they think for one second God is going to help them they are incredibly ignorant. God has turned his back on them because they have turned their backs on him. Oh they lie constantly and say they are christian and quote the bible but do not walk the walk. Their overwhelming support of obama still shows they are demon infested. God knows though. They pick and choose what parts of the bible they want to abide3 by and this makes God very unhappy. They vote democrat and that platform is the doctrine of satan. God knows what is really in their hearts and it's dark, demon infested and ugly ugly ugly. They are an overwhelmingly immoral people and that is why they suffer with all the social ills.
one assault charge and having a weapon on them? You're right I did miss them. But even so, who hasn't "assaulted" someone in their lifetime? Whether it be on a playground or in a bar parking lot after you had one too many. I don't even care about pot possession unless it was a ton or more.
Granted he wasn't a stellar citizen, but which one of you is? He might have increased his activity to include more serious crimes later in life but that's just speculation and no one knows that for sure.
The point is there are a lot more "scary" people out there than this person.
I know this guy personally we worked together in Salisbury years ago we were good friends his tats had nothing to do with gangs maybe those who make assumptions about him that didn't know him need to just grow up not every black male is a gang member for crying out loud I gotta say seeing some of the responses really shows how some people have low self esteem and shows how judgemental the public can be without knowledge of the person on a personal level
I had to drive into smallsbury today. I was having an okay day so far until after a few minutes on rt 50. I got on 50 around Pittsville. Most traffic was probably tourists so I will take that into account. But after reaching city limits of smallsbury it was like I entered a video game. People riding down the highway oblivious to other traffic on the road with them. They can't get out of their own way much less anyone else's. It seemed like a competition to see how many people they can tick off and obstruct them from reaching their destination. It's kinda hard to describe but some of you who have experienced this know what I'm talking about.
It's gotten to the point where I hate going to that town because of the stupid drivers and stupid people. I'm just waiting for the fist fights and shootouts to begin. Just hang back and watch some of these people. It's almost comical. Remember when you were in elementary school and everyone ran to be first in line in the cafeteria? Reminds me of that a little bit.
I can only imagine when it's quitting time, (for those that have jobs) and everyone is jockeying for position to get home first. lol. Like when the final bell rang and everyone ran for the door at the same time. lol. Nuts.
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