President Trump tweeted on Wednesday that the United States will not “allow or accept” any transgender person to serve in the military.Mr. Trump consulted with “generals and military experts” on the sweeping policy, he said. “Our military must be focused on decisive and overwhelming victory and cannot be burdened with the tremendous medical costs and disruption that transgender in the military would entail. Thank you,” he tweeted. Read More » |

DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest Contact Publisher Joe Albero at or 410-430-5349
Sunday, July 30, 2017
Breaking News: President Trump said the United States will not "allow or accept" any transgender person to serve in the military
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YES!!! Finally a break from insanity.
9:44 A break from insanity??🤣🤣🤣🤣
Transgenders in the military was a problem? How many people could it possibly have been?
Doesn't matter if it was one...
The military already has enough confused people in charge....congress!
The military should not have these confused people serving there. There are a number of other confused people that should not serve there as well!
One step at a time!
The military is supposed to fight not pay for sex changes. There is no place for this crap or PC in the service.A good litmus test for the military is what would General Patton have to say about this!
I cannot believe that there are that many transgenders in the military now, but if they thought that the government would pay for the gender reassignment surgery (which is super expensive) I bet they would flock in droves to do so - this is nothing more than another common sense move....DRAIN THE SWAMP!
Let the military focus on doing their jobs and not nonsense like this. It's hard to believe that transgender persons would want to serve anyway. We are close at war these days - let's focus on the safety and security of the US please.
Being a Vet....gays in the military in my day caused issues but they fixed it somewhat with "don't ask don't tell". But transgenders is a whole different issue.....and has no place in the service.
Our military should be based on readiness not political correctness. Sorry, not sorry trannies!
Thank you President Trump for a moment of sanity.....and this is coming from a middle aged gay male.
Finally a leader that is not afraid to speak the truth an reality! Especially in the military transgenders and homosexuals have NO PLACE in the military. It decrease readiness and moral having to deal with these issues. The military is not a place for social experimentation.
Wish our leader was in charge. Unfortunately its CONgress and they are unable to make a peanut butter sandwich, let alone run the country. They need to be removed and that opportunity comes in November 2018!
Military does not need this unfocused foolishness!
For those who think that this is picking on people, check out the other unfitting conditions that prevent people from serving in the military. The list is long. It's long because every one of those conditions could have a negative effect on readiness and caliber of effectiveness.
Totally agree with President Trump. Thought it was totally stupid when it was announced that the military would pay for Chelsea Manning's transgender surgery and hormone therapy and whatever else he/she needed. This was a military person in prison for treason and they were paying. Something about that picture just doesn't set right with me.
There have been some great Seals and Rangers that have been gay and come out after their service. I have no problem with that. Trannies is a another handbag of worms.... How many of them really want to be in the military anyway? Never heard of a manly tranny.
Go President Trump!! Good Decision.
Take that Obama!!!
Common sense President, The military doesn't allow people with schizoaffective disorder in the military either.
And what Obama did by executive order, can be undone by executive order. If it wasn't unconstitutional before Obama signed his executive order, it is not unconstitutional now. Go Trump!
How many court suits will be filed about this???
Transgender people are at a minimum: CONFUSED, aren't they? Cant we all agree on that? I mean you look between your legs and see one thing, but somehow in your brain you are convinced that you are the opposite. What do you call that? Confused!
I would think the one thing the military does not need is a person who is confused about what they are: man or woman.
And another thing, until recently, everyone pretty much agreed about the language: Gender was sex. Identity is something else. I mean when did my identity (who I am) become something having to do with my sexual behavior? Sex is behavior. Identity is something more spiritual isn't it?
Anyway, it makes no sense at all that the military or the government would be paying for surgical procedures to change the sex of a person. That just seems lubricous to me.
Thank you
Don't want federally funded transgenders or abortions.
Lubricous, eh? Is that like ludicrous but slippery?
I didn't catch it at first.
How did spell check allow that to fly through?
I can't believe we had to foot the bill for that. What's next? Will they pay for flat chested women to get breast enhancements so she can feel more womanly? Will they allow older people to get botox or a face lift because they identify as being younger than they look.
Why not? They pay for men with erectile dysfunction!
Fact is, these indiciduals out their lives on the line, as many of you never have or never would!
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