On WBOC, Mayor Jake Day discusses his new chain-link fence policy but he seems to forget a couple of things which make this initiative nonsensical.
One would think the Mayor would get the clue that once again, he's overreaching his boundaries and getting his nose into situations that will no doubt fail to curry favor with many of his voters. Does he not get the issue that crime in Salisbury is "the" issue and that most people aren't really concerned with curb appeal when being shot at outside their front door?
Contrary to his statements to the Daily Times where he said it was to make Salisbury beautiful, Day is now claiming his chain-link fiasco as not about "aesthetics" but one for appraisal values - to bolster your home values. However, most of Salisbury consists of rental properties, thus, they are inhabited by people who have no vested interest in their surrounding neighborhood. Therefore, you could have $1M platinum fencing around your property but the fact remains, when most properties are rentals, appraisal values will not increase by any meaningful difference!
For those who possess real estate investment common sense, it is a given whenever you start to have large numbers of rental properties in any given neighborhood, property values decrease substantially. Drive around some of the once-beautiful, prominent neighborhoods of Salisbury, you'll find this to be the case. For example, many streets in the Camden District have fallen in disrepair and have condemned properties due to neglect by the owner (and city officials who should be issuing fines but don't) and cars parked in the front yard -- all hallmarks of renters not caring about their digs. Yet, Day thinks by banning chain link fence, these problems will be miraculously solved. Really?
Granted, as you can see from these pictures, chain link fence is not attractive in the least - and it would've been more ingenuous had Day said this was the reason for his regulation. At least, then it would give us something real to hang our hats on instead of this yammer about home values.
A more likely scenario in this newfound anti-chain link push would be that Day has had a falling out with one or both of the chain link suppliers in the area: Dickerson and/or Hancock. This is the way Democrats even scores; pass legislation in order to level revenge on their enemies rather than just having it out in a verbal war which only affects the two in conflict. Instead, they usually opt for punishing whole communities with nonsense regulations - like this one - in the hopes of driving a business out of business; thus, winning the ultimate argument. It's all very passive aggressive and an underhanded abuse of their power.
Jake is now attempting to put lipstick on chain link, bullets and the glorified 'Hood...
But fellow Salisburians, fear not... you (or your families) might get shot up in crossfire at some local restaurant but, don't worry, your home value will be $0.10 higher because of our illustrious mayor's new regulation to keep your neighbor from putting up chain link fencing. Because after all, isn't that what's really important to a community?
With leadership like this, how can you help but feel all warm and gooey inside?
What will low income housing do to promote home values? Another bipolar policy in play here. Brilliant, Jake. Simply BRILLIANT!
LOL the Boy Mayor is nothing but a fool. If he thinks for one second it's chain link fences that affect property values in Sby then he is one dopey SOB. The Boy is a clueless wonder. A bag of rocks has more sense then he does. The property values will continue to fall or be stagnant until the crime problem is brought under control. Shoot outs at a major chain all night restaurant don't help nor does all the falling down ramshackle homes, pit bull type dogs tied up in muddy back yards, trash strewn streets and on and on. What an ignoramus he is. Anyone associated with him if they had a functioning brain would be ashamed.
When I walk down the street and see the pit bulls out in the yards behind the chain link fences, I think to myself how nice those fences are. And no, they are NOT ugly! They don't impede the view of a well kept home and yard, and don't grow mold and mildew and the green algae. Besides, who does Day think he is to JUDGE what is ugly or beautiful and rule by decree whether you can buy a commodity or not?
If he outlaws public ugliness, Wal Mart will be forced to close their doors, LOL!
This whole idea is stupid.
He must have read a few things online which elude to chain link fences and a neighborhood being unsafe or having the appearance of being unsafe and he fell for it hook line and sinker. That's how useful idiots like Day operate. They ignore the truth because they are inherently dishonest and go for the illusion which is just lying to people and lying is what they do best, the only thing they do good.
Chain link fences were fine before the shiny new vinyl surfaced. What happens when a better product is introduced, will the vinyl have to go? There are many areas in this dummies (Day) beautification drive that needs to have tall chain link fences installed to keep the tenants inside and on a leash. I could use a chain link to keep the trash off my lawn, along with the debris that said trash throw and sprinkle on my Kentucky 31. This so called leader should put away the lipstick and carry himself like a male subject.
The Mayor is a liar. Two faced liar.
According to page 51 of the 6/12 agenda, his exact words were:
Whereas, the City of Salisbury desire to increase the aesthetic and visual appearance in residential districts by requiring the use of certain approve material in the construction of fences.
According to his interview with WBOC his exacts words were:
Mayor of Salisbury, Jake Day, said that the change to the standards isn't because of visual appearance or aesthetic. Rather, everything is being done with the betterment of the city in mind. "It's not about aesthetics or what people think looks attractive. It's the appraisal industry has said these are the things that will cause your property to be devalued or appraised for less," Day said.
Time for someone to sue his a$$. Yea I know this is going to cost us. But it will be worth it.
Looks have no bearing on this. It is a simple money grab from the way I read it. He wants your property value up not to help you.......o my to generate more tax revenue from property taxes.
Just glad I live in the county and not the city! I had a chain length fence installed in my back yard for my dogs to run so I wouldn't have them bother my neighbors or wander off. I had Anderson Fence install this, and it was professionally done and looks great. If I lived in the city of Salisbury, I would be very angry about this. I would go to city hall and complain very loudly! What about the rights of property owners? They already pay some of the highest taxes in this county and have to put up with this BS? It's no wonder why so many are putting their houses up for sale and moving out of the city!
Sue the city
fences make good neighbors, and if I lived in the ghetto of salisbury I would have one! even chainlink!
Day lacks forward thinking skills if not thinking skill altogether. This may have worked to increase property values pre internet but now he can not hide (or lie about) what is really going on. Salisbury residential is massively blighted (and chain link fences are the least of that problem), the crime problem is rampant and the schools are verey bad and are rape zones. This can all be found on the internet with a Google search. The other major problem is Salisbury is mostly rental property a huge red flag when people are looking for a residence. Day is a regressive instead of a progressive.
Call it vinyl fencing but it is still plastic and as tacky looking as chain link. Plastic anything is tacky. Wooden is the most appealing but I understand people not wanting the maintenance nightmare of painting. And iron, stone or brick is the ultimate but too costly for most. Leave the fences alone and go after the real cause of the downward spiral of Salisbury. The problem with that is due to his lack of a functioning brain can't handle the real problems. It's a shame the people elected or whatever such a loser.
All of you people on this blog are the cause for all of this no Jake Gay!!!! You voted for this man, or didn't vote at all, you sit there trying to be a keyboard worrier running your mouth over a blog and the only person I hear or see putting action behind words is JOE, At least he tried to be mayor, to make a difference... Now you have a bunch of clowns crying the blues for what they let happen or even helped happen and now all of a sudden it is not good for them, even though other people warned them, and tried to tell them what WOULD happen but no, lets never listen to people who have a real thought, lets not listen to someone with real concerns, lets just stick out heads in the sand and then when all is said and done, lets complain and complain about how we do absolutely nothing to remedy the situation... Lets just point fingers at the wrong people int he wrong place all the wrong times...
Jerk Day is the pot calling the kettle black. He thinks that chain link fencing is ugly and lowers a property's value. I say that Jerk Day is ugly and lowers the value of Salisbury!
Occam's Razor: One of his pals must have started or bought a company installing a different type of fencing.
He's dumber than he looks if he thinks removing fencing will jack up property values enough to pay for the big salaries of his newly hired cronies!
Drop this on WBOC and see if they will follow up.
8:35 AM So tired of you ranting idiots. He ran unopposed. He won by default.
I'll add, what about when people start taking down all those "plastic fences", where does it end up, in the landfill. For a guy who is all about going "green" the fact that Salisbury does NOT have a mandatory recycling program, it clearly shows these Liberals are LIARS.
The wood fencing today is crap and everyone knows it. They use extremely young wood and it warps in absolutely no time at all. I actually have a friend who lives in the City who needs to put in 400 screws into his fence, (a couple years old) because the wood/nails is popping/warping. In fact, in a lot of cases now they use very cheap staples.
Jake, Jimmy and Barrie continue to pick apart property owners in order to drive them out of Salisbury to make room for more rental units and affordable housing.
Who do you think the Mayors job only pays $35,000.00 a year. This Boy Mayor is simply a surrogate for the Good Ol' Boys, period. Why do you think they so desperately could not have Joe Albero in as Mayor and did everything they could to make sure that didn't happen, yet even Jake's Father stated "You have this thing in the bag, don't you". He stood there for 12 hours with me watching the voters drive in honking their horns at me and waving in excitement, while very few people put their heads down and clearly voted for Jim. Things that make you go, hmmmmm?
One day it will all come out. One day someone involved will spill the beans with the truth. Until then you are stuck with children doing a mans job with absolutely no business experience or wisdom and the Good Ol' Boys are laughing literally all the way to the bank.
8:48 AM copy and paste it yourself. The comment is verifiable.
Is winning by default really winning at all? Kind of like winning through cheating. It's not really a victory or one could say it's an empty victory at best. If Jake were a solid man, he wouldn't be all that jacked about the way he got his position. It was being elected beauty queen on an empty stage. He has a great opportunity to forge his own legacy that has nothing to do with his father but he's instead doing his damnedest to muck it up with this unquestionable lack of forethought based on sound decision-making abilities. Tragic to watch.
Once again I ask: under what authority can the city tell a private land owner that they cannot use chain link fencing on their own property?
On its face this is clearly unconstitutional, and deserves a class-action lawsuit if it is enacted.
It's the beginning of the end, folks. Day's illegally hired, incompetent cronies began work on Monday. There's absolutely no hope left for this run down area.
I believe this is a campaign payback to a contributor, or to help a friend he has that is having a problem with a property with a chain link fence. It's a total joke.
He and everyone should be more worried about 2 people being shot and killed at Denny's and this on all news in Baltimore, Washington, Delaware and Virginia. I either heard or saw online.
I've been told by people in that area and at Denny's, it's become a playground out there for late night drunks and dopers to meet. Hence the 2 security guards.
Makes those fences look pretty good when you approach it that way.
Why do you think this place is around? People armed with knowledge can move many mountains should they care to do so. Maybe it's time for every citizen to roll up their sleeves and start to take actions via voting to remove the corruption from City Hall and put their own collective future into motion. Sure, it's easy to sit around inert and complain, it's only when people come together and say enough does meaningful change occur. We did it when we elected Trump, but he only tackles a third of the swamp. The other two thirds is local and state government structures filled with ideologues and malcontents against our values and principles this country was founded on. All politics are local and this is no exception.
Quite frankly, it would be a breath of fresh air if our local politicians would quit politicking and start governing - improving our everyday lives. No amount of unicorns and fairy dust can replace a job, a good home, food on the table and a proper education for our kids. Those things are stuff real dreams are made of!
9:00, Success is earned, not given. Just because you show up at the office every day doesn't make you good at your job, especially when you take on a job with zero experience. Liberal politicians AND newspapers are all about lying and brainwashing. Just look at how WBOC, WMDT and the Daily Times crack/bully on President Trump every single day, yet Marylander's overwhelmingly voted for Trump. They smack you right in the face and couldn't care less about your feelings or thoughts. How stupid are people today to continue buying that paper or watching TV news? Shame on all of you.
Thornton, you forgot to add health care. Being able to go to the doctor is also a thing that would be nice to do again. Now days it's hard to even go until you're bleeding out of your eyeballs because you know there's going to be a high cost with it.
I'll take a chain link fence for a green, dirty plastic fence anytime. If Day thinks the chain link is bad, what would he do about green slimy fences? Fine people? Yeah - that has worked so well for other violations. He is an idiot!
9:44 AM It is simple, issue more citations. Him and his beautification department are on a roll, harassing city residents over the tiniest infractions. He thinks all those pretty mowed lawns will detract from the crime issue.
At least the thug dealing drugs on the corner won't be bothered by that grass growing in the sidewalk crack.
Maybe Jakey boy will replace that beautiful chain link fence at the Dog Park near the zoo in the city park. But, wait, wait, a solid fence would mask the disgusting area where the dogs are.
how about split rail with black wire inside? It actually looks good and the wire is hard to see. Is this allowed or are ALL metal fences going?
No chain link = kill the local vendors. Install vinyl/wood fencing to replace = money spent by taxpayers to install and maintain. Now the city can add another fine to high grass, grass in sidewalks and not shoveling sidewalks....your fence must be free of algae, missing boards, broken boards, and stained or painted else face a fine. Chain link is economical and low maintenance and lasts for years. Most often used to keep property boundaries, provide safety for pets and children, and keep your yard from being used as a shortcut from point a to point b. So who's going to pay to replace the existing ones, or are they grandfathered in? Can you replace an existing one with a new one if you are grandfathered in?
It's not chain links that are the problem...it's failing/refusing to address the undercurrent that eventually sweeps all the "pretty" away.
Jake Day has done more to lower property values in Salisbury than all the chain link fences combined.
How about all the chain link fences around all the schools?
Cant wait for the City to replace their link fences at the Zoo.
This is so stupid. A couple of years ago, in the Clairmont subdivision off Camden Ave, a local realtor took a lovely old home that was owner-occupied for 80+ years and put up a 6-foot wooden fence around the property to house dogs and eventually turned it into a rental. It looks like crap. Under the proposal, changes like that would continue to be allowed, but it sure lowered the property values in the neighborhood. So glad I got out when I did.
As a person who is getting ready to sell their house in city limits I can verify I will LOSE money selling my house and I have all vinyl fencing, chain link or not property values in the city are below rock bottom and going lower by the DAY.
I was stupid to hold out thinking property values would come back, as I watch every older homeowner neighbor I have had pass away and the house turned into a rental things are only getting worse.
When you see punk kids walk in front of the SPD on a busy road and then have the audacity to smack the back of the patrol car as it goes by and then watch the coward SPD not even stop to do anything about it... it's for sure time to get the heck out.
Existing chain link is grandfathered in. The ordinance would effect residential properties only, not businesses or schools. It is my understanding that the vote was postponed, not passed as WBOC falsely reported. Regardless it is a ridiculous ordinance. My chain link will stay regardless of what Day and the dumb council passes. So please mayor, come and try to tell me what to do with my fence and I'll tell you what you can do with your ordinance. There are more and more homeowners jumping on board to stop this pathetic display by the Mayor and council now that people are actually hearing about it. Too bad you tried to silently passes this through Day. Thank goodness the word got out.
12 years ago my neighbor and I put up a wooden fence without consulting the city. My bad. It already needs replaced. I won't be consulting the city this time either.
Riverwalk, check.
Chain link Fencing, check.
Jake has an issue with obstructions.
it's easier for swat to get on your property without a fence. slumlords wont go to the expense to install or replace them.
11:25 AM Obstructions? No. He has an issue with common sense and safety.
I was going to mention I saw Sunday night Wi middle school is completely surrounded by a chain link fence except in the front. That alone would cost who knows how much tax dollars to change.
County properties (schools, etc.) within city limits are still county properties, and city fencing ordinances will not apply.
Day won by default because only a nothing like himself would ever want or be stupid to be associated with Salisbury-The smelly Crotch of the Eastern Shore. I just watched this morning a video clip of him online-he is goofy.
I agree the plastic fences are just as tacky but what is to be expected from someone like him who hasn't any good taste, sophistication or refinement. With that in mind I do have the horrid looking plastic along with that nasty looking composite decking on my back porch. This due to cost of what I really would like which is slate, brick and iron. The plastic is an eyesore and does grow mold like crazy. Last year we used Wet and Forget which works great but ended up killing all my plants and bushes. I replanted this spring but they too died. Then talked to someone at the garden center who said it takes atleast 2 years for the chemicals to get out of the ground.
Day has proven time and time again that he is nothing more then a mere tool, someone's useful idiot. Wouldn't surprise anyone if someone in the business didn't put this into his head. I mean really does he strike anyone as ever being on the up and up and an honest person.
Day claims, "It's the appraisal industry has said these are the things that will cause your property to be devalued or appraised for less,"
He really just needs to keep his mouth shut. Every time he opens it all he ever does is prove just how totally ignorant and just out of touch with reality he is. His family should do an intervention so to keep him from embarrassing himself and them. Chain link fences are low on the list of what causes low appraisals. Crime is #1 cause of low property values.
The shipyard is unsightly with all the materials stored all over the property. That place would be much improved with screening slats in the existing fence. Let's beautify that area!!!
Jake Day proudly supporting more rental housing in Salisbury at Parsons Lake on Twitter. Putting rental housing all over the city like this ruins property values of the entire city. Who wants to buy a house in a nice new development only to find out a couple of years later your neighborhood is going to be bombarded with rental housing and crime. Pure bullcrap quoted in the Rag's story and names of other snakes in the grass(Jake's buddy's) ruining our city while they get rich.
"'Green' rentals planned for Villages at Parson's Lake in Salisbury"
""The townhouses will be for rent, but the biggest part is they will be highly energy effecient — green homes," Cox said."
""Energy savings absolutely will be passed on to the customer," Cox said. "That's a lot of incentive and reason" to live there.
The units should attract young families, professionals and empty nesters "wanting to downsize," he said."
"SVN advisor Bradley Gillis listed the property while Cox secured a buyer. The process to complete the sale took almost a year and a half, the company said."
Mayor Jake Day Jul 8
New Green Housing Development coming to Salisbury
http://www.delmarvanow.com/story/money/2017/07/08/real-estate-salisbury-rentals/459425001/ …
@CityofSBY #SalisburyMD #ComfortableSideofCoastal #SBY
I hear he wants to get a real estate liscense too so he can sell those properties he just made worth more...maybe work for his buddies at DEVCO. The Gillis bunch
With razor wire on top
WTF are smoking? Have you looked across the street at all of your county council presidents beautiful properties?
3:33 PM ha ha ha, pass the savings on to consumers my ***. I see it all the time, no water / sewer bill, so we are gonna jack up your rent an extra $100 a month. What an awful joke. They always charge more for those fancy upgrades so the bottom line is you are saving NOTHING.
Just like solar power. Takes you 20+ years to see any savings once you factor in the cost of the equipment. PLUS it cost more $$ to replace your roof since all the panels have to be uninstalled.
2:13 PM I am so sorry. Some things can't be unseen. I avoid his publicity at all costs.
Jake is stupid. The council better NOT pass this. Remember all of this come next election and get all in favor OUT! This is the dumbest thing ive ever heard. Maybe Jake can take of those fences and place them around Dennys so people can go out to eat in peace and not worry about ILLEGAL thug gun fire! just like a Democrat to have something against a fence or a Wall...Build the wall and keep the fences! Jake you stupid fool!
I have chain link in the back of my property because I live on a corner and it was routinely being used as a "turn around" by college kids in the middle of the night right by my bedroom window. The house will be worthless without that fence and I hope people are aware that fences do more than just keep in dogs.
it's absolute madness what government focuses it's energies on. they are supposed to protect and serve and this seems (as usual) to do neither. How many shootings in Salisbury so far this year?
UNREAL !!!! I Think he needs to be impeached. We need a mayor that's more concerned with our safety from all the Gang activity, The drug trafficing, The robberies and the murders. Hes should be more worried about those things then fence in peoples yards and running businesses out of town. I wonder how many of the fences are on elderly citizens property who are on fixed incomes an cant afford to do anything about their fences. Has he thought about them ? In my opinion he is not qualified to run a lemonade stand let alone a city, OUR CITY !!!! OUT WITH THE MAYOR !!!!
It's interesting that Jake Day has never come out and publicly spoken about the Denny's shooting like most mayors do in situations like this. He has done nothing to offer up any reaction to this shooting at all. He doesn't give a f&*& about the residents/voters. All he cares about is himself and moving on to the next step. Hopefully people from across the state are reading about him here if he should go to another level in an attempt to rise through politics in MD. He doesn't deserve to be mayor much less anything else.
I think if you own your house and lot you should be able to put anything you want on it. After all, it is yours, you bought it and paid for it. So nobody should be able to tell you what you can and cannot do on your own property. If you wanted to put up a steel wall around your own house you should be able to. Yes, it would be ugly but it belongs to you, not the Mayor or the city. I just believe in rights for the people, not the government. Too much government intervention already.
Could we compile a list of the things we would appreciate as citizens of Salisbury (the bury) and what is really important to us, maybe he would review them and think he could actually work on them and check off a few. Maybe it would make him feel appreciated when he accomplished something needed and he would get camera time, and attention @ the council meetings. 1. crime 2. clean up neighborhoods 3. 4. neighborhood walks with police 5. laws on the books if they're not used delete them. Coding & Compliance enforce the codes we have or delete them 6. put back # of feet child molesters have to be from Churches and Schools again. Vote to make child molesters and murderers get death penalties and nothing but.
I would be more concerned about the overgrown bushes and the renters parking in the front yards killing off all the grass. This causes dirt to erode and end up in the Chesapeake Bay.
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