Before being elected Governor of Maryland, I had never held public office before. I am simply a small businessman, concerned citizen, and lifelong Marylander who was fed up with the never ending tax and fee increases and status quo politicians in Annapolis …
So I did something about it. I ran for Governor.
I pledged to put Maryland on a new path and we are doing exactly what we said we would do.
Our efforts to restore Maryland’s economy and create jobs are working! Our first year in office was the most successful in total job creation and private-sector job growth in the last 15 years. Since January 2015, Maryland has created over 106,000 jobs and our state is now adding jobs at one of the fastest rates in the country.
When I was sworn in, Maryland's overall economic performance ranked 49th out of 50 states. And just last week it was announced that Maryland now ranks NUMBER 7 in economic performance in the entire nation.
We started this incredible economic turnaround by:
Slashing tolls at every single toll facility across Maryland for the first time in more than 50 years -- saving families and businesses $270 million;
Reducing or eliminating more than 250 fees;
Halting 100 job-killing regulations and eliminating hundreds of others;
Eliminating nearly all of the the $5.1 billion inherited structural deficit and passing three balanced budgets in a row without a single tax increase;
Cutting taxes three years in a row, with tax, toll, and fee cuts totaling over $700 million; and
Cutting taxes for military retirees, repealed the rain tax mandate, and returned $200 million in refund checks to overtaxed citizens.
If you like what we are doing and want us to continue to change Maryland for the better.
While this progress is tremendous, we are only just getting started! I would be honored to have you by my side as we continue to change Maryland for the better!

Larry Hogan
P.S. I was recently ranked the second most popular governor in the country … and while that is an incredible honor, I do not want to come in second come November 6, 2018!
All good if you live west of the Bay Bridge. Ain't done nothing for us on the shore.
You won't Larry, as a democrat I voted for you and will be voting for you again
Even though he is not a true conservative republican, I'll take him over any dumbocrat!
@ 3:56
I agree with you.
But on a personal note, he gives me a governor citation 2016 for helping save lives. And then in 2017 he has his underlings fire me for no reason. When asked why are you terminating me, no reason was the answer. I think he may be doing good for jobs in Maryland but not my job.
SHALL ISSUE ?????????????????? mums the word
Now he wants historical statues cut down like used toilet paper. Why teach History classes in schools, Larry? You are destroying half of it. Be fair and destroy the other half. That will be your career ending legacy!
Compared to the idiot he replaced we are blessed. The fact that he is giving in to leftist in disturbing.
Since Maryland is so flush with cash from your economic boom, how about investing in your State employees, Larry? No supplies, cars are falling apart, no COLA...
Lost my vote when he wouldn't acknowledge Trump. Stay on your side of the bridge. You're only over here for photo ops, anyway!
Agree. Can't sell my house taxes are way too high in city of Fruitland, wicomico and Maryland.
Caveat emptor.
A lie may be popular but that makes it no less of a lie.
Change Maryland for the better? By wiping away our history? Bending over for a bunch of fools? Allowing illegals into our state and taking OUR jobs? Giving them our hard earned tax dollars? For what. So you can get a stinking vote? No, you will not get re-elected.
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