DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest Contact Publisher Joe Albero at alberobutzo@wmconnect.com or 410-430-5349
Sunday, August 20, 2017
Chicago Bishop Demands Mayor Emanuel Remove Statue of George Washington
A Chicago Bishop is calling on Mayor Rahm Emanuel to remove the name of President George Washington from a southside park.
In a letter addressed to the Mayor and posted to Facebook, Bishop James E. Dukes, pastor of Liberation Christian Center, calls for the removal Washington's name as well as that of President Andrew Jackson. Dukes argues that their "active participation in the slave trade" makes them unfit for the honor of being held as heroes.
We as Chicagoans must now take the microscope and place it on the statues, monuments and parks that we give honor to," Bishop Dukes wrote in a letter to Emanuel. "We cannot allow slavery and racism to be awarded in our communities by honoring individuals that indeed partook in the very institution that has kidnapped, murdered, raped, and terrorized our forefather and mothers."
"Therefore, I call on the immediate removal of President George Washington and President Andrew Jackson names from the parks located on the southeast side of Chicago," Dukes added. "They should not have the distinct honor of being held as heroes when they actively participated in the slave trade. I fully expect that the Chicago Park District and Mayor Rahm Emanuel share in my sentiments and views; that Chicago will not be a place that embraces racism, slavery and its treacherous tentacles. But rather, Chicago will be a beacon of hope for a better tomorrow for all its’ residents."
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to you it would happen... now George Washington is on the chopping block. What's next? The Constitution and the Bill of Rights?
Beacon of feces is more like it
They better stop spending $1 bills too.
The left has been after the Constitution and the Bill of Rights for many years.
People better wake up.
There are a Hell of ALOT more things for the Hate Mongers to take down > One could write a Book !!!
Lets see ... Washington Monument / Jefferson Memorial
not to mention the many statues and busts of them
Practically everyone Back then, had Slaves so you got a
LONG way to go ........it will take Years !!!!!!!!
I Bet many Northerners had slaves too and Blacks Had them !
8:35 to your question I think the answer is yes,I think the left wants nothing less than a one party system that controls all aspects of our lives and businesses.The American people are being suckered into that BS by people who line their pockets at the misery and suffering of the less forunate. Black Americans and their white cospiritors are being led right back into the slavery that was a terrible part of our history,yet history it is and it's elimination should be celebrated not swept under some rug like it never happened. The lefts ultimate goal is nothing less than full blown communism and I bet Putin is laughing his ass off.
Lots of slave owners on the money, they should throw theirs in the trash, or give it away.
“Those who control the present, control the past and those who control the past control the future.”
― George Orwell, 1984
Democratic Party should be taken down based on this!!
All of this is in lieu of reparation,but they don't realize that yet.That one slipped under their radar & may not sink in for quite some time.So all is definitely not lost.
Instead of removing monuments that remind blacks of slavery, why don't we start a collection and pay for anyone who wants to go back to their ancestoral homeland. That way, they won't have to look at confederate monuments anymore.
Problem solved.
just waiting until the mexicans take over. then the left will have no one to demonize!
It's not about the Confederacy or slavery, it's all about Black Power. The power over white people and it's been given to them.
You people think dropping the "race card" was bad. White guilt over "white supremacy" is the new race card. Funny thing is there is no real thing as white supremacy. It's another way for weak white people to cower down to blacks and give them anything they want and it's happening.
9:03 PM said... "I bet many Northerners had slaves back then..."
Sometimes people are just too stupid to even comment. Of course Northerners had slaves back then. It was a way of life for rich people. Less that 5% of Northerners and Southerners owned slaves.
So do you think 95% of Confederates fought in the Civil War so that the rich 5% could keep their slaves?? Not hardly. This is evidence that the victors who wrote the history books are flawed. Evidence that people are too stupid to even comprehend what that means. They can say all they want that it was in the Confederate Constitution or where ever it may be that one of the causes of the war was slavery. The are full of shit. Do you think the 95% of these Confederate soldiers got the memo via email or text message?
Larry Hogan is going to have a very difficult time getting re-elected to the Governors Office. Many people are starting to realize that he is in bed with the Democrats and Minorities just to get their vote.
Larry Hogan is pouring millions of dollars into the Baltimore City school system when that money could be going back to the tax payers.
Larry Hogan is pouring millions of dollars into Baltimore City just to get their votes when that money could be going back to the tax payers or cleaning the Chesapeake Bay. What about putting that money back into the Highway User Funds so that local areas can fix their crumbling roads. Oh Wait. Larry Hogan is really a Democrat and he knows what it take to get the black vote.
Pour Larry Hogan is too stupid to know that black vote for blacks first. Then blacks vote for the Democrats that will keep their free meal ticket going.
Black Lives Matter group was behind the whole thing in VA
last week ..........stirring up trouble and Blaming the
White groups and the President for it all !!!!!!
Bishop Dukes has forgotten about the separation of CHURCH and STATE. When he cleans up Chicago then he can spout off stupidity like this.
10:23, ever wonder why they want everything that reminds them of slavery removed yet they remain members of the democratic party? The democratic party was pro slavery. They wanted slavery to continue. Yet they see nothing wrong with being a member of it. WHY? Also a lot of them live in Southern states. Slavery was in the Southern states. Yet they still live there. WHY? If they are so against anything that represents slavery? I want to hear an explanation from them as to why this is. Why are you a member of the democratic party, a pro slavery organization? Why do a lot of you live in Southern states? States that had wide spread slavery. Come on, tell us. They will not say why. What's that I hear? Crickets?
Blacks participated in the slave trade also. What do you have to say about that? It was not just whites. But you do not want to talk about that, huh? Negates your agenda. Your race is more to blame for slavery than whites. Because BLACKS sold blacks to whites in Africa. If not for that, slavery would not have happened here. And you would be living in Africa, and not the great nation of America. So now who is to blame for slavery??????
We are on a roll. I am sure the final thing will be to change Washington, our national capital's name. Maybe we can call our national capital- National City or Central Control,etc.
When is this sh!t going to stop? When they remove all of our history except Barack Obama, MLK, Fredrick Douglas and Harriet Tubman?
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