DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest Contact Publisher Joe Albero at alberobutzo@wmconnect.com or 410-430-5349
Sunday, August 20, 2017
JUST IN: Hogan Seconds Call To Remove Taney Monument 8-15-17
Gov. Larry Hogan is joining House Speaker Michael E. Busch in calling for the removal of a monumentto former Chief Justice Roger B. Taney.
"As I said at my inauguration, Maryland has always been a state of middle temperament, which is a guiding principle of our administration," Hogan said in a statement. "While we cannot hide from our history – nor should we – the time has come to make clear the difference between properly acknowledging our past and glorifying the darkest chapters of our history. With that in mind, I believe removing the Justice Roger B. Taney statue from the State House grounds is the right thing to do, and we will ask the State House Trust to take that action immediately."
Taney, a Maryland native, wrote the 1857 Dred Scott decision that upheld slavery and denied citizenship to black people.
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Won't be voting for this RINO ever again.
the time has come to make clear the difference between properly acknowledging our past and glorifying the darkest chapters of our history.
I thought Hogan was the Governor for all Marylanders. This call for removal of a part of history tells me he is another "rogue" Politian. He is being led by these liberals. To leave up these statues are a promotion of discrimination then tell me what removing these statues and renaming areas, streets, highways, airports and buildings after non-white individuals, Black individuals represents? Instead of just using other or new symbols or statues which would add more history to be observed. That is blatant racism and inciting another American revolution.
Call to democrats to remove everything that has Robert Byrd's name or image on it,lets see how far it goes.
Hogan will not be reelected for doing this kind of ssss
And just how many Chief Justices have come from Maryland in our history? So history is to be denied now? That was another time, and it IS part of our history. That Maryland even had a Chief Justice on the court is an honor, no matter what time in history that is occurred. It can not, and should not, be denied. That is the new PC? These decisions will have consequences that can't even be imagined now, but cause and effect will be part of a future history. No matter had hard a society tries, history cannot be denied or erased. History is truth. Any attempt to deny or erase history is a lie.
Everything is escalating rapidly, be prepared people
Some one tell me if you cannot learn of past history then how can "Blacks" scream that they should be paid for the slavery conditions their relatives 6x removed suffered? They are erasing / removing history. They cannot have it both ways. This proves they are a bunch of "moochers". Hogan needs to grow a pair and represent all Marylanders.
Shame on you Larry for kowtowing to PC run amok and giving comfort to Maryland's intellectual equivalent of ISIS and the Taliban by choosing to scrub history to conform with a current version of how history should be formed.
I was pleased to support your candidacy before and have counseled some upset with your approach to take the long view when you veer leftish on occasion.
This is a cowardly decision. Chief Justice Taney was among the most distinguished Marylanders ever to serve in national office, for multiple decades. In 1857 he voted with a 7-2 majority in the controversial (then and now) Dred Scott decision. As you must know, it was effectively nullified in 1868 by the 14th Amendment. The statue was almost certainly commissioned to celebrate his career and not the decision in question. As a judge he did not create the law he was called upon to review.
Sad day for history. Excellent day to pander.
Larry Hogan just sealed his fate as an elected Governor in the State of Maryland. Larry Hogan just proved his true colors. Larry Hogan is no RINO. Larry Hogan is a Piece of Sh!t Democrat through and through.
First it was the vanity plates of the non-profit organization the Sons of Confederate Veterans.
"Governor Hogan is against the use of the Confederate flag on Maryland license plates," Erin Montgomery said in a statement. "Our office is working with the Motor Vehicle Administration and the Attorney General to address this issue."
I don't care who makes it to the Primaries in Maryland next year but we won't be voting for Larry Hogan. If I wanted 8 more years of Marty O'Malley I would have voted for Anthony Brown. Larry Hogan is acting clearly like a Democrat. Throwing tons of money at Baltimore City schools for that black vote. Throwing millions of Dollars at Baltimore City projects just for that black vote.
If that Democrat thinks we want him next year he is a fool. Anyone could tell what destroying that monument in Durham, NC was all about. Clearly it was Black Lives Matters and Antifa. If he wants to cower to the Democrats to get re-elected then we don't want know part of him.
Anyone paying attention knows that the people destroying our history and our monuments is the Democrats. Larry Hogan is the only Republican that jumped ship on his electorate and jumped in bed with the Democrats and he is going to lose. He can have them Democrats because I am done with him.
All of the sudden every confederate monument is fair game to be taken down or destroyed. It's an all our war against history and the white race. I agree the governor is a Rino. Things are happening fast, and seems to be going down hill quick. It scares me what is happening to this country and to free speech. Your not allowed to be patriotic. They want to suppress nationalism and destroy anything related to western culture and western values. All of the sudden white working class people are becoming the enemy. They are working to provoke us into a war. You can clearly see their agenda. What they are doing in the media against the president is totally evil.
Why am I forced to celebrate their History while they are allowed to destroy my History.
Larry Hogan you are a POS. You can take your old lady and move to her country. You will not get re-elected.
Larry Hogan and Democrat Politician from Maryland.
Not my Governor!
your a stupid little man larry
seems like the democrats want us to forget all the things they did to foster slavery.
He was a DEMOCRAT what a surprise. Always have been evil Party
wont vote for this Rhino--panderer
Mr. A, please run for his office. We will not let you down this time. (map)
I'll second that
What will this accomplish? What will be improved? Whose life will be better by removing this statue?
Hogan will not survive the next Republican primary. He's one and done.
Yes he has deserted his party and the public
He is doing the good ol boy these days
he is supporting the PC correct snowflakes in his actions
I guess he left his cahunas on the election trail
Our once great state has fallen by the wayside
RIP Maryland
He is jumping on the bandwagon trying to air time and coddle the left ...I am gonna puke .
Ok. Then I want the government to remove all references to Harriet Tubman in Cambridge. They glorify her "Underground Railroad" which, at the time, was ILLEGAL. Therefore, they are praising a lawbreaking criminal. It works both ways!!!
Is there a true republican that will run against him in the primaries?
Do we really need to secede from the liberal Baltimorons and Annapaholes in order to get any decent growth and recovery to our area?
The roads here are falling apart - come over here and visit them!
Down with H. Tubman stuff
You need to leave history alone. Will not vote for you again. Eastern Shore got you in, now we're to get you out.
I have stayed with you governor when times I disagreed. This is the last straw. I wish you well in life and health, but I'm moving on. I cannot go along with the decision to remove the Taney or any other monuments. If it is that important it should go on the ballot box for Marylander's to decide. Thank you for all the good you have done while in office.
Still in my prayers
Hogan Strong!!
Your do called governor is of course caterering to the blacks for votes. You saw what you got with a black Muslim president. Tearing down monuments is not going to change history. If whites torn down MLK memorial or Harriett Gunman there would be war. This country is in a sorry state and only going to get worse. So happy I don't live in Maryland though I was born and raised there. Too liberal!
A comment from my now retired college American history professor:
"Taney and all SC justices' job is to weigh legislation and court decisions according to how they fit with the Constitution. Taney was correct in his decision given the Constitution and its historical context."
That is called Camels nose in the tent.Leftist are never satisfied, the ultimate conclusion is always destruction, history is clear but, the people are ignorant. Liberalism is a mental disorder.
MLK was a womanizer FACT.
753 confederates were racists FACT
833 Confederates were Democrats FACT!
Ok, everybody needs to calm down. First, Taney was a Democrat. Secondly, he was not part of Confederate history, 3rd he was against abolition of slavery. These are the facts. I have no problem with Governor Hogan removing the statue.
They keep removing these land marks and it's going to start a race war. It's bullshit!
I agree let's remove tubman stuff!!!
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.
They should keep it and in bold print say he was a good man lol. FOR THE ENSLAVEMENT OF OTHERS, so there will be no confusion as to where he stood on the matter. Then people can make a educated decision. Clearly from reading these comments, some still wont care and will even support him
For what? Because she wanted her and others to be free and have human rights? Nice try, come again.
So was clinton and trump &? & there are pictures of them womanizing
When was he your professr, 1956?
You are right history is clear. Too bad, others think it was right to enslave and torture others for their good and profit.
Maybe in the next life God will give whites who so greatly feel slavery was just the opportunity to be slaves, be tortured, raped, have their freedom and families destroyed, be hung for simply the color of their skin and be denied equality and deal w/ people who dont think it's wrong, then we ll be able see if the comments would be in the same context.
Joe, Is Hogan going to re-name Taneytown Md. too?? This township dating way back in Md. History is the namesake of Taney the Judge and his family. I wonder how much more of a contribution to Md. History did Taney make and if the Hogans of this State and the empty headed liberals who want this done realize that this chapter in history can't be erased and if they like it or not 'Taney' has made his mark and NOBODY can change it. Ha,Ha!
Bob Aswell....Realist
Yet they do not mind being a member of the democratic party??? One of you explain that to me. Democrats wanted slavery to continue. You want to get rid of everything you claim had to do with slavery, yet you want to be a democrat. How come you have no problem with them? Let's hear it. Come on, tell me why. Helloooooo. Yea, I thought so. I shut you down, huh? Two faced fools.
I voted for Hogan and have been a supporter. No more...just to be clear...because of this slap in the face to history.
If you went one by one through every monument in the country you could find a cry baby liberal with a "reason" to take down all of them.
Ex: the Washington Monument is a symbol of male dominance... take it down.
Hogan removes monuments - Hogan needs to be removed from office, period!!
Larry Hogan failed his voters by revealing himself to be a rino and a pathetic jellyfish that sucks up to liberals.
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