DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest Contact Publisher Joe Albero at alberobutzo@wmconnect.com or 410-430-5349
Saturday, July 15, 2017
Salisbury Independent Volunteer Fire Co.1 Station 13 Speaks Out About Retaliation
Another great day of selling chicken and a successful yard sale. It's great to be able to meet everyone in the community. The support from all is overwhelming. But we must finally take a stance on something. There is one particular person that was very ignorant and degrading to our members for several months leading up to our separation. Since we have left, the only community outreach he has done was to go door to door and tell lies to the community about us. He has also been very immature and attacking our members and company on social media. It's nice to know that most of the people he spoke with, are smarter than he is and did not believe his lies. We are not ones to call people out for their wrong doing, but we have to draw a line somewhere. Bryan Records, the Asst. Chief for SFD has no respect for volunteers of Wicomico County or the few remaining with the SFD. He is very blatant in expressing it and will do everything he can to make himself look like the better person. Bryan, it's time for you to move on now. Yes we did sell chicken today and yes the public does support us. Your personal efforts and attacks, to include stalking our members, will not stop us from protecting the residents of Wicomico County. We wish we did not have to call you out on this, but enough is enough. #salisburysnumber1freelancer#leadersleadbyexamplenotbookstheywanttowrite
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Call out Records by name, but won't use YOURS????
Bryan is a big reason the volunteers have been shafted at each station all along. He wants to keep the paid firefighter gravy train going, and saving the city money with free volunteers isn't part of that plan.
Goes back to why the hell does Salisbury need a $14mil fire palace and a $3mil substation? Why do they need so very many paid white-shirt guys doing nothing but holding a title? Why does Salisbury need 3 stations for such a small city?
Everyone I know has much respect for the volunteers.
Call out Records by name . I wouldn't give my name either with that type of people loafing at the city fire dept. . Salisbury fire dept. is the biggest joke in town with the exception of the boy mayor Day .
Don't be ignorant. Union funding doesn't come cheap!
I think this whole mess is terrible! But the way Bryan Records has acted is down right childish, you sir are a leader within your department I suggest you act like one. Just for the record Bryan posting snide comments on your Facebook page is not the way to act like a respectable officer within your department. Grow up man, don't ruin your name acting like spoiled brat.
Have known the Records for a long time....I for one appreciate their community service for the years they have fought fires! That said not a very class act by the author of the letter calling out Bryan and not putting his/her own name on this letter....this points to maybe the problem from the start....lot of behind the scene immaturity.....in order to be respected in a community you have to provide service without expecting something in return, the building and a name doesn't make it a fire station....training and commitment to the community you SERVE does.
Chicken was great!!!!
Was Bryon Rickards not a Volunteer just like Rick Hoppes and when See, Gordy and that group of idiots took over the Volunteers so they could control the promotions of Volunteers. The zealous Volunteers that wanted to be paid fulltime got promotions ahead of more qualified personnel because they backed the hostile take over. Rickards, Hoppes and their clan are a bunch of hypocrits. I have known them for 30 years or more and seen them change.
I would imagine Any of the Records like volunteers. Yet like any person will dislike people or groups that wreck havoc on a community that you love. Like the small group of volunteers that don't want to follow rules.
Then the station 13 volunteers are examples of that, they are taking all the heat and treated as the bad guy yet still continue to fight to serve this great community!
Small group the whole corporation left and then double their number how are they small? Follow the rules? Let's see you join and take the classes required in one year plus station duty of 36 hours a month and still have time for family and work life!
more drama from the drama queens.
Will the SIVFC be selling chicken next weekend also?
ALL of the SFD career personnel started out as volunteers somewhere, a good many from departments outside of Salisbury.
ALL understand the commitment it takes to train, serve, fund raise and be there for the department.
Unlike the typical SFD volunteer who only does the minimum, obtains only the minimum certification required and then spends all their time sitting on the leather couch or the recliner in the boom boom room chest thumping. Steadily saying look st me, I'm a farmin. I've got my t shirt.
They talk of all the time commitments and the 36 hour staffing commitment "forced" on them yet fail to mention that was not applied to those already in, only those new members. The members already in could still respond from her ne as they were, or actually weren't. Which was the problem.
Yet all the time they spent hanging out until 2,3 or 4 am at the annex or station 2 doing nothing, wasn't that time away from home and family as well?
You willingly go to the firehouse to do nothing, yet never went when you were needed or to respond to calls.
But I never saw you miss a free dinner or banquet every year or get your door prizes at your Christmas get together. Big screen tvs for all!!
That is exactly opposite of what the fire service is about and exactly why you will never be respected. You all (Station 13 bunch) were never innit for the community or to serve, you were always in it for yourselves.
As far as the Records, they bleed fire department from every pore. And will gladly stand beside anyone who truly serves the community and the department, career or volunteer.
I'm all for volunteers and the effort they are putting into the chicken sales and yard sales. The paid firemen need to take a lesson or two on how it should be in Salisbury. We should not be paying firemen, they should be doing things like every other department in the county, having yard sales, bingo, selling bbq chicken, having dinners, making their money then they would be just a little more careful with it instead of riding around all day long wasting fuel. And yes, Bryan Records should have been called out for his foolishness.
No I don't think you understand the commitment it takes. Think about it now with all the classes you have and the time it took, now do it again in one year! You can't so stfu! the bare minimum what a joke the ones you talk about were taking extra classes to climb the leadership ladder! Wrong again! That's great that member all ready in could still respond from home round of applause for getting that one right! But, wait how would they know there was a call the chief order for duty tones only so volunteers were not receiving the calls on the pagers hmmmm. Guess you were wrong again! Big screen tv's for all wow guess two tvs bought on Black Friday at extremely discounted cost is big screen tv's for all? Never in it for ourselves if we were we would have the same medals as the paid staff has running around looking like Mexican generals because they write everything up for an award like retrieving ducks out of a storm drain, yet volunteers don't get an award for retrieving not one but two people out of a frozen pond! Hell the second person was a retired paid guy and got an award for it!? As far as your statement about the records I can tell you Bryan records is in it for himself plan and simple! This is the man that stated if he were a volunteer in Salisbury he would get out if the same things were going on! Now you bit$h that we won't stay all night yet want us to pull shifts? can't make y'all happy see once the 36 hours are met then they didn't have to come back right? Well how about we had it at 35% of the calls that actually came out to more hours than the 36 and more calls as well so that's what we wanted but, the career guys who complain about doing their job, thought they knew better! We have the highest percentage of calls needed to stay in, in the county and kept it that way!
If you think your entire fire service education and training should be done in one year, you are part of the problem. It takes a long time to achieve the training you need, in fact you should never stop training. Ever.
But, the typical SFD (now 13) vollie only had a one or two line transcript. That is FF I and HazMat Ops. God forbid either of you try and take a medical class, it's pulling teeth to think you should even have to take first responder, let alone EMT. As far as percentages, that means nothing when the citizen who called didn't get a response from you or was delayed 5 and 10 minutes because nobody would come back for the call. It may be acceptable to you to say you met the sane standard as another county department but that wasn't YOUR departments standard. Your department ran over 70%of the calls in the county and home response wasn't working. Instead of rising to meet the standard, you kept failing.
And there was not just a few tvs given away, there were multiple high dollar gifts given away as door prizes to members and family that never were seen any other time of the year. And your $12000 banquet at the fountains. And on top of it all, you get a nice retirement for doing the bare minimum all those years. Must be nice.
Never did bare minimum, had the training including EMT and was driving! The chief wanted fire fighter 1, hazmat, NREMT, and FADO in ONE year for new members fact!!! Banquet last I checked all volunteer fire departments have them but, Salisbury! The city used to pay but, backed out in that as well. Retirement? Had to meet the percentages to qualify for that now station 16 that's the ones robbing the system as well as station 2! You can agree that station 1 volunteers did pull the weight for the volunteers in Salisbury. What did the chief do to help volunteers now ask that question? Nothing. Over a year he had a driver only position plan on his desk and never looked at it, then wants all classes taken in a year for new comers and pull duty hours! How about promoting the volunteers? Never did that either not even a small thing on the engines like "career and volunteer professionally serving you" that way the message of there are volunteers in Salisbury as well! All "high" dollar gifts were from general fund not tax money and they were all under $200 for the top three so not high dollar plus, the rest were gifts that ended up being for firefighting. Like rope bags, helmet lights, rescue gloves, etc. a way to our fit members better than the city was with their bare minimum gear! Now I never said that our entire fire service training should be done in a year. Yes there are more classes to take and continue throughout the years and we were pushing members to do so and they were starting to do that as well so you are wrong about that. Some people only do the bare minimum this is true in a volunteer department but, do you get rid of a member just because of that? NO!!! You don't because you might need them for the strength that they do have it called volunteer now if they were getting paid then yes fire them but, we both know of career member that only do the bare minimum and should be fired but are not! Starting with the chief he can ride on calls and get another piece on the street to solve his problems just like the other county station chiefs do but, his fat a$$ won't do that. If there is a problem then he should be in the trenches trying to fix it but, lazy as he is he won't!
A nice retirement yeah after 20 years of service it's only $500 a month! Now, doing the same job that the career staff is doing and much less retirement. So now you want 20 years of service at your career standards running more calls than you and working more hours (if they are as dedicated as you want them to be) for much less! I know it is about the community but, free help is hard to come by and y'all can't figure that out yet!
lmclain said...
Call out Records by name, but won't use YOURS????
July 15, 2017 at 6:06 PM
Aww... Are you defending the big problem of the Salisbury Fire Department!! Bryan Records is nothing but trouble.
As has been mentioned numerous times on here, Bryan Records has been seen going door to door in one neighborhood particularly. That would be Nutters!
Well guess who first promoted Bryan Records? Former Chief(cough, cough) Steve Brezler, the reject from Baltimore County.
Well guess who lives in Nutters? Former Chief(cough, cough) Steve Brezler, the reject from Baltimore County.
Well guess who's employer did the study for the fire service agreement? Former Chief(cough, cough) Steve Brezler, the reject from Baltimore County.
Well guess who wrote a letter to certain people of importance in the city and county? Former Chief(cough, cough) Steve Brezler, the reject from Baltimore County.
Guess who else has been getting the citizens of Nutters riled up against the Station 1 volunteers? Former Chief(cough, cough) Steve Brezler, the reject from Baltimore County.
Can you see a problem here?
Bryan Records should have been fired for going to the citizens in Nutters and filling their ears with scare tactics. LIES!!
Anonymous said...
Bryan is a big reason the volunteers have been shafted at each station all along. He wants to keep the paid firefighter gravy train going, and saving the city money with free volunteers isn't part of that plan.
Goes back to why the hell does Salisbury need a $14mil fire palace and a $3mil substation? Why do they need so very many paid white-shirt guys doing nothing but holding a title? Why does Salisbury need 3 stations for such a small city?
July 15, 2017 at 6:23 PM
Where is the $3 Million dollar substation?? If you mean the new Station 2, that station cost over $6 Million Dollars and that isn't including the infrastructure upgrades.
Why does Salisbury need 3 stations for such a small city?
Good question. They could have gotten away with the one station downtown across from the library. There are not enough fire calls for the Salisbury Fire Department. Even with the self dispatching on Ambulance calls. Even with the double dispatch of 2 to 3 fire engines for any call on the bypass.
Even with the double dispatch of sending a "Truck" and and engine to all, I mean ALL automatic fire alarms. They are also sending the paid assistant chief on all automatic fire alarm dispatches. Guess what? Guess how many of those dispatches to fire alarms are false calls?? ALL of them. Every single one of them and no one can say when the last time there was an actual fire with an automatic fire alarm dispatch.
Why do they need so very many paid white-shirt guys doing nothing but holding a title? Good question!! It's all about building Rick Hoppes' empire. More personnel, more money for his salary.
Did you know that since they forced the Station 1 volunteers out of the city that they created more fire officer/white shirt positions?? That's right, they did that to put more fire officers on each shift so they can have more paid officers at all 3 of the unneeded fire stations in Salisbury.
Why does Salisbury need 3 stations for such a small city?
You think that is bad?? Did you know that they plan to break ground with 2 more fire stations in the next 2 years. They are planning on breaking ground next year with a fire station on North Salisbury Blvd and on or near Rt. 50 near the Delmarva Shorebirds/Wor Wic Community College area. Why would they want to do that when Parsonsburg Volunteer Fire Company is going to be less than a mile away???
See, you've been told numerous times that Rick Hoppes, Bryan Records, John Tull, Darrin Scott, Jimmy Gladwell, Thug Life Mike Donaway and Crash Chris O'Barsky, et. al., hates ALL volunteers!
He Eric Tyler, you Turncoat who turned your back on the Station 1 Volunteers, what do you have to say about that now. Your vote against the Station 1 volunteers is going to cost you the loss of more territory. As a matter of fact the plan is to annex your burg into the City of Salisbury including your fire station and guess what Pal?? They are going to force you and your volunteers out of business yourselves. HaHaHaHaHa Eric, Karma is a Bitch isn't it!
Anonymous said...
ALL of the SFD career personnel started out as volunteers somewhere, a good many from departments outside of Salisbury......
July 16, 2017 at 5:54 AM
That my friend has been the biggest part of the problem. Rick Hoppes and the previous fire chiefs(Hoppes wouldn't make a pimple on a real fire chiefs a$$) refused to hire the volunteers in Salisbury. Has anyone ever wondered why Hoppes refuses to hire volunteers from Salisbury instead of volunteers from other departments? This in itself is evidence that Hoppes hates Salisbury's volunteers.
Anonymous said...
Have known the Records for a long time....I for one appreciate their community service for the years they have fought fires! That said not a very class act by the author of the letter calling out Bryan and not putting his/her own name on this letter....this points to maybe the problem from the start....lot of behind the scene immaturity.....in order to be respected in a community you have to provide service without expecting something in return, the building and a name doesn't make it a fire station....training and commitment to the community you SERVE does.
July 15, 2017 at 7:32 PM
Are you saying that Bryan Records is a class act? The grown man that has been attacking these same volunteers for several years now? The same Bryan Records that posted numerous childish memes bashing the Station 1 Volunteers.
Bryan Records is a great man.. NOT. A 60 year old man acting childish on Facebook. You are an idiot.
Anonymous said...
Call out Records by name . I wouldn't give my name either with that type of people loafing at the city fire dept. . Salisbury fire dept. is the biggest joke in town with the exception of the boy mayor Day .
July 15, 2017 at 7:21 PM
Absolutely!! People are dying now because of the paid firemen and medics in Salisbury. Do you really want to leave you name know that they are the ones that can respond to your emergency and let you die??
Do you think they will try to save Joe Albero's life? They've already threatened him numerous times on here.
Do you think they are going save Corey Polidore or Chuck Foskey? NOT!!
You know what is "Classy" about Bryan Records. He is so classy that he makes fun of Walmart shoppers.
What is funny about him making fun of people that shop at Walmart?? Bryan acts like he is too good to shop at Walmart, but Bryan has been caught, literally caught INSIDE Walmart dumpsters. Only a low life would jump into a nasty dumpsters. Yeps, a LOWLIFE!
Anonymous said...
Was Bryon Rickards not a Volunteer just like Rick Hoppes and when See, Gordy and that group of idiots took over the Volunteers so they could control the promotions of Volunteers. The zealous Volunteers that wanted to be paid fulltime got promotions ahead of more qualified personnel because they backed the hostile take over. Rickards, Hoppes and their clan are a bunch of hypocrits. I have known them for 30 years or more and seen them change.
July 15, 2017 at 8:22 PM
Bryan Records and Rick Hoppes had to kiss a lot of A$$ to get promoted.
Do you know that Rick Hoppes never, ever had to sit for a testing process to get promoted? Nope, Bill Higgins promoted him to "Training Officer" because no one else wanted that position. Then along comes Steve Brezler after the Records Clan helped get him forced out and then Hoppes kissed Steve Brezler's derrière so that he could get promoted from Lieutenant to Captain without having to go through a promotional process. When Rick Hoppes got promoted Bryan Records was so damn mad he was ready to fight. Then Mommy kissed Barrie's derrière and Bryan started kissing Brezlers derrière. So they learned dirty politics to get promoted. Finally Bryan got promoted to Lieutenant, but there was a lot of cheating going on and the people that deserved the promotion got screwed over. It's been that way for a many years now and it is still going on. Corruption and the Good Ole Boy System at it's best.
Anonymous said...
I would imagine Any of the Records like volunteers. Yet like any person will dislike people or groups that wreck havoc on a community that you love. Like the small group of volunteers that don't want to follow rules.
July 15, 2017 at 10:02 PM
What small group of volunteers are you talking about? What rules are you talking about that they don't want to follow?
Anonymous said...
Then the station 13 volunteers are examples of that, they are taking all the heat and treated as the bad guy yet still continue to fight to serve this great community!
July 15, 2017 at 10:45 PM
They are the Station 1 volunteers NOT Station 13 volunteers. The volunteer fire chiefs association screwed up by not letting them keep their on Station number.
How can you have a legal document stating that you a a corporation and your corporation is called Station 1, but the volunteer firemens association is to stupid to understand that. That is one reason we as a county fire department needs a county Fire Commission.
Anonymous said...
ALL of the SFD career personnel started out as volunteers somewhere, a good many from departments outside of Salisbury.
ALL understand the commitment it takes to train, serve, fund raise and be there for the department.
Unlike the typical SFD volunteer who only does the minimum, obtains only the minimum certification required and then spends all their time sitting on the leather couch or the recliner in the boom boom room chest thumping. Steadily saying look st me, I'm a farmin. I've got my t shirt.
They talk of all the time commitments and the 36 hour staffing commitment "forced" on them yet fail to mention that was not applied to those already in, only those new members. The members already in could still respond from her ne as they were, or actually weren't. Which was the problem.
Yet all the time they spent hanging out until 2,3 or 4 am at the annex or station 2 doing nothing, wasn't that time away from home and family as well?
You willingly go to the firehouse to do nothing, yet never went when you were needed or to respond to calls.
But I never saw you miss a free dinner or banquet every year or get your door prizes at your Christmas get together. Big screen tvs for all!!
That is exactly opposite of what the fire service is about and exactly why you will never be respected. You all (Station 13 bunch) were never innit for the community or to serve, you were always in it for yourselves.
As far as the Records, they bleed fire department from every pore. And will gladly stand beside anyone who truly serves the community and the department, career or volunteer.
July 16, 2017 at 5:54 AM
What about people like Gerald Brinson and Danny Hill?
Someone said in a post earlier:
"We should not be paying firemen, they should be doing things like every other department in the county,"
We should not be paying firemen. This is absolutely, 100% correct. There was a study done about 10 or 15 years ago that looked at all the calls. All fire and EMS calls.
This study showed that LESS that 5% of the calls that Salisbury responded on was an actual fire type calls. That means that the fire department was doing exactly what they are doing now. They are chasing ambulance calls, going on "car accidents" whether they are needed or not and most of the time they are not needed. They are responding on calls like flooded basements, trees in the roadway, lockouts, etc. Calls that the fire department shouldn't be responding on anyway, but it is done for job security. Think about it, when was the last time there was a real fire in Salisbury?
So if the city told Hoppes that the Salisbury Fire Department will no longer respond on wires down, call the power company or Comcast. No longer respond on trees in the road way, call public works or county roads. No longer respond on car accidents. The went over 100 years without responding a fire truck on car accidents so why send them now. All they do is stand around. No longer respond on False Automatic Alarms then guess what? The volunteers could easily handle the fire side.
Start investing that money for paid firemen on the ambulances where they should be.
Guess who has to come into Salisbury numerous times a day? Ambulances from Delmar, Parsonsburg, Fruitland and Hebron. And I mean numerous times a day. While Delmar, Parsonsburg, Fruitland and Hebron Ambulances are responding in Salisbury the paid firemen are responding to the scene to stand by and most of the time the out of town ambulances beat the paid fire trucks to the call.
So Rick Hoppes uses all these ambulance assist calls as numbers and goes to the dummy that we have as a mayor and says look at all the times the paid firemen responded on these "fire calls." We need more paid firemen to chase ambulance calls.
NO IDIOTS!! You need more ambulances and more paramedics. What happened to all these paramedics that were approved by Barrie Tilghman and Jim Ireton. Why weren't these positions ever filled??
The bottom line is that it is cheaper to staff ambulances and paramedics to assist each other than it is to staff fire trucks to chase ambulance calls. That is a fact!
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