DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest Contact Publisher Joe Albero at alberobutzo@wmconnect.com or 410-430-5349
Thursday, August 17, 2017
Your tax dollars hard at work? This Boy Mayor needs to GROW THE HELL UP. That includes all the children he continues to hire. Where's the JOBS? Where's the new Police Chief? Where's the arrests of the Drug King Pins? Yeah, let's gather for selfies instead. This Boy Mayor needs to go!
"Show your love for the City". Welcome drug dealers who LOVE to sell their drugs here, take a selfie. Welcome all the rapists who LOVE the City, take a selfie. Welcome murderers who LOVE the City, take a selfie. Welcome MS-13 Gang Members who LOVE the City, take a selfie.
Come on Jakie, what is to LOVE about Salisbury?
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that's county property no sby city hall. they sold that.
His ugly face is offensive to me. Can we please ban future photos of him? Such a phony.
The one time I pray for a 10.0 earthquake.
Please, please can we impeach him now this guy belongs in a mental institution for real he takes nothing to heart never contemplates what the citizens of Salisbury are trying to tell him he is going to crash and burn without realizing he has made bad mistakes. He has caused the death of one person by taking down the fences around Riverwalk, it could have been a child.
He never thinks about disagreements and any view but his own. He is the worst mayor this city has ever had.
That guy should have Massengill tattooed on his forehead!
Joe I hope you run again so you can SAVE this city.
sby is beyond saving! hopefully the next high tide will was the stench and garbage out to sea!
The city is lost forever. Sorry people. They will never vote for anything but complete incompetence even if there is a choice. Just look at the council.
Come on,,,,,SERIOUSLY???
Who's the prairie dog photo bombing the foreground of the massive waste of employee resources just standing around?
Why don't you and your friends run? Joe no longer lives in the city. Hopefully he has pulled any monies he has out of that cess pool.
Could someone please provide me with the most direct route to Jake days office so I can contact him and let him know exactly what the hell I think of him wasting my money anyway he seems fit. Thank you to anyone who could be of assistance to me as I know if I just call their main line my information will never reach Wonder Boy.
What a stooge.
When did society become a terrible attempt at trying to feel so important and popular? Guess you can't get in trouble when the moron leading the circus is out front taking the picture, LMAO. Man this clown just looks for trouble and negative criticism
Jake made a lot of promises and changes in administration he would make if elected. He never did it. These groups supported him bc he said he would make the right and necessary changes to department heads, and failed to do so....
Looks like a preview for a new dumb and dumber movie. That hair though!
One can only imagine the reaction when memo went out. All hands on deck matter of vital importance, SELFIE DAY on government office steps, WTF??
I think that guy could eat corn through a picket fence.......
Drug crime has little to do with drugs but more with drug laws.
That being said this Mayor is way worse than Ireton. How could this be the ONLY person in all of Salisbury that thought they were up to the job. This Mayor has a PR operation that must be run by a 13 year old girl. But that's just for show because he's sly enough to sell out key parts of the city, that a fortune in tax dollars was lost to keep and maintain for years, to his friends over at Gillis-Gilkerson. I live 500ft outside the city line so it's not my business but for those of you in the city, this Mayor is ROBBING you and smiling in your face about it.
Oh 2:49, Too funny!!
I just threw up in my mouth.
Why do you guys think so ugly of Mr. Day? Why do you make bad comments about this man? Do you have proof he is that bad , tell me about it in facts. I know he's not too much to look at and maybe he 's not much of a leader but give him a break . Also he's not much of a military man either , Mmmm , maybe you guys are right , you got me to believe he's a complete dumb a$$.
Somewhat really feel sorry for this cat. He is plain pitiful, especially because he doesn't realize it. Very sad man.
Jake my boy. Please get out of your self absorbed bubble and realize hell is breaking loose in your city! Feel good selfies will not make the murders stop. Posting to Facebook and the gram should be the least of your concern. You should be helping the police force and get the grams of heroin out of Salisbury
Well said.....
Look at me daddy, are you proud of me yet??
Who in their right mind would take time and burn gas to ride there, just to take a selfie with Fake Jake and his school-age buddies? Not me. There should of been a sign above that reads MAYOR WITH ZERO ACCOMPLISHMENTS. Dear citizens of Salisbury, this is what your taxpayers dollars are being spent on. Just keep cheering, Sheeple.
nope, he bought it for $475.000 and sold it 8 years later for 375,000 - now that is a good businessman.
Where is lemonade and greezer when you need them
Like a bunch of drunks taking a selfie after happy hour. Revolting! Way to use people's problems (flooding, wind damage)) for your own personal gain. Yet the mayor doesn't have the time or decency to reply to citizens with genuine concerns?? I wonder if the displaced elderly couple in Salisbury will be interested in joining your childish selfie?
My first thought was "what is he twelve years old" what a self absorbed idiot
Sounds like to me he actually was smart enough yo know when to cut his losses and haul ass outta there. Just think if he would have continued to hold out losses probably would have doubled. Not everyone can be on the D*** and get absolute steals from city government and act as though its just good business. The benefits given to the likes of gilliss gilkerson, and now development right to Jaime gladden are all pretty sketchy.
I'm really starting to hate that guy.
I have been away along time. Who elects these recent Mayor's the college students ?
Lol I'm going to steal that line that's awesome
@7:13 thank you I needed a good laugh! I just recently caught that commercial but never had seen it from the very beginning. What a frickin' nut case.
That is one UGLY man!!! He needs to stay away from selfies!
Jakes new slogan "HOPE DEALER". Tee-shirts on sale through August
3:15 PM its a tough call, past mayor with drinking issues and present mayor with the maturity level of a 10 year old.
I saw this too, taking a spin off of "dope dealer" creating this is pretty tacky. Day and his support of the nonprofit trying to sell these $12 apiece should be ashamed of something so shallow.
If the city came together after the tornado why is there still two cars on Roger street with a tree sitting on them? They are parked in front of a house on the street as of yesterday (8/17/17) with city barricades around them.
looks like salisbury pizza department makes up most of the crowd! as the dealers peddle their wares in a ghetto near you!
Looks like a get together I won't mind missing....
Do they have a county permit to assemble on the steps of the county government building where they've been squatting because they have never paid their rent or upkeep expenses? You have to be a legal leasee, Jake. You're illegally squatting with no right to plan anything in front of the government building.
The money should be paid to the COUNTY because Jake has neglected to pay RENT on his office. Evict the son of a bitch!
geesh, I'll be glad when this article finishes it's cycle so I won't have to look at that mug as I scroll by.
Is that a public hair patch on his head?
Not a nice person. A real disappointment.
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