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BUSTED Crying Councilman Surfing the Net on Your Time, District 3 |
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Doesn't look like any employee manual ever seen! |
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Texting and playing on the phone... |
One would think given they don't have that much to do as Council Men (No women on the council - wonder why) they could keep their mind in the game when conducting County Council business. As you see from the images, Dodd is just playing on the computer.
Is this the same Councilman who cried when he lost an election giving him a hiatus from 2006 to 2014? Hmmmm wonder why? Doesn't seem like he's all that serious about the business of the people.
Should we continue to let this guy be on the County Council? District 3, you're not being represented if your man is sitting there playing on Facebook or whatever picture site he was surfing.
If you accept this kind of government, then you get the government you deserve!
John, is this the way you run a council meeting? When are the strippers and booze coming to the party?
Why are three retirees doing the Personnel Manual? Isn't that Human Resources job?
Larry's not paying attention. Who is District 3? Whoever they are, they have an idiot representing them.
You may as well have a lapdog in Dodd's seat.
i'd heard he did this but being right in front of the camera I thought people were just pulling my leg. When is he up for election? I think he reps my district.
He is a waste of space and is only concerned about himself and not the people he represents. He only ran to pad his resume. He has always been that way. Larry only cares about Larry.
Is this the best Wicomico County has to offer for elected officials? No wonder you are circling the drain! Uninformed, ignorant people making uninformed, ignorant decisions.
Maybe Dodd should be doing more the help clean up the district he resides in. Drug dealers, gangs, dirt bikes. What are you waiting for Larry?
He really is a tool
Maybe it's time to make Larry cry again. He obviously doesn't give a sh** about representing his district. He's too busy facebooking to be bothered with anything trivial like a council meeting.
How blind is Cannon? He's sitting right next to him. What kind of monkey court is this council?
Why is Matt Creamer doing a personnel manual? the guy was there 1,000 years ago and he doesn't know the current laws? Isn't this Bob Culver's job not the council's? Is Cannon sticking his nose in where it doesn't belong again?
7:36 PM You are more polite than I would ever be.
Like his mickey mouse neighborhood group. He encouraged neighbors to narc on each other. He also continually insulted neighbors who were renters by eluding they were less than, because they did not own. Ask the girl with the dog. She can tell you all about it.
Oh I could see Larry being a snob towards renters. He seems like an idiot. Crying after he lost an election? What kind of moron does that in public? Really?
Larry shouldn't be re-elected. This is just BS!
Cannon is so oblivious, 749!
Thankfully I did not have this scam....I mean man in my district to vote for.
Doesn't Larry Dodd leak Council info to the press and others around town?
844 yeah, I've heard that too. He's got loose lips and they don't even leak the whole story. He leaks half-a&&ed crap out there. Dodd should be removed for ethics violations. Forget about the FB crap. Go after him for the real corrupt crap he does.
My councilman Hall was blacklisted after he challenged Johnny's slick budget moves when he violated the charter. They're a shark tank with each other as well as people John doesn't like in the county government. He says he doesn't have anything against any employees. Yeah right.
Looks like Lar is so busted! LOL You sit in front of the camera, moron. You have two meetings a month, roughly two hours each and you can't let go of your electronic leash? Shows you don't do squat for the people who voted you in.
District 3 had a chance to elect someone who would have made a difference in Josh Hastings, and chose this guy instead. Reap what you sow.
That is why John picked him as Vice President. He is an idiot. See?
Dodd is a dud! Duh....
Larry should not be re-elected. This is BS.
Please tell me how can retired employees get to create a personnel manual..especially when they did work for the county they did nothing with Human Resource Dept.or they were not the director of it either.. The Director of HR should be the one that is creating the manual... Laws have changed. And new policies need to be made for the issues that HR Dept.have come across other the years. The Council knows nothing about nor does the retirees... U have to have the Human Resource director help with creating this..And with this draft they have the retiree insurance coverage change and to make trust for the retirees prescriptions it's going to make the insurance for the current employee's insurance go up at least 20% or more.. Is County Council going to give what they do make being a Council member for insurance.. The insurance did not go up this year. If there is not a problem with it why change it. County Council nor Retirees do the hiring or firing nor do they deal with the day today issues that Human Resources does every day... Not to have the HR director creating or even helping with the new manual is crazy as hell to me. And if you really look at it they have stripped the Executive from doing his job or anything. He will not have any job duties at all because they have been reassigned to another in the Executive office. The County Council is a joke. Let Bob Culver do his job. Let him run this county for once. The good old boys have not let him do his job yet.. Get rid of the good old boys Bob...
Maybe John boy will be back out at Backstreet downing some booze.
Larry is a snake. He will turn on you quick. I have never trusted the man.
You may has well have a lap dog in Dodd's seat.
Larry's a joke. There's no excuse for Dist 3 to vote for this guy. How moronic can voters be. They got what they voted for. Shame on them.
I would be bored also having to listen to these few people cry about wanting to open a fire station because they do t want to follow rules.
He’s extremely irresponsible and doesn’t deserve reelection
I think Larry is a very nice man.
Larry, quit crying already. Your entire sissy story is false. It was not Culver or anyone else that you are accusing that took those pictures. FACT! It was a non-associated person that gets tired of seeing you play on your computer and phone and not paying attention. As a matter of record, many, many people have been complaining for months. Get real, you’re right in front of the camera, every meeting, doing the same thing. Instead of taking responsibility for your actions, you blame. Blame yourself. You are not loved and responding by calling people jealous losers is totally irresponsible. Think about it and get back to us when you are done whining.
Hearing Dodd went into full meltdown yesterday calling voters stupid, ignorant and jealous people. What the hell is wrong with this unhinged councilman? Is this what we need at the helm in Wicomico? No wonder people like him can't work with Culver. Power-hungry and self-interest is Dodd's motto. He doesn't understand he needs those stupid, ignorant and jealous people to retain his position. Don't worry, Larry, 2018 is a comin' and my memory is long as the day is long!
He does care. You folks answered your own questions and concerns already. Who wouldnt find something to do when those old geezers are trying to put an ancient ideology into an current system. Boring!! Its like watching two old men play checkers at a retirement home. Kudos to Larry for just being there! He was probably just looking at old instagrams of a Parkside baseball practice and wondering what tires he should buy next! lol Vote Dodd next term. He will!
Larry's too busy surfing the net to be worried about the corruption sitting right in front of him. He's a great councilman ain't he? Vote him out of there.
He should be removed and never on the council again he is supposed to have the peoples interest foremost. Never vote for him again and I hope it ends soon.
He sure had people snowed when he ran for office.
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