Rep. Maxine Waters excoriated President Trump on social media Sunday for his response to the violence in Charlottesville, Va., saying the White House is now the "White Supremacists' House."
"Trump has made it clear - w/ Bannon & Gorka in the WH, & the Klan in the streets, it is now the White Supremacists' House. #Charlottesviille," Waters wrote on Twitter, referring to White House chief strategist Steve Bannon and deputy assistant to the president Sebastian Gorka.
The California Democrat added, "Trump refuses to condemn white supremacists & terrorists who showed up in Charlottesville. Is he sending a signal? Everyone must be careful."
She is mad because it is no longer the "House of Islam" and the "Headquarters of the New Black Panthers"
BLM , is fading fast !
9:32 AM - It was never the "House of Islam" or NPB HQ. You may hate the man and/or his policies but President Obama was a devote Christian, whether you admit it or not.
"It was never the "House of Islam" or NPB HQ.."
If Obama had been actively trying to enable the Islamic takeover of America, I cannot imagine anything he would have done differently.
It is plain that the Islamization of America was a key goal (whether you admit it or not..)
Maxine, we'd like your resignation since representation is not of your constituents!
He was and is the anti Christ.
About time. Before this we had "Uncle Sambo".
9:58 - have some more Kool-Aid!
That turd wanted to destroy this country - the HildaBeast was going to continue!
Thanks GOD we are taking our country back!
I wish that the Obamas would take Maxine on vacation with them to some distant place and then leave her there. Kenya seems like a nice choice, where she could hang out with BHO's real aunties.
Take your blinders off. Obama was never a Christian whether YOU will admit it or not
Yeah, he wanted to destroy this country. That's why he targeted bin laden, saved the economy and tried to update our health care to cover ALL people. Talk about drinking the Kool-aid...
Taking YOUR country back? Which service did you volunteer for? I was US Navy and served to protect the rights of EVERYONE, not just those I agree with.
9:58 I just fell in the floor. Please tell me your joking
Then please explain to me why he lit up the White House with "gay pride" colors?
The woman really is bat crap crazy. I am looking forward to her being the minority leader once Pelosi gets fitted for her straight jacket.
Obama closed streets in DC for Muslims to pray but did nothing for Christians. The only time he was seen around a Church or spoke of the Christian faith was for a photo op or inject a political speech. Obama and his DOJ did nothing when The New Black Panthers were outside the voting poles intimidating voters. Obama appointed majority Muslims in his cabinet and advisor positions starting with Valeria Jarrett. Where were the Christians? So my point is made by these few examples to start. SO Who needs the Kool Aid now.
USMC for me and you kind of had a point there right up until he just GAVE 1.5 billion cash to IRAN and who knows what to north Korea, the guy is a flat out traitor and should have been dealt with accordingly, SEMPER FI
for last 8 years it was the Muslim's house !!!!!!
9:32 Are you for real? Do you really believe what you wrote? Because you can't be that stupid.
12:15 Saved the economy? Is that why we are trillions of dollars in debt? Are you FN for real?? Healthcare for ALL. Thanks to your Messiah I no longer have health insurance because I can't fn afford it. All the while I pay taxes so those "less fortunate" can have the cream of the crop. You know all those that are too lazy to work. But I go to work every day uninsured.
And let's talk about race relations...the worst they have been in a decade.
So tell me again how good he was for our country. Hands down WORST President ever. And most likely served his 2nd term only through voter fraud. Drink up that kool aid my friend.
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